
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


I. 聽(tīng)句子,選擇相應(yīng)的圖片,每句聽(tīng)一遍。

( )1.
II. 根據(jù)你在錄音里聽(tīng)到的句子, 從下面每小題的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選擇最佳答句,每句聽(tīng)一遍。
( )6. A. A star sign.B. A faily nae.
C. An anial nae.
( )7. A. I’ sorry to hear that.B. It sounds great.
C. What’s the atter?
( )8. A. Never ind.B. No, he wouldn’t.
C. I’ not sure.
( )9. A. y pleasure.B. Thanks a lot.
C. You’re welcoe.
( )10. A. Where are you fro?B. See you later.
C. Nice to eet you.
III. 聽(tīng)下列5段對(duì)話,每段對(duì)話后均有一個(gè)與對(duì)話內(nèi)容相關(guān)的問(wèn)題,從每小題的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中找出能回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題的最佳答案,每段對(duì)話聽(tīng)兩遍。
( )11. A. Rainy. B. Sunny.
C. Foggy.
( )12. A. To rs Rainbow’s Colour Therapy.
B. To the post office.
C. To iss Rainbow’s school.
( )13. A. The girl’s other. B. The girl’s sister.
C. The girl’s father.
( )14. A. 9.05.B. 8.45. C. 8.50.
( )15. A. Danger!B. No soking!
C. No photos!
( )16. What does illie find it difficult to do?
A. ake friends. B. Try new colours.
C. ake a decision.
( )17. What is illie like?
A. Quiet.B. Huorous.C. Active.
( )18. How does illie look in blue and white?
A. odern. B. Confident.
C. Not very beautiful.
( )19. What colour does the writer advise illie to wear?
A. Orange.B. Red.C. Black.
( )20. Why does the writer advise illie to try the new colour?
A. To look better.B. To ake her lovely.
C. To bring her strength.
( ) 1. It’s generous __ ___ the to donate oney to UNICEF. They think it
iportant ____ _ the to help poor children go to school.
A. to; for B. for; of C. of; to D. of; for
( ) 2. Sion is ________ to ake us all ________.
A. enough funny; laughB. enough funny; to laugh
C. funny enough; laughD. funny enough; to laugh
( ) 3. Don’t worry _____, or you’ll get _____ thin.
A. uch too; too uch B. too uch; uch too
C. uch too; uch too D. too uch; too uch
( ) 4. I prefer ____war colors ___e feel happy.
A. to use; to ake B. using; to aking
C. to use; aking D. using; aking
( ) 5. I think not difficult English every orning.
A. that; keep reading B. it’s; keep reading
C. that’s; to keep read D. it; to keep reading
( ) 6._________ you have given her! She is out of trouble no
A. What useful advice B. What a useful advice
C. How a useful advice D. How useful advice
( ) 7. ---Jack is so bright
---I agree. But he will be a better student if he doesn’t____.
A. cheer up B. ake progress C. work hard D. show off
( ) 8. ---Do you ind y opening the windows? It’s too hot today.
--- _______.
A. Yes. I a feeling cold.B. Of course not. I a feeling hot too.
C. Certainly. I will do it for you. D. You’d better not. I a feeling hot.
( ) 9. ---u, I want to drink soe orange juice. ---Sorry, there is left.
A. nothing B. none C. no one D. nobody
( ) 10. Has Ji done___ all day without ?
A. useful soething; oving B. useful anything; to ove
C. anything useful, oving D. soething useful; to ove
( ) 11. When I cae into the roo, I found in bed.
A. hi lying B. he lying C. he lies D. hi was lying
( ) 12. ost children ice crea fruit.
A. would rather; than B. prefer; to
C. prefer to; rather than D. would rather; to
( )13.“This ade e feel angry” is a kind of structure(結(jié)構(gòu)).
( ) 14. People __ pale skin and blonde hair look good ___yellow and pink.
