
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網
1、be busy doing 忙于做
2、be used to doing 習慣于做
3、be used for doing 被用來做
4、be worth doing 值得做
5、by doing 依靠
6、can’t help doing 禁不住做[
7、consider doing 考慮做
8、end up doing 結束做
9、enjoy doing 喜歡做
10、feel like doing 喜歡做
11、finish doing 完成做
12、give up doing 放棄做
13、have fun doing 開心做
14、have trouble/problem/difficulty doing 有困難做
15、keep/keep on doing 繼續(xù)/反復做
16、(would you) mind doing 介意做
17、practice doing 練習做
18、prefer doing…to doing 更喜歡做
19、put off doing 推遲做
20、spend …doing 花費…做
21、stop/prevent/keep sb.…(from) doing 防止某人做某事
22、succeed in doing 成功做
23、thanks for doing 感謝做

1、advise sb. to do 建議做
2、afford to do 支付得起做
3、agree to do 同意做
4、allow sb. to do 允許某人做
5、be able to do 能夠做
6、be afraid to do 害怕做
7、begin to do 開始做
8、can’t wait to do 迫不及待做
9、decide to do 決定做
10、happen to do 碰巧做
11、hope to do 希望做
12、invite sb. to do 邀請某人做
13、learn to do 學習做
14、need to do 需要做
15、plan to do 計劃做
16、prefer to do… rather than do 更喜歡做
17、pretend to do 假裝做
18、refuse to do 拒絕做
19、start to do開始做
20、tell sb. to do 告訴某人做
21、try (one’s best) to do盡力做
22、used to do 過去經常做
23、volunteer (one’s time) to do 自愿做
24、want (sb.) to do 想要(某人)做
25、wish (sb.) to do 希望(某人)做
26、would like to do 愿意做
27、What/How/When/Where to do
28、It takes sb. st. to do
29、It’s difficult/impossible for sb. to do
30、I find it difficult to study English

1、Why not do
2、You’d better (not)do
3、一感 feel
二聽 hear , listen to
三讓 make, let, have
四看 see, notice, watch, look at
半幫助 help sb. (to) do
help (to)do


1、 like doing hate doing
like to do hate to do
2、 forget doing remember doing
forget to do remember to do
3、 go on doing stop doing
go on to do stop to do
4、 try doing[
try to do

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/62864.html
