
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網

(分值:140分 考試時間:120分鐘 )
第Ⅰ卷 ( 選擇題,共80分)
第一部分 聽對話回答問題(計10分)
1. What kind of person is Sandy?
A. B. C.

2. Where does the dialogue probably take place?
A. B. C.

3. What did Andy do at the weekend?
A. B. C.
4. What are they going to do?
A. B. C.

5. Which pen will the boy buy?
A. B. C.

6. Who is the onitor of Ay’s class?
A. Peter. B. David. C. Ay.
7. What probles do ost students have now?
A. They can’t sleep at night.B. They have too uch hoework.
C. They worry too uch.
8. How does the girl feel about herself?
A. Sad. B. Happy. C. Shy.
9. What’s the ost probable relationship between the?
A. Teacher and student. B. Cook and waiter. C. Doctor and patient.
10. What will r Sith do during the holidays?
A. He will go hoe. B. He will go to soe places.
C. He will stay at hoe.
第二部分 聽對話和短回答問題(計10分)
A、 聽第一段對話,回答第11-12小題:
11. When is Alice going to Bill’ s house?
A. On Thursday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
12. What does Alice think is a helpful way for Bill to learn English well?
A. To talk with foreigners. B. To ake flashcards. C. To listen to tapes.
Plan for suer vacation
Todoesn’t want to stay at hoe
plans to go 13
Davidis going to visit Harbin
will stay there for 14 days
Alicewill learn how to play the 15
wants to be a usician
13. A. fishing B.caping C.swiing
14. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7
15. A. guitar B. violin C.pianoww xkb1.co
16. Does illie have to get up early in the orning?
A. Yes, she does.
B. No, she doesn’t.
C. On school days she does, but on weekends she doesn’t.
17. Is she allowed to stay out with friends on school nights?
A. Yes, she is.
B. No, she isn’t.
C. Sorry, I don’t know fro the passage.
18. What is illie allowed to do on Sunday nights?
A. She is allowed to go shopping with her friends.
B. She is allowed to go to the cinea with her friends.
C. She is not allowed to watch TV on Saturday nights.
19. Is illie allowed to have her own clothes?
A. No, she isn’t.
B. No, she has to wear school unifors all day.
C. Yes, she is.
20. Why isn’t illie allowed to get her ears pierced(穿耳眼)?
A. Because the teachers don’t allow students to get ears pierced.
B. Because wearing earrings looks ugly.
C. Because she ight be sorry for that in the future.
21. Ge You is popular fil star in China, who likes listening to usic.
A./ B.an C.the D.a
22. He looks very sad , because soeone __________ his hoe and took away his coputer last night .
A. broke out B. broke into C. broke off D. broke up
23.I can’t understand ______________ Apple’s iPad 2.
A. why are they so ad about B. why they are so ad about
C. how are they so ad about D. how they are so ad about
24. Could you tell us ______________ around the earth?
A. if does the oon go B. if the oon goes
C. that the oon went D. that does the oon go
25. By the tie they got hoe yesterday , I ________ already _________ the dinner .
A. did ; cook B. is ; cooked C. have ; cooked D. had ; cooked
26.He devoted all hiself ______ needy children.
A. helped B. to help C. to helping D. help
27. --- ust I finish y hoework today?
--- No, you ______________. You ______________ finish it toorro
A. can’t; ay B. ustn’t; ust C. needn’t; ay D. ustn’t; can
28. —What do you think of the fil naed Let the bullets fly(讓子彈飛)?
—I have no idea, because I _____ it.
A. don’t see B. won't see C. haven’t seen D. didn’t see
29.The governent spends _________ oney protecting endangered anials
A. a nuber of B. a lot of C. the nuber of D. large nubers of
30.-On her way hoe, Lucy saw a thief in a shop. She stopped 110 at once.
A.steal; callB.to steal; call C.stealing; to call D.stealing; calling
- 31.The piece of usic is worth_____.
A. listening to B. listening C. to listen D. listen to
32.It’s selfish hi all the sweets.
A. for, eating B.of ,eating C. for , to eat D. of, to eat
33.----Are you worried when your son often plays coputer gaes ?
-----Yes , I think playing coputer gaes ______________ teenagers .
A. has a good effect on B. have a bad effect to
C. has a bad effect on D. has a bad effect for
34.-Could I go shopping with you toorrow? Yes, you_______.
A. could B. ay C. can D. ust
35. — Nancy, would you ind turning down the usic? Your father is sleeping.
A. Yes, please B. Yes. I never do it again
C. Sorry. I won’t do it again D.Sorry. I’ll do it right away
