
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
九年級(jí)下冊(cè) Module 1—2
1.Which of these forms of t_____________(交通) do you like least ?
2. Last weekend we took a tour by c__________(長(zhǎng)途客車 ) to the Summer Palace .
3. Jim pushed past them t___________( 朝、向) his seat .
4. The man was smoking a c___________(香煙) in the train .
5. Park School is a s____________ school (中學(xué) ). .
6. I b_______ (打賭)we are even better than Park School at English .
7. Everyday our teacher checks which pupils are p________(在場(chǎng)) or a________(缺席的).
8. PE i___________(牽涉、包括)exercise, basketball and so on .
9. Afterschool a_____________(活動(dòng)),such as sports clubs and language s__________(社團(tuán)) are popular .
10.There is a parents’ meeting ,so our parents and teachers can talk about our p______(進(jìn)步) 。
11.PE stands for Personal Health and S____________(安全) Education 。
12.F_______________(幸運(yùn)的是), we don’t have exams in every subject .

1.Better get back to work ._________________ 2.What ‘s it like ?
3. be full of _____________ 4. because of _____________
5. take a tour ___________ 6. go for a long walk ______________
7. school leavers’ party _________________ 7. dream about __________________
8. set off ___________ 10. at the start of _________________
11. in a strong voice ____________________ 12. get off /on ___________________
13. be far away ________________________ 14. get top grades ________________
15. make a speech _____________________ 16. have a break _________________
17. stand for _________________________ 18. as well as ___________________
19. instead of ________________________ 20. have /take exams _____________
21. do athletics _____________________ 22. afterschool activities __________
23. at the end of ______________________ 24. plenty of ____________________

Winter is _____ _________season in China ________ _______ Spring Festival .
2.最好回去上課了, 因?yàn)楸緦W(xué)期結(jié)束我們還要考試呢。
Better ____ _____ ____work , because we’ve got exams ___ ____ ____ _____ the term .
There are _________ ________ fun things ____ _________this term .
Lin often ______ _________ the train and about going to the capital ,now it is _____ ______ _________him ,to ______ __________ soon .
He _______ Jin _____ _______ arm, ________tears in his eyes, Jin ______ him away .
I have a ticket _________ the number of the seat you are_________ _______.
“It is seven hours ______ ________ here,” the man ________glasses said ,“_______ _____ it is only 10 minutes , you should _________ .”
Slowly the young man ______ _______, __________ his cigarette on the floor , and ___________ ____________ the train .
________schools are very nice, and___________ school has anything the other hasn’t got .
Lessons begin at 9:00 and ________ for an hour . we _____ __ _______at 11:00, then ____lesson , then lunch for an hour . We have ___ _____lessons before schools finishes .
PHSE is about the________of drugs and smoking, ______ __________ __________.
In ADT we also do things like learning to cook ___ ________ _____ drawing and design .
What is _____ _____________ thing about school ?Homework----and exams !

1.名詞(名詞的復(fù)數(shù)、名詞所有格 )
a Chinese ---____________________ a Japanese ---___________________
a Frenchman --__________________ an Englishman ---________________
an Arab ________________________ a German ---____________________
zoo--______________ radio --________________ photo--_________________
Negro _____________ hero --________________ tomato--________________
potato _____________ kangaroo______________ piano --________________
3)復(fù)合名詞前面是man, woman 變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),構(gòu)成復(fù)合名詞的兩個(gè)詞全部變成復(fù)數(shù),如果是其他詞,變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),只要把后面的名詞變復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:
a man doctor ---___________________ a woman teacher _____________________
a boy student --___________________ a banana tree ---______________________
一條新聞_______________________ 兩片面包________________________
幾滴水 ________________________ 幾箱蘋果________________________
5) 名詞所有格表示名詞之間的所有關(guān)系。有兩種表達(dá)方式。一種是“—‘s”所有格, 一種是of 所有格。如:
教師節(jié)________________________ 母親節(jié)_________________________
李明的書包____________________ 杰克的父母_____________________
房間的門_______________________ 樹上的葉子___________________
I have got ______ new computer .
_____ plane is a machine that can fly .
We usually have a party once ______ week .
Give me ________ book ,please .
I have got ______ new computer , ________ computer is very small .
Do you know ________ in red ?
_______ earth goes around ______ sun .
4) 定冠詞常常用于序數(shù)詞、和最高級(jí)前面,以及對(duì)來年各個(gè)人或物進(jìn)行比較時(shí)起特指作用的比較級(jí)前。
He is _______ taller of the two .
Jack is _______ first boy to get to school .
______Greens are watching movies now .
______young should take good care of _______old .
7) 元音前面用an , 輔音前面用a, 注意是指讀音而不是指字母。如:
There is ______:h”and ______ “u “in the word “hour “
I have got ______ umbrella .
She is ______unhappy girl and she bought ______ useful book .
8). “the+序數(shù)詞”表示“第幾----”“a+序數(shù)詞”表示“又一,再一”,如:
The apple is so delicious , and I would like to eat ____ second one .
His father is ill so he has to stay __________.
His father is a doctor and works ___________.
A. in hospital B, in the hospital
10) 有些地方不使用冠詞.如:
We can play _______ piano well, but we can’t play ______basketball .
A. the/ a B. the / the C / , the D. the , /
3. 數(shù)詞
基數(shù)詞:11_____________ 12___________13_____________15____________
基變序,有規(guī)律,末尾加上th, 一、二、三,特殊記,八去t,九去e,
ve要用f替 ,遇見y變ie,后跟th 莫忘記。要想變成幾十幾,只變個(gè)位就可以。
2)分?jǐn)?shù)的表示法:子基母序,分子大于一,分母加s, 如:
1/3 ____________ 2/5_______________ 3/7___________________
如:在19世紀(jì)70年代 in_______________________.
如:在她四十多歲時(shí) in __________________________
5. 注意兩組詞組的區(qū)別:
A. two hundred
hundreds / thousands /millions / billions of _____________________
B. a number of __________________ the number of ________________
如:Today there are ______ students learning English .
A. hundred of B. 5 thousands C. millions of D, 3 billion of

4. 代詞
主格 ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______
賓格______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______
形容詞性______ ______ ______ _______ ________ _______ _________ _________
名詞性 ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ _______ _________ _________
3)反身代詞______ ______ ______ _______ ________ _______ _________ _________
如:She teaches _________( we) English
He is too young to look after __________( he )
This computer is _______(she ) , ______( I ) is on the desk .
4) 疑問代詞:_______ _________ ________ ________ ____________
5 不定代詞, 如:_______________________________________________________.
1) it ,one .that的區(qū)別,如:
A. little / a little , few / a few ; many /much ; some / any
B: all / both , none /neither , each /either /every
C. everyone / every one
3) 當(dāng)形容詞或else修飾復(fù)合不定代詞something等時(shí),常常放于不定代詞后面,如:
一些好詞的東西___________________ 某些重要的事_________________________
1.The weather in Hefei is colder than _______ in Beijing in winter .
A. it B. that C. those D. this
2. ----Who has a computer ? ----- I have _______, do you like ______?
A. it / it B. that / it C. one / it D. one / one
3. There is _________ in today’s newspaper .
A. new something B, anything new
C. important nothing D. nothing new
4. We plant many trees on ______ side of the street .
A. none B. any C. either D. both
5. It was a long journey, but ______ of them four felt bored.
A, neither B. both C, none D. all

五、 知識(shí)點(diǎn)運(yùn)用。
1.___________(million)of people visit the Great Wall every year
2.The _________(nine ) lesson is very easy .
3.Mr. Smith learned Chinese as his __________(two ) language .
4.Would you give me ________( one ) more chance ?
5.What was the population of China at the end of ___________( twenty ) century .
6.These _________(mouse )are so lovely, don’t hurt them .
7.There is no _______( room ) to lay the bed here .
8.He rushed out of the room without _________( say ) a word .
9.I bet we are even __________( good ) than Park School at English .
10.I will stay here until I am 18 if I _________ (pass) the exam
11.Their school is as big as _________( we )
12.Boys and girls , help ____________( you ) to some fruit .
13.They are watching TV instead of __________( revise ) for the test .
14.Neither school _________( have ) a big swimming pool .
15.There are many nice_________( tomato) here, let’s take some _________(photo )of them .
1. The train will ________ in two hours, please be hurry .
A. set out B. set down C, set off D, set up
2. The train was _________ people and I had to stand for over 6 hours .
A. filled of B. full of C. fill with D. full with
3. This plane can fly at more than _______ the speed of the sound .
A, second B, two C, twice D, third
4.Can you tell me how many ________ you want to get ?
A.sheeps B. fish C. photoes D. orange
5. ----Excuse me ,who has a knife ?
--- I have _______, do you want _____?
A. one / one B. one / that C. one / it D. it / one
6. He found ____ difficult to go to sleep because of the noisy children .
A, that B. / C. why D. it
7. There is ______ juice in the fridge, could you go aand buy some ?
A. a little B. a few C. little D. much
8. Tom ,you are old enough , I think you can look after ________.
A. you B. your C. yourself D. myself
9. John and I couldn’t get into the house because _______ of us had a key .
A. none B. both C. neither D. either
10. ---Is everyone here ?
---Yes. __________.
A. Tom isn’t here B. Nobody is absent
C. Nobody is present D, Wait a moment
11. ----Look, here comes the bus .
---No hurry. Don’t get on it _____ it has stopped .
A. when B. after C. until D. since
12. Tom as well as his friends _____ Yellow Mountain now .
A. visits B. are visiting C. is visiting D. visit
13. ---I don’t like listening to the concert .
--- I don’t ,________.
A. also B. too C. as well D。either
14. He doesn’t know ______French because he has studied it for only ____weeks .
A. much, a few B. little , a few C. few , a little D. a few , a bit
15. ______ you don’t like English , you should study it hard because it is useful .
A. Although B. While C. Even D. Even if

