Mainly Revision

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Book Three Unit 6 Mainly Revision

 badly allow deep understand amaze however colourful dead
 society since cover earth ocean pollute group terrific sometime
 deal shark alike attack Africa warn appear

 explore explorer watchtower

 be amazed at clean up as long as on earth

 Lesson 21

 1. What have they gone there for? 他們?yōu)槭裁瓷夏抢锶ィ?br /> what…for = why
 eg. What did you do that for? 你為什么這樣做?
 = Why did you do it?

 Lesson 22

 1. Not too long ago, people couldn't go scuba diving on Hainan Island, or anywhere else. 不太久以前,人們?cè)诤D蠉u或任何其他地方還不能戴水肺潛水。

 ① not too long ago:不是很久以前

、 not… or:既不…也不。
 eg. He could not eat or drink gold. 他既不能吃也不能喝金子。
 = He could neither eat nor drink gold.
 The pupil doesn't like math or Chinese. 這個(gè)小學(xué)生既不喜歡數(shù)學(xué),也不喜歡語(yǔ)文。
 = The pupil likes neither math nor Chinese.

、 該句中的else是一個(gè)副詞(adv),常用于疑問(wèn)詞和某些代名詞后。
 eg. What else do you want? 你還要什么?
 When else can we come again? 我們什么時(shí)候還能來(lái)呢?
 Little else remains to be done today.今天沒(méi)有什么事要做的了。
 In the dark she hurried to put on someone else's coat.
 We went to the museum and nowhere else. 我們到博物館去了,其他什么地方也沒(méi)去。

 2. This was because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time. 這是因?yàn)闆](méi)有一種可以讓人在水底下長(zhǎng)時(shí)間呼吸的機(jī)器。
 3. In 1943 Jacques Cousteau and his friend made it possible by inventing the scuba machine.

、 … made it possible…中的it用來(lái)指代上文中的 "breathe under water for a long time"。

、 by表示通過(guò)某種手段、方式等,后面常接動(dòng)詞的-ing形式。
 eg. She earned money by writing. 她靠寫作掙錢。
 We went by air. 我們乘飛機(jī)走。
 4. Cousteau was very interested in diving deep into the sea. 庫(kù)斯托對(duì)深海潛水十分感興趣。
 be interested in:對(duì)…感興趣。
 5.As he explored the sea, he took pictures and videos of many things that people had never seen before. 在探索海洋的過(guò)程中,他對(duì)許多鮮為人知的事物進(jìn)行了拍攝和錄像。

 ① 該句是一個(gè)復(fù)合句,其中包含一個(gè)由that引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句:that people had never seen before,用來(lái)修飾名詞things.

、 as在該句中的意思是"當(dāng)、正值"。
 eg. He dropped the glass as he stood up. 他站起來(lái)時(shí),把杯子摔了。
 6. He even made a TV show which ran for eight years. 他甚至還做了電視節(jié)目,該節(jié)目上演了8年。

、 該句也是一個(gè)復(fù)合句,其中包含一個(gè)由which引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句:which ran for eight years,用來(lái)修飾名詞a TV show.

 ② 該句中的ran(run的過(guò)去時(shí))意思是"上演、繼續(xù)"。
 eg. The insurance runs for another month. 保險(xiǎn)有效期還有一個(gè)月。
 7. As a boy, Cousteau loved the coral reefs in the sea by his home. 小的時(shí)侯,庫(kù)克斯熱愛家附近的海里的珊瑚礁。

 ① as在該句中用作介詞(prep),指處于某段時(shí)期之中,等于When he was a boy.

