
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
知識目標:能正確使用Module 7 中的單詞和短語;

1. 應用本模塊交際用語,如:What are you up to? Would you like a hand…? I bet you do!
2. 掌握短語have a look at, be similar to , keep doing sth的用法;
3. 能掌握that引導的限定性定語從句。
1. keep doing sth., keep sb. doing sth 和 keep sb. from doing sth的區(qū)別;
2. other, another, the other, the others 與others的辨析;
3. be used for, be used as, be used by, be used to do 以及be used to doing的運用。
4. that引導的限定性定語從句。

1. hand
【用法】n. 協(xié)助
【例句】Would you like a hand to carry the box ? 需要我?guī)湍惆徇@個箱子嗎?
常用短語:give a hand to sb. = give sb. a hand 幫某人一個忙
【例句】When I am in trouble, they give me a hand in time.
【考題鏈接】Ask the boy to give me a h_________ with moving the piano.
解題思路:此題考查hand的詞意,此句意為“叫這個男孩幫我搬一下這架鋼琴! 故填寫hand。
2. sheep
【用法】n. 綿羊
【例句】There are many sheep on the hill.
How many _____________ can you see in the picture?
A. sheep B. sheeps C. tree
解題思路:此題考查sheep的復數(shù)形式,由于how many 后跟可數(shù)名詞,因此排除C, 而sheep的單復數(shù)同形,故選A。
3. similar
【用法】adj. 相似的
常用短語:(be)similar to 同……相似的 be similar in 在……方面相似
【例句】His opinion is similar to mine.
Our bags are similar in colour.
【考查點】be similar to/in 的用法。
Gold is similar ________ colour __________ brass(銅).
A. to, in B. in, to C. to, to
解題思路:此題考查be similar to/in 的用法,此句意為“黃金在顏色方面與黃銅相似”, 故選B。
4. other
【用法】adj. 其他的
【考查點】other, another, the other, the others 與others的辨析。
辨析:other, another, the other, the others 與others:
other:可作形容詞或代詞,作形容詞時,意思是“別的,其他的”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”,后跟可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形式。但any other后要跟單數(shù)名詞。
如:She doesn’t like other skirts.
He is taller than any other student in his class.
如:I don’t like this one. Please show me another. 我不喜歡這一個,請給我看看另一個。
the other: 指“兩個人或物中的一個”, 此時的other作代詞,常構(gòu)成短語one…the other…。此外,the other后可接單數(shù)名詞,也可接復數(shù)名詞,此時的other作形容詞。
如:On the other side of the street,there is a tall tree. 在街道的另一邊,有一棵大樹。
Mary is much taller than the other girls. 瑪麗比其他的女孩高得多。
the others: 是the other的復數(shù)形式,也相當于“the other +復數(shù)名詞”,意為“其他東西,其余的人”。特指某一范圍內(nèi)的“其他的(人或物)”。
如:Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.
others:others是other的復數(shù)形式,也相當于“other +復數(shù)名詞“,泛指“另外幾個,其余的”。在句中可作主語、賓語。常構(gòu)成短語some…others…。
如:Some of us like singing and dancing, others go in for sports.
Give me some others, please. 請給我一些別的東西!
【易錯點】other, another, the other, the others 與others的用法易混淆。
More people speak this language than _____________ language.
A. any other B. some other C. others
解題思路:此題考查的是any other, some other與others的辨析,由于some other 后跟復數(shù)名詞,所以排除B,而others后面不用再加名詞,因此選A。
①Please give me a _________.I can’t carry the box myself.
A. help B. hand C. call
②I was very excited when I saw so many _______________ on the farm.
A. chicken B. sheep C. duck
③Some animals can make their colors ___________ to their surroundings(周圍的事物). Then they can’t be seen easily.
A. different B. similar C. popular
④On ______________ side of the street,there is a tall tree.
A. other B. another C. the other
Their house ________________________ ours, but ours has a bigger garden.