1. ----Can I just have a try ?
-----Sure , It doesn’t _____ if you give me a wrong answer
A. matter B. trouble C. mind D. care
2. -----Where is Tom ?
------He’s left ______ saying that he has something important to do .
A. an excuse B, a sentence C. news D. a message
3. I remember on that day _______ came one after another to our family.
A. good pieces of news B. pieces of good news
C. a good piece of news D. a piece of good news
4. -----What is in the ________?
------There are some _______ and _____ in them .
A. photos; potatoes, radios B. photos ; potatoes ; radioes
C. photoes ; potatos , radios D. photos ; potatos ; radioes
5. The doctor worked for ________ after 12 o’clock .
A. two more hours B. another two hour
C. two another hour D. more two hours
6. When I hurriedly got to the airport , the lady at the window told me that there were no _____
left on that plane .
A. places B. seats C. space D. room
7. The music made me think of the _______ of a running stream .
A. shout B. noise C. voice D. sound
8. As there were not enough chairs in the park , they had to sit on the _________.
A. ground B. earth C. land D. field
9. This is ________ bedroom, the twin sisters like it very much .
A. Anne and Jane B, Anne’s and Jane’s
C. Anne’s and Jane D. Anne and Jane’s
10. Two bags are on the table. They are _______.
A. the twins’ B. the twin’s C. twins D. twin’s
11. A sign with the words ______ is often found in a bus .
12. ---can I help you ?
----Yes, I’d like ________ for my twin daughters .
A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoe
C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes
13.------_______ is the price of this cup ?
-------10 dollars
A. How many B. How much C. What D. How expensive
14. ----Excuse me , is the supermarket far from here ?
----- No. it is about ________.
A. 7 minutes walk B.7 minute drive C. 7 minutes’ walk D. 7 minute’s drive
15. When American celebrate Thanksgiving Day , they often eat ________
A. moon cakes B. noodles C. Turkey D. breads

I. 填入適當(dāng)?shù)墓谠~, 在不需要冠詞的地方劃“/”
1. ----What is _____ date today ? ---- it is May 16
2. English is _____ useful language language in ______ world .
3. Please pay attention to your spelling, you have dropped ____”d” and ____ “n” in the word “Wednesday “.
4.It is going to rain , please take ____ unbrella with you .
5.He is _____ honest boy , so we all like him .
6. Tom likes playing ______piano , but John likes playing ____ basketball .
7. In the United States , Father’s Day falls on ____third Sunday in June .
8._____ Nanjing is one of ______ oldest cities with _____long history .
9. ---Please give me ______ ring when you arrive .
10. We have three meals ____ day , we have _____ breakfast at 6:00.
1. Tom bought _____ interesting book. _____ book is also very useful .
A. an ; The B. a; The C. an ; A D. a ;A
2. In order to make it clear, I must go up to ______ second floor and ask him _____ second time .
A. the , a B. the ; the C. a; the D. a; a
3. ---What would you like for ______ breakfast , Mr Scott?
---- Three pieces of bread with ____ cup of black tea ,please .
A. a ; a B. /; the C. a, the D. / a
4. -----It is _____ nice day , isn’t it ?
------Yes, what ______ fine weather !
A. a; a B. the ; the C. a; / D. the ; /
5. It is said that _______ umbrella was invented over 4 hundreds years ago by Chinese people .
A. a B. an C. the D. /
6. ------Tom, do you know _____ new club in your school ?
-----Of course, I am one of its members .
A. a B. an C / D. the
7. ______young must look after _____ old .
A. The ; a B. A; the C. The ; the D. A, a
8. _______ number of students have gone to Beijing .
A. / B . A C. The D. An
9. There are ______few mistakes in your homework . don’t make ____ same mistakes again .
A. a ; a B. a; the C. the ; a D. the ; the
10. ----How does your father go to work ?
A. By a bike B On feet C. By the car D. By bus


I. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
1. We all know Lesson 5 means _____________( five ) lesson in English .
2. Another way of saying the number “three quarters “ is three ________(four )
3. James ,Miss White’s ________( two ) son is very excited that his parents will have a party
for his _________( nine ) birthday .
4. Who says the old can’t learn English well ?My grandpa began to learn English in his ______(sixty ) .
5. It is reported that __________( thousand ) of children die of hunger or diseases in Africa every year .
1. Many foreign friends spoke highly of ______ Beijing Olympic Games .
A. 29 B. 29th C. the 29th D. the 29
2. All fans thought the famous singer stayed in _______ that night . However, he didn’t .
A. Room 908 B. the 908 Room C. 908 the Room D. the Room 908
3. Although I have read this funny story three times , I ‘d like to read it _____time .
A. a second B. the second C. a fourth D. the fourth
4. Miss Chen has told us she was born in ______, but she looks much younger .
A. the 1970 B. 1970’s C. the 1970’s D. 1970s
5. Chinese people will never forget the terrible and sad day ----_________.
A.2008,May 12 B. May 12,2008
C. 2008,12 May D. 12,2008 May
6. -----How old is your cousin ?
------Maybe you can’t imagine ----he is only _______.
A. eight—month—old B eight—months ?old
C. eight ?months old Deight months old
7. -----Must I get to the meeting at 10:15 ?
-----Yes, you must remember the time __________.
A. fifteen to ten B. fifteen past ten
C. a quarter to eleven D. a quarter past eleven
8. -----How many foreigners are there in your company ?
-----Quite a lot , about ______of the staff(職員) in our company .
A. two five B. five two C. two fifths D. second fifths
9. ----Excuse me , How far is it from the Bird’s Nest to your school ?
----Not far, It is only a _________.
A. ten—minute walk B. ten ?minute ?walk
C. ten—minute’s walk D. ten minutes walk
10. ----Susan , what is your brother’s age ?
---_______. And he has just had his ______ birthday party .
A. Twelve; twelve B. Twelve ; twelfth
C. Twelfth ; twelve D. Twelfth , twelfth
11. _________tourists from other countries visit Hefei every year .
A. Two millions B. Two thousands of C. millions of D. Million of


I 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1. Betty is thirsty. Give _______( she ) some orange ,please
2. As we all have grown up, we should learn to look after _____( we ).
3. It is a pity that the flag (公寓) hasn’t got _____(it ) own entrance .
4. ----Whose English book is this ,Tom ?
-----It is _______, (we)My parents bought it for my sister and me .
5. To _______( I ) surprise , he finished his work only in an hour .
6. Many people lost _______ (they ) lives in the earthquake
7. Who will teach _________( they ) English this term .
8. This book is Tom’s . _______(I ) is over there .
9. On ____way home , he met a friend of ________.( he )
10. We help _______( she ) learn Chinese and she help ______( we) with English
II 單項(xiàng)選擇
1. The boy became fatter and fatter and ______ made his parents sad .
A. which B. what C. he D. it
2. It was a long journey , but _______ of them four felt bored .
A. neither B. both C. none D. all
3. Not long ago , our country sent up a rocket with two small satellites into space, one weighted 204kilos and _______ ,25 kilos
A. another B. other C. others D. the other
4. Would you please buy some salt for me , Tom ? There is ______left .
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
5. In my class some students love music, _______ are fond of drawing and ___ enjoy reading .
A. some ; the other B others ; the other C. others ; the others D. some ; others
6. ----Which of the twin brother is a doctor ?
-----____________ are .
A. All B. Both C. Either D. Neither
7. I don’t know ______ to do next ?
A. when B. what C. how D. where
8. I agree with most of what you said. but I don’t agree with _________.
A. anything B. something C. nothing D, everything
9. ----Which bag would you like to buy , this one or that one ?
-----________, I don’t like them at all .
A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None
10.------Excuse me, is there a repair shop near here ?
----- Well , turn left at the crossing and then you will find _______.
A. that B. it C. one D. any

九年級(jí)下冊(cè) Moudle3--4

1。A lot of foreigners are interested in Chinese m__________________(醫(yī)學(xué))
2. In order to keep healthy , we should have a healthy d____________(飲食) habit .
3. I only saw her during the i_____________(生病) of her father .
4. Who p______________(阻止) them from killing animals .
5. As a doctor ,his main job is to cure d______________(疾病)
6. They still didn’t make an agreement after a long d______________(辯論).
7. Several c___________(夫妻)were invited to take part in the party .
8. I felt r___________(輕松的)after listening to some light music .
9. S_____________(想象、假設(shè))it rains,---What should we do ?
10.The rain had started f____________(下、落) again .
11.Most people dress in a way that shows off their p____________(個(gè)性).
12.When you go shopping for clothes, do you choose something f_____________(時(shí)尚的)
13. It is the train not the t___________(運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋)that improve your speed and your score. 
14. It is really cold outside , I need an o____________(外套 ) .
15. Many young people wear strange clothes because they think they look c________( 酷的)

