
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習網(wǎng)
M 2012趣笢蕉荎逄等砐恁寁枙軞葩炾諒偶
植A﹜B﹜C﹜D侐跺恁砐笢恁堤褫眕沓 諾啞揭腔郔槽恁砐﹝
( )l.求Michacl likes flying around the world.
求I think being a is just right for him.
Aㄝpilot Bㄝpoliceman Cㄝcook Dㄝdoctor
( )2.求What a hot day!
求The weather report says it will be even tomorrow.
Aㄝcooler Bㄝhotter Cㄝwetter Dㄝcolder
( )3.求Must I go to the shop with youㄛMum?
求Err... I can make it myselfㄛMike. You go with me.
Aㄝmustn*t Bㄝshouldn*t Cㄝwouldn*t Dㄝneedn*t
( )4.求Would you like to watch the movie with me tonight?
求 ㄛbut I have too much homework to do.
AㄝI*d love to BㄝThat*s all right CㄝIt doesn*t matter DㄝNot at all
( )5.求Can I help youㄛdear?
求YeahㄛI don*t know a banana milk shake. Maybe you can teach me.
Aㄝwhat to do Bㄝwhen to make Cㄝhow to make Dㄝwhy to do
( )6.求It seems that Peter has nothing to do at the moment. 求Let me give him to read.
Aㄝanything Bㄝsomething Cㄝeverything Dㄝnothing
( )7. Which sign means ※Save Water§?

( )8.求Did you sleep well last night?
求Far from that! One of my neighbors music pretty loud.
Aㄝplays Bㄝis playing Cㄝwas playing Dㄝwould play
( )9.求Where can I keep these books?
求Here is a box full of bananas. You can it and put the books in.
Aㄝthrow Bㄝempty Cㄝsell Dㄝbring
( )10.求I saw you come to school by bus this morning.
求OhㄛI come to school by busㄛbut it is raining today.
Aㄝhardly Bㄝalways Cㄝsometimes Dㄝusually
( )11.求Hurry up! The bus is coming.
求Wait a minute. Don*t cross the street the traffic lights are green.
Aㄝuntil Bㄝafter Cㄝwhile Dㄝsince
( )12.求TV and computer are so popular these days.
求Yesㄛthey can our eyes to the outside world.
Aㄝcall up Bㄝopen up Cㄝturn up Dㄝtake up
( )13.求Could you tell me at the meeting?
求SorryㄛI don*t know. I didn*t go to the meeting that day.
Aㄝwhat does he say Bㄝwhat he says Cㄝwhat he said Dㄝwhat did he say
( )14.求Why is the classroom so dirty?
求Sorryㄛsir. It yesterday We forgot to do it.
Aㄝdoesn*t clean Bㄝdidn*t clean Cㄝisn*t cleaned Dㄝwasn*t cleaned
( )15.求How about raising money for the people in YushuㄛQinghai? 求 .
AㄝGood idea BㄝEnjoy yourself CㄝNever mind DㄝYou*re welcome
( )1ㄝ求Is the woman a teacher?
求Yes. She teaches ________ English.
Aㄝyou BㄝusCㄝour Dㄝyour
( )2. 求Do you think yesterday*s math problem was difficult?
求Yes. I could ________ work it out.
Aㄝhardly Bㄝeasily Cㄝfinally Dㄝnearly
( )3. 求Which province is the ________ one in winter?
求It should be Hainan Province, I think.
Aㄝcoldest Bㄝhotter Cㄝwarmest Dㄝcooler
( )4. 求Are you going to Tibet for vacation?
求Yes. I want you to ________ me with some information about it.
Aㄝoffer BㄝgiveCㄝshow Dㄝprovide
( )5. 求Where*s her second son? I haven*t seen him for a long time.
求He _______ the south looking for a place to work.
Aㄝwill go to Bㄝhas gone to Cㄝhad gone to Dㄝgoes to
( )6. 求Peter, what if your parents go out?
求They ask me to _______ myself.
Aㄝlook after Bㄝlook up Cㄝlook for Dㄝlook through
( )7. 求Meat isn*t really dangerous, is it?
求Oh! _________! It*s not at all good for our health.
AㄝYes, it isn*t BㄝNo, it is CㄝYes, it is DㄝNo; it isn*t
( )8. 求Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?
求___________. I*ll have to help my parents.
AㄝSorry, I can*t BㄝYes, I*d love to CㄝLet*s go DㄝNo, I don*t think so
( )9. 求Why didn*t Betty come to school yesterday?
求_________ she was ill.
AㄝBut BㄝThough CㄝIf DㄝBecause
( )10. 求When did the 2010 World Expo(岍痔頗) come to a close?
求It*s close at the end of _______.
AㄝSeptember BㄝOctober CㄝNovember DㄝDecember
( )11. 求Do you have this kind of MP5? 求Sorry, we ___ yesterday. You can come next week.
A. tried them on B. took them off C. given them out D. sold them out
( )12. 求There is ______ with my leg. 求Don*t worry. Let me help you.
A. nothing wrong B. something wrong C. wrong something D.nothing
( )13. 求I want to know ______. 求Let me show you the way.
A. where I can buy booksB. where can I buy books
C. where books can I buy D. what they are going to do
( )14. 求When did the old man die? 求In 2007. He ______ for nearly three years.
A. died B. has died C. has been dead D. is dead
( )15. 求Do you know when the 29th Olympic Games ______? 求Yes, in 2008.