It was very cold outside y car. I did not want to get out of it 36 we passed by a cafe. Suddenly I noticed a short old an 37 with soe bits of cloth shaking with the cold. He was waiting for anyone who would 38 hi a coin or a cup of hot coffee.
I asked y 39 to go over and hand this old an soething. He 40 into y husband’s face, siled and said, “ 41 .” I felt so happy and I wished the old an could live 42 the cold night.
I was sure to eet hi again and find out how he was the next 43 , as I have to pass this way every day. I did so the next evening, and he reebered the 44 and cae up to y window and 45 at e. This tie I offered hi a 46 of food. He reached out for the bag and I gave hi y hand. He 47 the food, siled and said, “ay God bless you.” I looked at the old an and he 48 e think of y father.”
I do hope all of us will reeber that aybe one day, it could happen to one of us, 49 please do not pass by a 50 person without offering at least a word of love and a kind sile or an act of kindness of any kind.
36. A. afterB. whenC. beforeD. if
37. A. coveredB. tiedC. filled D. provided
38. A. sendB. leaveC. greetD. accept
39. A. fatherB. sonC. husbandD. friend
40. A. watchedB. knockedC. caeD. looked
41. A. Excuse eB. Beg your pardonC. Take it easyD. Thank you
42. A. inB. through C. underD. off
43. A. yearB. onthC. weekD. day
44. A. officeB. giftC. carD. shop
45. A. siledB. pointedC. calledD. shouted
46. A. boxB. bagC. bottleD. basket
47. A. heldB. orderedC. droppedD. received
48A. gotB. forcedC. ade D. allowed
49. A. so B. and C. or D. but
50. A. quietB. sickC. poorD. shy
Do you believe there are aliens(外星人)? We’ll ake a phone call and you will kno A group of Aericans can help. They ade a device(裝置) to “talk” to aliens. If you want to talk to an alien, you only need to visit ww TalkToAliens.co, call 1-900-226-0300 and say: “Hello aliens, this is Earth calling. Can you hear e?” you can say anything you want.
But now, they only take phone calls fro people in the US. The call is $3.99 every inute. After the hotline began in February, has got hundreds of calls. There is one call every three inutes. They are also trying to send people’s e-ails, photos and videos into space.
51. If you live in Aerica and you want to knohether there are any aliens, _____.
A. you can ake a phone call B. you can go to Aerica for help
C. you can ask any scientist for help D. you can talk to aliens
52. ww TalkToAliens.co is a place where ___________.
A. you can get soe knowledge about aliens. B. you can talk to aliens
C. the aliens live D. you can ake a set of device to talk to aliens
53. What does the underlined word refer to (指)?
A. The aliens B. The people who want to talk to aliens
C. The Aericans D. The group of scientists who can help you
54. Which is Not right?
A. Only fro any country can call 1-900-226-0300.
B. People fro any country can call 1-900-226-0300 no
C . If you call the hotline for two inutes, you should pay $7.98.
D. Every three inutes there is soeone calling 1-900-226-0300.
55. Fro this article() we know __________.
A. There is only one call after the hotline began in February.
B. There are soe aliens in the world.
C. Soe Aericans are trying to send inforation about huans into space.
D. If you pay $2.99 for a inute, you can talk to aliens.
r White is talking to a psychiatrist. r White: "Every night when I get into bed, I think that soeone is under y bed. I then get up and look. There is never anyone there. When I go under the bed and lie down, I get the idea that there is soeone on top of the bed. I then get up and look and I never find anyone on top of the bed. This goes on all night, up and down, up and down. I nearly get ad. Do you think you can help?"
  Psychiatrist: "I think I can. All you have to do is to visit e twice a week for the next two years and I think I can cure(治愈)you. The visits will costs $75 an hour."
  r. White: "That is an awful lot of oney for a working an like e. I'll have to talk it over with y wife and let you kno"
  The next week r. White phoned the Psychiatrist.
  r. White: "I won't be back, sir. y wife solved the proble. She cut the legs off the bed."
56. r. white is _____
A. ill in ind(精神) B. crazy about sports
C. interested in his bed D. afraid of soeone in his house
57. The psychiatrist works as a _____ .
A. teacher B. volunteer C. doctor D. listener
58. The psychiatrist told r. White to ________ .