1. Nearly finished 。_________________,2. That’s not the point .________________
3.in the past ________________________ 4. know about sth _____________________
5. be better at _______________________ 6. prevent illness _____________________
7. public transport ___________________ 8. do one’s best________________________
9. talk of sth _______________________ 10. all one’s life ________________________
11. in those day _____________________12. a full-time job _______________________
13. ready-made food _________________14. fall off _____________________________
15. pick up _________________________16. get married _________________________
17. look forward to __________________18. take a look at ________________________
19. have on ________________________20 . put on _____________________________
21. look different ___________________ 22.look the same -----as_________________
23. go for this year’s colours __________24. catch one’s attention ___________________
25. personal look ___________________26. designer clothes _______________________
27. all over the world _______________ 28. prefer ---to ___________________________
29. care about _____________________ 30. have the logo ________________________
31. make much money ______________ 32. above all _____________________________
33. because of _____________________ 34. show off______________________________
35.think about _____________________36. think of ____________________________
III:根據(jù)中文提示完成句子。新 課 標(biāo)第 一 網(wǎng)
The most important __________is that people are _________ today and they live _______ than they ______ _____ _____ ________.
The _____________ is that we_______ ________ __________medicine today, and we are _______ __________ __________illness .
3. 人們現(xiàn)在吃得不像從前一樣好,而且做運(yùn)動(dòng)不像以前一樣多。
People don’t eat _____ _____ ______in the past and they don’t take ____ _______exercise _______they _________
4. 更快的交通就造成了更多的污染,這使生活變得更危險(xiǎn)更不健康。
Faster transport also ________ _______ _______ and they makes life ____dangerous
and ____________healthy .
_________ _________ free time , don’t forget I am going on the school trip next month .
6. 今天已婚婦女外出工作很正常,但過去就不太普遍
It’s ______for married women to go out to work , but it was ______ _______ in the past .
Have you decided ________ __________ __________ the school leavers’ party ?
It is the ______ _______, but it is a bit _________, Let’s see if they have one ____ ______.
.Do you like to______ ________or do you wear ___ ______clothes _______ your friends ?
Is it the logo ---the company symbol_______ ______ _________ ___________ ?
Everyone ___________money on clothes and everyone has their _______ __________.
Many people______ _______ ________ _________ they look,
_______ _________,designer clothes are more popular _______ _____clever advertising .
Most people dress_____ ____ ________ that ______ _________their personality .

1。形容詞和副詞原級(jí)的比較,一般用“as+原級(jí)+as “句型 ”否定句可以用“not so/as----as ”句型。如:
Jack is as__________( tall ) as Tom .
English is not___________ Chinese.
A. as difficult as B. so easy as
C. more useful as D. as harder as
2. 表示“A不如B”常常用“l(fā)ess +原級(jí)+than “句型。如:
He think English is __________ _____________ than Chinese .
=He think Chinese is __________ _____________ than English .
=He don’t think English is as ____________ as Chinese .
3。以—ly結(jié)尾的詞多為副詞,但如果是“名詞+ly ”則構(gòu)成形容詞,要注意區(qū)別,如:翻譯下列詞語:
friendly _____________ lonely ____________ lovely ___________
lively _______________ likely_____________ daily ____________
brotherly _____________ motherly _______________
4. ---ing形容詞和----ed形容詞的區(qū)別:---ing形容詞表示________(主動(dòng) 、被動(dòng)),常常用來描寫事物;----ed形容詞表示________(主動(dòng) 、被動(dòng)),常常用來描寫人,如:interesting -----interested
When we heard the _________ news , we were all __________.
A, excited / exciting B. exciting /excited
C. exciting /exciting D. excited /excited
5. 有些形容詞只能作表語, 不能放在名詞前面作定語,如
The ________ man is his uncle . ( A.ill B. sick C. asleep D. awake )
6. 形容詞作定語修飾名詞,一般放于名詞之前,但如果修飾不定代詞,則要放于不定代詞_____________。
Be quiet please, I have _________to tell you .
A, important something B. anything new
C, something important D. new nothing

介詞的用法比較豐富,應(yīng)該在平時(shí)的運(yùn)用中加以揣摩歸納,要注意一些常用介詞的用法,如:with, for 等,還要注意一些介詞的差異,如
1)in /on /at 的區(qū)別,如:
I arrived in Hefei _______ a very cold night
I usually get up ________ 6:00
There is a lot of rain _______ spring
They usually go out shopping ______ Sunday .
2)since /for 的區(qū)別
He has had this house _______ 1970
He has lived in Hefei ________ 10 years
3)in / after 表示“------之后“的區(qū)別
My father has gone to Beijing ,he will come back _______ a week .
_______ a week , he came back from Beijing .
2. 表示地點(diǎn)的方位介詞
1)in /on /to
Japan lies ______ the east of China
Korea lies _______ the east of China
Taiwan lies _______the east of China
2) over/on /above
There is a bridge ________ the river
Raise your arms _________ your head
There is a book _______ the desk
3) in front of /in the front of
There is a tall building _______ our house .
4) at /in /on
When did you arrive _______ Shanghai ?
He will arrive ______ the airport at six o’clock .
1) between /among
There is a school ______ many buildings
You should eat ________ meals
2) across /through/ over / past
Can you go _______ the forest by yourself ?
I can’t swim ______ the river .
The plane flew _____ a line of mountains in the southeast .
They walked _______ the library .
3) but / except / besides
There is nothing _______ a chair in the room
All the students went to the zoo ___ Jim, he was ill in bed .
I have a few friends _______ you .
4) with /without
_______ your help , I can’t finish the work .
_______ your help , I finally finished this hard work .

五、 知識(shí)點(diǎn)運(yùn)用。
1, Is life today _______(well) or ________(bad) than it was 50 years ago ?
2.It’s normal for __________( marry ) women to go out to work ,
3.Everyone has their __________( person )look .
4.People walk and use the bike ________( little ) because of faster public transport .
5. People don’t have to work as ________(hard ) as they did in the past
6. You will be more _________(relax) and ________(little) nervous after having a rest .
7. Families _________________(change)a lot since I was young .
8. The food was always __________(fresh ) cooked
9. Playing sports is one of the ___________________(popular ) leisure activities .
10.What helps you ____________( choose ) the clothes you like ?
11. All of the international companies spends ______________( million ) of dollars every year to make us ________( buy ) their clothes , and they _____________( success).

1. The ________ of this kind of machine is that it can save power, we needn’t change the battery every day
A. disadvantage B, advantage C. necessary D. importance
2. -------________ you ask him to go with us ?
----Good idea .
A. Let’s B. Why not C. Why don’t D. What about
3. -----What is the reason ?
----I _______ that’s because the weather now is much hotter than it was .
A. suppose B. wonder C. make D. lead
4. ----Are the twins well-behaved at school ?
----Yes, they are . and they are good ______ making friends.
A. with B. in C. at D. for
5. “Whose is this book?” “I’m not sure. It _______ be his.”
A. can B. may C. should D. must
6. If you give me _______, I’ll finish the work.
A. more a few time B. a few more time
C. more a little time D. a little more time
7. She said no letters _______since last Wednesday.
A. have received B. had received C. have been received D. had been received
8. Tom couldn’t open the door, because he ________ the key.
A. lost B. has lost C. will lose D. had lost
9. Please stop _______ and _______ to me.
A. talking, listen B. to talk , listening C. talking, listening D. to talk , listen
10. He’s traveled to France, ________.
A. so is his sister B. so has his sister
C. so his sister is D. so his sister has