A. hold B. is held C. was held D. has held
菴 郪ㄩ
( )1.求What*s ______ most useful invention in the 20th century?
求______ computer, I think.
A. the, A B. a, A C. the, TheD. /, The
( )2. 求Lucy, do you like ______?
求Yes. Most of my clothes are ______.
A. an orange, an orange B. orange, orange
C. oranges, oranges D. orange, an orange
( )3. 求Jim, Tom is looking for his English book. Is this ______?
求No, that is ______. I don*t know where his is.
A. his, mine B. he, mine C. him, mine D. his, my
( )4. 求Why do you always watch Channel 10 instead of Channel 5, Grandpa?
求The programs on Channel 10 are ______ better.
A. more much B. much more C. moreD. much
( )5.求I can*t decide ______.
求You mean the purple sweater or the blue one?
A. how to go there B. who to go with C. where to visit D. which to choose
( )6. 求Where is Mr. Lee? I have something important to tell him.
求You ______ find him. He ______ Japan.
A. won*t, has gone to B. may not, has been to
C. may, has gone to D. can*t, has been to
( )7.求Which of these two English books will you borrow?
求I*ll borrow ______ of them. Because they are very interesting.
A. either B. all C. neither D. both
( )8. 求Lots of trees and flowers ______ on both sides of Huanshan Road last year.
求Oh, that*s beautiful.
A. are planted B. were planting C. were plantedD. have planted
( )9.求Hi, Daming. It*s said the famous singer will come to Nanning. Do you know ______?
求Next month.
A. when does he come B. when he comes
C. when will he come D. when he will come
( )10. 求Tom, your books should be in right order.
求OK. I*ll ______ right now.
A. put them down B. put them awayC. put them up D. put them on
( )11.求How about going shopping this weekend, Peter?
求Sorry. I prefer ______ rather than ______.
A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home
C. staying at home, go out D. going out, stay at home
( )12.求______ will you come back, Mum? 求In ten minutes.
A. How longB. How soon C. How often D. How far
( )13.求______ kind girl Nancy is! 求Yes, she is always ready to help others.
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
( )14.求Hello! Is that Kate speaking? 求Yes, ______.
A. it*s Kate B. I*m Kate C. this is Kate D. Kate is me
( )15. 求My mother and I will go to Shanghai this summer.
求______. Shall we go together?
A. So do I B. So can I C. So am I D. So will I
( )1.My best friend Neil is ________ honest boy. You can believe him.
A. a B. an C.the D./
( )2. 求I like red best. What about___________?
求My favourite colour is orange. It represents joy.
A. you B.her C.him D.it
( )3. 求__________ I have a ticket , please?
求Sorry,sir. All the tickets were sold out ten minutes ago.
A. May B.Need C.Must D.Should
( )4. 求 Have you seen the film Alice in Wonderful?
求Yes. ____________ wonderful film it is!
A. What B.What a C.How D.How a
( )5.Liu Xiang came third ______ the 110-meter-hurdle race last month in Shanghai.
A.in B.from C.acrossD.through
( )6. 求Let*s go hiking ___________ staying at home , shall we?
求A good idea.
A. as well as B.in order to C.instead of D.in addition to
( )7.To _________ nature is to help ourselves , or we will be punished.
A.protect B.prevent C.provide D.pollute
( )8.Maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but_______can destroy the love in our people.
A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing
( )9.The fire was completely ________ shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen.
A.cut down B.put out C.give out D.floated away
( )10. 求 Mum, I*m really ________ about the result of the exam.
求Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.
A.patient B.satisfied C.unhappy D.pleased
( )11. 求 We can use QQ to communicate with each other online.
求Good. Will you you please show me ____________.
A.which to use B. how to use it C.what to use D.where to use it
( )12. 求Would you like to have ___________ cake ?
求No, thanks. I*ve had two. That*s enough.
A.other B.others C.another D.the other
( )13. 求 What*s the news about ?
求________ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for Yushu.
A.A member of B.A kind of C.A packet of D.A number of
( )14. 求I seem to be lost. Could you tell me ___________?
求Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.
A. where is the nearest hospital B.how long it will take me to the airport
C.how far is my trip to the Olympic Village D.how I can get to the National Museum
( )15. 求Sorry, Frank. I*m busy today. I can*t go swimming with you.
求 _________.
A. No problem B.You*re welcome C.That*s all D.Never mind
( )1.Come on,children! Help _____to some_____.
A.yourself;meat B.yourselves;chicken
C.yourselves;beefs D. themselves; meat
( )2.What a pity! Liu Xiang didn*t win the_____hurdlesㄗ輻戲ㄘ.
A.110-meterB.110-meters C.110 meter D. 110 meter*s
( )3.求 What is the____of the 2010 World Expoㄗ岍痔頗ㄘ?
求 It is ※Better City, Better Life§.
A.song B. sign C.custom D. theme
( )4.The boy found______hard to get along with the other classmates.
A.this B.that C.it D.one
( )5.Let*s search the Internet for some information about famous people,______?
A.will you B.won*t you C.shall we D.are you
( )6._____the afternoon of April 30th,many foreign visitors arrived___Shanghai.
A.In;at B.On;in C.On;to D.On, for
( )7.You______be tired after playing sports for a long time without a rest.
A.must B.need C.can*t D.needn*t
( )8.They preferred_____ rather than_____a bike.