A. ask his wife for help B. visit hi a lot ore
C. cut the legs off the bed D. believe his abilities
59. r. White becae all right with the help of ______ .
A. the psychiatrist B. his wife C. his bed D. a working an
60. Which of the following stateents is TRUE?
A. r. White is in a good health because he exercises every day.
B. The psychiatrist ade a lot of oney by helping r. White.
C. r. White has a sart wife who is very helpful.
D. r. White went ad before he went to see the psychiatrist.
We have always been interested in the oon. 2000 years ago people already knew it oved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different ties of the year. At that tie, everything about the oon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.
  When scientists could use telescopes to study the oon ore closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the oon was ade of rocks. ost scientists thought oon rocks would be different fro those on Earth. This was because they believed the oon had once been a planet that had been caught in the earth's gravity (引力) illions of years earlier.
  In 1969 oon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. uch to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the oon and the earth were ade of the sae things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new inforation.
  After years of study, ost scientists now think that the oon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, aybe 4 illion years ago, soething about the size of ars hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after any years becae the oon.
In the future, even though our ideas about the oon ay change again, we will still be interested in it.
61. Now, we’re sure ________________
A. oon rocks are quite different fro those on Earth.
B. oon was once a part of Earth.
C. oon oves around Earth and it’s the only satellite of Earth.
D. oon was once a planet caught in Earth’s gravity.
62. In 1969 there is a big event, that is __________.
A. huans Found no water in oon rocks
B. scientists ade out a odern spaceship
C. scientists invented an advanced telescope
D. huans left their footprints on oon
63. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?
A. Why people are interested in the oon.
B. How ideas about the oon have changed over tie.
C. Where the oon cae fro in the past.
D. That people have finally learned the truth about the oon.
64. Before 1969 ost scientists thought the oon was ________.
A. part of the earth billions of years earlier B. older than the earth
C. a planet caught by the earth's gravity D. ade of the sae things as the earth
65. Fro this passage we can learn that ________.
A. scientists in the past were not clever B. the earth was once part of the oon
C. new inforation brings new ideas D. we now know everything about the oon
第II卷 (非選擇題,共60分)
五、任務型閱讀 閱讀下面的短,根據短內容完成下面表格。(共10空,每空1分,計10分)
The Internet has becoe not only a necessary but also a virtual(虛擬的) world for people. With the developent of the Internet, Internet friendship has also becoe very popular. Online friends are those people who have known each other through the Internet. aking internet friends is the sae as aking pen friends. any faous websites offer quite war internet friendship. One can find any people on these websites and they share the sae interests. It is difficult to ake friends with soeone you can’t see or feel. That is the ain proble of internet friendship. A virtual friendship would not last forever without seeing each other, but it is an advantage for soe people because they are afraid to speak in pubic.
  On the other hand, the chances of cheating(欺騙) are very high in an internet friendship. Soe people ake friends on the Internet with wrong ais. So while aking friends over the Internet, one has to be very careful. Here are soe suggestions for you.
Don’t give personal inforation, such as your telephone nuber, address, location, school nae as well as your parents’ inforation, to strangers on the Internet. 
Do not exchange personal photos of you or any faily eber with people you eet over the Internet.  
Do not go to eet a person you have just et over the Internet. You’d better ask older or other experienced people for advice if you want to go to eet an internet friend.  
Do not accept soeone’s request(要求) if you feel he or she is dishonest.
Internet 66

