
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

九 年 級(jí) 英 語(yǔ) 第一學(xué)期調(diào)研檢測(cè)

A. 聽(tīng)下面的10段對(duì)話。每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。聽(tīng)完每段對(duì)話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間回答有關(guān)小題和下一小題。每段對(duì)話讀兩遍。
1. What are the children doing now?

2. What is the girl’s proble?

3. What's the an's suggestion?

4. When does school begin?

5. What did To ask for?
A.Inforation. B. Advice. C. Help.
6. What prograes does illie like best?
A. About anials. B. About sports. C. Cartoons.
7. What did the an have just now?
A. Tea. B. Nothing. C. Leonade.
8. What is the woan doing next?
A. Going shopping. B. Eating another cake. C. Taking the litter out.
9. What does Sion think of his school life?
A. Stressed and boring. B. Lively and colourful. C.Stressed and lively.
10. How long does the fil last?
A. Seventy inutes. B. An hour. C. Fifty inutes.
11. What kind of TV prograe does the an like best?
A. News B. Sports C. History
12. Why does the an like this kind of TV prograe?
A. Because he can learn a lot of news.
B. Because he can get a lot of useful inforation
C. Because he can only watch TV for one hour every day.
13. What’s the girl’s hobby?
A. aking paper cars. B. aking odel cars. C. aking paper cards.
14. What tie does the girl get up?
A. At 6 a.. B. At 6.30 a. C. At 7 a..
15. How long does the girl spend on her hobby?
A. Over two hours B. Over three hours C. About one hour
16. Where does Jang Nara coe fro?
A. Hong Kong. B. South Korea. C. Japan.
17. What’s Jang Nara like in real life?
A. Naughty. B. Quiet. C. Sweet.
18. How old is she now?
A. 22 B. 23 C. 20
19. Who did she celebrate her birthday with?
A. Her father. B. Her classates. C. Her fans.
20. What did Jang say her father were like?
A. Her director. B. Her old friend. C. Her teacher.
二、 (15分)
( )21. It’s good ___ you to keep____ when you have soething difficult_____.
A. for; trying; to do B. of; trying; doing
C. for; to try; to do D. of; trying; to be done

( )22.——Don’t you enjoy watching the English prograe Outlook English agazine on CCTV Channel 10?
——___ . I think it very helpful to iprove y listening and speaking abilities.
A. Yes, I doB. No, I don'tC. Yes, I don'tD .No, I do
( )23. You don’t know _____ I want to see you again. It’s a year since I saw you last tie.
A. how soonB. how longC. how oftenD. how uch
( )24. The old an lived alone all his life and he_____ a rainy winter evening.
A. passed away inB. past away inC. passed away on D. past away on
( )25. They were_______ busy_______ with each other__________ the tie.
A. too; to talk; to forget B. too; talking; to forget ?
C. so; to talk; that they forgot D. so; talking; that they forgot
( )26. He is a teacher with a lot of______. He often tells us any of his interesting____ in Africa.
A. experiences, experienceB. experience, experience
C. experience, experiencesD. experiences, experiences
( )27. There are ore and ore tall buildings _____ _____ side of Fushou Road.
A. on, both B. on, either C. in, both D. in, either
( )28. Wearing red can ake ______ easier for us to take action.
A. that B. it C. this D. /
( )29. People didn’t know _________ during the night.
A. what was happened B. what the urder happened
C. what happened D. how the urder has happened
( )30. ________ useful the inforation he gave us is!
A. What anB. How anC. WhatD. How
( )31. While watching the fil, you _______ ake any noise.
A. not ought to B. ought not to C. don’t ought to D. ought to not
( )32. —Shall we go to the West Hill Park by taxi?
—Oh, it is not far away fro here. We _______take a taxi.
A. couldn’tB. ustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t
( )33.He said he ___ his teachers in the priary school since then .
A. didn’t see B. hasn’t seen C. hadn’t seen D. wouldn’t see
( )34.一Wow,you have so any beautiful skirts.
一But ________of the fit e any longer as I a getting fatter and fatter。
A.a(chǎn)ll B.none C.both D.neither
( ) 35. We should try our best to prevent air pollution ______ a happier life.
A. fro living B. living C. to live D. to living
Alost everyone uses it. There is one on y desk no It is useful. Is there one on your desk, too? 36 a I talking about? Can you 37 what it is? It is a pencil.
ost pencils are about 18 centietres long. One pencil can draw a line thirty-five iles long, or write 45,000 38 ! One pencil ay be sharpened (削尖) 39 ties or ore before it is too short to use, yet we can buy one for the price of an orange! I think that pencils are very 40 .
Pencils are ade in any different 41 , but ost people like yellow ones. There are ore yellow pencils than any other color. No one knows why people like yellow pencils but they do. Soeone once ade a lot of pencils. Half were yellow and half were green. A an bought the and 42 the for a long tie . Then he went to the arket with the and said, “The green pencils, I’ sorry to say, are 43 good. They break easily. They are hard to sharpen. They don’t write well. I don’t 44 any ore green pencils. I want yellow ones in the future, please.”
But the pencils were 45 . The only difference was the color!
( )36. A. What B. Do you knohat C. Who D.Do you knoho
( )37. A. find B. reeber C. know D. guess
( )38. A. stories B. words C. sentence D. books
( )39. A. uch B. any C. soe D. fifteen
( )40. A. coon B. useful C. cheap D. expensive
( )41. A. countries B. colors C. sizes D. types
( )42. A. has used B. used C. wrote D. drew
( )43. A. quite B. not only C. also D. not
( )44. A. bring B. want C. sell D. ake
( )45. A. the sae B. different C. yellow D. useful