A.to walk; to ride B.walking;riding C.to walk;ride D.walking; to ride
( )9.In our school libray,there____a number of books on science and the number of them_____growing larger and larger.
A.is;are B. has;are C.have;is D. are;is
( )10.Several days has passed_______the air crashㄗ諾麵ㄘ happened.
A.since B.after C.as D. if
( )11.My e-mail______to you last night.﹛Have you received it____?
A.sent;yet B.is sent;already C.was sent;yet D.sent; ever
( )12. 求 ____can we board our plane? 求 In twenty minutes.
A.How soon B.How long C.How often D.How much
( )13. 求 Would you mind my taking this seat? 求 ______.
A.Sorry, I can*t B.No,not at all C.It*s a pleasure D.Yes,it can.
( )14.We had to _____our discussion because one of us suddenly got ill.
A.take off B.turn off C. look up D. break off
( )15. 求 Could you tell me _____?
求 Yes. He _____to Australia.
A.where is he;has gone B.where he is;has gone
C.where he is;has been D.what was he doing; went
( )1. 求 I need something for cutting the paper.
求 Oh, you want a knife? OK, I'll get ______ for you.
A. it B. that C. this D. one
( )2. It's nice of you to ______ so much time showing me around your school.
A. take B. spend C. cost D. have
( )3. 求 What time do you expect me back, Mum?
求 Say, ______half an hour.
A. at B. before C. in D. for
( )4. 求 Did you find the small village yesterday?
求 Yes, without any difficulty, for it has ______ changed over years.
A. hardly B. greatly C. clearly D. nearly
( )5. Bob promises to join in the football match ______ he has to help his parents on the farm.
A. if B. as C. unless D. when
( )6. 求 I hope you don't mind my opening the window.
求 ______ It's much too hot in here.
A. Certainly B. Of course notC. All right D. Never mind
( )7. 求 How can I ______ well with my lessons, Dad?
求 Practice makes perfect.
A. work on B. hold on C. get on D. keep on
( )8. There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really don't know ______ to choose.
A. what B. which C. how D. where
( )9. 求 Could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?
求 Sorry, I know nothing about him. We are______.
A. friends B. neighbors C. classmates D. strangers
( )10. 求 Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?
求 Sometimes. It's an interesting program, but I______ Sports News.
A. prefer B. want C. enjoy D. miss
( )11. 求Have you ever been to Shanghai ,Mary?
求 Yes. I _______ there for three clays with my parents last' month.
A. have gone B. have been C. went D. was
( )12. 求 Please bring little Tom next time you come to Anhui.
求 ______, thank you.
A. I will B. I hope so C. That's right D. My pleasure
( )13. 求What will the weather be like tomorrow?
求 It ______ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows?
A. must B. might C. shall D. should
( )14. 求Are you going to the party?
求 No, because I ______.
A. have asked B. haven't asked
C. have been asked D. haven't been asked
( )15. The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only answered ______ of them.
A. some B. lots C. each D. few
( )16. 求 It seems that Alice never wants to do anything except draw pictures.
求 Right. That's what she likes to do ______.
A. more B. less C. most D. least
( )17. 求Why didn't you go to the cinema with us this afternoon?
求I ______ at the station for my uncle from Beijing.
A. was waiting B. have waited C. am waiting D. will wait
( )18. 求 Dad, it's such a long way from our home to the park!
求 You mean it's ______ to take a taxi?
A. popular B. necessary C. possible D. important
( )19. 求Excuse me. May I use your eraser, please?
求 Sure. ______
A. Watch out! B. Well done! C. Go ahead. D. Follow me.
( )20. I couldn't get through the door because there was a big box ______.
A. by the way B. on the way C. out of the way D. in the way
菴 郪ㄩ
( )1. Tom and Mike are good friends. _______ often help each others.
A. They B. Them C. Their D. Theirs
( )2. Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai ________ April 29 to work for the World Expo.
A. on B. at C. of D. to
( )3. The reading room ________ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )4. 求________ schoolbag is this?
求I guess it*s Lily*s.
A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which
( )5. 求Which color do you like ________, blue or green? 求Blue.
A. good B. better C. best D. the best
( )6. There is ________ wrong with this computer. It doesn*t work well.
A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
( )7. 求________ you turn down your radio, please?
求Yes, I can.
A. May B. Need C. Must D. Can
( )8. 求Would you like to go to the concert with me?
求I*d love to, ________ I*m afraid I have no time.
A. so B. or C. and D. but
( )9. 求What*s your father doing now?
求He ______ the room
A. cleaned B. cleans C. has cleaned D. is cleaning
( )10. Tom will call me as soon as he ________ home.
A. gets B. has got C. got D. will get
( )11. Granny often tells us _______ water in our daily life.
A. save B. saving C. to save D. saves
( )12. Rose came to Beijing in 2002. She _______ here for eight years.
A. was living B. live C. will live D. has lived
( )13. It _______ heavily when I left the cinema.
A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. was raining
( )14. The road ________ last year.
A. builds B. built C. was built D. is built
( )15. 求Do you know ________ the Capital Museum? 求Next Friday.
A. when will they visit B. when they will visit
C. when did they visit D. when they visited
( )1. 求Do you know everyone from Class One?
求Er#, I know some of ______.
A. they B. their C. theirs D. them
( )2. When I was a student, I liked to sit in the front of the classroom so that I could see the words more clearly on the _______.
