Module 8 Photos

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 8 Photos
本模塊通過介紹和攝影有關(guān)的內(nèi)容展示了定語從句的用法。在module 7學(xué)習(xí)that引導(dǎo)的定語從句基礎(chǔ)上,繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)which ,who 引導(dǎo)的定語從句。中考說明要求:理解定語從句的構(gòu)成和基本用法.只要求學(xué)生會辨認(rèn)和理解定語從句的意思,但是對于程度比較好的學(xué)生,還是要初步掌握who/which引導(dǎo)的定語從句的用法,為學(xué)生的今后的學(xué)習(xí)奠定良好的基礎(chǔ)。
Vocabulary : 2 trouble , 2 kid (n.), 3 expect , 2 size , 3. include , 2 rich , 2 present (n.& vt. ), (3 move) movement, (3 history) historic , (3 photograph) photographer, beauty , category, shot, feature, frightened , ceremony, congratulation,
Phrases:on the left / right , pick up, even though , be pleased with , manage to do , make sth adj. ,agree to do ,find out, try out, by the way, at the end of, thanks to, congratulations to,500 meters wide, from…to…
Grammar: The restrictive attributive clause with which and who
聽:能夠聽懂包含定于從句的句子; 理解信息。
3. 情感態(tài)度目標(biāo):通過對攝影作品欣賞培養(yǎng)審美意識,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對他人的欣賞態(tài)度。
理解(程度較好的學(xué)生掌握)which , who 引導(dǎo)的定語從句,使大部分學(xué)生能夠達(dá)到語言技能目標(biāo)。
突破途徑 1. 突出實戰(zhàn),側(cè)重學(xué)生對對話和的理解。
2. 加強(qiáng)學(xué)法指導(dǎo),突出解題策略。
3. 遵循語言教學(xué)規(guī)律,先易后難,循序漸進(jìn)。
4. 加強(qiáng)堂檢測,及時反饋。
Unit 1 It’s the band which gets everyone dancing.
Teaching Aims
nowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be able to master the vocabulary: on the left, on the right, at the front, at the back, trouble, shot, kid, expect, pick up, photographer
2. Ss will be able to understand the grammar: the restrictive attributive clause with which and who
Ability Aims: Ss will be able to get information from the conversation.
Ss will be able to understand the conversation involving the use of the attributive clause
oral Aims: Ss will appreciate the photos and be brave to join the photo competition.
ey points: 1. To get information from the conversation. kb1
2. To understand the conversation involving the use of the restrictive attributive clause.
Difficult points: The restrictive attributive clause with which and who .
Teaching Procedure:
I. I got some great ________of those faces.
The __________ is that I don’t have a digital camera.
Are you __________ ?
No. I am serious.
Tony ___________ to win the photo competition last time.
Please _____ _____ your books.
David drove to _______ me_____ after school yesterday.
What does your father do?
He is a ____________________.
II. Listen and fill in the blanks
1. This is the bandwhich is playing at the school __________.
2. On the left is the boywho plays the _________.
3. At the front is the boywho ___________.
4. At the back is the boy who plays the ________.
III. Listen again and answer the questions.
1.Why can’t Tony take photos of the Blues Boys at first?
2.Why does he want to get some good photos?
3.How popular are the Blues Boys?
4.Who does Tony think will win the competition?
5.Why is Tony unhappy?
IV. Homework
1.Read the conversation at least 3 times.
2.Listen to the tape (Activity 3) for 10 minutes.
Unit 2
Teaching Aims
nowledge Aims: Ss will be able to master the phrases: by the way, go upstairs, get on, There’s something wrong, expect to do, pick up, try out, same as, be gone, you bet, in with a chance, You’re kidding.
Ss will be able to understand the grammar: the restrictive attributive clause with which and who
Ability Aims: Ss will be able to understand Tony’ s experience in preparing for the photo competition.
Ss will be able to ask and give information about describing photos.
oral Aims: Ss will be able to enjoy and describe photos to each other.
ey points: Ss will be able to master the phrases: by the way, go upstairs, get on, There’s something wrong, expect to do, pick up, try out, same as, be gone, you bet, in with a chance, You’re kidding.
Ss will be able to understand Tony’ s experience in preparing for the photo competition.
Difficult points: Ss will be able to ask and give information about describing photos.
I. Listen to the tape and finish the table.
The trouble Tony couldn’t ____________________.
The photo competition_________ and ______ will enter the competition this time.
He ZhongHe’s the ____________ who won the competition last time.
TonyHe got some great ______, but he lost his _______.
Ton’s fatherTony’s friends didn’t _______ to see him. He’s just come to __________ Tony.