In the United States, parents tend(傾向) to encourage their children to develop their potential(潛能) to the fullest extent—in a word, to drea.
Aerican parents concentrate(集中) on what their kids can do, not what they can’t. As a result, illions of Aerican boys and girls grow up hoping to becoe actors and athletes(運(yùn)動(dòng)員), diploats(外交官) and doctors; any even want to becoe president.
Aerican parents always encourage their kids to take part in all kinds of activities at school, such as student governent, sports and usic. They believe that joining in these activities can ake their children ature(成熟) and ore able. Schoolwork is iportant, to be sure, but parents realize that social skills that their children learn are ore closely approxiate to the skills they will need in the “real world”.
As a rule, Chinese kids are often told and ade to study hard and pass any exas. Too often, tie away fro schoolbooks is seen as tie wasted. This approach(觀點(diǎn))does har to children. It has created so uch pressure for Chinese children that leaders of the country have issued(發(fā)布) calls for less hoework at the lower grades levels. People think only healthy kids can becoe healthy adults.
ore and ore Chinese parents have understood this. We are very confident about China’s future.
( )46. Aerican parents always encourage their kids to ____________
A. becoe very iportant people, such as actors, diploats and doctors.
B. drea and take part in any school activities.
C. work hard at their lessons and do uch schoolwork.
D. Learn fro their schoolwork and the real world.
( )47. The underlined word approxiate in Paragraph 3 probably eans______.
A. differentB. correctC. siilarD. wonderful
( )48. We Chinese students should _________________.
A. study harder than the children in the USA.
B. not waste tie on school activities.
C. not do any hoework and spend tie on activities.
D. be given less pressure and becoe healthier.
( )49. The writer thinks that __________________.
A. Aerican children don’t have enough schoolwork.
B. tie away fro schoolbooks is tie wasted.
C. kids in China should join in activities often
D. schoolwork is not iportant in Aerica.


Soeties…… By Paul Green
Soeties I feel lonely,
Like I’ by yself and full of fears.
When I’ that way, I call a friend.
y lonely ood soon disappears.

Soeties I feel excited,
Like I have soe news I have to share!
y friends open their ears to e.
They always listen, talk, and care.

Soeties I feel so sad,
Like y world is cold and darkest blue.
At those ties y friends let e know
They’re with e, standing strong and true.