A. blackboard B. desk C. dictionary D. postcard
( )3. Tommy is looking for the watch his uncle ______ him last month.
A. gives B. gave C. to give D. has given
( )4. 求 Would you like some coffee?
求No, thanks. I _____ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach.
A. almost B. already C. hardly D. still
( ) 5. I don*t have to introduce him to you ______ you know the boy.
A. until B. unless C. since D. but
( )6. The tall man over there is our new English teacher, _________?
A. is he B. is there C. isn*t he D. isn*t there
( )7. I got a good present on my ______ birthday.
A. nine B. ninth C. the nine D. the ninth
( )8. While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish _____ out of the water.
A. jumped B. to jump C. jumping D. are jumping
( )9. Several years ago, ______ people knew Sean. But now he is famous in Jinan.
A. few B. any C. many D. most
( )10. I _______ to take part in the English speech contest last week.
A. ask B. asked C. am asked D. was asked
( )11. Mr. Yang*s daughter is pretty good ______ drawing pictures and won many prizes.
A. with B. for C. in D. at
( )12. 求 Xiao Wang, __________ will it take to fly to Guangzhou?
求Sorry, I don*t know.
A. how far B. how soon C. how many D. how long
( )13. The TV play is about a true story _______ happened in Mianyang in 1998.
A. it B. what C. that D. when
( )14. Though Jack was poor and sick, he never ______ any chance to write. That is why he finally became a successful writer.
A. agreed to B. gave up C. looked for D. thought of
( )15. 求Could you tell me _________________?
求 Of course, last night.
A. when you reached Chengdu B. when did you reach Chengdu
C. how you came to China D. how did you come to China
( )1 求Shall we pay visit to Expo 2010ㄛShanghai?
求No, I'd rather stay at home and play football
A. a; the B. the a C.祥沓ㄛthe D. aㄛ祥沓
( )2 To help Tommy learn better, his parents have done they couldㄩcards,
tapesㄛspecial learning centersㄛin short, everything they can think of.
A. both B. all C. none D. neither
( )3求Excuse meㄛsir. The shoes are a bit small for me
求Don*t worryㄝI*ll change them for a size
A .smaller B. smallest C. larger D. largest
( )4 Father often tells me too much time on computer games.
A. don*t spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending
( )5 it's difficult to make her dream come trueㄛshe never gives up.
A.Though B. Unless C. Because D.If
( )6 Joeㄛmy close friendㄛmoved to Beijing years agoㄛand I him since then.
A. don*t see B. didn*t see C. haven*t seen D. won*t see
( )7 It was very hard for me to make a , but I decided to leave my job.
A .suggestion B. decision C. plan D. speech
( )8 I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs .But she saysㄛ※One is
never old to learn**
A. too B. so C. very D. quite
( )9 Rebuilding in Yushu began soon after the earthquake, and it will long into the future.
A . reach B. keep C. stop D. last
( )10 Karin found some waste paper on the floor.She it and threw into the future.
A. put; up B. picked; up C. turned; up D. looked; up
( )1l If you try to sit on two chairsㄛyou will fall them for lifeㄛyou must choose one chair.
A. between B. under C. among D. into
( )12 求Long time no see!
求I*ve just retuned. I to Zhengzhou for a meeting last month
A .am sent B. was sent C. am sending D. was sending
( )13 Friends are those make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed
A .which B. what C. whom D. who
( )14求It*s such a long way! What shall I do?
求You take my car if you want
A. will B. must C. may D. shall
( )15 Some of my friends are interested in scienceㄛbut none of them can tell
A .when UFOs will appear next time B. why do horses know the way
C .where was this kind of plant found D. how do elephants communicate
( )1.We*d better get ready for the dinner now because Greens are coming to visit us tonight.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )2. The plane will take off _________ three hours. I must get to the airport right now.
A. in B. for C. on D. at
( )3. They ________ play football last Friday because Simon forgot to bring his football here.
A. could B. couldn*t C. can*t D. can
( )4. You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need _____ like me to cheer you up.
A. no one B. none C. someone D. everyone
( )5. That film was so that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it. A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing
( )6. 求_________ wonderful dictionary it is! Thank you for buying me such a useful present.
求I*m glad you like it.
A. What a B. What C. How a D. How
( )7. It*s said that smoking won*t be ____in indoor public places or workplaces in China soon.
A. attacked B. admired C. attracted D. allowed
( )8. A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing _________ he has a map or a guide.
A. if B. because C. unless D. when
( )9. 求We have finished watering all the trees, Miss Li.
求_________! Boys and girls, let*s have a drink.
A. Good luck B. Well done C. Good idea D. Best wishes
( )10.求The Summer Palace is wonderful. Have you ever visited any other interesting places?
求Yes. Also, we _____ to the Great Wall.
A. have gone B. have been C. had gone D. had been
( )11. The Gulf of Mexicoㄗ蘋昹貊俜ㄘ is being polluted seriously. That has affected _________ several hundred kinds of sea animals there.
A. at least B. at once C. at birth D. at times
( )12. Mr Brown always makes his class _____ and keeps his students ________ in class.
A. alive; interesting B. lively; interesting
C. alive; interested D. lively; interested
( )13. 求Jerry, do you mind my pointing out your mistakes?
求_________. Your advice is of great value to me.
A. Not at all B. You*d better not
C. Of course D. It*s my pleasure
( )14. The girl _______won the gold medal comes from Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.
