九年級英語上冊Module 8 同步教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
九年級英語上冊Module 8 同步教案
知識目標(biāo):能正確使用Module 8 中的單詞和短語;

1. 應(yīng)用本模塊交際用語,如:You bet! How did you get on? 等。
2. 掌握下列短語on the left/ right, pick up, even though, in with a chance 的用法;
3. 能掌握which, who引導(dǎo)的定語從句。
1. get on with sb. 和 get on with sth.的區(qū)別;
2. manage to do sth.和try to do sth.的辨析;
3. which, who引導(dǎo)的定語從句。

1. trouble
【用法1】n. 麻煩的事,煩擾 (不可數(shù)名詞)
【例句】The trouble is there aren’t any trains at that time.
常用短語:be in trouble 有困難,有麻煩,陷入困境
【例句】If you are in trouble, you can ask the police for help.
【用法2】v. 麻煩
【例句】I’m sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me the time?
【考查點】be in trouble的運用及trouble的詞性。
【易錯點】不理解be in trouble的意思。
If I can’t finish it on time, I will ____________________________.
答案:be in trouble.
解題思路:此題考查be in trouble的運用,所謂“倒霉”即是說“有麻煩”了, 故填寫be in trouble。
2. expect
【用法】v. 盼望
expect是出于有把握,有信心的一種“期望”,往往含有“等待發(fā)生”之意,比hope更強烈,后跟動詞不定式或賓語從句,常用短語有:expect to do sth. “料到會發(fā)生什么事情”或“期待做某事”,expect sb. to do sth. “期待某人做某事”
【例句】I expect to be back on time.
I expect you to be punctual(守時).
I expect that he’ll be here in a minute.
【考查點】expect to do sth.和expect sb. to do sth.的使用。
—You look sad. What has happened to you?
—Everyone _____________ us to win the match, but we lost to the girls.
A. hoped B. said C. expected
3. congratulation
【用法】n. (常復(fù))祝賀
常用短語:congratulations to sb. (on sth. ) (因某事)向某人表示祝賀
【例句】Congratulations to you on winning first prize. 祝賀你獲得一等獎。
—Mum, I have passed the final exam. —______________________.
A. That’s all right B. Work hard C. Good luck D. Congratulations
解題思路:此題考查情景運用。That’s all right意為“沒關(guān)系,不用謝”;Work hard意為“努力學(xué)習(xí)”;Good luck意為“祝你好運”;Congratulations意為“祝賀你”,根據(jù)前面句意“我通過了期末考試”來推斷,應(yīng)選D。

① 這種新軟件將使我減少了很多麻煩。
This new type of software will save me _____________________________.
② 他沒料到會輸。
He ______________________________________________.
③ 祝賀你們通過了駕駛考試。
______________________________________________ passing the driving test.

1. on the left/ right
on one’s left/right = on the left/right of sb. 在某人的左邊/右邊
【例句】I sit on Tom’s left. = I sit on the left of Tom.
What’s _________ the right of the shop?
A. at B. on C. in
解題思路:此題考查on the left/right of這個短語,此句意為“商店的右邊是什么?”,故選B。
2. pick up
【用法1】“撿起,拾起”(up 是副詞,后接代詞時,代詞須放在up前)
【例句】She saw a watch on the ground and picked it up.
【例句】My father will pick me up at the school gate after school.
Ted __________________ a piece of litter, and put it into the rubbish bag.
A. picked up B. threw away C. looked for D. handed in
解題思路:此題考查動詞短語,picked up意為“撿起,拾起”,threw away意為“扔掉”, looked for意為“尋找”,handed in意為“上交”,此句意為“Ted撿起一塊垃圾并把它放進了垃圾袋”,故選A。
3. even though
【例句】Even though air can’t be seen, it takes up space.
She can make money herself ______________________ she is very young.
答案:even though。
解題思路:此題考查“雖然”的翻譯,故填寫even though。
4. in with a chance
若表達“有可能/機會做某事”,則用be in with a chance to do sth.
【例句】I think I am in with a chance to pass this test.
He said he ___________________________________ go abroad.
答案:was in with a chance to / had a chance to。
解題思路:此題考查的是in with a chance的翻譯,在這里要翻譯的是“有機會”,由于前面用了過去時,故填寫was in with a chance to / had a chance to。
5. manage to do sth.
【考查點】manage to do sth.和try to do sth.的辨析。
辨析:manage to do sth.和try to do sth.:
manage to do sth:意為“設(shè)法做某事并完成”,表示經(jīng)過努力達到目的,強調(diào)結(jié)果。
如:We managed to finish the work ahead of time. 我們設(shè)法提前完成了任務(wù)。
try to do sth.:表示“盡力去做某事”,表示一種企圖或決心,不包含是否成功的意思。
如:He tried to pass the exam, but failed. 他盡力想要通過考試,但是他失敗了。
【易錯點】對manage to do sth.和try to do sth.的意思不理解。
Oh, you look the same as ten years ago. How do you ___________ to remain(保持)so?
A. try B. manage C. expect