1. have a look at
【例句】May I have a look at your photo?
Let me ________________________________ your new MP4.
答案:have a look at
解題思路:此題考查have a look at這個短語的用法,由于固定搭配為let sb. do sth.,故直接填寫have a look at即可。
2. keep doing sth.
【例句】They kept talking and laughing when Mr Li came into the classroom.
【考查點】keep doing sth., keep sb. doing sth. 和 keep sb. from doing sth.的用法。
辨析:keep doing sth., keep sb. doing sth. 和 keep sb. from doing sth.:
keep doing sth.: “一直/不斷地做某事”, 表示連續(xù)不斷的動作或持續(xù)的狀態(tài)。
如:We kept working in the fields in spite of the rain. 盡管下雨了,我們還是堅持在地里干活。
keep sb. doing sth.: “使某人一直做某事”
如:Why do you keep me waiting so long?你為什么讓我等了這么久?
keep sb. from doing sth.:“阻止某人做某事”,此處的from不可省略。
如:The heavy rain kept us from coming on time.
【易錯點】不理解keep doing sth., keep sb. doing sth. 和 keep sb. from doing sth.的意思。
He will _____________________________ when he is in a bad humor.
答案:keep smoking。
解題思路:此題考查“不停地做某事”的翻譯,故選擇keep doing sth.,因此應填寫keep smoking。
3. be used as
【例句】English is used as an important working language.
【考查點】be used 構(gòu)成的短語。
辨析:be used as, be used for, be used by, be used to do 及be used to doing
be used as:“被作為……使用”, 介詞as的意思是“作為”,其后一般接名詞,強調(diào)使用的工具及手段。
如:The board is used as a table.
be used for: “被用來做……”。
如:A sweater is used for keeping warm .毛衣是用來保暖的。
be used by:“被(某人)使用”,by后接動作的執(zhí)行者(賓語)。
如:Chinese is used by the largest number of people in the world.漢語被世界上大多數(shù)的人使用。
be used to do:“被用來做……”,主語往往是物。
如:A sweater is used to keep warm .毛衣是用來保暖的。
be used to doing: “習慣于做某事”,相當于get used to doing sth.。此外,be used to后可直接跟名詞,意為“習慣于某事”。
如:I used to have a walk after supper, but now I'm used to playing basketball.
I am used to the rainy day here.
(1)Rubbers are used ______________ the students to correct mistakes.
A. as B. by C. for
解題思路:此題考查be used后的介詞搭配,此句意為“橡皮擦被學生用來改正錯誤”,故選B。
You will ____________________________ the climate soon.
答案:be/get used to 。
解題思路:此題考查“習慣”的翻譯,故填寫be/get used to。
1. 看看你在澳大利亞拍的相片怎么樣?
What about _________________________ the photos that you took in Australia?
2. 這些狗為什么不停地叫?
Why do the dogs __________________________?
3. 必須采取措施防止此類事故在該市發(fā)生。
Something must be done to ___________ this kind of accident _____________in this city.
4. 刀是用來切東西的。
Knife _______________________________ things.
5. 英語在許多國家被當作第二語言來使用。
English __________________________________the second language in many countries.
6. 你習慣在這里生活了嗎?
_________ you __________________________ here?