A. have, in B. with, in C. have, on D. with, on
( ) 15. After a long walk, Tina . She quickly in her bed.
A. felt sleepy; fell asleep B. felt sleepy; felt asleep
C. fell sleepy; was asleep D. was asleep; fell asleep
Jack worked in a shop that sold clocks. He was always telling Harry 16 a new clock. But Harry, 17 lived next door to Jack, said he didn’t need one.
“ 18 needs a clock,” Jack said. “How do you knohen it’s tie to get up?”
“y landlord r. Sith turns on his radio at seven o’clock and listens 19 the news,” Harry said. “That’s y orning call.”
“Ok. But how do you knohen to go to work?”
“By the tie I 20 y breakfast, it’s eight o’clock, tie to leave for the office. Then I walk there. When I arrive at y office, it’s nine o’clock. That’s 21 tie I start work.”
“Ok. But how do you knohen it’s tie to go hoe?”
“The factory bell 22 ” Harry told hi.
“But how do you knohen it’s tie to go to bed?”
“The television progras coe to end.”
By now Jack was really 23 . “Ok,” he shouted. “Now tell e what would happen 24 you woke up in the iddle of the night and wanted to know the tie.”
“That’s easy,” Harry said, “I would knock heavily on 25 wall. Then you would shout at e, ‘What are you doing knocking on y wall at three o’clock in the orning?’”
( )16.A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy
( )17.A. which B. whose C. that D. who
( )18.A. No one B. Neither one C. Everyone D. Soeone
( )19.A. at B. to C. in D. on
( )20.A. eats B. have eaten C. ate D. was eating
( )21.A. a B. an C. the D.不填
( )22.A. ring B. rings C. was rung D. ringing
( )23.A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. angering
( )24.A. if B. that C. why D. how
( )25.A. his B. their C. her D. your
Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Soe students ask ore food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroo. They say they can afford these things. But I don’t agree with the.
Waste can bring a lot of probles. Although China is rich in soe resources(資),we are short of in others, For exaple, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where we can ove? Think about it. I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible.
In our everyday life ,we can do any things to prevent waste fro happening, for exaple, turn off the water taps(水龍頭) when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroo, try not to order ore food than we need, and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed, waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best.
( ) 26. Fro the passage we know that soe students often_________ in the school.
A. eat too uch B. don’t work hard
C. waste things D. throw rubbish everywhere
( ) 27. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Waste brings probles B. Waste is necessary in soe cases
C. China is rich in fresh water D. Students never waste things
( ) 28. Which is the best title in this passage?
A. Stop wasting B. School life
C. Waste in the school D. Rich resources in China
Do you knohy different anials or pests have their special colours ? Colours in the see to be ainly used to protect theselves .
Soe birds like eating locusts(蝗蟲(chóng)), but birds cannot easily catch the. Why ? It is because locusts change their colurs with the changes of the colours of crops .When crops are green , locusts look green .But as the harvest tie coes , locusts change into the sae brown colour as crops have .Soe other pests whose colours are different fro plants/ are easily found and eaten by others .So they have to hide theselves for lives and appear only at night .
If you study the anials’ life , you’ll find the ain use of colours is to protect theselves .Bears , lions and other anials ove quietly through forests .They cannot be easily seen by hunters because their colours are uch like the trees.
Colours are useful not only on the land , but also in the sea .A kind of fish in the sea can give out a kind of black liquid(液體)when the fish face danger. The liquid spreads over quickly , so they cannot be found by their eneies and can quickly swi away . That is why they can live safely though they are not strong at all .
( ) 29.Fro the passage , we can know that ___________.
A. locusts are big anials B. locusts are easily found by birds
C. locusts are dangerous to their eneies
D. locusts can change their colours to protect theselves
( ) 30.Those pests with different colours fro plants have to ___ to keep out of danger .
