九年級英語We’re trying to save the manatees教學案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
Section A (1 a—2 c) of Unit15
Teachers’ words: Protect the animals is practice ourselves.
能掌握本節(jié)的表示動物名稱的表達,注意聽力獲取信息的能力培養(yǎng)。 Learning aims:1.Master the words and phrases and grammar points of this part .
1.Debate an issue .
Main and difficult points :words and phrases some describe words and phrases
Learning steps:
Step 1:Translate the words.
1.海牛 2.毛皮的 3.巨大的,龐大的 4.頑皮的,愛玩耍的 5.侵犯的,挑釁的 6.灰色的 7.有斑點的 8.袋鼠 9.黑猩猩 10.獵豹 11.沼澤地 12.生長環(huán)境,棲息地 13.水生植物,水生動物 14.飼料,動物的食物 15.植物(總稱) 16.稱,稱,……重量 17.發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺 18.被污染的
Step 2:Do 1a
Step 3:Listening practice .
1b.Listen and circle the words in 1a that Victor and Ginny use to describe the animals.
Think of an animal that is the same as you in some ways .
Write down and let others guess what kind of animal you are like.
Step5:Listening.(2a,2b),then check the answers .
Step 6:精講精練
1.We’re trying to save the manatees!我們正在設(shè)法拯救海牛!
拓展:try搭配的詞組:try to do sth設(shè)法做某事;try on試穿;try out嘗試,實驗;try one’s best盡全力;have a try試一下。
2與how 有關(guān)的短語:how big多大、how far多遠、 how soon多久、how long 多長、how often多少一次、how wide 多寬、how many\much多少
1.There used to be river in front of the city, ?
A.did it B.usedn’t it C.didn’t thereD.did therel
2.Let’s turn the radio down.Your father .
A.is sleepingB.sleptC.sleepsD.is sleep
3.—Where is Bob?—He to the library.
A.is goingB.has beenC.wentD.has gone
4.Another zoo in the city .
A.builtB.has builtC.is being builtD.will being built
5.How long may I your bike ?
6.The animals are made in the zoo .
A.liveB.to liveC.livingD.to living
7.I don’t know when he ,but if he ,I’ll call you .
A.comes,comesB.will come, comesC.comes,will comeD.will come,will come
1.Knives are (use)to cut things .
2.The children were told that the sun (rise)in the east.
3.Sundenly I realised someone (follow)me.
4.He’s lived here since he (come)to the city .
5.The lived here since he (dig)well.let’s plant tree.
Unit15 Section A (3a-4)
1.Teachers’ words: Help yourself and God will help you.
2. Date
3.Learning Aims(學習目標)
⑴Master the different messages and usages of the words.
⑵Learn and read tow letters. Then write a letter and give his or opinion.
⑶Can debate an issue .
4.Learning steps.
Step 1.Revise the key points of last class.
Step 2.Read the article by yourselves and underline the reasons.
Step 3.Read the article again and solve the key points.
Our school played against K High School at baseball.
We are for peace and against war.
2.visit及物動詞,名詞是visitor 也可用作名詞,表示參觀.訪問.常構(gòu)成詞組
make a visit to……(參觀,訪問)be on a visit to……(正在參觀/訪問中)go on a visit to……(去訪問,去參觀)This is my first visit to Beijing. Mr. Brown is on a visit to China.
keep doing sth. 意思是繼續(xù)不斷的做某事,一直做某事.
The baby kept crying until his mother came back.
keep其他用法 keep+adj. 意思是保持某種狀態(tài)
You must keep quiet in the library.
keep+sb/sth +表地點的介詞短語。意思是讓某人一直在某地,
you’d better keep the chicken in the fridge.
Keep sb,/sth.from doing sth.意思是防止某人/某物做某事.
The policemen kept the children form crossing the road when it was dangerous.
Keep on doing sth.意思是反復做某事. Don’t keep on shouting at me.
Step4 Make two teams Take turns giving your opinions. Use the expressions
Step5Write a letter to the editor
Step6 當堂練習
1. ?-She’s quiet and little shy
A. What’s she likeB. What does she like
C. What does she look likeD. What do you like her
2.A hospital is a place .
A. where animals and plans living
B. in where animals and plans live
C. which animals and plans live
D. where animals and plants live
3.It’s very strange that he didn’t feel (surprise) at all after hearing the (surprise) news.
4.Take this medicine ,then you’ll feel better.
A. twice a day B.twice one day
C.twice every dayD.two times each day
5. known to everyone that Beijing will hold the 2008 Olympic Games.
A.ItB.This is C.That is D.It’s

1.Many people are worried about the animals.
2.Have you ever a zoo before?
