
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一. 單項(xiàng)選擇(2009年區(qū)期末檢測(cè))
1.---What can I do for you, sir? ---I’d like P5 player for y son.
A. a B. an C. the
2. ---Whose are those books on the desk, ary? --- .
A. Us B. Our C. Ours
3. ---To keep healthy, we should eat ore vegetables and less
---I quite agree with you.
A. eat B. drink C. food
4. ---How uch does it cost to build the school library?
---Four yuan,
A. illion B. illions C. illions of
5. --- you out the proble, Sa?
---Not yet, but I’ going to.
A. Did, work B. Are, working C. Have, worked
6. ---I think all the students should listen to the teachers in class.
--- You are quite right.
A. care B. careful C. carefully
7. any people learn English because it widely in the world.
A. is;used B. was;used C. is;using
8. ---All the students went hoe r wang. Why?
---Because he had to finish his work.
A. except B. besides C. without
9. To a piece of paper, and put it into the rubbish bag.
A. picked up B. gave up C. set up
10. ---What do you usually like doing before going to bed every night?
---I often look newpapers or agazines.
A. at B. through C. after
11. They for shanghai on Friday. Shall we go to see the off at the railway station?
A. left B. have left C. are leaving
12.--- I an iportant old book by istake last week.
---I’ sorry to hear that.
A. ran away B. threw away C. put away
13. We should give love to the children lost their parents in the accident.
A. which B. who C. whose
14. The little boy knows ore than his father he is young.
A. even though B. ever since C. so that
15. ---Does Tony have a large faily?
---Yes. When I dropped in yesterday, his faily having supper. Oh, so any!
A. were B. was C. is
1.二. 單項(xiàng)選擇(2010年區(qū)期末檢測(cè))
2.16. ---Lisa, Sara’s birthday is coing, you kno
a)---Well, shall we buy P5 as birthday present for her?
b)A. a, an B. an, a C. the, the
3.17. ---Are the novels in the classroo your books, children?
a)---No, We left in the library.
b)A. our B. ours C. ourselves
4.people cae to Guangzhou to watch the 2010 Asian Gaes last year.
a)A. illion B. illion of C. illions of
5.19. Tony was deep trouble because he did everything carelessly.
a)A. on B. of C. in
6.---When are you going to Kuning for your holiday?
a)---I haven’t decided. this Sunday next Sunday is OK.
b)A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor
7.---Hoas your holiday in Australia?
a)---Pretty good. I any places of interest.
b)A. visited B. will visit C. have visited
8.22. Jerry is a boy and seldo akes istakes.
a)A. careless; careful B. careful; careless C. carefully; carelessly
9.23. Betty, Could you give e a hand to the aps on the wall?
a)A. put up B. pick up C, set up
10.24. As teenagers today, we should study hard playing coputer gaes all day.
a)A. not just B instead of C. ore than
11.25. ---Has inging’s granda been back to Shunde he left for Aerica?
a)---No, and he isses his hoeland very uch.
b)A. as if B even though C. ever since
12.26. ---Linda, y dad sokes a lot these days.
a)---Believe e. I can persuade hi .
b)A. don’t soke B. to not soke C. not to soke
13.27. ---Will you go to John’s party next Saturday.
a)---I yet.
b)A. wasn’t invited B. haven’t been invited C. won’t be invited
14.28. Have you ever heard Davinci, painting are very popular in the world?
a)A. that B. who C. whose
15.29. Look! rs White with all her children playing gaes in the garden.
a)A. is B. are C. were
16.30 ---I hear that Guangzhou will hold the Olypic Gaes in the future.
a)--- Really?
A. That’s news to e B. I’d love to C. It’s true
三. 單項(xiàng)選擇(2011年區(qū)期末檢測(cè))
1. The old often tell us that apple a day keeps the doctor away.
A. an B. a C. /
2. Every one of us is looking forward getting a good result in this exa.
A. in B. on C. to
3. The news about the nuclear leakage surprising. Tell e ore!
A. are B. is C. were
4. ---Did you enjoy during the three-day ay Day holiday?
---Not really. In fact we are busy revising our notes for this exa.
A. theselves B. ourselves C. yourselves
5. ---Is Shunde faous for its delicious food?
---Yes, nearly of travelers like to taste Shunde food when they coe here.
A. two thirds B. three fifth C. three quarter
6. When I went to say goodbye to Linda, she the violin.
A. is playing B. was playing C. played
7. Giving is better than receiving. You help others, you will be.
A. The ore, the happier B. The uch, the happy C. The ore, the happily
8. Every driver obey the traffic rules and don’t drive his car when he drinks too uch wine. It’s easy to cause a traffic accident.
A. can B. ay C. ust
9. ---Where the 2012 Olypic Gae ?
---In London.
A. has;held B. will;be held C. was;held
10 It’s your first tie to visit Qinghui Garden, ?
A. does it B. don’t you C. isn’t it
11. Could you tell e ore about Taiwan? I’ going there for a holiday soon.
A. trying out B. thinking about C. finding out
12. any people houses were destroyed in the earthquake won’t give up hope.
A. whose B. who C. which
13. ---What did r. Zhang say just now? ---He asked us the next day.
A .what would the weather be like B. what the weather would be like
C. what the weather will be like
14. It was very polite of hi e go in first when we cae to the lift.
A. to let B. to allow C. to ask
15. ---Physics is difficult for e. How I wish to iprove it!
--- . I believe you will ake it if you keep working hard.
A. Help yourself B. That’s news to e C. Don’t worry
四. 完成句子。(2009:1-5 2010:6-10;2011:11-15)
1. 我昨天上由遲到了。 老師想和我的父母談?wù)劇?br /> I was late for class again and teacher wants to y parents.
2. 我已說(shuō)服他按照你說(shuō)的去做了。
I’ve as you’ve told hi to.
3. 錢(qián)學(xué)森不僅贏得了中國(guó)人的心, 也贏得了世界人民的心。
Qian Xueshen has the people not only in China but also all over the world.
4. 電腦的發(fā)明對(duì)人類(lèi)產(chǎn)生了重大的影響。
The invention of coputer our huan beings
5. 那輛手工制作的汽車(chē)模型非常漂亮。
The car odel is very beautiful
6. 現(xiàn)在,iphone贏得了越越多的孩子們的心
Now iphone has ore and ore children,
7. 如果將一些燈放到噴泉底部, 你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)噴泉看上去更美。
The spring looks ore beautiful if you put soe lights it.
8. 我這篇由四部分組成。
y coposition is four parts.
9. 孔子對(duì)世界產(chǎn)生了重大影響, 我們?cè)谑澜绺鞯囟寄芸吹娇鬃訉W(xué)院。
Confucius has the world and we can find a Confucius College all around the world.
10. 這些雜志可以帶出閱覽室嗎?
Can these agazines the reading roo?
11. 他已經(jīng)盡力和他的家人保持聯(lián)系。
He has done his best to his faily enbers
12. 依我之見(jiàn), 情商和智商一樣重要。
In y opinion, EQ is IQ.
13. 據(jù)說(shuō)兩個(gè)月前超市里所有的鹽都被賣(mài)光了。
It’s said that all the salt in the superarkets two onths ago.
14. 患難見(jiàn)真情。 謝謝你們的幫助。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
15. 面對(duì)困難, 他一點(diǎn)都不害怕。
When he faces difficulties, he

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/41042.html

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