9B Unit 2教學案1

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
9B Unit 2 Checkout

詞組:start the robot; at any time; reply to this e-mail;
句型:However, we hope that you will give the new robot a try.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
1.You need to sign on the receipt and send it back to us after you have got the robot.你收到機器人之后,需要在收條上簽字并返回給我們。
如: Please sign on the paper.請在文件上簽名。
如: He signed to me to be quiet.他示意我保持安靜。
如: Pay attention to the traffic signs.注意交通標志。
2.Please reply to this e-mail and tell us what your decision is and when you would like us to send you the new robot if you choose to have a new one.
一、 單項選擇
( )1. Is there you’d like to say to our leader?
A. anything elseB. something elseC. everything elseD. nothing else
( )2. I learned ______ the city for a long time.
A. she has been to B. she has gone toC. she had been in D. she had gone to
( )3. By the end of last year we _____ each other for ten years .
A. have known B. knewC. were knowingD. had known
( )4. Which language is spoken by _________ people in the world?
A. a large number B. the large number
C. the large number of D. the largest number of
( )5. I would rather __________ the chance than __________ her.
A. not to take; to hurt B. not taking; hurting
C. not take; hurt D. don’t take; to hurt
( )6.What you sai d just now ________ me of that American professor.
A. informed B. remindedC. memorizedD. mentioned
( )7. They ______ learned about ______ French songs before they came here.
A. had; three hundreds B. have; three hundreds
C. had; three hundred D. have; three hundred
( )8. I can hardly know _______ so complex a matter in such a case.
A. how to do with B. what to do with
C. what to deal withD. how dealing with
( )9. A lot of people can’t realize the importance of time_____ they are too old.
A. after B. when C. untilD. as
( )10. I’m no t sure if he _____ the match. If he_________, please call me at once.
A. has won ; winB. will win ; wins C. wins ; wins D. wins ; will win
( )11. _____of us have visited China Dinosaur Park.
A. Every one B. EveryoneC. All D. Every
( )12. He’s already well again, _____ he?
A. is B. has C. isn’tD. hasn’t
( )13. It’s very nice _______me the newspapers and magazines.?
A. of you to bring B. for you to bring
C. for you bringing D. of you bringing?
( )14. When I came here just now, I saw your son ____with a black and white dog in the garden.
A. play B. to play C. played D. playing ?
( )15. His hobby is _______taking photos _______collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers.?
A. either ; orB. both ; and?C. not only; but also D. neither ; nor?
1. When does t he train arrive? Please tell me.(改為賓語從句)
Please tell me ________ _________ ________ _________.
2. What does he do? Do you know? (改為賓語從句)
Do you know _______ he _______?
3. Do they want fried chicken? He asked the boys. (改為賓語從句)
He asked the boys _______ they ______ fried chicken.
4. Was the watch made in Shanghai? I don’t know. (改為賓語從句)
I don’t know _______ the watch _______ made in Shanghai.
5. “Do you want to try something new?” Tom’s mother asked him. (同義句)
Tom’s mother asked him _______ _______ _______ to try something new.
6. I think this is a good idea.(改為否定句)
I _______ ________ this ________ a good idea.
7. Lucy hasn’t decided which trousers to buy.(改為復合句)
Lucy hasn’t decided ________ _________ ________ _______ buy.
8. I don’t know how I can get to the hospital.(改為簡單句)
I don’t know ________ ________ ________ to the hospital.
一、1-5: ACDDC 6-10: BCBCB 11-15CCADD
二、1. when the train arrives 2. what does 3. whether/ if, want 4. whether/ if, was 5. whether/ if, wants 6. don’t think, is 7. which trousers she will 8. how to get
9B Unit 2 Integrated skills

