
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Ⅰ部分 (20分)
( )1.A.Yao Ming.B.Xu Beihong. C.Wu Chengen.
( )2.A.What a pity!B.Congratulations!C.Have a good time.
( )3.A.Harry Potter.B.The Monkey King.C.Hamlet.
( )4.A.Work hard.B.Draw pictures.C.An artist.
( )5.A.Portrait.B.Landscape.C.Animal.
( )6.A.Landscapes.B.Portraits.C.Paintings.
( )7.A.Yes, she can.B.No, she can’t.C.I don’t know.
( )8.A.A computer engineer.B.A book seller.
C.A writer.
( )9.A.Interesting.B.Boring.C.Exciting.
( )10.A.She likes it a little.B.She likes it a lot.C.We don’t know.
( )11.Vincent was born in Holland on March 30th, 1853.
( )12.Vincent began to draw when he was twenty.
( )13.Vincent left Holland and traveled to Paris in 1883.
( )14.Vincent died of illness when he was 37.
( )15.Vincent left behind him more than 2,000 paintings and drawings.
( )16.Which program do students like best?
A.The weather report.B.The sports news.
C.The popular songs.
( )17.What can you hear from the radio station in the afternoon?
A.The most important news.
B.Some beautiful poems and some popular songs.
C.News about Yao Ming.
( )18.How often does the radio station play?
A.Once a day.B.Twice a day.C.Three times a day.
( )19.The students sometimes get important messages from the radio station, don’t they? A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don’t. C.I don’t know.
( )20.What can we learn from the passage?
A.He wants to work for the radio station very much.
B.Students can learn more from the radio station than from the class.
C.The radio station is useful for all the students.
( )21.?Mr. Li, could you help me? I can’t decide ______ I want to be an artist or not.
?No problem. You can first go to National Art Museum of China and learn about the life of the artists, then you can make a decision.
A.if B.whether C.whichD.that
( )22.It’s raining heavily; we’ll have to wait ______ the rain stops.
A.as soon asB.tillC.whenD.after
( )23.I heard from my pen pal yesterday, but I haven’t replied ______ her.
( )24.Luoshenfu was painted by Gu Kaizhi, ______ was a Chinese painter.
A.what B.that C.who D.which
( )25.?Could you tell me ______ ?
?Glad to help.
A.if you have been to the Great WallB.where did he study
C.how I can get to the stationD.what’s your name
( )26.We must read the introduction ______ the medicine carefully before we take it.
( )27.The baby kept on ______ until the mother came back.
A.cry B.cries C.cried D.crying
( )28.Zhang Guorong ______ was a famous singer and actor died young.
A.whom B.which C.who D.what
( )29.?You shouldn’t slap your brother ______ the face.
?I’m really sorry. I won’t do that again.
A.on B.at C.in D.across
( )30.The scene here is different ______ that ______ the distance.
A.of; in B.of; on C.from; in D.from; on
J. K. Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of the best-sellers in the world. She 36 born in Britain on July 31st, 1965. She has one sister who is two years 37 than her. Both girls liked 38 to their father’s bedtime stories. They especially loved stories about magic. Rowling wrote her first story 39 the age of six.
On a long train trip in 1990, an idea came to her. She wanted to write about a boy who had magic but he didn’t know it. In 1992, Rowling began 30 the first Harry Potter book for young 31 . It appeared in June, 1997. The book was a great success. And the film came out in November, 2001. Now the Harry Potter series (系列) is 32 with people of all ages and about sixty 33 books were sold in 200 countries. In this series, Harry is an ordinary boy: polite, friendly, brave and clever. So when children read about Harry, they can imagine being like him. That’s 34 the Harry Potter series has been so popular.
J. K. Rowling is very 35 with the success. Now she’s really enjoying life. She said she would go on writing children’s books.
( )36.A.isB.wasC.hasD.had
( )37.A.old B.young C.oldest D.younger
( )38.A.listen B.speak C.listening D.speaking
( )39.A.inB.atC.forD.to
( )40.A.writeB.wroteC.to writeD.written
( )41.A.writersB.driversC.singersD.readers
( )42.A.bestB.popularC.gladD.busy
( )43.A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of
( )44.A.whenB.whereC.whyD.what
( )45.A.sadB.worriedC.unhappyD.happy
Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881. His father was a painter and art teacher who gave his son the first lesson in drawing. He won a prize? “Science and Charity” for his first important painting when he was only fifteen. He studied in several cities in Spain. But there was no one to teach him all that he wanted to know. When he was nineteen, he visited Paris.
Paris was then the center of the world for artists. Everything that was new and exciting in the world of paintings seemed to happen there. When he was twenty-three, Picasso moved there to live and lived in France for the rest of his life.
When he was over ninety, this great painter still lived his life like a young man. He was still looking for new ideas and new ways to use his artistic materials.
When he died in 1973, he was ninety-one years old.
( )46.What did Pablo Picasso’s father do?
A.A teacher.B.A painter.
C.An artist.D.A painter and art teacher.