1. I don’t feel _______( good , well ) enough to go to school today .I am terribly ill .
2. She said that she saw an alien come out of the flying saucer(飛碟),wasn’t it _________?
( amazing , amazed )
3. During the weekdays ,people wears suits ,But on weekends ,people usually dress more _____________ ( casual , casually )
4. It is __________( quiet , quite ) a touristy place during the summer vacation .
5. It is necessary for the blind to get a ________( special ; specially ) trained dog .
6. People are pretty ________( relaxed , relaxing ) about time in Colombia .
7. The weather will ______( probable ; probably ) be quite windy and cold .
8. The job is far _________( difficult ; more difficult ) than he thought .
9. Let’s go to Town Cinema, It has the most ________ ( comfort , comfortable ) seats .
10. It was raining so ________( hard , hardly ) that we couldn’t go out .
II. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
1. Jones did ________( bad ) in the English test , and I did even ________( bad ) .
2. When we speak to other people , we should be as _______ as possible . ( polite )
3. I like ______ ( old ) one of the two coats , It is made of cotton .
4. The red scarf is _________ ( pretty ) of all , You can give it to your mother as a gift .
5. When summer comes, it gets ________ and ________( hot )
6. The more he read the novel , __________ (interest ) he became in it .
7. There will be ________ and ______ (little ) pollution if we help to save our earth .
8. The West Lake is one of _________( beautiful ) lakes in China .
9. Does Tom play tennis as ________( well ) as his friends .
10. My ______ (old ) brother is five ________( old ) than I .
III 單項(xiàng)選擇
1. ----- Catherine is ______ girl to speak in public .
------ You should encourage her to try her best .
A. much too a shy B. too much shy a C. such shy a D. much too a shy
2. ----- Congratulations ! You did ______ in the exam .
------ Thank you , But you did much _________.
A. good , better B. well ; better C. bad ; more badly D better ;well
3. This dress is _______ that one , but I think it is ______ than that one .
A. as expensive as ; most beautiful B. as more expensive as , less beautiful
C. as expensive as ; less beautiful D. better , well
4. I am afraid this pair of pants is _____ tight ; besides , the price is _________.
A. too ; high B. very ; expensive C. so ; low D. rather ; cheap
5. ----I think the story is not so _______ as that one .
---- I disagree , The second one is ________, I think .
A. interesting , more interesting B. more interesting , interesting
C. interesting , most interesting D. most interesting ; interested
6. -----I am too old to learn how to use the computer . That’s a pity .
-----Oh, No , anyone can _______ be too old to learn .
A . always B, yet C. sometimes D, never
7. ________ you come back , ______ it will be .
A. The quicker , the best B. The sooner , the better
C. Faster , better D. The sooner , better
8. I like ______ one of the three books ,it has the newest opinion .
A. later B. latest C. the latest D. the later
9. ----Richard’s parents look very young at their age .
----- In fact , his father is ______ than his father .
A. older six years B. as six years older
C. six years older D. bigger six years
10. Do you have ______ to give us ?
A. something new , B. new something
C. anything new D. new anything .
11. Don’t worry . He is _____ to look after little Betty .
A. carefully enough B, enough careful
C. enough carefully D. careful enough
12. These oranges taste _______ , please try some .
A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well
13. I think dumplings are _______ , Let’s have dumplings for dinner .
A. delicious B. more delicious C. the most delicious D. most delicious
14. The horse is getting old and can ‘t run _________ it did .
A. as faster as B. so fast than C. so fast as D. fast as
15. If we follow this plan , we will do this job better with _____ money and _____ people .
A. less ; less B. fewer ; fewer C. less ; fewer D. fewer ; less

1. Gina was born _______ 2003 . she is old enough to go to school .
A. to B. on C. at D. in
2. Mr. Wang has gone to Shanghai on business . He will be back ____ four days .
A. after B. from C. for D. in
3. ----- What time do you usually get up . Rick ?
-----I usually get up _______ five o’clock .
A. in B. at C. on D. for
4. ----Do you go to school every day ?
---- No, we go to school only ________Monday to Friday .
A. from B. on C. between D. in
5. ------What would you do _______ the lost library book ?
------I would try to find it or pay ______it .
A. on ; for B. for; to C. with ; to D. with ; for
6. Would you please send _______ a doctor ? My grandpa is ill
A. for B. away C. off D. with
7. ______ the help of Project Hope , many poor children can go to school again .
A. Under B., Because C. Without D. With
8. -----Why did you all go swimming _____Tom ?
-----Because he was ill in bed .
A. with B, but C. besides D. except
9. ________ your help , I can’t get the information about Hawaii easily .
A. With B. without C. Under D. Below
10.---What do you call this in English ?
----It is a stamp . It is used ______ sending letters .
A. for B. to C. with D. by
11. Nobody can stop me _______ working hard at English .
A. for B. on C. from D. in
12. -----What do you often do ______ classes to relax yourself ?
------Listen to music .
A. over B. among C. between D. through
13. We looked at each other _______surprise when we heard a bird singing “happy birthday to you “.
A. in B. to C. by D. at
14. -----How do you learn English so well ?
----_________ chatting with my uncle in America online .
A. For B. By C. In D. With
15. Do you know the young lady ______ your mother is talking ?
A. Who B. whom C. with whom D. which
16. All of us are proud _____the great change of our country .
A. with B. of C. about D, for
17. ----Your coat looks nice , what is it _____?
---- Cotton .
A. made from B. made of C. made in D, made into

九年級(jí)下冊(cè) Moudle 5--6

1. Before we can enjoy ourselves , here are some rules and s_____________(建議)
2. You should think about you personal s____________( 安全)
3.We should h__________(掛)the food in the tree tonight .
4.Your shouldn’t l__________(留下)anything which bears might think is food .
5. He has had an a___________(事故),he has b___________(摔壞) his leg .
6. He has got a w___________(傷口 )in his leg and he may have a fever .
7.Someone who is born today can e_________(期待)to live 25 years longer 。
8.Many doctors believe that happiness is important for our g_________(總體的) health .
9. Sometimes it is not easy to be a teenager because of the p________(壓力) of school。
10. In the past , people’s jobs r__________(需要) more p__________ e_________(體力)。
11. Do you get the same a____________(數(shù)量) of exercise today as they did in the past ?
12. Think about the e__________( 影響) on your family and friends .

1.listen up ________________________ 2. keep to the path _________________
3.walk along the edge ______________ 4. hurt oneself _____________________
5. keep together___________________ 6. go off __________________________
7. on one’s own ___________________ 8. get lost ________________________
9. go rock climbing ________________ 10. personal safety _________________
11. take a look across the countryside ______________________________________
12. lead the way __________________ 13. be worried about ________________
14. fall asleep ____________________ 15. make breakfast __________________
16. from a distance _______________ 17. pick up the rubbish _______________
18. make some noise ______________ 19. make some gestures _______________
20. reach out ____________________ 21. stand still ________________________
22. in the same position ___________ 23 go cold __________________________
24. catch up ____________________ 25. have an accident ___________________
26. call for help _________________ 27. had better do sth ___________________
28. get a wound ________________ 29. get a fever ________________________
30. nothing serious ______________ 31. expect to do sth ____________________
32. Be careful of ________________ 33. be sure about ______________________
34. an amount of _______________ 35. keep fit /safe ______________________
36.see----- as __________________ 37. now and then ____________________
38. put on weight ______________ 39. rest up ___________________________
40. damage one’s health __________ 41. at least ___________________________
42. keep sth away from __________ 43. stop sb from doing sth ______________

1. 你必須沿著小徑走,你絕對(duì)不能沿著路的邊緣走,因?yàn)槟憧赡軙?huì)摔下去而受傷。
You must _______ ______ the path , you _________ _______ ________the edge because you might fall and ________ ____________ .
You have to_______ _________ you mustn’t ______ _______ ______ ______ _______, because you might _______ __________ .
Let’s _____ __________this path , and then we can________ the stream and ______ _____ to the top of that mountain , then we take a look __________the countryside .
4. 當(dāng)我從帳篷里朝外看時(shí),卻什么也看不見。
When I _______ _____ _____the tent , there was nothing _____ ______
Bears can climb trees , they can ________ food ________ ___ ______________ .
6.如果我要是伸出手的話, 就能摸著它。
If I _______ __________ , I can just _________him .
7. 你絕對(duì)不能動(dòng)或做任何手勢(shì),最要緊的是, 你絕對(duì)不可以跑,在森林里沒有什么東西能比熊跑得快。
You mustn’t move or _______ _____ _______, and ______ ______ ,you must run, _____ __________can run faster in the forest _______ a bear .
8.他 太恐懼了以至于站在那里紋絲不動(dòng)。
He was _______ frightened ________he_________ very_________ there .
9.接下來的十天里,每次突然聽到響聲后, 我都十分驚恐,全身發(fā)冷。
For the next 10 days , ______ _______there was a sudden noise, my blood _____ _____.
10. 他正沿著城墻奔跑,突然絆倒了,從這邊上摔了下去。
He was running ________ the wall when he ________ and_______ ______ the edge .
11. 由于在健康和個(gè)人安全兩方面的改善,大部分人都活得健康一些,長(zhǎng)壽一些。
_______ _____ improvements in_____ health _____personal safety , most people are living________,__________ lives ..
It_____ _______ _____ ________that in the future more and more people will __________their hundredth birthday .
13. 攀爬意味著摔倒,上去肯定要下來,安全規(guī)則和建議是在幫助你,而不是減少你生活的樂趣。
__________may also means ________ . -----What goes up must _____ _____ . safety rules and advice are there to help you , not to ______life ________ _________ .
14.吃一些合適的東西很重要,最主要的 是水果和蔬菜,同時(shí)把快餐和甜食看作是一些偶爾為之的特別的東西也很重要。
It is important to eat _____ _______ right things,_____ _______, fruit , vegetables , and to _______ fast food or sweet things _________something very special ?maybe just______ ____ ________.
15. 許多青少年通過吸煙和吸毒給健康造成的危害比別的危險(xiǎn)更大,想一想它給你的家庭、朋友帶來的影響吧,
More teenagers damage their health ___________smoking and taking drugs than ________ ______ _________. _______ __________ the effect ________ your family and friends,
When farmer were working in the fields, they were______ _________at the same time , but most people don’t do the same kind of ________ ___________ today .