詞組:free for children under 12; receive a free copy of Robot magazine; get… for free on the first day of the exhibition; pay… for the tickets
句型:Please let me know as soon as you can.
I think that robot made in Japan is very interesting.
1.Because it’s designed to do housework.它被設計成可以作家務。
design v.意為“設計、預定、指定”
The robot was designed by a Chinese. 這機器人是一個中國人設計的。
This is a space shuttle of the latest design.這是一臺最新設計的航天飛機。
2.That sounds good.那聽起來很不錯。
Sound 系動詞,后加形容詞作表語。
n. 聲音。
【辨析】noise, sound與voice
Noise: 噪音,即不悅耳、不和諧的聲音。Adj. noisy; adv. noisily
Voice: 嗓音,指認的說話聲和歌聲。
3.The price of tickets is 10 yuan for people over 12.
The price for children: 兒童票價
Over =more than 超過,多于
 You‘d________ ________ to see the doctor today .
 Mike ________ go to bed ________ he finished his homework last night .
 This question is ________ difficult for me ________ answer .
 It _______________ him an hour _____________ mend this bike yesterday afternoon .
 English is ________ important ________ maths.
1. Excuse me, would you like to post the __________(投訴)letter for me ?
2. Mum, I need three more b__________ to get enough power for the robot.
3. Peter’s computer is broken because it caught a v__________ yesterday.
4. Girls usually don’t like to wash the __________(盤子)after meals.
5. Remember to throw the rubbish into the d_________.
*1. Miss Lin is the first Chinese ________(own) the modern garden in this town.
2. Do you go to the ___________(exhibit) that is held in the libra ry?
*3. Mr. Wang ________(iron) the shirts twice a day.
4. Have you __________(sweep) the floor of our classroom, Tom?
*5. With the help of solar energy, we can travel in cars _________(free) in the future.
1. Do you know what the robot do the laundry? _________
2. The cars can move easy with the wheels. _________
3. I will return to home in a minute. _________
4. She is usually busy to write in the evening. _________
5. Computers sometimes go wrongly. _________
一、1. better, go 2. didn’t, until 3. too, to 4. took, to 5. as, as
二、A) 1. complaint 2. batteries 3. virus 4. dishes 5. dustbin
B) 1. to own 2. exhibition 3. irons 4. swept 5. freely
C) 1. what—how 2. easy—easily 3. to—去掉 4. to write—writing 5. wrongly—wrong

Main task and pronunciation
例如:重讀第一個音節(jié):beautiful country
Peter is crazy about goldfish.
詞組:get a special gift choose a medium ?sized robot last for at least 2 months get my money back
句型: How often should your robot need to be checked?
How long do you expect your robot to last?
A good robot should only need checking every 6months.
Maybe you need to check all the connectiona if the computer doesn’t work.如果電腦不工作,或許你需要檢查一下所有的連接。
He nodded to me as he passed.當他經(jīng)過的時候沖我點點頭打招呼。
He nodded to welcome Mary.他點頭向瑪麗表示歡迎
3. bend 使彎曲
She bent her head and kissed her daughter’s farehead.
Her head was bent over her book. 她埋頭苦讀
4. knee 膝蓋
The water was knee-deep 水深及膝
The robot went wrong .It couldn’t bend its knees.這個機器人出故障了,不能彎曲膝蓋。
5.either 也(用于否定句中)二者中的任何一個 二者之一的
My brother can’t go and I can’t either.我哥哥不能去,我也不能。
—Which do you perfer? Tea or coffee?—Either is OK.
6. copy 一冊,一本。 抄寫;復;模仿
a free copy of “Robot”magazine 一本免費的《機器人》雜志
Yesterday I bought five copies of magazines. 昨天我買了五本雜志。
It’s not right to copy others’ homework. 抄別人的家庭作業(yè)是不對的。
Wang Yu copied the phone number into his address book.王宇把那個電話號碼抄在自己的通訊錄上。
7. order 訂單;順序;命令。 命令;訂購
Please give an order for a pair of shoes.請訂購一雙鞋。
Please put the paragraphs in the right order, class.同學們,請按正確的順序排列這幾個段落。
The boss ordered the workers to start their work at once.這個老板命令工人們立刻開始工作。
I’ve ordered you a new coat on the Internet.我在網(wǎng)上給你訂購了件外套
1. the robot exhibition 機器人展
Did Nancy go to the robot exhibition this afternoon? 南希今天下午去機器人展了嗎?
On exhibition/on show 在展出
2. a medium-sized woman with long curly brown hair.辛迪中等身材,留著棕色的長卷發(fā)。
a small-sized/large-sized robot 一個小號/大號的機器人。
3.last for持續(xù),延續(xù)
The heavy snow lasted for a whole week last year.去年那場大雪持續(xù)了一個星期。
3.get back 取回,拿回
4.If he doesn’t give back my book tomorrow, I will get it back myself.
Give back 歸還
1.One of the robots is designed to help students with their homework.
2. A good robot should only need checking every six months.
3. However, I am not at all satisfied with this robot.
句子中satisfied是形容詞,意思是“滿意的”用作表語時,其主語通常是人,也可用作定語,但也只能用來指人。Be satisfied with 是固定詞組,意思是“對….感到滿意”如:I am satisfied with his answer.我對他的回答很滿意
Satisfy 用作動詞意思是“使?jié)M意”“滿足”。如:Nothing satisfies him .He’s always complaining.沒有什么東西能使他滿意。他老是發(fā)牢騷。
4. I am also not happy about the amount of checking that this robot needs.
be happy at/ about sth對…滿意; be happy with對…滿意
an amount of + Un.許多…; the amount of + Un. …的數(shù)額
This robot ______ _____ _____ one year.
There _____ _____ a _____ _____ in our city next month.
3. 這種機器人不是設計來幫你做家庭作業(yè)的。
This kind of robot _____ _____ _____help you with your homework.
I _____ this new TV set can _____ _____ ten years _____ _____
5. 我想在網(wǎng)上訂購一部數(shù)碼相機
I’d like to _____ a _____ _____ _____.
6. 我聽說你對你的英語不滿意
I hear that ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ______.
7. 我們確信將來你會喜歡機器人
We ______ _____you’ll like the robot ____ ____ _____.
( )1. The girl was ill. _____ , she didn’t go to school yesterday.
A.In order to B. As soon as C. As a result D.So as so
( ) 2. My robot _____ irons shirts for me.
A. some time B. some times C. sometime D. sometimes
( ) 3. I can make my robot _____ many things for me.
A. do B. to do C. did D. done
( ) 4. My mother found my bedroom _____.
A. in a mess B. in messes C. at a mess D. at messes
( ) 5. He doesn’t know _____ he should do with the robot.
A. how B. what C.why D. who
( ) 6. In the end, the robot was just _____ trouble.
A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too
( ) 7. We need to_____ our spoken English.
A.improve B. improving C. improved D. be improved
( ) 8. Kate is as _____ as Maria.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
( ) 9. I have many interesting books to _____.
A. see B. look C. watch D. read
( ) 10. The man is very poor and he has _____ money for clothes.
A. bit B. little C. enough D. few
9B Unit2
welcome to the unit