( )47.What prize did he win when he was fifteen?
A.Science and Painting.B.Science and Art.
C.Science and Charity.D.Painting and Charity.
( )48.Where was he born and where did he visit when he was nineteen?
A.Paris and Spain.B.London and Paris.
C.Spain and Paris.D.London and Spain.
( )49.How old was he when he moved to Paris and how old was he when he died?
A.Twenty-three and ninety.B.Twenty-three and ninety-one.
C.Nineteen and ninety-one.D.Nineteen and ninety.
( )50.What did he do when he was old?
A.He lived his life like a young man.
B.He looked for new ideas.
C.He looked for new ways to use his artistic materials.
D.All the above.
Rush Hour 15:00 23:00My Life as Mcdull 9:00 13:00
①Action Movie
Do you like Jackie Chan? Rush Hour is another movie of his. It’s so exciting. Come and have fun! ②Cartoon
Mcdull is a little pig. He’s kind of silly but he’s very cute. Do you want to enjoy happiness with him? Be sure to watch it!
Mr. Bean 11:00 19:00Harry Potter Ⅲ 17:00 21:00
Rowan is a great actor. His movie Mr. Bean is coming. It’s very funny. Don’t miss it! ④Science Fiction
Harry Potter has been in the wizardry school (魔法學(xué)校) for three years. He begins a new life. How is everything going?
( )51.What do you think of Mcdull?
A.Exciting.B.Silly but cute.C.Funny.D.Happy.
( )52.Mr. Li finishes his lessons at 22: 00, which film can he enjoy on Thursday evening?
A.Rush Hour. B.My life as Mcdull. C.Mr. Bean. D.Harry PotterⅢ.
( )53.My daughter is eight years old. Which two films does she like best, can you guess?
A.Rush Hour and My life as Mcdull.B.My life as Mcdull and Mr. Bean.
C.Mr. Bean and Harry Potter Ⅲ.D.Harry Potter Ⅲ and My life as Mcdull.
( )54.What kind of movie is Mr. Bean?
A.Action Movie.B.Cartoon. C.Comedy. D.Science Fiction.
( )55.Who is an action movie character?
A.Jackie Chan.B.Rowan. C.Mcdull. D.Harry Potter.
The film is very exciting and dramatic(戲劇性的), but it is also romantic(浪漫的) and very sad. It is about the ship, the Titanic, which sank in the Atlantic in 1912. It is a love story. The two famous stars are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslett. They fall in love on the ship, but are not allowed to be together as she is rich and he is poor. Leonardo is excellent as poor, handsome Jack and Kate Winslett is perfect as rich and beautiful Rose. The best thing about the film is the part where the ship is sinking. This love story doesn’t have a happy ending.
Flubber is a comedy. Starring(主演) Robin Williams is a forgetful scientist. He is very forgetful and he even forgets his own wedding(婚禮)! Flubber is the name of the amazing(令人驚奇的) green stuff(物品) that he invents. The plot(情節(jié)) is about two bad men who try to steal both Flubber and the scientist’s girlfriend. The scientist has lots of silly adventures(歷險) with Flubber, and he is really funny as the mad scientist. The best thing about the film is the special effects as Flubber changes into all different shapes and sizes and even does a dance routine(舞蹈動作). It’s really an enjoyable film.
Name of filmType of filmStarsMain characters
(主要人物)Best thing
about film
56. ________Love storyLeonardo Di Caprio,
Kate Winslett59. ________60. ________
Flubber57. ________58. ________Forgetful scientistSpecial effects
A: Welcome to our restaurant! Here’s the menu. 66.________________________ ?
B: Sure. I’d like to try Beijing roast duck.
A:67._________, but we don’t have any today.68.________ to start with Roast chicken?
B: OK. Roast chicken must be delicious.
A: 69._______________________________ ?
B: I’d like two bottles of Tsingtao beer.
A: 70.______________________ ?
B: No, that’s all.
A: So you’d like to have Roast chicken and two bottles of Tsingtao beer.
B: Yes, that’s right.
A: Thank you. Please 71._________________.
聽 力 材 料
1.Who is your favorite painter, Li Ming?
2.Mozart died when he was 35 years old.
3.Who did Sandy and Pigsy help win every battle?
4.What has he made up his mind to be?
5.What kind of painting does Mona Lisa belong to?
6.M: Jane, which do you like better, landscapes or portraits?
W: I think that landscapes are less beautiful than portraits.
Q: What does Jane like better?
7.M: Could you tell me something about Red Star over China?
W: Sorry, I haven’t read it.
Q: Can the woman tell the man something about Red Star over China?
8.W: I like to read Simon Smith’s works.
M: So do I. It is said that he writes on his computer. And his new book will come out next week.
W: Great! I will get one as soon as it’s out.
Q: Who is Simon Smith?
9.W: I like soft music. How about you?
M: I can’t understand it. It makes me sleepy.
Q: What does the man think of soft music?
10.M: The story Sand and Stone tells us the meaning of friendship.
W: You’re right. I have read it several times.