A. who B. which C. what D. whom
( )15. 求That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know ____?
求For 5 years.
A. how soon he will come back B. how long he has stayed there
C. when he went there D. when he will come here
( )1. Please read every sentence carefully. you are, mistakes you*ll make.
A. The more carefully, the fewer B. The more careful, the less
C. The more carefully, the less D. The more careful, the fewer
( )2. 求 ______ hard work you have done!
求 t*s very kind of you to say so.
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
( )3. 求 When shall we go to the museum, this afternoon or tomorrow morning?
求 ____ is OK. I*m free these days.
A. Both B. All C. Either D. Neither
( )4. Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby ______.
A. to stop crying B. stop crying C. to stop to cry D. stop to cry
( )5. 求What are on show in the museum?
求 Some photos _____by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.
A. have been taken B. were taken C. are taken D. taken
( )6. You shouldn*t ______ your hope. Everything will be better.
A. give up B. fix up C. cheer up D. put up
( )7. How much does the ticket ______ from Shanghai to Beijing?
A. cost B. took C. spend D. pay
( )8.They were all so tired that they could ______.
A. do nothing but sleep B. do anything but sleep
C. do nothing but to sleep D. do anything but to sleep
( )9. 求 Where would you like to go on your summer holiday, Mike?
求 I*d like to go ______.
A. nowhere interesting B. interesting anywhere
C. somewhere interesting D. interesting somewhere
( )10. 求 He didn*t go to the lecture this morning, did he?
求 ______. Though he was not feeling very well.
A. No, he didn*t. B. Yes, he did. C. No, he did. D. Yes, he didn*t.
( )11. In the past few years there ______ great changes in my hometown.
A. have been B. were C. had been D. are
( )12. We have two rooms ______, but I can*t decide ______.
A. to live, to choose which one B. lived, choose which one
C. to live in, which one to choose D. live, which one
( )13. Many Chinese students think science subjects are ______ foreign languages.
A. more difficult as B. less difficult than C. much difficult than D. so difficult as
( )14.求Have you found the information about the famous people you can use for the report?
求 Not yet. I*ll search some on the Internet.
A. who B. what C. whom D. which
( )15. 求 Tommy, do you know if Frank _____ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ______?
求Sorry, I have no idea.
A. will go, is fine B. goes, is fine
C. will go, is going to be fine D. goes, will be fine
( )16. We have ______ up early in order to catch the early bus.
A. used to get B. been used to get C. used for getting D. been used to getting
( )17. I think ______ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam ______ easy.
A. three fourths, is B. third four, are C. three fourths, are D. three fourth, are
( )18. 求 May we leave the classroom now?
求 No, you ______. You ______ to leave until the bell rings.
A. mustn*t, are allowed B. don*t have to, are supposed
C. needn*t, aren*t allowed D. can*t, aren*t supposed
( )19. The plane ______ when we got to the airport.
A. had taken off B. was taken off C. will take off D. is taking off
( )20. 求I hear Huang Gang made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday.
求 ______ , and ______.
A. So he did, so did I B. So did he, so I did
C. So he was, so was I D. So was he, so I was
( )1ㄝ求Who has ____ marks in EnglishㄛWang LinㄛZhang Fang or Li Hong?
求Li Hongㄝ
Aㄝgood Bㄝbetter Cㄝbest Dㄝthe best
( )2ㄝJenny goes to school on footㄝIt takes her about half ____ hour to get thereㄝ
Aㄝan Bㄝa Cㄝthe Dㄝ(祥沓)
( )3ㄝ求DadㄛI've passed the examㄝ 求 ____ !
AㄝNever mind BㄝGood luck CㄝWell done DㄝAll right
( )4ㄝI forget to bring a penㄝWould you lend me ____?
Aㄝone Bㄝthat Cㄝit Dㄝthis
( )5ㄝ求Have you ____ joined in a dragon boat race?
求YesㄛI haveㄝ
Aㄝnever Bㄝstill Cㄝseldom Dㄝever
( )6.My brother is two metres in height.It's very difficult to find clothes big enough him.
Aㄝabout Bㄝat Cㄝwith Dㄝfor
( )7.Tomorrow there's a programme about our school on TV,then it ___by millions of peopleㄝ
Aㄝwill see Bㄝsaw Cㄝwill be seen Dㄝwas seen
( )8ㄝ ____ it snowed heavily yesterday, nobody in our class missed the lessonㄝ
AㄝThough BㄝBecause CㄝUnless DㄝSince
( )9ㄝTrees ____ fight air pollutionㄝThey are natural air conditionersㄝ
Aㄝshould Bㄝmust Cㄝneed Dㄝcan
( )10ㄝI'm not sure about the meaning of the word. You'd better look it up in a ____ ㄝ
Aㄝletter Bㄝdictionary Cㄝpostcard Dㄝnotice
( )11ㄝ求Where ____ you ____ lunch?
求At homeㄝThere was no school lunch
Aㄝdid have Bㄝare having Cㄝwill have Dㄝdo have
( )12ㄝ求Excuse meㄛ____ is the post office?
求About 500 metres away.
Aㄝhow often Bㄝhow long Cㄝhow far Dㄝhow soon
( )13ㄝ____ earlyㄛand you won't be late for schoolㄝ
AㄝTurn down BㄝTurn up CㄝGet up DㄝGet down
( )14ㄝ求Do you like playing tennis?