3.I don’t think zoos are places for animals to live.
4.Tigers and some dangerous animals in cages in the zoo.
5.It’s necessary the zoo.
6.A zoo is a textbook for us.
7.This TV program people to protect the environment.
8.Some large animals can move in the cage.
1.It’s dangerous for animals to drink if the water becomes p .
2.Some animals are g and friendly to people.
3.The animal weighs about 200 p .
4.This is a habitat that has never been d by people.
5.Do you know the r why they didn’t come?
6.The nose of the elephant is about two meters l .
7.Zoos are places of great p for some endangered animals.
8.They have p clean rooms for the visitors.
1.Some endangered animals are looked after in the zoo.(改為同義句)
Some endangered animals are of in the zoo.
2.People are trying to save the manatees .(對畫線部分提問)
are people trying ?
3.It seems that Polar Bears are gentle animals.(改為同義句)
Polar Bears seems gentle animals.

Section B (1a-2c) of Unit 15
Teachers’ words: Where there is a will ,there is a way.
.Learning Aims:
1.Master the words and phrase in this unit.
2.Can work in pairs.
3.Can make up some conversations and practice in public.
.Learning Steps:
step 1 (1) complete the following points
停止駕駛汽車 回收書籍的紙張 當你離開房間時關(guān)
當你在洗頭時關(guān)上淋浴 不使用紙巾或餐巾紙
⑵.What else can we do to help save the planet? Rank the items form the easiest to the most difficult.
Step2. Pairwork: Compare your answers.
Step3. a.Listen and check the things that Julia and
b.Listen again. Check the things that Julia is doing now, the things she will do in the future and the things she would never do.
Step4.Role play a conversation using the information form the chart above. Say what is sure for you.
點撥:Recycling paper is really easy.
a.本句的主語為動詞短語recycling paper ,recycle為及物動詞,意為“再循環(huán),回收利用”。
The glass from bottles can be recycled.
I know,I stopped using them last year.
a. stop to do sth.When Li Ming came, I stopped to talk with him.
b. stop doing sth. When the teacher came in ,I stopped talking.
c. stop…(from) doing. We must stop him(from) doing such a foolish thing.
1.在某人的空閑時間 2.關(guān)燈 3.停止做某事 4.不同意某人
5.由…制成 6.摧毀,推翻7. 關(guān)懷,照顧 8.過去經(jīng)常做 9.喜歡做某事 10.看起來像
1.R paper is very important to save trees.
2.We must save the e animals.
3.That zoo is s for animals to live in.
4.It’s our duty to protect the e and make our world more beautiful.
5.We should not p the environment.
1.The old building (set up) yesterday.
2.Young people should speak to old (polite).
3.Most of the trash can (recycle) in the future.
4.Pandas are (endanger) animals.
5.There are many people (pick) up apples.
6.Tim was badly hurt, so he had to stop (walk).
7.He was surprised (see) me in street.
8.That house is old and dangerous. It should (pull) down.
9.There (use) to be a lot of manatees.
10.So far man (travel) farther than the moon..
11.Look!He (play) football.    
12.The shop (close) at five every day.
13.The lab building (build) 30 years ago.
14. (recycle) paper is not difficult.
15.As soon as he saw me, He stopped (speak) to me.
16.When the teacher came in, the students stopped (talk).
1.They are trying to protect the environment .(劃線提問)
are they trying ?
2.We planted many trees in our school yard.(改為被動語態(tài))
Many trees in our school yard.
3.Lucy is an inspiration to us all.(改為同義句)
Lucy all us.
4.It seems that your mother isn’t happy today.(改為同義句)
Your mother today.

Section B(3a—4) of Unit15
Ⅲ.Teachers’ words:God help those who help themselves.(自助者天助之)
Ⅳ.Learning Aims:
1.Can master the important and difficult points
2.Can look at the pictures and complete the article
Ⅴ.Learning Steps:
Step1.Words and phrases spelling of reading
1.聽說過 2.一個很不平常的女人 3.回收材料
4.拆除 5.由舊玻璃瓶粘成 6.丟棄的磚瓦
7.柵欄由蘇打鐵罐造成 8.從幫助拯救我們的星球協(xié)會獲獎 9.我們大家的榜樣 10.在業(yè)余時間 11.用舊電視做模型玩具
Step2 Answer the following questions:
1.Who taught her how to make her house?
2.What isn’t made out of trash in her house?
3.When did she start making her trash house?
4.Where is the house?
5.Why did she use trash to build a house?
6.How long did it take to build her house?
Step3 Finish 3b-4
1.Look at the pictures and complete the articles
2.Take a class vote about the survey of the recycle things.