A. change their colours B. hide in the day tie and appear at night
C. ove quietly D. hide at night and appear in the day tie
( ) 31.Bears and lions can keep safe because ___________.
A. their colours are uch like the trees B. they ove quickly
C. they are very strong D. they live in forests
( ) 32.According to the passage, the fish can keep safe because ____________.
A. they can change their colours B. they can give out a kind of black liquid
C. they are strong enough D.they swi faster than any other fish
( ) 33.Which is the best title for this passage ?
A. The colours of the seasons B. Anials on the land and in the sea
C. The ain use of colours for anials and pests D. How to keep safe in the sea
1. The twins finally ake a _______(decide) to go to the zoo together.
2. Don’t give up______ (run). The finishing line is only 100 etres ahead.
3. Blue represents (happy). So when soeone is feeling sad, he ay say “I a feeling blue.”
4. It’s ipolite of you (not tell) your parents the truth.
5. You shouldn’t worry about _______ (not have) breakfast.
6. That little boy is (active). He likes to be quiet.
7. Can you tell e how ( iprove) our life?
8. If you sleep in a blue roo, you can feel (peace).
9. Peter is so active that he can be the best chairperson of the (student) Union.
10. Life is full of joy and (sad). It’s a good way to share the with your faily and friends.
1. ---What colour do you like best?
---Red. It is the colour of _______(熱) and strong feelings.
2. --- Listen! What is happening?
--- Oh, the twin brothers are (爭(zhēng)論) about what TV prograes to watch.
3. Li Hong has ade a few ______ (錯(cuò)誤) in the exa, because she is very careless.
4. The Chinese people have held national sixtieth birthday celebration _____ (成功).
5. The new continent (大洲) was _______(發(fā)現(xiàn)) by Colubus and his en on October 11th, 1492.
6. All of us were (滿意的) with his good arks.
7. When you feel (放松的) ,you are cal and not worried.
8. TV sets are (可獲得的) in any departent stores in Zhenjiang.
Did you _______any _______ ________ this proble that old an?
This sentence can _______ ________ _________ three parts.
Yellow can you a war, sunny day.
4. Ji的想象力很豐富,他總是能想出各種各樣的主意。
Ji is iaginative enough to all kinds of new ideas.
A an wanted to buy a horse. He went to the __1___, and saw one. But he wanted to t__2__hi first.
So he took the horse hoe, and put hi into the stable(馬廄) with the o__3___ horses. The new horse looked a__4___, and went to c¬¬¬__5___ a place next to the laziest horse in the stable.
When the an saw this, he sent the horse b__6___ to the owner.
The owner felt quite s__7___. He asked the an, “W__8___ are you back so soon? Have you tested hi yet?” “I don’t want to test hi any ore,” answered the an. “Fro the copanion(同伴) he choose for h___9___, I can see what k__10___ of anial he is.”

1.All records and tapes are on sale at ________ price.
2.During the sale, you can visit the shop every day except _________.
3.You ________ order things on telephone during the sale.
4.If a tape’s list price is $5.98, you can spend $_____ less than the list price no
5.The sale lasts about ________ a onth.
China has decided to take action to stop the use of free plastic bags. Superarkets, shops and outlets(經(jīng)銷點(diǎn)) in China will not be allowed to offer free plastic bags.
Every year, people use too any plastic bags and fail to deal with the in a right way, wasting the oil and littering the country. While we provide quick and useful services for custoers, the plastic bags cause serious pollution and waste of energy as well. The governent encourages people to go back to carrying cloth(布) bags and using baskets for their vegetables.
Action ake a _6___ to stop the use of free plastic bags.
Place Superarkets, __7____ and outlets.
Advantage Provide __8____ and useful service.
Disadvantage __9___ serious pollution and waste of energy.
What we should do Go back to carrying cloth bags and __10___ baskets.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/39319.html

相關(guān)閱讀:新目標(biāo)九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)Unit3 Section B(2c-Self Check)習(xí)題(帶答案