Soeties I feel confused(困惑的),
Like I just don’t know how I should feel.
y friends then help e figure out
What’s right and wrong, what’s false and real!
( )50. What happens when the poet (詩(shī)人) talks to his friends?
A. His friends feel confused. B. His friends don’t want to hear about it.
C. His friends always listen to what he says. D.His friends are in a bad ood.
( )51. What does “figure out” ean in the poe?
A. Do soething against. B. Feel better. C. Say soething true. D. Understand.
( )52. The poet wants to tell the readers how iportant ________are.
A. friends B. colours C. feelings D. words
Rockets (火箭) can fly far out into space. Rockets with en inside the have already reached the oon in the USA and Russia. Several rockets without en inside the have been sent to other worlds uch farther away. On Nov. 7, 2007, China’s first lunar probe, Chang’e I, successfully has copleted its 1,580,000 k flying journey to the oon.
I a sure that you are asking ‘How does a rocket fly?’ If you want to know, get a balloon and then blow it up, until it is quite big. Do not tie up the neck of the balloon, let it go. The balloon will fly off through the air very quickly. The air inside the balloon tries to get out. It rushes out through the neck of the balloon and this pushes the balloon through the air.
This is how a rocket works. Of course, the rocket is ade of etal. The etal ust not be heavy but it ust be very strong. There is gas inside the rocket, which is ade very hot. When it rushes out of the end of the rocket, the rocket is pushed up into the air. The jet velocity (噴射速度) is always faster than the flying speed.
We’re sure that one day rockets with an ay be able to go anywhere in space.
( )53. Look at the following pictures, if ‘U’ eans ‘jet velocity’, ‘V’ eans ‘flying speed’, which picture is RIGHT?
( )54. The rocket is ade of __________.
A. light and strong etal B. heavy and strong etal
C. light and strong gas D. heavy and strong gas
( )55. The underlined word ‘it’ here refers to _______________.
A. the rocket B. the etal C. the air D. the hot gas
五、詞匯 ( 20分)
(A) 根據(jù)括號(hào)中的漢語(yǔ)寫(xiě)出單詞,使句子意思完整正確。
56. She was very excited because she would ________ (出席) the Oscar Awards.
57. It’s hard to go ________ (超越) ourselves, so we ust learn fro others’ successful experience.
58.Our headaster was ________ (頒發(fā))the prize to the winner when it began to rain.
59.Great changes have taken place in soe_____ (亞洲的) countries since the 1990s.
60.I’d like to ake friends with anyone who has the siilar __________ (背景)and the sae interests.
61. We shouldn’t do anything ___________ (違反)the law, or we’ll be punished.
62. ________ (幾個(gè)) days later, people began to work as usual.
63. He breathed ________ (沉重地) after he finished the 1000-eter race.
64. I a a teacher in high school. Teaching is y _________(職業(yè)、生涯).
65. Please knock at the door before ___________(進(jìn)入) the roo.
(B) 根據(jù)句子意思,用括號(hào)中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式。
66. Feng Xiaogang ___________ (consider) as one of the best fil directors in China.
67.Teachers’ words have lots of __________(affect ) on students.
68. He is dead. But he will be _______________ (live) in our hearts forever.
69. Of all the students in y class, Ay studies ________ (hard).
70. By studying hard and not _________ (give) up, you will succeed.
71. She was heard _________(sing) happily in the next roo at 7 p..yesterday.
72. You have to keep quiet while _____________ (watch) the fil
73. He gets angry easily. We often tell hi not to be so __________(patient).
74. The dress _______(it) is very beautiful, but it doesn’t look good on you.
75. When illie and I arrived at the cinea, Kitty _________ (buy) the tickets already.
I once believed that a friend is a friend ‘a(chǎn)ll the way’. Now I have changed y ideas about friendships.
1. Friends of convenience. They can be the people who live next door or the others of our children’s closest friends. Friends of convenience(便利) are convenient indeed. They’ll help us when we need the. They’ll look after our cats when we go on holiday. But we don’t ever get too close or tell too uch. We keep our public face and eotiona distance, which eans that we’ll talk about being overweight but not about being sad or disappointed. However, people still feel these friendships valuable to the.
2. Special-interest friends. These friendships aren’t deeply personal or eotional. Their value lies in soe shared interest, so we ay have an office friend, a tennis friend, or even a shopping friend.
3. Historical friends. We all have a friend who knew us when… aybe we were back in the second grade of priary school, when our faily lived in that two-roo flat downtown. He or she was the first, the only friend we told our secrets to.
The years have gone by, and we have gone different ways. We have little in coon now, but we’re still a personal part of each other’s past. We know hoe looked before our teeth were straightened, and our getting together reinds us of an earlier part of ourselves, which is iportant and never lost.
4. Cross-generational friends. These are friendships that for across generations(代). I have in y own life a precious(珍貴的) friend, a woan of 65, who is wise, who listens well, and who represents n ot only an ideal other to e but also the person I’d like to be when I grow up.
Best friends, I believe, totally love, support and trust each other.
Types of friendsDescription of friends
Friends of convenienceThey can be the __76__ or the others of our children’s closest friends. They can _77__ us when we are in need. Though we don’t talk about eotional topics, this doesn’t ean that there isn’t any __78__ to be found in these friendships.
Special-interest friendsWe usually __79__ soe interests with our special-interest friends, so we ay have an __80__ friend, a tennis friend, or even a shopping friend.
__81__ friendsThis kind of friendship was usually fored when we were children, so we know hoe __82__ before our teeth were straightened. Although we have little in coon now, our getting together can __83__ us of each other’s happy old days.

Cross-generational friendsCross-generational friends usually aren’t fro the __84__ generation. A friend like this ay __85__ an ideal other or the person I want to be when I grow up.

Fourteen?year-old girl Du Bingzi was walking towards her hoe .S 86 , a an stopped her and shouted, “Give e your oney!”
Du’s hands were c 87 by the an .But in one quick oveent , she took back her ars and started to screa for attention. The an ran away without getting any of her oney.
Du is a student fro Beijing No.25 iddle School. Her teacher Chen Han has started giving his students an u 88 lesson: self-protection. Luckily, Du had just learned how to escape fro an a 89 ,a person who plans to hurt soeone.
The school has taught self?protection for four years. During this tie, about 5,000 students have learned how to protect t 90 .
According to (根據(jù)) a new survey, student s91 has becoe a big proble. Nearly 50% students say they are worried about robbery on the w92 to and fro school.
This school is not the only one to care about students’ safety. any other schools in China also have lessons l 93 this.
Student a Xiang said, “I learn how to save lives and ost such courses tell students how to avoid (避免) d 94 situations.” Students practice what to do if they are attacked by a bad person.
They are taught how to save lives if soeone is hurt. They also learn how to work t 95 and build tea-spirit.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/43204.html

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