Q: How does the woman like the story?
Vincent van Gogh was a man in a hurry, and an artist full of energy. He was born in Holland on March 30th, 1853. At the age of twelve, young Vincent began to draw. When he was only 20, he went to London.
After 1876, young van Gogh traveled in Britain, Belgium and Holland. Between 1883 and 1886, his paintings developed into characteristic dark landscapes and scenes of country life.
In 1886, van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled to Pairs. He lived there with his brother. His works became more youthful in Paris.
He killed himself when he was only 37, but he left behind him more than 2,000 paintings and drawings.
In our school, there is a radio station. I work for the station. Every morning, we tell the students about the weather and the latest news, and sports news is the students’ favorite. In the afternoon, we usually read some beautiful poems or play some popular songs. So it is a fun time for many students to give their best wishes to their friends and teachers through our station. Sometimes we tell the students important messages. When the test time comes, we tell the students how to go over the lessons, and the tips in the exams. Every student loves to write to the Team Talk if they have any problems, and some advice is given as soon as possible. “It’s just like my best friend and it helps me a lot.” a student named Li Ming told us.
參 考 答 案 及 解 析
Ⅰ一節(jié).1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 二節(jié).6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B
三節(jié).11.T 12.F 13.F 14.F 15.T 四節(jié).16.B 17.B 18.B 19.A 20.C
Ⅱ.21.B whether可以和or not連用表示“是否”,而if不能;which引導(dǎo)定語從句;that既可引導(dǎo)賓語從句,也可引導(dǎo)定語從句。故選B。
22.B as soon as 一……就……;till 直到……為止;when當(dāng)……的時候;after在……之后。我們不得不一直等到雨停為止。故選B。
23.A reply to sb. 表示回復(fù)某人。故選A。
24.C 考查定語從句。先行詞是不定代詞all, few, little, something, nothing, anything等詞時,關(guān)系代詞只能用that, what相當(dāng)于all that。故選C。
25.C 考查賓語從句。賓語從句的從句部分用陳述語序。故選C。
26.C the introduction of the medicine 意為“藥品說明”。故選C。
27.D keep on doing sth. 意為“持續(xù)做某事”;on為介詞,后多跟動名詞。故選D。
28.C 考查短語的掌握。die young 英年早逝,事情發(fā)生在過去所以用過去時態(tài)。故選C。
29.C slap sb. in the face 意為“打某人的臉”。你不應(yīng)該打你兄弟的臉。故選C。
30.C be different from … 意為“與……不同”;in the distance 意為“在遠(yuǎn)處”。故選C。
Ⅲ.36.B be born出生,要用過去時。故選B。
37.D 考查形容詞比較級的用法。故選D。
38.C like doing sth. 喜歡做某事;listen to stories 聽故事。故選C。
39.B at the age of 在……歲的時候。故選B。
40.C begin to do sth. 或begin doing sth. 開始做某事。故選C。
41.D 寫書是為了給讀者。故選D。
42.B be popular with sb. 受某人的歡迎。《哈利?波特》系列受到各年齡段讀者的歡迎。故選B。
43.A 當(dāng)有具體確定的數(shù)字修飾million時,million用單數(shù)形式,且后面連接名詞時,不用“of”,直接連接即可;若前面沒有數(shù)目或數(shù)量則用millions,millions of 數(shù)以百萬的。故選A。
44.C That’s why ... 那是……的原因。那就是《哈利?波特》系列如此流行的原因。故選C。
45.D be happy with ... 對……滿意/高興。下文說她現(xiàn)在很享受生活,證明已取得成功并十分滿意。故選D。
46.D 由第一段第二句His father was a painter and art teacher … 可知答案選D。
47.C 由第一段第三句He won a prize?“Science and Charity”… 可知答案選C。
48.C 由第一段首句Pablo Picasso was born in Spain in 1881. 和尾句When he was nineteen, he visited paris. 可知答案選C。
49.B 由第二段尾句When he was twenty-three, Picasso moved there to live … 和第四段When he died in 1973, he was ninety-one years old. 可知答案選B。
50.D 由第三段 … lived his life like a young man. He was still looking for new ideas and new ways to use his artistic materials. 可知答案選D。
51.B 由指南②第二句 … silly but … cute可知答案選B。
52.A 22: 00放學(xué)只能看到23: 00的電影。故選A。
53.D 根據(jù)常識,兒童多喜歡動畫片和兒童劇。故選D。
54.C 由指南③Comedy可知答案選C。
55.A 從第一則廣告中可知Jackie Chan (成龍)是動作片中的角色。故選A。
56.Titanic 57.Comedy 58.烏龍博士Robin Williams
59.Jack and Rose 60.The part where the ship is sinking
61-65. B D A E C
66.first. 67.doing. 68.for. 69.chosen. 70.farther.
71.difficult.72.cook. 73.her. 74.another. 75.giving.
76.Can I take your order? 77.I’m sorry. 78.Would you like
79.What would you like to drink 80.Anything else
81.Wait a moment.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/61006.html