當(dāng)表示一個(gè)人能、會(huì)做某事時(shí), 常用can ,could ,有時(shí)可以和be able to do sth ”進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換。如:
My 5—year-old daughter ______ draw a beautiful picture in 5 minutes .
=My 5—year ?old daughter___ _______ _______ draw a beautiful picture in 5 minutes.
如表示某事可能要發(fā)生或不太可能發(fā)生,用“may, might, can ,could 等,表“可能”如:
He ________ be at home , he has gone abroad .
It _________ be Tom’s book , look , his name is on the cover .
He ________ stay in the office because the light is on now .
如果是允許某人做某事,或征求對(duì)方的許可,可以用“may, might, can ,could”,
Wen you are free , you ________ go fishing by the river .
----_____ I sit here ? ------Sure , sit down please 。
表示“命令、禁止、不得不”之類的含義時(shí)一般用must ,mustn’t ,have to 等,如:
You________ swim in this river , because it is too deep and dangerous .
You ________ be careful when you go across the street .
My brother is ill in bed ,so I ___________take care of him at home .
表示“沒必要”不必做某事時(shí),常用needn’t ,don’t have to ,或用“It isn’t necessary to do
sth ”或“there is no necessity to do sth “的句型。如:
You __________ worry about money , I can lend you in the time of need .
表示“應(yīng)該、義務(wù)”常常用“should ,ought to , must 等。
I ____________ train more to improve my game .
表示想做某事可以用“would like /love to do sth ”,如:
I __________ be an actor
8) 表示“建議”和“邀請(qǐng)”
Would you like /love to do ------
Shall we ------
You’d better (not ) do -----
What do you think of ----- ?= How do you like -----?
What / how about -------
Why don’t you ------?
Why not ------? 如:
_______ borrow some books from your teacher ?
___________ rock climbing at the weekend ?
9. 表“請(qǐng)求對(duì)方干某事”
如果是請(qǐng)求對(duì)方干什么事情時(shí), 可以用can you ----?”也可以用下列句型:
Will /Would / Could you -------?
Will /Would you please------?
Would you mind ------?
I wonder if you can ------ 如:
____________ turning off the radio ? it is too noisy .
____________ help me with my English ?

五、 知識(shí)點(diǎn)運(yùn)用。
1. It was very ________(peace) and we fell asleep ________(listen) to the sound of water .
2. The first rule of camping is ________(keep ) a clean camp site .
3. I saw a baby bear ________(play) with some sticks and stones .
4. I remembered_________(close ) the door, but why is it still open now ?
5. Smoking is not ___________( allow ) inside the building .
6. ________(save ) water is to save ourselves .
7. There he is ,_________( lie ) on the ground .
8. We had better _______( get ) you to hospital .
9. In the future more and more people will celebrate their ___________(hundred ) birthday .
10. Be_______( care) , it is dangerous out there .
V. 從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或短語并用其正確形式完成句子。
Fall asleep , reach out ,look out of , turn round , watch out

1. ___________!the baby bear aand his huge mother are in front .
2. The soldiers were so tired that they _________ soon .
3. You mustn’t ______ the window in class .
4. It is very dangerous __________ to touch the tigers in the zoo .
5. The boy saw something strange as soon as he _____________.

Lead the way ,lead a happy life , fall off ,in order to , fit, absent
1. From then on , the prince and the princess ____________.
2. You must be more careful not to ______________ the ladder .
3. Our scientists are _________ in space research .
4. __________ catch up with others , the boy worked very hard.
5. No one is __________, every student is here .
6. He runs 3 kilometers every morning , that’s why he is so ________.

VI 從A---E中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容與1---5的內(nèi)容組成完整、通順的句子。
( )1. We can live longer than
( ) 2. To keep healthy ,
( ) 3. We all know that we shouldn’t
( ) 4. After a good night’s rest
( ) 5. When farmers are working in the fields
A. run across the road when traffic lights are red.
B. you look better, feel better and work better too
C. they are exercising
D. the people who lived 100 years ago .
E. one should do some exercise every day .
1. -----Do you speak French or English in Canada?
-------_______, but I prefer French.
A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. None
2, ------Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?
------Yes, here you are. You can _______it as long as you like.
A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. look
3. I sit in front of the classroom _______I can hear clearly.
A. so that B. when C. in order to D. so
4. ------How many students are there in your school?
------_______ the students in our school _______over two thousand.
A. The number of, is B. The number of, are
C. A number of, is D. A number of , are
5.You are very young. You must remember_______.
A. what your father said B. what your father say
C. what does your father say D. what did you father say
6.It’s very kind______ you to get the tickets ______ the World Cup.
A. for, of B. of, for C. of, to D. to, for
7.------ How many teachers are there in your school?
------________, I think. But I don’t know the exact number.
A. hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundreds of D. Hundreds or thousands
8.------Will you stay for lunch?
------Sorry, ______. My brother is coming to see me.
A.I mustn’t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.I won’t
9.When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.
A. would B. should C. had better D. might
10.There ______ no hurry, need there?
A. need be B. need to be C. doesn’t D. needs
11.-------______ the sports meeting might be put off.
-------Yes, it all depends on the weather.
A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D.I told
12.Every morning, we are asked ______ taken our temperatures.
A .if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we
13. I will give ______ students ______ minutes for them to finish their exercise
A. the other; other five B. the other; another five
C. other; five more D. other; more five
14.------I called you just now, but you weren’t in
------Sorry, I ______ the reading room.
A. was in B. have gone to C. studied D. had been to
15.The family ______ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened
at ______.
A. were sitting; Mr. Brown B. were sitting; Mr. Brown’s
C. was sitting; Mr. Brown D. was sitting; Mr. Brown’s

九年級(jí)下冊(cè) Moudle7--8

1. Every hand has five f____________(手指 ) .
2. Here is a s_________(諺語 ) , “When in Rome , do as the Romans do “
3. The old man can’t see anything because he is b__________( 瞎了) .
4. I love listening to persons who have the s____________( 感覺) of humor .
5. He was killed by an electric s___________( 電擊) .
6. In Spain , It is u__________( 平常、通常) to eat lunch at 2 pm .
7. There is no s____________( 相似的) expression in English .
8. If you feel an e____________( 解釋) is required , Just say “I am sorry ----“
9. No one will be c____________( 生氣的) if you do that .
10. You are e__________(要求、期望 ) to stay and talk around the table after dinner .
11. The best b________(一段 ) is the fight between the two families .
12. Can you r_________(背誦 ) any more lines ?
13. Can you hear the d___________(對(duì)白) ?
14. They found their a__________(口音) really difficult to understand .
15. Sports fans have plenty of c_________( 機(jī)會(huì)) to watch some great sports .
16. New York itself is the s________( 題材、目標(biāo)) of many movies by directors .
17. You have to b________(預(yù)定 ) tickets a long time before you want to go .

1. finger food _____________ fast food _____________ a traditional dish ____________
2. be invited to do sth _______________ 3. be chosen to do sth __________________
4. be heated up ____________________ 5. I see what you mean _________________
6. know about _____________________ 7. eat together _______________________
8. similar expression ________________ 9. serve oneself ______________________
10. be expected to do sth ______________ 11.as soon as _________________________
12. a knife and fork __________________ 13. at the start of ______________________
14. be pleased to do sth _______________ 15.be pleased with sth ________________
16. stay still ________________________ 17.What was the best bit ?________________
18. play the roles of _________________ 19. at the end _________________________
20. kill oneself _____________________ 21. have a good seat ___________________
22. I am impressed.__________________ 23. I was starving.____________________
24. No such luck ___________________ 25. be well-known for _________________
26. in the open air __________________ 27. at all times of the day _______________
28. a huge number of _______________ 29. be proud of ______________________
30. all types of ____________________ 31. the city that never sleeps ____________

I have ________ __________ ___________ look after the dance music .
2. 已通知每個(gè)人要準(zhǔn)備一種自己國(guó)家的傳統(tǒng)食物。
Everyone _____ ______ ______ to prepare a traditional dish from ____ _____ countries .
3. 入鄉(xiāng)隨俗
When in Rome , do _____ _______ _________ _________.
4. 左手拿叉右手拿刀,用叉子按住食物再用刀子來切開。
The food is ______ __________ the fork and _______ __________ a spoon .
5. 有些食物可以直接用手拿著吃。
There is some food _________can _____ _______ __________your fingers .
6. 如果有些夾給你的菜你不喜歡吃,可以把它推到盤子邊上留下來。
If you have been given something you don’t like , it should be pushed to the edge of the plate and left .
7. 一般來說,菜不會(huì)像中國(guó)人那樣準(zhǔn)備那么多,他們并不認(rèn)為上太多的菜才顯得熱情。
Generally , _________ dishes are prepared than in China . It ______ ___________ _____ ____ so important to_________ too much food .
8. 如果西方朋友邀請(qǐng)你進(jìn)餐,記住,你應(yīng)該在最后一道菜上來之后在餐桌旁多待一會(huì)兒,聊聊天。吃飽了就離開會(huì)被認(rèn)為不禮貌。
If you have _______ _______ _______dinner by western friends , you will know that you ______ _________ ________ stay and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish has been __________to the table, and it is thought quite________ if you leave_____ _______ ______you finish eating .
9. 我看的很滿意, 但一動(dòng)不動(dòng)坐三小時(shí)太長(zhǎng)了點(diǎn)。
I was pleased_____ _________ it , but three hours is a long time to ________ _________ .
10. 最好的辦法是先讀劇本再去看戲。
The best way is ______ ___________ the play ____________you see it .