1. What are you up to?
【用法】“你在忙什么?”,相當于What are you doing? be up to意為 “從事于”。
【例句】—Hi, Tom, what are you up to? —I’m listening to the music.
【考查點】 語境運用。
【易錯點】不理解be up to的意思。
【考題鏈接】— ___________________in the room?
—Maybe he is doing some reading.
A. What does Tom doB. What is Tom up toC. Why is Tom up to
解題思路:此題考查be up to的用法,根據(jù)回答“也許他正在讀書”,可推斷出問句應是“Tom在房間里忙什么?”故選B。
2. I bet you do!
此處“I bet…” 意為“我打賭……,我肯定……”,相當于I’m sure… 。而“you bet”則相當于of course, 意為“當然”。
【例句】(1) I bet our team will win.
(2) — Are you nervous? — You bet.
【考查點】I bet的意思。
【易錯點】I bet和You bet的意思易混淆。
Our football team is the best one, _________________ we will win.
A. I bet B. I’m afraid C. I don’t think
解題思路:此題考查I bet的用法。根據(jù)空白處前面這句話“我們的足球隊是最好的”,可先排除C, 而I’m afraid是“恐怕”之意,和前面的句意不符,因此選A。
3. that引導的限定性定語從句。
I’m looking for the photos that you took in Australia. 我在找你在澳大利亞拍的相片。
(先行詞) (關(guān)系 (從句)
引導定語從句的關(guān)聯(lián)詞分為關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞兩種,關(guān)系代詞有that(指人或物), which(指物),who(指人),whom(指人)和whose(指人或物);關(guān)系副詞有when(指時間),where(指地點)和why(指原因)。定語從句一定要放在先行詞后。關(guān)聯(lián)詞在句中起聯(lián)系作用, 關(guān)系代詞在定語從句中可作主語或賓語,作主語時不可省略,作賓語時可以省略;關(guān)系副詞在定語從句中可作狀語。
此句可拆解為:I’m looking for the photos.
You took the photos in Australia.
此處可看出先行詞the photos在定語從句中作賓語,因此關(guān)系代詞that在這里可以省略。
再如: I don’t know the boy that is talking to the teacher. 我不認識這位在和老師談話的男孩。
此句可拆解為:I don’t know the boy.
The boy is talking to the teacher.
此處可看出先行詞the boy在定語從句中作主語,因此關(guān)系代詞that在這里不可以省略。
如:The city that she lives in is very far away.
【考題鏈接】My sister hates the films _____________ have too much fighting.
A. that B. / C. they
解題思路:此題考查that引導的定語從句。此句意為“我姐姐討厭有太多打斗內(nèi)容的電影”,此處that have too much fighting是定語從句修飾films,that在從句中作主語,不可省略, 故選A。

1. —Hi,Jim ,_________________________? — I’m mending the bike.
A. what do you do B. what are you up C. what are you up to
2. Look at the black clouds. _________________ it will rain soon.
A. I don’t think B. I am not sure C. I bet
3. I bought a new TV ___________ is made in Japan.
A. that B. who C. where
4. The car ___________ I bought yesterday is very expensive.
A. who B. where C. /


上冊 Module 8 Photos
重點單詞:trouble, expect, congratulation
重點短語:on the left/right, pick up, even though
重點句型:which ,who引導的定語從句。

思考問題一:get on with sb.和get on with sth. 有何區(qū)別?
思考問題二:manage to do sth.和try to do sth.有區(qū)別嗎?


一. 單項選擇:
1. — Are you coming to the concert?
— _______________ . Hearing a concert is my favourite.
A. You bet B. It’s a pity C. It doesn’t matter
(*)2. A fridge is a machine____ is used for keeping food fresh.
A. that B. who C. /
3. The old lady didn’t know the way, Daming ________________ when he saw her.
A. laughed at her B. gave her a hand C. shouted at her
4. The heavy rain kept us ________________ home.
A. going B. from going C. to go
(*)5. The child kept _____________ about while he was asked ___________ still.
A. to move, to stand B. moving, to stand C. moving, standing
(*)6. He used to ________ in a small village, but now he has been used to _______ in the big city.
A. live, living B. living, living C. living, live
7. My grandparents __________ living in the countryside.
A. used to B. are used to C. are used for
8. Stones can be used _________ building houses.
A. for B. as C. by
(*)9. I like music _________ I can dance to. And you?
A. what B. who C. that
10. Beijing is the 29th city __________ holds the Olympic games.
A. where B. that C. /
11. This is the question _______________ we are talking about now.
A. who B. when C. /
(*)12. The small sheep ____________ white and lovely, I like them very much.
A. is B. are C. were
(*)13. One of the twins is a doctor, ________________ is a policeman.
A. others B. another C. the other
(*)14. Can you lend me the dictionary _____________ the other day?
A. that you bought B. you bought it C. which you bought it
15. A cat ___________________ a tiger in many ways.
A. is similar to B. is similar in C. is similar by