II. Language points:
1. By the way, is that He Zhong at the front? 順便問一下,前面的那個人是何忠嗎?
順便說一下, 明天把你的書還回圖書館。________, please return your book to the library tomorro
在左邊 ____________, 在右邊____________ 在前面 ____________, 在后面____________
補充:in front of表示在……前面
in the front of 表示在…的前部
2. There was something wrong with his camera. 他的相機(jī)出問題了.
There’s something wrong with… 出了毛病
3. Ok, but look after your camera. 好,不過小心你的照相機(jī)。
nlook after 照顧, 照看, 同義的還有take care of
4. Those drums are really loud. aybe I’ll go upstairs. 鼓聲太響了!也許我該上樓去。
5. Oh! r. Smith! Help! I mean… hello! Tony? Er, we didn’t expect to see you!
常使用的結(jié)構(gòu)expect to do期待作某事新--標(biāo) -第-一-網(wǎng)
6. I’ve just come to pick Tony up. 我只是過接托尼。 pick up 撿起,拾起,接某人
pick Tony up/ pick up Tony/ pick him up
7. Did he try out my camera? 他試用過我的照相機(jī)了嗎?try out 試驗
III. which, who 引導(dǎo)的定語從句
被修飾的先行詞是人,定語從句引導(dǎo)詞可為 who,也可為whom, who在定語從句中為賓語時,也可用whom引導(dǎo). 現(xiàn)代語法中,兩者都可用 who 引導(dǎo).
It’s the band which gets everyone dancing.這支樂隊可以使每個人都跳起舞。
本句中, 定語從句所修飾的先行詞是物(the band),所以定語從句由which或that引導(dǎo)。which在定語從句中可以作主語,也可以作賓語,作賓語時which可以省略。一般情況下,that和which是可以通用的。只是在少數(shù)情況下不能通用。
1)which引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾的是無生命的東西,在句中可作主語或者賓語.2)當(dāng)先行詞是人,定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞是who,在句中作賓語可用whom,現(xiàn)在在大多數(shù)情況下,可以通用who.3)一般情況下,that和 which 可以通用,只有少數(shù)情況下不能通用。
1. It’s the band. The band gets everyone dancing.
2. He’s the photographer. The photographer won the photo competition last year.
3. I got some shots of the boy. The boy plays the guitar on the left.
4. His father is the person. The person will be the most unhappy.
IV. Consolidate:
1 你的計劃進(jìn)展得如何? ________ is your plan ______ ______?
2 他的汽車出什么問題了?________ _________ with his car?
3 沿著街道走,你會看到左邊的商店。Go along the street, and you will see the shop ____ _____ ______.
4 上周我買了一臺照相機(jī),但是沒有機(jī)會試用它。
I bought a camera last week, but I have no chance to ________ it ________.
5 每天放學(xué)后他的媽媽接他。His mother comes to _____ _____ _____ after school every day.
V. Homework
Exercises of odule 8 Unit 1.
Unit 2
Teaching Aims
nowledge Aims: Ss will be able to grasp the key words: size, beauty, category, movement, include, rich, n congratulation, ceremony
Ss will be able to use the key structures: the restrictive attributive clause with which and who
Ability Aims: Ss will be able to get information from the passage and understand the passage.
Ss will be able to identify information about the photo competition.
oral Aims: Ss will appreciate the photos of different categories.
ey points: To grasp the key words, phrases and structures.
To get information and understand the passage.
Difficult points: The restrictive attributive clause with which and who .
I. Neords study.
The photo shows the __________ of the Tian’anmen Square perfectly.
The man __________ the gold medal to Liu Xiang.
Liu Xiang kissed his Olympic gold medal at the prize-giving __________.
—I won the first prize in the school computer competition. —Really? _______________!
There is a __________ tower in the centre of the city.
Hutong successfully shows the ____culture which makes Beijing so famous.
III. Read the passage and answer the questions.
1.Can we give prizes to everyone since all of the photos are excellent?
2.Is the person who won the prize for the historic China photography 12 years old or 15 years old?
3.How many categories are there?
4.What shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous?
5.Why are we lucky that John William is in China?
6.What does the writer mainly talk about?
7.Can we give prizes to everyone since all of the photos are excellent?
8.Is the person who won the prize for the historic China photography 12 years old or 15 years old?
9.How many categories are there?
10.What shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous?
11.Why are we lucky that John William is in China?
12.What does the writer mainly talk about?
閱讀短,根據(jù)上下意思,將方框中的句子還原到短中適當(dāng)位置,使其通順完整,并將其 字母代號寫在橫線上。其中有一句不選。
A. In the end the ing chose the second picture.
B. any artists tried, but there were only two pictures he really liked.
C. People who saw this picture thought it expressed peace perfectly.
D. In the end the ing chose the first picture.
E. ost people couldn’t feel any peace from the scene.
Once upon a time, a ing promised to offer a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. _________. So he had to choose one from the two pictures.