 ② as用作介詞時(shí),也能用來(lái)指處于某種狀態(tài)、性質(zhì)、情況、工作等之中。
 Eg. He works as a driver. 他以開汽車為業(yè)。
 The kitten uses that box as a bed. 小貓把那盒子當(dāng)作床。

、 句中的by意思是"在近處;在旁邊"。
 Eg. A nurse is standing by the window. 一位護(hù)士站在窗戶旁邊。
 He put the tape on a table by the bed他把磁帶放在了床邊的桌子上。
 8. He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish. 他對(duì)海洋中的五彩斑斕的顏色和漂亮的魚群感到驚嘆不已。
 be amazed at:對(duì)…感到驚訝。
 eg. Visitors were amazed at the achievements in the car manufacture of the city during the   past decade. 參觀者對(duì)這城市過(guò)去十年中汽車制造工業(yè)的成就感到驚奇。
 I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death.聽到喬治突然去逝的消息,我感到驚愕。
 9. Since water covers most of the earth, Cousteau knew we should keep the seas clean. 庫(kù)克斯意識(shí)到我們應(yīng)該保持海洋的清潔,因?yàn)樗采w了地球的大部分。
 句中的since意思是"因?yàn)、既然?br /> eg. Since you ask, I will tell you. 你既然問(wèn),我就告訴你。
 Since many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect the money at night.

 10. As water is very important to our environment, he encourage everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.

 ① as在該句中的意思"由于"。

、 encourage sb to do sth:鼓勵(lì)某人做某事。
 Eg. I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examinations.
 The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national math competition to strive for the best results.

、 take part in:參與、參加
 eg. He took part in the game and won the first place. 他參加了比賽并獲得了冠軍。
 Lesson 23

 1. I've been down as long as two hours.我在水下長(zhǎng)達(dá)兩小時(shí)。
 as… as:用來(lái)表示強(qiáng)調(diào)。
 eg. They walked as far as the foot of the mountain. 他們一直走到那座山的山腳下。
 The girl owns a bag as big as a small tent. 這個(gè)女孩有一個(gè)像小帳篷那么大的包。
 2. That's a deal!就這樣說(shuō)定了!
 eg. OK, let's make a deal. 好吧,我們來(lái)訂個(gè)協(xié)議。
 Lesson 24

 1. A shark is a fish, but it has many differences from a fish.鯊魚是一種魚,但是又與魚有很多不同之處。
 2. Not all sharks are alike. 并非所有的鯊魚都一樣。

 ① not all:"并非所有…都…",常用來(lái)表示部分否定。
 eg. Not all the desks are made of wood. 不是所有的桌子都是木制的。
 Not all the agreements are legal. 并非所有的協(xié)議都是合法的。

、 alike此處用作形容詞,意思是"相同的、相似的"。也能用作副詞。
 Eg. The two sisters are very alike. 兩姐妹非常相像。
 They were all dressed alike in white dresses. 他們都是一樣的白色裝束。

 3. It eats plants from the sea, but many sharks feed on fish, other sea animals, smaller  sharks and sometimes they eat people. 它(鯊魚)吃海中的植物。但是許多鯊魚吃魚、其它海中動(dòng)物、小鯊魚,有時(shí)還吃人。
 feed on sth:以…為食。
 4. It's said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark. 據(jù)說(shuō)大白鯊是最危險(xiǎn)的鯊魚之一。
 It's said that…:據(jù)說(shuō)。
 5. They have attacked a number of people off the beaches of Australia. 它們(鯊魚)在美國(guó)沙灘附近傷過(guò)很多人。
 eg. The disease attacked his bones. 病患已侵襲了他的骨骼。
 6. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa also have shark attacks. 澳大利亞、新西蘭和南非也曾發(fā)生過(guò)鯊魚傷人事件。
 7. In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to warn people about sharks in the  water. 有些地方的海灘上有嘹望塔,用來(lái)警告人們水中的鯊魚。
 warn:警告、提醒。(常與about, against連用。也常與that連用,后接句子。)
 eg. She warned me about the dangerous road, so I crossed it carefully.
 The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail. 汽笛提醒旅客船即將啟航。
 1. Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly. (Lesson 21)
 bad/ badly
 這兩個(gè)詞的意思含有“壞、糟、嚴(yán)重”等意思,且它們有共同的比較級(jí)worse和最高級(jí)worst 。
、 bad是一個(gè)形容詞,意思是“壞的,糟糕的,差的,嚴(yán)重的”。

 I don’t think he is a bad person.我并不認(rèn)為他是一個(gè)壞人。
 I had a bad headache.我的頭疼得很厲害。
 The house is in a bad condition. 房子失修了。

 We need help badly.我們急需幫助。
 His arm was badly hurt.他的胳膊嚴(yán)重受傷了。
 Our school team played badly in the match.我們校隊(duì)在比賽中打得很糟。
 2. Cousteau was very interested in diving deep into the sea. (Lesson 22)
 interested/ interesting
 ① interested是指“對(duì)…產(chǎn)生興趣的,對(duì)…感興趣的”,一般用人做主語(yǔ),后常用介詞in.