(*)二. 完形填空:
In England, people often talk about the ____1____ because you can experience(經(jīng)歷) four seasons in ____2____ day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour ____3____ black clouds come, and then it rains hard. The weather gets ____4____ cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be clear, the ____5____ will begin to shine and it will be summer at this time of a day.
In England, you can also have summer in winter, ____6____ have winter in summer. So in ____7____ you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should wear warm clothes.
When you go to ____8____ , you will see some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the ____9____ morning, but you shouldn’t laugh at them. If you ____10____ take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.
1. A. time B. food C. weather D. books
2. A. a B. an C. the D. one
3. A. ago B. before C. later D. after
4. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
5. A. weather B. moon C. sun D. earth
6. A. and B. or C. but D. so
7. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
8. A. England B. Japan C. America D. France
9. A. sunny B. rainy C. snowy D. cloudy
10. A. can’t B. don’t C. won’t D. didn’t

(**)三. 閱讀理解:
Last year, we spent Christmas and New Year in Queensland, Australia. The beaches there were beautiful, and we spent a lot of time playing by the sea, swimming and surfing. One day, we were on a beach just south of a city called Cairns. My little sister was looking for shells in the sand down near the waves when she shouted to me, “Hey, Lan! Look what I’ve found!” I ran down to have a look, and saw her pointing at a strange black object that was half buried (掩埋) in the sand, “What is it?” she asked. I said I didn’t know.
Just then, my father came over, “Are you enjoying yourselves, you two?” he asked. Then he saw the strange black thing. “What’s that?” he said, bending down to take a closer look. Suddenly, he said, “Quick kids, get away from here. Go and play somewhere else.”
We went and played further down the beach, while Dad ran up to the shop near the beach to make a phone call. About 20 minutes later, we heard the noise of cars and trucks arriving, and a lot of soldiers ran onto the beach. They told everyone to leave the beach and stay away from it.
About half an hour later, we were sitting with Dad in a café a few hundred metres from the beach, when we heard an enormous explosion (爆炸). “What was that?” we asked Dad. “That was the thing you found,” he said. “One of the soldiers down there told me it was a Japanese bomb(炸彈)from World War II. Sometimes they get washed up on the beaches here.”
1. The object they found was _______.
A. in the sand near the water B. in the sea
C. lying on the beach D. floating (漂) on the sea
2. When Dad saw the object, he _______.
A. told the kids to play with it somewhere else B. knew it was something dangerous
C. decided to move it quickly D. picked it up to take a closer look
3. Dad went to a shop near the beach_______.
A. to meet the soldiers B. to buy some drinks for the kids
C. to call for help D. in order to get away from the beach
4. The bomb on the beach_______.
A. was washed up by accident B. killed many people
C. was put there by the Japanese D. was carried away by the Australian soldiers

Take a class at Dulangkou School, and you’ll see lots of things different from other schools. You can see the desks are not in rows and students sit in groups. They put their desks together so they’re facing each other. How can they see the blackboard? There are three blackboards on the three walls of the classroom!
The school calls the new way of learning “Tuantuanzuo”, meaning sitting in groups. Wei Liying, a Junior 3 teacher, said it was to give students more chance to communicate.
Each group has five or six students, according to Wei, and they play different roles (角色). There is a team leader who takes care of the whole group. There is a “study leader” who makes sure that everyone finishes their homework. And there is a discipline (紀律) leader who makes sure that nobody chats in class.
Wang Lin is a team leader. The 15-year-old said that having to deal with so many things was tiring.
“I just looked after my own business before,” said Wang. “But now I have to think about my five group members.”
But Wang has got used to it and can see the benefits (好處) now.
“I used to speak too little. But being a team leader means you have to talk a lot. You could even call me an excellent speaker today.”
Zhang Qi, 16, was weak in English. She used to get about 70 in English tests. But in a recent test, Zhang got a grade of more than 80.
“I rarely(很少)asked others when I had problems with my English. But now I can ask the team leader or study leader. They are really helpful.”
5. What makes Dulangkou School different from others? __________
A. The students’ desks are in rows. B. Students sit and study in groups.
C. There are three blackboards in the classroom.D. Both B and C.
6. A discipline leader is supposed to __________.
A. take care of the whole group
B. make sure that everybody finishes homework
C. make sure that nobody chats in class
D. collect all the homework and hand it in to teachers
7. The new way of learning is said to give students more chance to __________.
A. chat with each other B. listen to the teachers
C. make friends D. communicate
8. We can tell from the story that some students __________ this new way of learning.
A. get benefits from B. are tired of C. cannot get used to D. hate

