
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

9.You have_____________ soe volunteer activities during the suer holidays,________________?
10.I have been a volunteer in a disabled chil dren’s hoe.
11. __________you ever_________ the?你曾喂過它們嗎?
12.What a wonderful_________________!多么棒的經(jīng)歷!
13.I’ve___________________ it. ___________I had no tie to travel, I still felt very___________.
14.Could you please tell e _______________Chinese___________ in the past?
15. y granny told e that ost children ___________________before.
16.Can you_________________________?你能詳細地描述它嗎
17.Parents couldn’t__________ an _______for their children.父母不能提供他們的孩子教育。
18._______________ help ____________their failies, they had to be child____________. They worked day and night and never had_________________.
19.The governent____________________ poor failies, so children can___________________.
政府給 窮家庭資助,所以兒童能受到良好的教育
20.y granny has lived in Beijing for_______________ years. She has__________ the changes in Beijing_____________.我奶奶住在北京已經(jīng)超過40年了。她親自見證了北京的變化
21. any failies couldn’t get enough food and only_______________ children had _________________a good education. 許多家庭不能得到足夠的食物并且只有一些兒童有機會得到良好教育
22. Life was so_________ that people had no tie or oney____________ leisure activities.
23. People_______________ their friends and relatives____________ ainly by letter or telegra.
24. People can enjoy ________________leisure activities.人們能享受更多種類的業(yè)余活動。
25.China has__________________ since the ______________________.
26. Beijing has ________________and it has already_________________ the 2008 Olypic Gaes.
北京已經(jīng)取得快速發(fā)展 并且已經(jīng)成功舉辦2008奧運會
27. I think it's iportant to__________________, live in the present and______________ the future.
28.__________ you ever ___________a ovie你曾看過電影嗎
29. First, ___________ it carefully.首先,認真考慮
30.Next,__________________ an outline.下一步,起草一個提綱

Unit 1 Topic 2重點句子
1.I ________________you, but you __________. Where have you been?
2._________ ________France?你去過法國嗎?
3.I've__________ been there_________, but I ________ want to go there____________.
4.Have you________ __ hi?你已經(jīng)找到他了嗎?
5.He has probably gone hoe. Let's _________no I really _________go to such a place.
6.He says he has never been to________________ before.
他說他不曾去過那樣美麗的地方 。
7.But__________ their living conditions were not very good.
8.It's______________ faily.這是我父親全家的一張照片
9.At that tie, China ____ _________in the world a nd it was not well___________.
10.____________the one-child policy, now ost failies have only one child.
11.______________. So they__________________ e no
12.Their living co nditions didn't________________.他們的居住條件看起并不特別好。
13.China had a_______ __ population than___________________ in the world.
14._____________, China _______________greatly.最近,中國發(fā)生巨大的變化
15.y parents don't like "Little Eperors",_____________.我的父母也不喜歡“小皇帝”。
16.What a large population!多么龐大的人口!
17.It says the world _____________________6.5 billion. And it is_________________ 80 illion every year.據(jù)說全世界有65億的人口。并且每年增長接近8000萬。
18.______________________the USA?美國人口多少?
19.It shows that the population in___________ countries is larger than_________ in___________ countries, doesn't it?據(jù)表明發(fā)展中國家人口比發(fā)達國家的多,對嗎?
20.The population in developing countries is______________.發(fā)展中國家的人口正快速增長
22. Because of the large population, there is______________ for each faily. And______________ lots of people to find jobs. The large population also causes any other difficulties for the whole nation.因為龐大的人口,每個家庭的居住空間更少。而且太多人找工作就困難了。
23. We__________ energy and water.我們的能和水資短缺
24 . __________, our governent has_________________ the population. One _________the one-child policy. It has______________ _ China's population. ___________the policy, China is developing quickly and people's _________are iproving_________. However, the population probles is still ________in China. We still_______________.
25. It has _________20 percent of the world's___________.它達到世界人口的20%
26. ____________the world's population is becoing______________. 世界人口的增長正變得越越慢
27. I can't go shop ping in big stores________ travel for ____________hours.我不去大超市除非旅行幾個小時
28. So__________ is easy and________.所以購物是容易和令人愉快的
29. People have to study and work hard to _________the quick developent of___________.
Unit 1 Topic 3 重點句子
1.You ____________New York for a long tie. ______________there?
2.You will______________it very soon if you coe. 如果你去了哪里你不久你就會習慣那里的。
3.The city has iproved a lot____________________. 自從幾年前我這里,城市發(fā)展了很多
4._________________, it’s a wonderful______________. 事實上,它是個居住的好地方
5.You ust____________________. 你該參觀。
6.Since it started, it has helped_____________ people __________work and_______________.
7.____________they find people___________, they_____________suitable ways to help the.
8.It __________the________________ they can find jobs again.
9.I think it is iportant for these people to_______ ______________. 我認為這些人感覺良好是重要的
10.The world_______________ for the better. 世界變得更好
11.It________________ its_______________ helping hoeless people___________________.
12.It ______________for the to find jobs. 他們找到工作將變得簡單
13.It _____________bring schools into poor areas of China, and to_________ poor failies __________an education for their children. 它目的是把學校建進中國窮的地方,并且給窮家庭提供教育
14.__________________, Projects Hope has raised about 3 ______billion yuan fro people___________________. 在過去的十六年,希望工程從國內(nèi)外籌集的捐款已經(jīng)達到30億元。
15.________the oney, it has built _________schools and _________and________ 2300 teachers.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/41374.html

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