In the first picture there was a calm lake. The lake was just like a mirror, and people could see the reflection of the mountains in the lake. There were white clouds in the blue sky. ___________.
There were mountains in the second picture, too. But they were rugged (崎嶇不平的). The wind was strong and the rain was falling heavily. A white waterfall was falling over one side of the mountains. __________. When the ing looked at it carefully, he saw there was a small bush(灌木) in a crack(縫隙) of a rock behind the waterfall. In that bush a mother bird was taking care of her babies. The birds looked so peaceful in such a hard environment.
What a perfect peaceful scene!
_____________. “Because,” explained the ing, “Peace doesn’t mean a place where there is no noise, trouble or wars. Peace means no matter what kind of environment you are in, you can keep calm in your heart. ”
IV. Correct the sentences.
1. The park is far away from Li Wei’s home.
2. The photos of the collection the “any Faces of Our City” is usual .
3. The winners of the “ost Unusual” category are from different classes.
4. It’s unlucky that John William will present the prizes.
V. Homework
1.Finish Activity 4 and Activity 5.
2.Read the text three times.
Unit 2
Teaching Aims
nowledge Aims: Ss will be able to master the language points: even though, give…to, far from, from…to, manage to do, find out, make sb. adj., congratulations to, thanks to, agree to do, find out
Ss will be able to understand the restrictive attributive clause with which and who
Ability Aims: Ss will be able to use the language points.
Ss will be able to connect sentences using restrictive attributive clause with which and who.
ey points: 1. Ss will be able to master the language points.
2. Ss will be able to understand the restrictive attributive clause with which and who
Difficult points Ss will be able to understand the restrictive attributive clause with which and who
Teaching Procedure:
I. We were very pleased with the photo competition. 我們對這次攝影比賽非常滿意.
be pleased with 對……滿意
2. Compared with other years, we received many more photos.
compared with 與……相比
3. Even though all of the photos are excellent, we can’t give prizes to everyone.
盡管所有的照片都很棒,但我們也不能 頒獎給每一個人。
even though意為“即使;盡管”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。
4. There are four prizes, so read on to find out who the winners are.
find out 查明,發(fā)現(xiàn),了解。指經(jīng)過探聽,詢問,調(diào)查之后才發(fā)現(xiàn)。后面一般接名詞,代詞或從句
find 找到 強(qiáng)調(diào)找的過程 look for 尋找強(qiáng)調(diào)找的過程
5. The park isn’t far from his home, about 500 meters and he knows it very well.
far away通常與from搭配,表示距離遠(yuǎn)或遠(yuǎn)離。 far from遠(yuǎn)離,它除了可以表示距離遠(yuǎn)的意思之外,還有遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不,完全不,決非的意思.
6. It’s 880 meters from north to south and 500 meters wide at the northern end.
from …to …從……到…… It's… meters long / wide它……米長/寬
7. He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band and the fun which their fans are having.
manage to do 想方設(shè)法達(dá)成,設(shè)法做某事
8. It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.
make sth. adj. 使某物…… make sb. do sth.使某人做某事
9. Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.
congratulations to sb. 祝賀某人 thanks to sb. 多虧某人,感謝某人
congratulate sb. on\upon...意為為某事向某人祝賀
congratulation 是congratulate的名詞形式,也有祝賀之意,常以復(fù)數(shù)形式出現(xiàn)
10. He has agreed to present the prizes at the prize- giving ceremony at the end of this month.
 agree to do 同意做某事 agree with sb.  同意某人看法,與某人看法一致
 at the end of 在……結(jié)束
11.who/which 引導(dǎo)的定語從句
The person is fifteen-year-old Li Wei.
The person won the prize for the ost Beautiful Nature photography.
III. Language points: pleased with 對……滿意
2pared with 與……相比
3.even though 即使;盡管
4.give …to     給某人某物
5.far from      遠(yuǎn)離
6. from …to … 從……到……
7. It‘s… meters long / wide 它…米長/寬
8. manage to do 設(shè)法做某事
9. make sth. adj. 使某物……
make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
10.congratulations to sb. 祝賀某人
11.thanks to sb. 多虧某人,感謝某人
12.a(chǎn)gree to do 同意做某事
  agree with sb.  同意某人看法,
13.a(chǎn)t the end of 在……結(jié)束
14.fifteen-year-old 15歲的
15.present the prize 頒獎

IV. Complete the sentences.
1. 即使你想知道,我也不會告訴你。_____________ you want to know it, I won’t tell you either.