She bought me a new car -------
I ______ _______ a new car by him .
A new car _______ ______ ______ me by him .
Old man should ________ politely .
A. be spoken B. be spoken to C. be taken care D. be looked
I heard Jane playing the piano in her room .
Jane ______ ________ ______ the piano in the room .
4)主動(dòng)句中在感官動(dòng)詞see, hear ,watch, feel, notice等,及使役動(dòng)詞let, make, have 等后面省略to的不定式,變?yōu)楸粍?dòng)句時(shí),應(yīng)加上to,如:
The girl is made ______ ( stay ) in the room .
They were often heard ____________(sing ) Beijing Opera in the park .
5. 注意這兩組詞組的區(qū)別聯(lián)系:
A: be used to do sth , be used as , be used by
used to do sth be used to doing sth
B: be made from be made of be made into
be made for be made by
1. We are going to look for the missing bike in the school .
2. Bob has cleaned up the classroom
3. we should do something to protect the endangered animals .
4. Can you understand what he said ?
5. Will these students plant some trees around our school ?
6. The teacher often made him stand outside because he was too naughty
2.復(fù)習(xí)歸納動(dòng)詞不定式的用法 (詳見八年級(jí)下動(dòng)詞不定式專練)
1.---- Can you ride a horse? ---- No, I never had the chance ____.
A. for learning it B. for learning how C. how to learn it D. to learn how
2. ---- I’ll help you whenever you need me.
---- Good. I'd like _____me tomorrow.
A. you helping B. that you will help C. you to help D. that you help
3. ---- I didn't hear you come in last night.
---- That's good. We tried _____ noisy.
A. not be B. not to be C. to be not D. to not be
4. Because of air pollution being greatly reduced, this city is still ______.
A. a good place which to be lived in B. lived as a good place
C. a good place to live in D. living in as a good place
5. ---- Why was the official meeting called?
---- ______ new officers.
A. Select B. Selecting C. To select D. For selecting
6. ---- Where did he go?
---- He went to another store ______.
A. to buy pencils B. for buying pencils C. buy pencils D. buying pencils
7. ---- My baby has a heart trouble.
---- Did the doctor find it difficult ______ ?
A. in treating B. treating C. for treating D. to treat
8. Nobody likes ______.
A. to speak ill of B. to be spoken ill of C. speaking ill of D. spoken ill of
9. I was surprised______.
A. watching him to eat so quickly B. watch him eat so quickly
C. watching him eat so quickly D. to watch him eat so quickly
10. Mr. White was seen ______ the Palace Museum.
A. enter B. to enter C. entered D. to entering
11. To play fair is as important as ______.
A. to play well B. play well C. we play well D. playing well
12. It is the greatest happiness on earth ______.
A. loving and to be loved B. to love and being loved
C. to love and to be loved D. love and be loved
13. It's very foolish _____ it?
A. for you to say B. of you to say C. with you saying D. in your saying
14. He told her ______ there at once.
A. get B. gets C. should get D. to get
15. ---- What do you think about English?
---- It's a difficult language _____.
A. speaking B. to be spoken C. to speak D. spoken

五、 知識(shí)點(diǎn)運(yùn)用。
1. When will the sports meeting ___________(hold ) ?
2. In China, usually fruit _________ after dinner in a restaurant .
3. Can your dictionary _______ (lend ) to me to use .
4. It isn’t thought ________( be ) polite to leave as soon as you finish eating .
5. It was hard to see the play in the back . the best place _______(sit ) is in front row .
6. New York is the great place ________(see) the big names and the top stars .
7. Sports fans have plenty of ____________(chance) to watch some great sports .
8. If you come to New York in summer , Remember to spend a day in Central Park ________
( watch ) a play in the open air .
9. He decided ____________( not go ) swimming in the sea .
10. I often hear him ________( tell ) jokes in the office .

1. _______ big the tree is!
A. What B. How a C. What a D. How
2. -- What's wrong with you, Sandy? You look so worried.
-- My pet cat _______ by a car this afternoon. And it is in hospital now.
A. is hit B. was hit C. hit D. will be hit
3. --When did your father come back last night?
--He didn't come back _______ he finished all the work.
A. until B. while C. if D. or
4. --What do you _______ your hometown?
--I love it very much.
A. look at B. think about C. think of D. like
5. ---- There is nobody here. Let's play football.
-- --No, we can't. My father often tells me _______ in the street. It's dangerous. ( )
A. to play B. don’t play C. not to play D. not play
6. The boy is so naughty ,so he is always made ________ in the office .
A. stand B, to stand C. standing D. stood
7. He used to get up late, but now he is used ________up very early .
A. to get B. get C. to getting D. getting
8. This toy is made _____ paper, it was made ______my baby by his aunt .
A, of/for B. from / for C. into / with D. by / by
9. I was surprised______.
A. watching him to eat so quickly B. watch him eat so quickly
C. watching him eat so quickly D. to watch him eat so quickly
10. Mr. White was seen ______ the Palace Museum.
A. enter B. to enter C. entered D. to entering
11. To play fair is as important as ______.
A. to play well B. play well C. we play well D. playing well
12. It is the greatest happiness on earth ______.
A. loving and to be loved B. to love and being loved
C. to love and to be loved D. love and be loved
13. It's very foolish _____ it?
A. for you to say B. of you to say C. with you saying D. in your saying
14. He told her ______ there at once.
A. get B. gets C. should get D. to get
15. ---- What do you think about English?
---- It's a difficult language _____.
A. speaking B. to be spoken C. to speak D. spoken

寫一篇小短文,告訴你美國(guó)的筆友一些中國(guó)的餐桌禮儀,參考課本P58 ,62頁。


1.it _____________ like that .
A. can do B. be done C. can be done D. is doing
2. My shoes are worn out , can they __________?
A. be mended B. mended C. are mended D. mend
3. The medicine must _________ on time .
A. take B. taken C. be taken D. are taken
4. The trees ___________ on both sides of the road .
a. can planted B. can be planted C. plant D. are planting
5. _________ the machine _______ for keeping warm ?
A. Is, used B. Do , use C. Is ,using D. Did ,use
6. The teapot _______ for keeping tea hot after it _________.
a. is used , was made B. is using , is making
C. uses , makes D. is using , is making
7. The medicine _______ cool, clean and dry .
A. must keep B. must be kept C. must be carried D. must be in
8. ----- My watch _______.
----- Don’t worry , let’s go to the Lost &Found . 新 課 標(biāo)第 一網(wǎng)
A. is lost B ,is broken C. has found D. has stopped
9. The doctor looked over Peter carefully after he _______ to the hospital .
A.,takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken
10. this kind of desk ________ wood .
A. is making of B. made of C. is made from D. is made of
11. Today computers ______ in both cities and towns .
A. were using B. are used C. were used D. are using
12. Oh, this is a big shop , Do you know when it _________?
A. built , B. was built C. has built D. has been built
13, Don’t eat the food , It ______.
A. is smelled bad B. smells well C. smelled badly D. smells bad
14. The 2009 China F1 car race _________ in Shanghai .
A. is held B.will hold C. has held D. will be held
15. The flowers ________ every day , or they’ll die .
A. must water B. can be watered C, should water D. must be watered
16. Pleased show me the watch that you want _______.
A. it repaired B. to have repaired C. to have it repaired D. to repair it .
17. we _________ not to play computer games .
A. tell B told C. are told D. said
18. The children should be told ______ the traffic rules .
A. to break B. break C. not to break D. to not break
19. Tell those children _____ there , it is dangerous .
A. not swim B. don’t swim C. not to swim D. to not swim
20 .What do you make _____ your mother on her birthday ?
A. give B. to give C. given C. to giving
21.He was often made _________ in the classroom .
A. cry B. cries C. to cry D. crying
22. I believe that those mountains ______ with trees in a few years’ time .
.A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D, will cover
23. The lights must ________ before you leave the classroom .
A. turn on B. turn off C. be turning on D. be turned off
24. People can _________ running everywhere , Do you kanow what _________/
A. see, has happened B. see, happens
C, be seen , is happened D. be seen , is happening
25. What makes you ________ it is going to rain tomorrow ?
A. to think B. thought C. think D. thinking
26. ----Is there a new factory near here ?
----Yes, it _________ only a few months ago .
A. is found B, was found C. was founded D. would be founded
27. Today , the forests have almost gone , people must _______ down many trees .
A. stop to cut B. stop from cutting
C. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting
28. ---Your sweater looks nice, is it ______ wool ?
----Yes, and it is _______ Inner Mongolia .
A. made of , made by B. made of ; made in
C. made by , made for D. made by , made from
29. You may go fishing if your work ________.
A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have done
30. ----What do you think of the football match yesterday ?
----Well , It ‘s surprising , the strongest team of our school ______.
A. was beaten B. won C. scored D. was failed
31. A man ______ himself Mr know-all died of cancer last night .
A. to call B. called C. calling D. of calling
32. The letter is _______ in French . I can not read it .
A. writing B. written C. wrote D. writes
33. The children are often asked ______ loudly in the library , they must keep quiet .
A.. to speak B. not to speak C. don’t speak D. not speak
34. We are often told ________ at people who are in trouble .
A. not to smile B. to smile C. not to laugh D. to laugh
35. A talk on English study ______ by Smith this Friday .
A. will give B. will be given C. gives D. were given
36. The river smells terrible . We must _______ people from _________ dirty things into it .
A. stop , throw B. stop ,throwing
C. to stop , to throw D. stopping, throwing
37. Do you remember ____ me somewhere before ?
a. to meet B. met C. meeting D. meet
38. Tom is often made ________ for twelve hours a day by the boss .
A. work B. working C. to work D. to be working .
39. To make our country more beautiful , rubbish _______ into the river .
a. needn’t be thrown B. mustn’t be thrown
C. can’t throw D. may not throw
40 .He _______ in the bathroom , but he was _______, we didn’t know who had killed him .
A. is found , died B. was found , dying
C. found , dead D. was found , dead
41. Don’t be afraid , the dog ______ to the tree .
A. is tied B. must tie C. was tied D. has tied
42. It is important ________ and helpful .
A to be kind B. to kind C. be kind D. kind
43. The old scientist encourages everyone _____ part in ______ the environment .
A. taking to protect B. taking , protecting
C. to take , to protect D. to take , protecting
44. He stood up to make himself _______.
A. see B. saw C. seeing D. seen
45,,He like singing , and _________ in the room .
A. hears sing B. is heard sing
C. is heard singing D. is heard to sing
46. A bird was seen _____ into the classroom yeasterday.
A. flew B.to fly C. was flying D. fly
47. The meat smells terible and has ________.
A. to throw away B. thrown away C. throw away D. to be thrown away .
48. He often buy some clothes _______ abroad .
A. are made B. are making C. making D. produced
49. Students are tired and often __________ much homework .
A, gave B. give C. given D. giving
50 .The boy often _________ some toys , so he is very happy .
A. buy B. bought C. is bought D. buying .
51.This kind os clothes _____ well , and it ________.
A. sells , has been sold out B. is sold , has been sold out
C. sold , has sold out D. was sold , sold out
52. ---Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory tomorrow ?
---. Yes, every student _______ about it .
A. have told B. have been told C. has told D. has been told
53. China’s sport stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang ________ Goodwill Ambassadors for Shanghai .
A. has been named B. have been named
C. has named D. have named
54.English _______ in many countries , but Chinese _________ their own language .
A. is spoken , speaks B. speak , is spoken
C. is spoken , speak D. is spoken. is spoken