求Noㄛ____ I like sportsㄝI play football every Sunday
Aㄝand B. but Cㄝso D.or
( )15ㄝ求Whose computer doesn't work?
求 ____ ㄛI thinkㄝ
AㄝJohn has BㄝJohn does CㄝJohn DㄝJohn's
菴坋 郪ㄩ
( )1. 求 You*ve dropped ________ ※s§ in the word ※necessary§.
求 Oh, ________ letter ※s§ is doubled.
A. a; a B. a; theC. an; theD. the; the
( )2.求Don*t be late next time, Mike.
A. No, I don*tB. Don*t worryC. Sorry, I won*tD. I don*t know
( )3.You*d better not always look up the new words ____________ the dictionary while reading. Sometimes we need to guess.
A. in B. on C. atD. from
( )4. _________ many children like KFC, I think they*d better try not to eat it too often.
A. BecauseB. WhenC. AlthoughD. If
( )5.求Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car?
求Why ____________? I*m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.
A. meB. I C. himD. her
( )6. The shop ________ at 8:00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours every day.
A. opens; is openB. is opened; opens
C. is open; has openedD. opened; opens
( )7. 求 Have you ever been anywhere for a trip?
求 A trip? I ________ away from my hometown even once.
A. went B. have goneC. have beenD. have never been
( )8.求____________ will you be away?
求In a couple of weeks.
A. What timeB. How soonC. How oftenD. How long
( )9.求Can I help you?
求I*d like ____________ for my twin daughters.
A. two pair of shoesB. two pairs of shoe
C. two pair of shoeD. two pairs of shoes
( )10. 求 You don*t look well, Don! You*d better see your doctor.
求 I ________, but he said there was nothing wrong.
A. will B. wouldC. hadD. have
( )11. 求 How long have you ________?求 For three days.
A. got a headacheB. fallen ill
C. caught a cold D. had a cough
( )12.I felt it hard to keep up with my classmates. But whenever I want to ____________, my teacher always encourages me to work harder.
A. go onB. give upC. run awayD. give back
( )13.How time flies! Three years ____________ really a short time.
A. isB. areC. wasD. were
( )14. Beijing, the capital of China, is one of __________ cities in the world.
A. the biggest B. bigger C. much bigger D. big
( )15.The World Expo (岍痔頗) ____________ in Shanghai last year.
A. being had B. is havingC. is heldD. was held
( )1ㄝ求Bob, you look so happy today!
求WellㄛI got ______ A on my English testㄝ
Aㄝthe Bㄝa Cㄝan Dㄝ/
( )2ㄝ求 Whose shirt is this? Is it Tom's?
求No, it isn't, ______ is white.
AㄝMine BㄝHers CㄝHis DㄝYours
( )3ㄝ求 I'm ______, mum. Can I have something to drink?
求 OK. Here's some cola.
Aㄝfull Bㄝheavy Cㄝhungry Dㄝthirsty
( )4ㄝ求When did the Shanghai Expo open?
求_______May 1st, 2010.
AㄝIn BㄝOn CㄝAt DㄝBy
( )5ㄝ求My father has decided to ______ smoking.
求That's good news for us.
Aㄝgive up Bㄝgive out Cㄝgive in Dㄝgive to
( )6ㄝMost of the young people enjoy ______ Jay Chou's songs.
Aㄝsing Bㄝsang Cㄝsinging Dㄝto sing
( )7ㄝThere are ________ people in the supermarket. It's so crowded.
Aㄝhundred Bㄝhundreds Cㄝhundred of Dㄝhundreds of
( )8ㄝ求Alice, please tell Eric to call me when he _____ back.
求No problem.
Aㄝcome Bㄝcomes Cㄝcame Dㄝwill come
( )9ㄝ求I lost my MP4 on my way home this afternoon.
求 _________! You must be careful next time.
AㄝTake care BㄝLook out
CㄝPay attention to DㄝWhat a pity
( )10ㄝ求 __________ beautiful city!
求Yes. Lots of tourists come to visit it every year.
AㄝWhat a BㄝWhat CㄝHow a DㄝHow
( )11ㄝ求 Listen! Is it Linda singing in the next room?
求No, it __________ be her. She is still in Shanghai.
Aㄝcan't Bㄝcouldn't Cㄝmay not Dㄝmight not
( )12ㄝEvery year lots of trees _______ to make our country more beautiful.
Aㄝis planted Bㄝwas planted Cㄝare planted Dㄝwere planted
( )13ㄝ_______ a big party in our school in two weeks.
AㄝIt is BㄝIt will be CㄝThere was DㄝThere is going to be
( )14ㄝWhatever you do, ________ is difficult if you put your heart into it.
Aㄝnothing Bㄝanything Cㄝsomething Dㄝeverything
( )15ㄝ求Could you tell me ________ to the post office, please?
求Yes. It's down Bridge Street on your fight.
Aㄝhow I got Bㄝhow I can get
Cㄝhow can I get Dㄝhow did I get
( )1. 求 My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow.
求______. Shall we go together?
A. So am I B. So do I C. So I am D. So will I
( )2. 求 Do you know the boy________ is sitting next to Peter?
求 Yes. He is Peter*s friend. They are celebrating his ________ birthday.
A. who; ninthB. that; ninethC. /; ninethD. which; ninth
( )3. 求You can use MSN to talk with Vivien on the Internet.
求 I know. But can you tell me ________?