(1)幫我寄封信_________________________ (2)鋪床___________________________
(3)燒飯_______________________________ (4)洗盤子_________________________
(5)sweep the floor _______________________ (6)iron clothes ____________________
(7)do the laundry ________________________ (8)explore the sea ____________________
詞組:cook dinner; iron shirts; make the bed; wash the dishes; sweep the floor
句型:I don’t know when I will post the letter for you.
1.Post this for me. 幫我把這封信寄出去。
post v. 貼出;郵寄;(常用過去分詞)使熟悉;使了解
(1)The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.
(2)Please post this letter for me, as I am too busy to go out.
(3)He kept me well posted on the latest news.
post n. 柱,桿;郵政,郵寄;工作;職位
(1)This shelter was supported by four posts.
(3)(2)I have a new post as a teacher.
(5)(3)I sent her birthday present by post.
(一) 根據(jù)字母或句意,寫出所缺單詞。
(1)my grandfather has a good memory,so he can always r_________ everything well.
(2)Do you help your wife do the l____________ at home, Mr. Yang?
(3)I love cooking for friends but I hate washing the d_______.
(4)Your bedroom must be s___________ and mopped, it’s so dirty.
(5)I no longer believe w________ he says.
(6)Can you e________ to us why you are late again?
(二) 根據(jù)句意,用所給單詞的正確形式填空。
(1)The shop has received many _____________(complain) letters.
(2)Don’t you see the _________ (post)? There will be a new film in the cinema next week.
(3)The robot can _____________(use) to do many dangerous things.
(4)There are many famous ________________(science) in the college.
(5)Many boy students like ____________(play) computer games.
( )1. My teacher was so satisfied ________ Henry’s composition that he read it for us in class.
A. to B. about C. on D. with
( )2. I think the robot _______ is very interesting.
A. who made in China B. that made in China C. made in China D. that come from China
( )3. I don’t know what to do ______ the broken computer.
A. for B. with C. about D. of
( )4. The robot is made _______ all the housework.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. to be done
( )5. Miss Green didn’t tell us in 2002.
A. where does she live B. where she lives
C. where did she live D. where she lived