1. Mrs Shute wouldn’t leave the TV set, ________________her children were waiting for their supper.
A. if B. because C. even though
2. The soldiers _____________ more lives and they even saved two more persons’ lives on the eighth day after the Earthquake.
A. manages to saveB. tried to save C. tried not to save
3. They ______________________________ leave here.
A. in with a chance to B. are in with a chanceC. are in with a chance to
4. He asked me to __________________________ at the airport.
A. pick him up B. pick up him C. picked him up
5. Who is _________________________?
A. on Tom left B. to Tom’s left C. on the left of Tom

1. How did you get on?
【例句】How are you getting on these days?
辨析:get on with sb. 和 get on with sth.:
get on with sb.:和某人相處
如:I get on well with my classmates. 我和我的同學(xué)相處融洽。
get on with sth.:某事的進展
如:How are you getting on with your work? 你的工作進展如何?
【考查點】get on with sb. 和 get on with sth.的靈活運用。
【易錯點】對get on with sb. 和 get on with sth.的意思不理解。
Jim’s parents wanted to know how he __________________________ his study.
答案:got on with。
解題思路:此題考查get on with的靈活翻譯,“他的學(xué)習(xí)情況”即“他的學(xué)習(xí)進展如何”,由于此句為賓語從句,故填寫got on with。
2. which, who引導(dǎo)的定語從句。
【例句】(1)The cup which/that is on the desk is mine.(作主語)
(2)Have you found the book (which/that) you lost yesterday?(作賓語,可省略)
【例句】(1)This is the teacher who teaches us English.(作主語)
(2)Do you know the boy (who/whom/that) our teacher is talking to? (作賓語,可省略)
如:I work for a company which/that sells cars.
Do you know the people who are waiting outside?
a. 只能用which,不能用that的情況:
如:This is the hotel in which you will stay tonight.
如:Let me show you the cartoon story that I read in a book which was written by an American writer.
b. 只能用that,不能用which的情況:
如:This is the longest bridge that I have ever seen.
如:This is the first composition that he has ever written in English.
如:He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.
4)先行詞為the only, the very, the last, the same所修飾:
如:This is the only thing that I can remember.
5)先行詞是everything, nothing, something, all, little, much, everybody等不定代詞:
如:Tell us everything that you know, please.
6)先行詞被all, every, no, some, any, little, much等修飾:
如:I’ve read all the books that you gave me.
Where is the MP4 ___________ was on the desk just now?
A. which B. who C. whom
解題思路:此題考查關(guān)系代詞which, who和whom的用法。由于先行詞是物MP4,而whom和who均指人,故選A。

1. —How does your study ____________? —Very well.
A. go on B. get on C. get off
2. All the children like the teachers _________________ can understand them.
A. which B. who C. whom
3. —Do you like the red car___________ is made in Tianjin?
—Sure. It looks terrific.
A. which B. who C. where
4. The man that you met last night is our maths teacher ____________ teaches very well.
A. which B. who C. that
5. He is the very person ____________ the police are looking for.
A. which B. who C. that


上冊 Module 9 Cartoon stories
重點單詞:mess, lead, experience
重點短語:have a word with , win the heart of , ever since

思考問題一:have sb. do sth.和 have sth. done怎么用?
思考問題二:ordinary, normal和common有何區(qū)別?
思考問題三:have a word with 與have words with有區(qū)別嗎?