2. 我媽媽讓我每天彈鋼琴.y mother ________the piano every day.
3. 他每天到離家不遠(yuǎn)的工廠去上班。He goes to work in the factory which isn’t _______ from his home.
4. 弄清楚他要去哪里是非常重要的.It’s very important to _____________where he is going.
5.在本月末我們將舉辦一場音樂會.We will hold a concert ____________________ this month.
6. 這條街從東至西大約有500米。The street is about 500 meters ______________.
7.最后他同意試一試。At last he ______________ have a try.
8.王小姐是我在住院時照顧我的那個護(hù)士。iss Wang is the nurse ___________ when I was in hospital.
9. 你剛才試用的相機(jī)是托尼的。The camera __________________________ is Tony’s.
10. 昨天上映的電影有點枯燥。The movie _________________________ is a little boring.
V. Homework
1.目標(biāo)檢測 odule 5 Unit 2.
2.Workbook P141 Ex. 5/6
Teaching Aims
nowledge Aims: 1. Ss will be able to talk about height, length and width of the photos.
2. Ss will be able to describe the photo.
Ability Aims: Ss will be able to write a short article about the photo.
Ss will be able to evaluate their writings.
ey points: Ss will be able to talk about height, length and width of the photos.
Ss will be able to describe the photo.
Difficult points: Ss will be able to write a short article about the photo.
Teaching Procedure:
I. How to write a passage,
Subject _____________ Tense _______________ Beginning ___________
Body _______________ Ending ________________
Linking words in your writing:
①遞進(jìn): then, besides, what’s more, apart from…
②轉(zhuǎn)折: however, but, although, though, yet, on the contrary, in spite of, while,...
③總結(jié): finally, at last, in short, in summary, in a word, all in all...
④強(qiáng)調(diào): indeed, certainly, surely, above all...
⑤對比: in the same way, just as, unlike, different from...
⑥因果: because (of), thanks to, result from, thus, for this reason, as a result, result in, lead to
I am glad that I entered the school photo competition and won the first prize. I become interested in taking photos when I was very young. The photo of the Great Wall, which gets the first prize, was taken when our teacher took us to the Great Wall last autumn. In my photo, you can get a very clear view of the wall that has green trees and red flowers everywhere. What’s more, it is one of the wonders of the world and it is also one of the few man-made objects on the earth that can be seen on the moon. It is about 6700 kilometers long, 6-7 meters high and 4-5 meters wide. Above all, it is not very far from the center of Beijing City, only 75 kilometers away. The Great Wall has become the symbol of China. We all know the famous Chinese saying: “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” So I think everybody should go to climb the Great Wall if he wants to become a true man.
II. Homework
1.Polish your writing.
2. Workbook P142 Ex10. 11
Unit 3 Language in use
Teaching Aims
nowledge Aims: Ss will be able to practise and apply vocabulary
Ss will be able to understand and apply the restrictive attributive clause
Ability Aims: Ss will be able to talk about the photos.
Ss will be able to apply the restrictive attributive clause
ey points: Ss will be able to understand and apply restrictive attributive clause.
Ss will be able to master the key vocabulary.
Difficult points: Ss will be able to understand and apply restrictive attributive clause.
Teaching Procedure:
I. Revise the words.
1. A person who takes photographs, especially as a job, is a p____________.
2. Some money which is given as a “present” in a competition is a p____.
3. An area which is open to everybody is called a p_____ space.
4. Someone who shows people around a place of interest is a g______.
5. A building which is new, and not traditional is a m_____ building.
II. atching.

1.A lake is a place which…
2.A teacher is someone who…
3.A writer is a person who…
4.A tradition is a custom which…
5.A city is a place which …
6.collects water in a low area of land
7.helps us to learn
8.earns money by writing
9.has lasted for a long time
10.has many people living in it

III. ultiple choice.
1. I have a friend ______ wants to be a photographer and always has his camera with him.
A who B which C when D where
2. The mountain _____ we climbed last year is very beautiful.
A who B which C when D where
3. I’ve found a shop which ____ everything we need.
A was B were C has D have
4. The hospital ____ was built five years ago has been modernized.
A that B whose C what D as
5. The girl ___________ an English song in the next room is Tom’s sister.
A who is singing B is singing C sang D was singing
IV. Language Points
1. Do you mind if I try it out?如果我試用一下,你會介意嗎?
Of course not. 當(dāng)然不會。
2. They were too frightened to smile.
too…to…: “太……而不能……“, 在大多數(shù)情況下表示否定意義,
so + adj. / adv.+ that + 句子
too + adj/ adv + to do
V. Homework
1.Exercises of odule 8 Unit 3
2.Workbook P140 Ex3


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