9B Unit2 Reading


1. 了解機器人可以怎樣改變我們的生活,理解與機器人共處的有關詞匯
2. 確定擁有機器人的利與弊
3. 能根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容完成有關練習
1. 了解機器人的常識,預習本課相關詞匯
2. 說說電影和電視中一些著名的機器人
3. 詞組英漢互譯
擁有一個機器人________________________air the bedroom__________________
有更多的空余時間______________________wake sb. up ____________________
日常生活_______________________________in a mess ________________
感染病毒______________________________ knock over ___________________
使…變得不一樣________________________as a result _________________
詞匯:salesman; everyday; dustbin; mess; rice cooker; mirror; coin; spread; smooth; rubbish
詞組:to own a robot; change one’s life; in many ways; have more spare time; make a great difference to …; iron shirts; for an extra hour; do the laundry; air the rooms; return home from work; look as good as new; be happy with …; go wrong; catch a virus; cause problems; knock things over; in a mess;
句型:Mr. Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot.
In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot.
As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the housework.
1.The first person to own a robot
be the first one to do 第一個做某事
be the first one 后常接不定式。如果這個不定式動詞是移動性動詞帶并有一個方向介詞to,則這個不定式動詞可省去。序數(shù)詞后的one也?墒∪。
(1)I’m going to be the first one (to get) to school today.
(2)Our maths teacher is always the first to come and the last to leave.
own v. 有;擁有;自白;承認
(1)The peasants own their houses.
own adj. 自己的;特有的
(1)This is my own camera, which I bought with my own money.
(2)She likes to have her own way.
own pron. 屬于某人之物
(1)I offered him my pen, but he preferred to use his own.
(2)Those books belong to the library but this is my own.
2.Mr Jiang is a salesman who works in Moonlight Town.
who works in Moonlight Town.是一個定語從句。在復合句中修飾名詞或代詞的從句叫做定語從句。被定語從句修飾的名詞或代詞叫做先行詞。定語從句必須放在先行詞之后,對其先行詞起限定作用。
This is Tom.
Tom gave us a talk yesterday.
This is Tom who (that) gave us a talk yesterday.
先行詞 定語從句
引導定語從句的關系代詞有:who, whom, whose, that, which
引導定語從句的關系副詞有:where, when, why
3.“In order to have more free time, I have to buy a robot,” Mr Jiang thought.
in order to為了
People must eat in order to live. =People must eat in order that they can live .
She worked hard in order to win the prize.
She worked hard in order that she could win the prize.
We started early in order to arrive before dark.
We started early in order that we could arrive before dark.
[注] in order to 引導目的狀語,而in order that引導目的狀語從句
4.The robot also ironed Mr Jiang’s shirts and made a lunchbox for him every day.
iron v. 熨,熨平
Mother is ironing father's shirts.
Could you iron this suit for me.
iron n. 鐵;烙鐵,熨斗,鐵制品
Iron is a cheap metal. 鐵是一種廉價的金屬。
Strike while the iron is hot. (諺)趁熱打鐵。
Where is the iron. 熨斗在哪?
5.As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do housework and he could stay in bed for an extra hour.
no longer 不再 相當于not any longer
I go there no longer. 我不再去那兒了。
She no longer needed the shoe! 她不再需要那只鞋子!
5. Mr Jiang could relax and watch his favourite TV programmes.
將先生就可以放松自己, 看看自己喜歡的電視節(jié)目。
relax v. 松弛,放松;松懈,緩和;休息
We must never relax our vigilance. 我們決不可放松警惕。
We must not relax in our efforts. 我們決不能松勁。
He lay back and relaxed his mind. 他躺下來讓腦子得到休息。
relaxed 是形容詞,指人“放松的”“輕松的”。如:
Alice was lying in the sun looking very relaxed and happy.
If you are relaxed in your study, you’ll fall behind others.
6. But then, things started to go wrong.
然而不久之后, 開始出問題了.
go 是連系動詞,和wrong構(gòu)成系表結(jié)構(gòu)。表示“出錯”。go 處于……狀態(tài),變成,成為
Her complaints went unnoticed. 她的抱怨沒人注意。
You’d better go armed while in the jungle. 在叢林中你最好帶上武器。
【注】go 表示“變成”“變?yōu)椤睍r,多接表示意思不大好的詞。如:
The situation went from bad to worse. 情況越來越糟。
The heat has caused milk to go sour. 高溫使牛奶變質(zhì)了。
【注】 常見的表示特征或狀態(tài)的連系動詞有:appear、look、feel、prove、sound、smell、taste、seem、keep、remain;和形容詞連用表示狀態(tài)變化過程的連系動詞有:become、come、fall、go、grow、get、turn、run等。
7、While Mr Jiang was at work, the robot would knock things over.
當將先生在上班時, 機器人就會打翻東西.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/59120.html

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