A. when I can use itB. what I can use it
C. why can I use itD. how can I use it
( )4. 求 What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang*s Crazy English?
求 I think it*s _______ , but someone thinks it*s much too ________.笢.蕉.訧.埭.厙
A. wonderful enough; boredB. enough wonderful; boring
C. wonderful enough; boringD. enough wonderful; bored
( )5. 求 It*s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.
求 I think a bridge ________ over the river.
A. should be built B. is being built C. has been builtD. was built
( )6. 求 Zhao Rui, it*s said that many famous singers will come to Yangzhou on April 18th.
How about watching the evening show there? 求 ! Let*s ask Huang Tao to go with us.
A. Best wishes B. Sounds greatC. Good luckD. That*s OK
( )7 . 求Which of these two sweaters will you take?
求I*ll take . They look nearly the same, and I just need one.
A. both B. either C. none D. all
( )8. 求 David promised to come round to have supper with us today.
求 But he ____. I*ve been alone for half an hour.
A. won*tB. hadn*tC. hasn*t D. doesn*t
( )9. 求Would you like some drinks, boys?
求Yes, ____ , please.
A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolate
C. some cakes D. two boxes of cola
( )10. 求 Lily is coming by plane tomorrow.
求Let*s go to airport to meet her.
A. a; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; the
( )11. I feel it hard to keep up with my classmates in study and sometimes I lose heart. But whenever I want to , my teacher always encourages me to work harder.
A. go onB. run away C. give up D. look out
( )12. 求 Can I tell Peter about the news?
求No, I don*t want anyone else to know it. You keep it to yourself.
A. mustB. needC. canD. may[懂埭:笢.蕉.訧.埭.厙( )13. Just before the Chinese class, I suddenly realized that I forgot __my Chinese text book.
A. bring B. bringing C. and bring D. to bring
( )14. There are so many kinds of Mp3 in the shop. We can*t decide .
A. what to buy B. to buy what C. which to buy D. to buy which
( )15. 求If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. 求 _______.
A. I am sorry to hear that B. I will. Thank you very much
C. I have no trouble D. I will think it over
( )1ㄝ求Wow! You*ve got so many skirtsㄝ
求But________ of them are in fashion nowㄝ
Aㄝall Bㄝboth Cㄝneither Dㄝnone
( )2ㄝThe earthquake which happened in Yushu________ 14th April 2010 was a big disasterㄝ
Aㄝat Bㄝon Cㄝin Dㄝto
( )3ㄝI can________ be a nurseㄝI*m not a very patient personㄝ
Aㄝseldom Bㄝever Cㄝnever Dㄝalways
( )4ㄝ求Do you know if Cindy wilt drive to Italy this weekend?
求Cindy? Never! She drivingㄝ
Aㄝhas hated Bㄝhated Cㄝwill hate Dㄝhates
( )5ㄝWe can have_______ bluer sky if we create________ less polluted worldㄝ
Aㄝa a Bㄝa the Cㄝthe a Dㄝthe the
( )6ㄝ求I wonder_______ you*ll water this kind of treeㄝ
求Once a weekㄝ
Aㄝhow often Bㄝhow long Cㄝhow soon Dㄝhow much
( )7ㄝ求MaggieㄛI really love your handwritingㄝ 求________ㄝ
AㄝI practice every day BㄝThank you very much
CㄝNoㄛI don*t think so DㄝWellㄛit*s not good enough
( )8ㄝ求What do you think of the film※Avatar§? 求________ㄝ
求It*s fantasticㄝThe only pity is that I________ the beginning of itㄝ
Aㄝmissed Bㄝwas missing Cㄝmiss Dㄝwill miss
( )9ㄝ________of the land in that district________ covered with trees and grassㄝ
AㄝTwo fifths isBㄝTwo fifth areCㄝTwo fifth is DㄝTwo fifths are
( )10ㄝEric*s never seen a three-D movie at the cinemaㄛ_______?
Aㄝhasn*t he Bㄝhas he Cㄝisn*t he Dㄝis he
( )11ㄝWe*ll visit Shanghai this Sunday_______ it rains or it*s very hotㄝ
Aㄝsince Bㄝif Cㄝunless Dㄝuntil
( )12ㄝ求I don*t care what my teachers thinkㄝ
Aㄝcould Bㄝwould Cㄝshould Dㄝmight
( )13ㄝ求Why don*t we take a little break?
求Didn*t we just have_________?
Aㄝit Bㄝthat Cㄝone Dㄝthis
( )14ㄝ求Could you tell me_________? 求He is in the libraryㄝ
Aㄝwhere Simon was Bㄝwhere is Simon
Cㄝwhere was Simon Dㄝwhere Simon is
( )15ㄝJulia is very cleverㄝIn factㄛI doubt whether anyone in the class has_______ IQㄝ
Aㄝa high Bㄝa higher Cㄝthe higher Dㄝthe highest
菴坋 郪ㄩ
( )1. 求 How was _____ dinner at Mike*s house?
求 It was great. Mike*s mum is _____ wonderful cook.
A. a, theB. the, aC. the, the D. a, an
( )2. 求 Look, that*s Mike, your classmate.
求 Yes. Let*s go and say hello to ______.
A. himB. he C. her D. hers
( )3 .We need to come up with a/an ______ and make a decision at once.
A. informationB. adviceC. idea D. news
( )4. Mr. Black is strongly _____ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom.