九年級(jí)下冊(cè) Moudle 9--10

1. W__________(無論何處) you go in the world , I will wait for you here .
2.How much p____________(進(jìn)步 ) in English do you think you have made this year ?
3I think I’ve a___________(完成、達(dá)到) a lot, and I am proud of what I have learnt.
4.Learning a foreign language r__________(需要)a certain e_________(努力)
5.We o_________( 歸功于) our good grades to the suggestions you have made
6.You have hung international flags from the floor to the c__________(天花板)
7. Do you i__________(想、企圖)to stay in China for long .
8. Let’s f__________( 去拿來) something to eat .
9. Let’s r__________(舉起)our glasses. here’s to our friendship .
10. Please f__________(原諒)me if I make any mistake.
11. What I’ve learnt is the i____________(重要性) of friendship .
12. Sometimes the friends you t__________(珍視)most are the friends you see less often .
13. English is used for g___________(政府) ,education ,and t________(貿(mào)易)
14.The USA s__________( 擴(kuò)散) English all over the world through newspapers and films .
15. It is now the common language for international travel, i__________(工業(yè) ) .
16.English is e______________( 極其重要的) for tourism ,entertainment and so on .
17.We can never pay you back for your kindness, your p___________( 耐心) ,
18. It changes every year with new words and e_____________( 表達(dá)方式) .

1. be proud of _________________ 2. reach a level ___________________
3. above all ___________________ 4. a certain effort _________________
5. make progress _______________ 6. an English corner _______________
7. no matter __________________ 8. be used for ____________________
9.be used by __________________ 10. a quarter of ___________________
11.What’s more _______________ 12. give help with sth _______________
13. industrial products __________ 14. the common language _____________
15.in recent year ______________ 16. either ---or --____________________
17. grow in importance _________ 18. as common as __________________
19. in place of _________________ 20. at least ________________________
21. belong to __________________ 22. feel a bit sad ___________________
23. all together ________________ 24. It’s got a great beat_____________
25. intend to do sth ______________ 26. stay friends ___________________
27. make a speech _______________ 28. as we all know ________________
29.have a lot of fun ______________ 30. stay in touch __________________
31. prepare oneself for ____________ 32. owe sth to sb _________________
33. pay sb back _________________ 34.be strict with sb _______________
35.be strict in sth _______________ 36. role models ___________________
1. 應(yīng)該記住英語從其他語言中借用了很多詞語,或者原詞借用,或稍微改變。
It is important to remember that English has_________many words from other languages , __________ _________ the same word ________ very similar .
Many people think that if China continues to _______ ____ _________, Chinese will become____ ____________ _______ English by the middle of the 21st century .
More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese __________ a foreign language ,
________ __________ ________other European languages.
4. 至少在未來的20或30年中,英語將是應(yīng)用最廣泛的語言。
__ ________for the next 20or 30 years, English will be the language _______ _____ ____
5. 即使語法、詞匯、拼寫方面有所不同,我們都屬于國(guó)際英語這個(gè)世界。
______ _________there are differences in grammar, vocabulary, and spelling , we all _______ ________ the international English speaking world .
6. 我認(rèn)為自己取得了很大成績(jī),對(duì)于自己所學(xué)我也感到很自豪。
I think I’ve achieved ___ _______, and I _____ __________ _____what I have learnt. .
7. 一門語言再簡(jiǎn)單,要學(xué)習(xí)它也必須付出一定努力的。
__________a foreign language ___________a _________effort , __________ easy it is .
8. 我并不認(rèn)為英語真的有多難學(xué),盡管它并不像看上去那么簡(jiǎn)單。
I ______ ________it is really difficult to learn English ,_________ it is a language which looks__________ than it ___________ is .
9. 能夠遇到一些想學(xué)英語的人是件好事,無論他們的英語有多好(或多壞)
It is good to meet other people_________want to learn English , _____ _________ __________good their English is .
10. 不管怎樣, 我最高興的是, 無論走到哪里都可以用英語。
________, what I like most is that you can use English _________you go in the world .
11. 朋友不用總見面,有時(shí)你最珍惜的朋友卻是那些你不太常見的朋友。
Friends don’t have to see _____ __________ all the time , Sometimes the friends you treasure _________are the friends you see __________often .
12. 沒有老朋友的生活,就像白天缺少了陽光。我們會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)保持聯(lián)系。
A life ______old friends is like a day ______ sunshine , we’ll always _____ __ ______ .
13. 我們的優(yōu)異成績(jī)要?dú)w功于你們,在那些漫漫長(zhǎng)夜給我們提的寶貴建議。
We _____ our good grades ______ the suggestions you have_____ ________ those long evenings .
14. 我們永遠(yuǎn)難以回報(bào)你們的友善、耐心、以及你們傳授給我們的知識(shí)。
We can never _____ you ______ _____ your _____, your _______ , and gift of knowledge which you have _________ us ;
sometimes you have ____ _______ _______us; sometimes you have made us ________ hard , But you have always been _____ and you will always be our_____ __________ .
16. 我不能再用更好的話來表達(dá)自己的心聲了, 所以從內(nèi)心深處,我感謝你們所有的人, 也祝你們有一個(gè)成功的未來。
I couldn’t say it ________ myself . so _____ ___ _______ _____my heart , I thank you all and _______ you ___________ for the future .

A:連詞的選擇。(that, if ,whether,和疑問詞如:what, how 等)如:
I hear _______ he has passed the exam .
I wonder ______he has passed the exam.
I want to know _______he has passed the exam or not .
----Can you tell me _____he bought the computer ?
----Last month .
I don’t know where we _________( go ) for the holiday next month.
I didn’t know where we ____________( go ) for the holiday next month .
He told me that the moon ________( go ) around the earth .
Can you tell me __________ ?
A. How can I get there B. where can we get the car repaired.
C. what did he say D. when he should go to the party .
A從句引導(dǎo)詞的選擇,(that,which , who , whom , when ,where,whose, why。)如:
Everyone _______ goes to Britain says the countryside is beautiful .
Do you see the children ________ are playing basketball .
He has two brothers , ________ are both doctors .
I never the day ______ I got to the school
He still remembered the place ________he was born .
I like the house _______ garden is so big and nice .
That is the reason _______he was late for class .
B 定語從句中主謂一致原則。當(dāng)定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞在從句中作主語時(shí),從句的謂語動(dòng)詞在人稱和數(shù)上應(yīng)與先行詞保持一致。如:
They lived in houses which _________(was /were ) often old , cold or unsafe .
They lived in a house which ________(was/were ) cold and unsafe .
C 定語從句分限制性定語從句和非限制性定語從句,在非限制性定語從句中不能用引導(dǎo)詞that . 如:
Last week I climbed the Great Wall , _______ is famous all over the world .
3)狀語從句 . 主要注意兩點(diǎn)
A;根據(jù)句子的意思選用恰當(dāng)?shù)倪B詞(if, because, though----等)。如:
________ there is a will , there is a way .
I have brought some photos ______ you can see what Britain looks like .
_______ the food wasn’t good , it is getting better .
Don’t worry , I will wait until he _________(come ) back .
Please call me if your friend __________( get) to Hefei next week .