 He was interested in biology before.他以前對(duì)生物感興趣。
 I’m not interested in art.我對(duì)藝術(shù)不感興趣。
 Women are always interested in fashions.女人總對(duì)時(shí)裝感興趣。
 He is an interesting old man.他是個(gè)有趣的老頭。
 The interesting story attracted me. 這個(gè)有趣的故事吸引了我。
 It was interesting that he ran away! 有趣的是他跑了!
 3. When he returned some years later, the colourful coral reefs are dead. (Lesson 22)
 dead/ die/ death/ dying
、 dead是形容詞,意思為“死了的、無(wú)生命的”,表示狀態(tài),可以與一段時(shí)間連用。
 The tree has been dead for ten years.這棵樹死了有十年了。
 The rabbits are all dead. 這些兔子都是死的。
 She looked at her dead cat sadly.她傷心地看著她死去的貓。
② die是動(dòng)詞,意思為“死、死亡”,是一個(gè)瞬間動(dòng)詞,不能與一段時(shí)間連用。

 My grandpa died two years ago.我爺爺兩年前去世了。
 The old man died of cancer.老人死于癌癥。
 The fish will die without water.離開水魚會(huì)死去。
、 death是名詞,意思為“死亡、去世”等。

 The memorial hall was built one year after his death.他死后一年,紀(jì)念館建成了。
 His death is a great loss to us.他的死是我們的巨大損失。
 Car accidents have caused a lot of deaths. 車禍造成很多人死亡。
、 dying 是die的現(xiàn)在分詞,用作形容詞,意思是“垂死的、即將死去的”。
 The doctors have saved the dying man.醫(yī)生們救活了那個(gè)垂死的人。
 The poor dog had no food, it was dying.可憐的狗沒(méi)有食物,快要餓死了。
 The dying father wanted to see her son. 那個(gè)垂死的父親想見他的兒子。



 ( Jim and Han Li are talking about the coming summer holiday.)
 Ben: Hello, Han li, where are you going for your summer holiday?
 Han Li: I'm ___1___ sure. I'm thinking ___2___ going to Guilin. What about you?
 Ben: I'm going to Chongqing and Wuhan ___3___ my parents.
 Han Li: ___4___ are you going there?
 Ben: First we'll fly to Wuhan, and then go to Chongqing ___5___ ship.
 Han Li: That's a good ___6____. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. ___7___ you a pleasant
 Ben: Thank you!
 Ⅱ 完成句子。

 1. 你為什么把收音機(jī)開這么大聲?
 ______ do you turn your radio so loud _____ ?

 2. 整個(gè)會(huì)議將持續(xù)3個(gè)小時(shí)。
 The whole meeting will ______ ______ 3 hours.

 3. 我們都喜歡跟那只小狗玩。
 We all like ______ ______ with the dog.

 4. 很抱歉,我沒(méi)有帶食物。
 I'm sorry, I don't ______ any food ______ me.

 5 .你的新錄音機(jī)是什么樣?
 What ______ your new recorder ______ ?

 6. 謝謝你告訴我這個(gè)消息。
 Thank you ______ ______ me the news.

 7. 昨晚他們直到十一點(diǎn)才停止談話。
 They ______ stop talking ______ 11 o'clock last night.

 8. 這是一封露茜寫給小帆的信。
 This is a letter ______ Lucy ______ Xiaofan.


 1. not 2. about 3. with 4. How 5. by 6. idea 7. Wish

、 完成句子


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