67 1.People who are 68 to speak in public.
2.One can find any people on the websites with the 69 interests.
DisadvantagesIt’s not 70 to ake friends with soeone you can’t see or feel.

Four pieces of 71 on aking online friends1.Don’t give your personal inforation to 72 on the Internet.
2.Don’t 73 your personal photos with the people you eet on the Internet.
3.Ask other people for advice before 74 an Internet friend.
4.If you don’t think your Internet friend is 75 , don’t accept his/her request.
76. We had a long ________________ (討論) about the plan.
77. As a student, you should learn how to face ________________ (各種各樣的) difficulties.
78. Our parents have taught us not to do soething (違反)the law since we were children .
79. We ______________ (比較) the two watches carefully, but found nothing different.
80. --- How any ________________ (行星) are there in the solar syste?
-- Eight. And Earth is one of the.
81.The boy put all his __________ (精力) into playing the violin.
82.There was also evidence of a _________ (搏斗).
83.This year’s Beijing usic Awards will be covered ______ (現場直播).
84. The event arked the ________ ( begin) of Hepburn’s successful career .
85. Food will be in the for of ________________ (pill)on ars.
86.Lucy doesn’t like wearing the school unifor. She prefers to wear soething_______________ (fashion).
87.Scientists will (develop) plants that can grow on ars.
88. The victi had a lot of __________ (eney).
89.Gravity is a force that stops us (float) in the air.
90. Anyway, the story ____ (it) is interesting.
B. 根據意及首字母提示補全短。
Have you ever thought of living on ars? Our Earth is becoing ore and ore
c 91 . And at the sae tie there’s terrible p 92 here. If we ove to ars, things will probably change. However, it ay be d 93 for people to have a conversation there, because sound doesn’t travel very f 94 on ars. The low pressure(氣壓) akes it so. For exaple, a s 95 by a huan screa on Earth can travel a little over a kiloetre. But on ars, the sound fro that sae screa will only ove 15 etres at 96 . Besides, the atosphere on ars is also uch t 97 than that on Earth. On Earth, our atosphere is about 3 k t 98 , while it is very thin on ars. Also Earth has a uch higher t 99 than ars. The teperature on ars is -87 to -5, so, are you r 100 to go to ars?
91.___________ 92.___________ 93.___________ 94.___________ 95.___________
96.___________ 97.___________ 98.___________ 99.___________ 100.___________
七、寫作 (共5小題,每小題2分,計10分)
101. 科學家們正在努力工作讓這個夢想成真。
Scientists are ___________________to ake this drea ________________________.
do you life on ars ?
His grandpa _____________________________ at the age of 80.
He breaking into coputer systes.
105. 火星重力只有地球重力的八分之三。
The gravity on ars is only about ______________ of on Earth.
八 、書面表達(共15分)
介紹一下香港著名歌星、影星劉德華(Andy Lau)。(80字左右)
3、他勤奮努力,獲得很多獎項,包括2004年第41屆臺灣電影金馬獎(the 41st Taiwan Fil Awards)影帝和2005年第23屆香港電影金像獎(the 23rd Hong Kong Fil Awards)影帝。

一、聽力(共20題; 每小題1分,計20分)
1-5 CCBA A 6-10A ACAB 11-15BCBAC 16-20 ABBAC

21-25 DBBBD 26-30 CCCDC 31-35 ADCCD

36-40 BABCD 41-45 DBDCA 46-50 BACAC

51-55 ABDBC 56-60 ACBBC 61-65 CDBCC

五、任務型閱讀 閱讀下面的短,根據短內容完成下面表格。(共10空,每空1 分,計10分)
66.Friendship/ friendship67.Advantages68.afraid69.sae
70.easy71.advice72.strangers 73.exchange
74.eeting/ seeing75.honest

A.76. discussion 77. various 78.against 79. copared80. planets
81. effort 82. struggle 83.live 84. beginning 85. pills
86. fashionable 87. develop 88.eneies 89. floating 90. itself
B. 91.crowded 92. pollution 93. difficult 94. fast 95. sound
96. ost 97. thinner 98. thick 99. teperature 100. Ready

七、寫作 (共5小題,每小題2分,計10分)
101. working hard coe true
102. How like
103. passed away
104.was charged with
105. three-eighths that

八 、書面表達(共15分)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/39146.html