2. 構(gòu)詞法
newspaper , afternoon , airline , middle-aged , nothing -------
care---- careful , careless ; use--- reused, useful , useless-----
1. 在下列單詞后加適當(dāng)?shù)脑~綴,使其成為名詞
work_______________ educate _______________ act_____________
develop _____________ tour __________________ begin ___________
decide ______________ free___________________ kind ____________
2. 在下列單詞后加適當(dāng)?shù)脑~綴,使其成為形容詞
thank ______________ friend_________________ live ____________
forget ______________ enjoy ________________ excite ___________
use_________________ care __________________ rain ____________
3. 給下列單詞加適當(dāng)?shù)脑~綴,使其意思相反
happy ______________ polite _____________ appear__________
use ________________ understand __________ legal___________
4. 寫出下列詞的副詞形式
hard_____________ near _______________ quiet _______________
early ____________ real________________ careful _______________

五、 知識(shí)點(diǎn)運(yùn)用。
1. we are sorry ___________( leave )you at the end of our junior high school educationl
2. Thank you for making a home where we feel both safe and __________( relax).
3. Thanks for your _____________( patient ).
4. Our teacher always made us _________(work ) very hard .
5. I have never eaten anything _________(good ) than this .
6. The party is so __________( enjoy) , we are all happy .
7. The music sounds a bit __________( noise )
1. Though it rained heavily yesterday , Jack got to work on time .(改為同義句)
It rained heavily yesterday , ______ Tom got to school on time .
2. “Is the house yours ?” Tom asked me (改為同義句)
Tom asked me ___________________________.
3. I know the man , He is talking with our teacher . (改為同義句)
4. This is an expensive car , the car is well made . (改為同義句)
5. My father didn’t go to work because he was ill . (改為同義句)
My father was ill ______ he didn’t go to work .

1. Chinese is the language ____ importance is growing.
A. which B. who C. whose D. that
2. All the people_____ speak English are owners of the language.
A. what B. who C. whose D. which
3. ___ there are differences, we all belong to the international English speaking world.
A. When B. Before C. Even though D. if
4. There’s a saying, “When in Rome, do ____ the Romans do.”
A. like B. as C. what D. that
5. —Do you remember Jane?
--- The woman we met in Scotland, ______?
A. do you mean B. do you see C. you mean D. Am I right
6.He doesn’t come here today. The reason is _____ he’ll ill at home.
A. that B. what C. because D.why
7.----Did you hear that water in Tai lake smelt terrible?
---- Yes. In fact, it _____. That’s all because of the people and the factories around.
A. polluted B. was polluted C. has polluted D. will pollute
8. No matter ____ the weather is like, you can always find surfers out ____ the waves in Honolulu.
A. what; riding B. how; riding C. what; to ride D. how; to ride
9. If the work ________, you can go and play games.
A. finished B. has finished C. will be finished D. is finished
10. It was raining heavily outside, the children were made ______in the classroom.
A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed
11. Kate _______ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom
A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing
12. To make our city more beautiful, rubbish ______ into the river
A. needn’t be thrown B. mustn’t be thrown C. can’t throw D. may not throw
13. —I won’t come to the party unless Tom ______, too.
—You mean if Tom comes ,you’ll come.
A. will invite B. invites C. invited D. is invited
14.The soldier died for saving the child,so his________ is heavier than Mount Tai.
A.die B.dead C.died D.death
15.The child looked ________at his brother who was badly wounded.
A.sadly B.sadness C.sadly D.sad
16.Ann felt so________ that she could hardly open her eyes.
A.sleepy B.a(chǎn)sleep C.sleep D.sleeping
17. —--What do you think of the basketball match?
—--Wonderful! The Chinese team has never played _______.
A. worse B. worst C. best D. better
18. Neither I nor he ______ French.
A. speak B. doesnt speak C. speaks D. doesnt speak
19. _____ he _____ on well with his friends this term ?
A. Does; gets B. Does; get C. Is; getting D. Is; getting
20. Mr. Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.
A. is writing; is writing B. is writing; writes
C. writes; is writing D. writes; writes

臨近畢業(yè), 你一定有許多心里話要和同學(xué)、老師、父母說吧?請(qǐng)用英語傾訴你的心聲吧!

從 句 專 項(xiàng) 練 習(xí)
(1) I don’t know ___________or not.
A. whether he is at home B. if he is at home
C. that he is at home D. whether is he at home
(2) This depends on _________ the weather is fine.
A. which B. whether C. if D. that
(3) The teacher asked the new student ________ class he was in.
A. which B. where C. if D. that
(4) I don’t know ________ Mr. Green will come to see us. He’ll help us with our English.
A. why B. when C. how D. where
(5) --- Be careful! Don’t break the bottles. Do you hear ______ I said? David?
--- Yes, Mum
A. what B. that C. why D. if
(6) --- Do you know _______ Mr. Black’s address is?
--- He may live at NO.18 or No. 19 of Bridge Street. I’m not sure of ______.
A. where, which B. where, what C. what, which D. what, where
(7) There is not much difference between the two. I really don’t know _____.
A. what should I choose B. which I should choose
C. which should I choose D. what I should choose
(1) Did you find out ______?
A. she was looking for whose child B. whose child was she looking for
C. whose child she is looking for D. whose child she was looking for
(2) Are you interested in _____?
A. how did he do it B. he did it how C. how he did it D. he how did it
(3) I don’t know _____. Can you tell me?
A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two players
C. the two players are how old D. how old the two players are
(4) --- What did the scientist say?
---- He said he wondered if _____ into space by spaceship one day.
A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly
(5) Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me ____?
A. Where the bank nearest B. where is the nearest bank
C. where the nearest bank is D. the nearest bank is where
(6) She asked Tom ________ with his car?
A. what the matter was B. what the matter is
C. what was the matter D. what is the matter
(1) It’s 7:30. I can’t believe you___ cooking dinner yet, Sally.
A. haven’t started B. didn’t C. don’t start D. hadn’t started
(2) The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 ____ Christmas Day.
A. is B. was C. has been D. will be
(3) The teacher said that the earth _______round the sun.
A. goes B. go C. went D. will go
(4) We ’d like to tell you that you ______the exam.
A. have passed B. had passed C. pass D. will pass
(5) “Could you tell me______?” “ Yes. They ____ to the library.”
A. where are the twins, have been B. where were the twins, have been
C. where the twins are, have gone D, where the twins were, have gone
(6) Our father said that he ______ a new computer next week.
A. will buy B. have bought C. would buy D. buys
(7) I hear that he ______ to Beijing yesterday.
A. goes B. will go C. went D. have gone

狀語從句 專練
1.I hurried ___ I wouldn’t be late for class.
A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless
2. Although he is considered a great writer, ________________.
A. his works are not widely read B. but his works are not widely read
C. however his works are not widely read D. still his words are not widely read
3. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty ___ great it is.
A. what B. how C. however D. whatever
4. After the war, a new school building was put up ___ there had once been a theatre.
A. that B. where C. which D. when
5. _____________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
A. However late is he B. However he is late
C. However is he late D. However late he is
6. Why do you want a new job _______ you’ve got such a good one already?
A. that B. where C. which D. when
7. ----- ?----I’m going to the post office.
--- -- ___ you’re there, can you get me some stamps?
A. As B. While C. Because D. If
8. ______ ___ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as
9. You should make it a rule to leave things ___ you can find them again.
A. when B. where C. then D. there
10. We’ll have to finish the job, ___.
A. long it takes however B. it takes however long
C. long however it takes D. however long it takes
11. John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ___ ______he phones.
A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that
12. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _________ I could answer the phone.
A. as B. since C. until D. before
13. The men will have to wait all day ___ the doctor works faster.
A. if B. unless C. whether D. that
14. Don’t be afraid of asking for help ___ it is needed.
A. unless B. since C. although D. when
15. ___ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.
A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While

1. I have read all _______ you gave me .
A. what B. that C. of that D. where
2. There is nothing _____ I want to say .
A. which B, what C. whatever D. that
3. The young man _________ is a friend of mine .
A. who I had a talk B. whom I had a talk with
C. which I had a talk with D. whom I had a talk
4. Do you know the girl _____ father owns a company ?
A. who B. which C. that D. whose
5. The girl _______ is reading under the tree ______my sister .
A. which ; is B. whom ; was C. who ;is D. who; was
6. ----The duty of Project Hope is to help poor children , isn’t it ?
-----Yes, it has built many schools _____ those children can study happily .
A. where B. when C. which D. whose
7. -----Do you know the man ______is standing under the tree ?
-----He is my brother .
A. who B. whose C. whom D. which
8. This is the radio _______ my sister gave me for my birthday .
A. which B. what C. whose D. whom
9. He is always the first boy _______gets to school every day .
A. Whom B. that C. whose D. which
10. This is the best food _______ you can enjoy in this city .
A. which B. that C. where D. what
11. She never forget the day _________ she got married to him .
A. where B. when C. that D. which
12. Do you still remember the house _______ we used to lived in
A. which B. what C. where C. that
13. I saw the lovely dog of_______ he is taking care
A. that B. which C, whom D. whose .
14. The word “Witkey “(威客) from the Internet means a person _______ gets money by helping others through the internet .
A. whom B. who C. whose D. which
15. Do you know the reason _______ he is often late for class?
A. that B. what C. which D. why
16. Do you know the men who ______ talking with our teachers now?
A. is B. was C. are D. were
17. Jane is one of the best students in her class who ______by their teacher .
A. are praised B. is praised C. praised D. praising
18.Who is the boy _________ is talking with our teacher ?
A. who B. / C whom D. whose
19. I still remember the year ______you graduated from No.8 School .
A. when B. which C, that D./
20.He is the only man _______ stayed in the classroom reading books .

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/53887.html