四. 單詞拼寫:根據(jù)句意及首字母完成單詞:
1. Your lifestyle is different from o________________.
2. Wool comes from s______________.
3. They are twins. No wonder they look so s_________________.
4. The camel t__________ I rode had a bad temper.
5. Don’t drive after you drink strong w_____________.
6. The wine was made from g_____________. It tastes well.
7. Look, the kangaroos are jumping a______________ our car.
8. The police only told us some facts, they didn’t tell too much d____________.
9. People are warned not to swim in the sea, because there’re some s_________________ in it.
10. Her hair is going g____________ with worry.

五. 根據(jù)漢語完成句子:
1. 她衣服的顏色和我的很相似。
Her dress ___________________________________ in color.
2. 我可以看一眼你的作文嗎?
May I _______________________________ your composition?
3. 我習慣用筷子吃飯。
I _________________________________ with chopsticks.
4. 筆是用來寫字的。
Pens _______________________________________ .
5. 這就是教我游泳的男孩。
This is the boy ____________________________________ how to swim.
6. 這就是他們上個月參觀的博物館。
This is the museum ____________________________ last month.

(**)六. 綜合填空:
Do you always agree with your teachers? Sometimes you have a different answer t 1 a math problem. Or perhaps they scold (訓斥) you when you don’t think you did anything w 2 .
What do you do then? A story said t 3 more and more students are speaking out and even quarrelling w 4 their teachers.
It’s good for students to say what they think. In the past, f 5 Chinese students dared speak back to their teachers. It was a rule that w 6 the teachers said is always right. But now students are beginning to think more b 7 themselves and dare to say what they want.
But students should choose the right way to speak out. We should respect(尊敬) teachers. They are older t 8 you and have more experience. So, never u 9 rude words when you don’t agree with them.
Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher. For e 10 , discuss the problem after class.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


一. 1. A
2. A 解析:由于machine是物不是人,因此排除B,that在定語從句中作主語,不可省略,故選A。
3. B
4. B
5. B 解析:此句意為“當這個孩子被要求安靜地站著時,他還是不停地四處走動”,故選B。
6. A 解析:此句意為“他過去常住在小村子里,但現(xiàn)在他已經(jīng)習慣住在大城市了”,used to do sth 意為“過去常常做某事”,be used to doing sth. 意為“習慣做某事”,故選A。
7. B
8. A
9. C 解析:此句意為“我喜歡能讓我跟著起舞的音樂,你呢?”,what在句中不是引導詞,who是指人,故選C。
10. B
11. C
12. B 解析:此題中的關(guān)鍵詞是后半句中的them,說明sheep是復數(shù),且時態(tài)是作一般現(xiàn)在時,故選B。
13. C 解析:此題中的關(guān)鍵詞是twins(雙胞胎),只有兩者,故排除B,others作主語,謂語用復數(shù),故選C。
14. A解析:此題考查定語從句,由于that已經(jīng)指代先行詞the dictionary,因此不需要再用it代替,故選A。
15. A

二. 1—5 CDCDC 6—10 ADAAB


四. 1. ours 2. sheep 3. similar 4. that 5. wine
6. grapes 7. alongside 8. detail 9. sharks 10. grey

五. 1. is similar to mine 2. have a look at 3. am /get used to eating
4. are used for writing/ are used to write
5. that taught me
6. (that) they visited

六. 1. to 2. wrong 3. that 4. with 5. few
6. what 7. by 8. than 9. use 10. example

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/60552.html