Step 4 Explain
1.hear of 意思為聽說,后接名詞,代詞或動名詞用于疑問句.否定句中,不可用于進行時.
我以前從未聽說過那件事 .
爸爸不同意我說的話 .
2.out of 用…制成
What did you make it out of? .
She made a box out of old planks. .
從…里出來 He came out of the room. .
在…外 Fish cannot live out of water. .
由于… They helped us out of kindness. .
從…之中 You can chose one out of these ten books. .
缺乏,沒有 He’s out of breath. .
在…范圍之外 They are out of danger. .
3.be made of 這桌子是用木頭做的。
be made out of 那座雕像是由石頭雕成。
be made into竹子可以制成釣魚桿。
be made in 這些小轎車是日本產(chǎn)的。
be made by 這張桌子是他父親做的。
be made by 計算機是由許多部件組成的。
4.be an inspiration to sb.
Lei Feng’s short life was a great inspiration to youth
Inspire v. The actors inspired the kids.
Inspirsing adj .He is an inspiring teacher. We all like him
1.She built a house out of trash.
A.herB.herselfC.hersD. by her
2.The building was being pulled .
A.upB.down.C.out ofD.out
3.The bridge is made big stones.
4.The radio is too loud. Will you please ?
A.turn it down B.turn it onC.turn off itD.turn down it
5.Some new buildings for the farmers in the village every year.
A.were builtB.are builtC.is builtD.will be built
1.When the teacher came in, the students stopped (talk)
2.As soon as he saw me, he stopped (talk)to me.
3. (recycle)paper is difficult.
4.The bridge (build)30years.
5.The shop (close) at five every day.
6.Tina bought a (use) car, but it’s very (use).
7.It is said that there is no (live) things on the moon.
8.The roof of her house is made of (discard).
9.Look!They (play)football on the playground.

self-check of Unilt15
Ⅱ.Date: Ⅲ.Teachers’ words: No pains, no gains.
Ⅳ. Learing Aims:
1.Master the words and phrases in this unit.
2.Master the language points of this unit.
Ⅴ.Learning Steps:
Step1 Revise the new words. Read the new words three times.
complete the following
海牛 巨大的 挑釁的 袋鼠 黑猩猩
紅樹 水生的 植物草木 發(fā)現(xiàn)發(fā)覺 厭惡的
詞語 表達 總統(tǒng)
Step2 Rive the articles in this unit.
Read the articles twice and check the recitation.
Step3.Finsh Part1and Part2
1.Why are you wearing a coat?
Wear表 狀態(tài)后接衣物.帽.手套.眼鏡.手表等。
She was wearing sun-glasses.
Mike is wearing a new coat.
Put on穿著,指狀態(tài),不用與進行時連用。
Has often has on a black coat.
Be in 表 穿的狀態(tài),后接表顏色或衣服的詞。
Is he in blue dress?
The woman is in red.
Dress 穿衣,作及物動詞時,其賓語一般是人。
The girl likes to dress in black.
Will you dress the children?
2.That apartment block is old and dangerous.
It should be pulled down.此句是含情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài):情態(tài)動詞+be+過去分詞
The book may be kept for two weeks by you.
Fish can be found everywhere in the sea.
The ring must be stolen.
1. you your breakfast?
Yes, I it at school.00000
A. Did; have; hadB. Have; had; had C. Have hadD. Did; have; have had
2.Mom,I must to go school at once. By the way, I the cat.
A..have fedB. fedC. will feed D.am feeding
3.I have watered plants but I haven’t fed the cat .
A.. yet; yetB. yet; alreadyC. already; alreadyD .already; yet
4.I ’ll clean out the refrigerator
A.. just nowB .after a moment C .in a minute D. yet
5.Every day my mother has to do .
A. .so many housework B. such many chores C .so much choresD. so much housework
6.Animals are our friends. We must try the endangered animals.
A.. to saveB. savingC. savesD. saved
7.Do you know who America?
A. .discoveredB. foundC. findsD. discovers
8.I’m against the animals.
A.. killB. to killC. killing D. killed
9.Peter should hardly see the words on the blackboard, ?
A.. did heB. couldn’t he C .didn’t heD should he
10.What is cheese made ?
A.. in B. ofC. formD. into
11.He disagreed me.
A. .withB. onC. toD. in
12.Don’t forget the door when you leave the classroom.
A. .lockB. lockedC. to lockD. locking
1.I (send)an e—mail for help but nobody has got back to me yet.
2.Look!There is a cat (climb) up the tree.
3.School (start)at eight and ends at twelve.
4.He used to (take)a walk after supper.
5. you (buy)a travel guidebook? No, not yet.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/54563.html