1. We didn’t expect ____________ you here.
A. see B. to see C. seeing
2. —Look, Mum! I get the first prize in the physics competition today.
—____________! I am very pleased with what you have done.
A. What a pity B. Good luck C. Congratulations
3. ________________ she doesn’t do well in her study, she is friendly to others.
A. Because of B. Even though C. Thanks to
4. I’ll ______ at your home tomorrow morning.
A. pick up you B. look you up C. pick you up
5. —Were you frightened by that bull(公牛)?
—___________. I was scared out of skin(毛骨悚然).
A. You bet B. I bet C. It doesn’t matter
6. A doctor is a person ____________ looks after people’s health.
A. which B. when C. who
7. —Do you know Hong Zhanhui?
—Yes. He’s the college student _________ has moved Chinese people a lot.
A. which B. who C. what
8. The book ____________ I bought yesterday is well written.
A. / B. who C. what
9. This is the library ______ we visited last week.
A. which B. who C. where
10. — Do you know the girl _______ wears glasses?
—You don’t know? She is our new classmate.
A. / B. who C. which
11. I have bought the camera ________ was advertised(做廣告)on TV.
A. what B. who C. which
(*)12. We ________________to get to the airport in time and got on the plane successfully.
A. managed B. tried C. expect
(*)13. The village in ____ I once worked has changed a lot.
A. which B. / C. that
(*)14. It is the third time _____I have been here.
A. which B. who C. that
(*)15. This is the only work _____ at the moment.
A. which I can do B. that I can do it C. I can do

In the last 500 years, several million people have been killed by earthquakes. Among all the earthquakes, the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake is regarded as the 1 one in the twentieth century.
On July 28, 1976, a terrible earthquake of 7.8 magnitude(級) 2 Tangshan City, Hebei Province. In just one second, the city with one million people was destroyed. The earthquake was __3 strong that even Beijing and Tianjin were seriously affected(受到影響). The shock was felt in 14 provinces and cities—one-third of the country.
The earthquake took place 4 midnight. Most people could not take any actions. Over 240,000 people 5 and about 170,000 were seriously injured. Water supplies, communications and traffic were completely cut off.
The people there needed 6 immediately. But they could not wait for help 7 . They formed groups to dig for others. They set up medical areas and tents. They searched for food and clean water. Recovery(恢復(fù))was not easy with so much 8 . Yet, after a lot of care was given in time, the rebuilding of Tangshan began almost 9 . Though it took time, the whole city was rebuilt and is 10 home for over a million people, earning (贏得)Tangshan the name “Brave City of China”.
1. A. deadly B. deadlierC. deadliest D. dead
2. A. happenedB. hit C. happen D. took place
3. A. such B. much C. so D. even
4. A. at B. in C. on D. with
5. A. killedB. kill C. was killed D. were killed
6. A. food B. water C. help D. tents
7. A. arrive B. arrived C. arrives D. to arrive
8. A. people B. disaster C. death D. areas
9. A. soon B. quickly C. immediately D. now
10. A. too B. also C. againD. still

I had a summer camp with my classmates last year.
Early in the morning. We gathered at the bus station. After saying goodbye to our parents, we got on the buses. It took us more than two hours to arrive at the campground.
We got off the buses cheerfully. Laughing and shouting. We jumped and ran all over the place. It was the first time for us to be away from the parents. Some of us started to feel homesick(想家). However, when the night party and dances began, the homesickness was gone.
The next day, everybody rushed to the boating class, hoping to be at the head of the others. At first, my friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldn’t listen to us and kept going round and round. Then the teacher taught us how to work together. After many tries, we did much better.
Swimming class was my favourite. It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and during the class he often made us laugh happily.
During the week I learned a lot of new things and made many new friends. I also learned how to take care of myself.
( ) 1. They got to the campground__________.
A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by plane
( ) 2. The campground was __________ from their homes.
A. quite near B. not far C. very long D. quite far
( ) 3. Why swimming class was the writer’s favourite?
A. Because it was good to stay in the cool water when the weather was hot.
B. Because the writer felt quite relaxed during the class.
C. Because the swimming teacher was interesting.
D. Because of all the above
( )4. Which statement is NOT true?
A. The children were happy to be away from Dad and Mum.
B. Their homesickness lasted for long.
C. It was teamwork to boat.
D. They camped for a week.
( ) 5. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. I Learnt a lot. B. Boating and Swimming.
C. On the Campground D. My First Summer Camp

“Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings.
“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.
When you see a famous car in the street,maybe you will say,“It’s cool. ”You may think,“He’s so cool, ”when you see your favourite footballer.
We all maximize(擴大)the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence,“It’s so cool.” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.
But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can. And I think they are also very cool.
6. We know that the word “cool” has had ________.
A. only one meaning B no meanings
C. many different meanings D. the same meaning
7. In the passage,the word “express” means“________”.
A. see B. show C. know D. feel
8. If you are _______ something,you may say, “It’s cool.”
A. interested in B. angry aboutC. afraid of D. unhappy with
9. The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used.
A. pleased with B. strange to C. worried about D. careful with
10. In the passage,the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool” ________.
A. can be used instead of many words B. usually means something interesting
C. can make your life colourful D. may not be as cool as it seems

1. —What’s your t___________, young man? — I’ve got a headache.
2. We are going for a picnic, so we e______________ the fine weather.
3. She’s glad to be in with a c_____________ to get the good job.
4. The photo shows her b_______________. Look, she looks really young.
5. The dancer’s m___________________ are graceful(優(yōu)美的). Everyone there is attracted deeply.
6. I hear that you’re getting married. C__________________________.
7. A p_________________ is a person who is good at taking photos.
8. They are going to hold an award (獎) c_____________________ for the prizewinners this Saturday.
9. Bill Gates is one of the r_________________ man in the world.
10. Does the price i____________ tax(稅)?

1. Everything ______ I know will be taught to the students.
2. This is the best film ______ I have ever seen.
3. The picture _____ has a house and flowers is the one I like best.
4. The house _____ stands on the top of the hill was built last month.
5. The medicine _____ he bought is good for your health.
6. He is the only person ______ saw the accident yesterday.
7. The present _____ he gave her yesterday evening is still unopened.
8. The newspaper ____ you are reading is two days old.
9. The student _____ the teachers are talking about has won the first prize in the English contest.
10. I know the girl ______ the teacher praised yesterday.

1. 你的英語學(xué)得怎樣了?
How are you _______________________ your English?
2. 你和同學(xué)們相處得好嗎?
______ you _______________________ your classmates?
3. 明天早上你能到我住的酒店來接我嗎?
Can you ___________________________ at my hotel tomorrow morning?
4. 祝賀你取得好成績。
_________________________ you _______ your good results.
5. 他設(shè)法救出了一個三歲的女孩子。
He _____________ save _______________________.
6. 雖然下著大雨,我們?nèi)栽诶^續(xù)工作。
___________________ it’s raining hard, we go on working.
7. 住在我隔壁的那個人是我的數(shù)學(xué)老師。
The man _________________________________ is my maths teacher.
8. 工廠旁邊的那條河很臟。
The river ________________________________________ is very dirty.


一、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. C
12. A 解析:此句意為“我們設(shè)法及時到達了機場并成功地登上了飛機”,由于事情已成功做到,故排除B項,而C項時態(tài)不正確也被排除,故選A。
13. A 解析:此題由于關(guān)系代詞前有介詞,因此不可用that,故選A。
14. C 解析:此題由于先行詞為序數(shù)詞所修飾,不可以用which,而who是指人,故選C。
15. C 解析:此題由于先行詞為the only所修飾,不可以用which,因此排除A;在B項中,引導(dǎo)詞that已指代先行詞the only work,所以不需要再用it代替,所以也排除了B;在C項中,引導(dǎo)詞that在定語從句中作賓語,因此可以省略,故選C。
二、1~5 CBCAD 6~10 CDBCC
三、(A) 1~5 CDDBD (B) 6~10 CBACD
四、(一)1. trouble 2. expect 3. chance 4. beauty 5. movements 6. Congratulations
7. photographer 8. ceremony 9. richest 10. include
(二)1. that 2. that 3. that/ which 4. that/ which 5. that/ which 6. that/ who
7. that/ which 8. that/ which 9. that/ who/whom 10. that/ who/whom
五、1. getting on with 2. Do, get on well with 3. pick me up 4. Congratulations to, on

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/59750.html