A. upB. forC. againstD down
( )5. Taking buses in Beijing is ______ than taking a taxi.
A. more cheapB. much cheaperC. a little cheapD. less cheaper
( )6. Jim dislikes people ______ talk much but never do anything.
A. whomB. whenC. whoseD. who
( )7. Students are ______ to speak loudly in the reading room.
A. toldB. supposedC. not supposedD. allowed
( )8. 求 What is our head teacher like, do you know?
求 Oh, he is very kind _____ he looks very serious.
A. becauseB. thoughC. ifD. when
( )9. Bill doesn*t like the sunglasses in the ad because they can*t _____ the sun well.
A. take out B. keep outC. clean outD. look out
( )10. 求Where are the Greens, may I ask?
求 Well, they ______ to England. They have been there for nearly a week now.
A. have beenB. are going toC. have goneD. will go
( )11. The woman made his son ______ finally after she told him some jokes.
A. laughedB. to laughC. laughD. laughing
( )12. 求 Do you know ______ the new mobile phone last week?
求Maybe 900 yuan. I*m not quite sure.
A. how much she paid forB. how much will she pay for
C. how much did she pay for D. how much she will pay for
( )13.I bet Mrs. Black will come to help us with the celebration if she ___too busy tomorrow.
A. isB. will beC. won*t beD. isn*t
( )14. 求 Look, what an old palace! It looks so great!
求 Yeah, it ______ nearly 800 years ago.
A. was buildingB. was builtC. has builtD. is built
( )15. 求 It*s sunny today. How about going skiing in Ying Yue Park?
求_______! Let*s ask the twins to go with us.
A. Sounds greatB. Best wishesC. Good luckD. That*s OK
( )1. 求 How about talent show?
求 I should say it was great success.
A. / ; the B. a ; the C. the; a D. the; /
( )2. The World Table Tennis Championship began the morning of May 25, 2010 Moscow, Russia.
A. Fifty; in; in B. Fiftieth; on; in C. Fiftieth; in; on D. Fifty; on; in
( )3. 求 What a nice MP5! Whose is it?
求 It*s . My father bought me last week.
A. me B. him C. his D. mine
( )4. 求 Wow! You look different! You wear glasses.
求 Yes, I did. But now I am wearing contact lenses(笐倛桉噩).
A. could B. mustC. used toD. would
( )5. 求 Which underlined part is different from the others in pronunciation?
求 .
A. belowB. follow C. own D. allow
( )6. 求 Health is money.
求 But I think it is money.
A. as important as B. more important than C. so important than D. the same as
( )7. 求 The 2010 Asian Sports Meet in Guangzhou last year.
求 Yes. I wish Chinese players will do well.
A. was held B. have been held C. was to be held D. would be held
( )8. 求 I am glad to be invited to Susan*s birthday party on Friday evening, Mum.
求 yourself, dear! But remember to be back before 10 o*clock.
A. Help B. Believe C. Make D. Enjoy
( )9. 求 Which would you like to visit, Shanghai Expo Garden or Beijing Bird Nest?
求 . I prefer to enjoy the 2010 FIFA World Cup at home.
A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None
( )10. 求 Could I clean the bedroom for you?
求 No, thanks. I it myself.
A. cleaned B. have cleaned C. was cleaning D. had cleaned
( )11. 求 I hear you have to run for half an hour every day.
求 Right. It is one of the in my school.
A. choices B. plans C. hobbies D. rules
( )12. 求 What will they do to deal with the accident?
求 Ten doctors and five nurses have a medical team and will start out right now.
A. worked out B. made up C. helped out D. belonged to
( )13. 求 You didn*t go to school yesterday, did you?
求 , though there was a heavy rain.
A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn*t C. Yes, I didn*t D. No, I did
( )14. 求 Congratulations! Your English teacher told me you got an A this time.
求 Thank you. She is very .
A. impressedB. embarrassed C. terrified D. frustrated
( )15. 求 I bought a tie for Dad on Father*s Day yesterday.
求 .
A. It*s nothingB. I would, thanks
C. That*s special enoughD. I didn*t mind
( )1.France is ______ European country, India is _______ Asian country.
A. a; theB. the; anC. a; anD. an; an
( )2.求Would you please carry the heavy box for me? 求______.
A. With pleasure B. It*s a pleasureC. Have a good timeD. Not at all
( )3.It*s said that more than 100 _________ will attend this meeting in Shanghai.
A. man teachersB. woman teachers
C. men teachersD. womans teachers
( )4.Usually he writes in ink and writes _______ his left hand.
A. on B. in C. by D. with
( )5.He didn*t tell me _______.
A. where he bought the new computer B. where did he buy the new computer
C. where he buys the new computer D. where does he buy the new computer
( )6. Dr. Green says that these children may find _______hard to think for themselves when they are older.
A. that B. it C. one D. them
( )7. 求Look! The lights in the teachers* office are still on. Is Mr. Li working?
求No. It _______ be Mr. Li. I saw him leave just now.
A. may notB. mustn*tC. can*t D. needn*t
( )8. Sixteen-year-olds shouldn*t be allowed to get their ears__________.
A. to pierceB. piercedC. piercingD. pierce
( )9. Shanghai is _______ one of the two cities.
A. the largerB. larger C. the largest D. largest
( )10. 求I don*t know if Dr. White _______ to the party next week?
求I think he will come if he ________ free.
A. comes; will beB. will come; will beC. comes; isD. will come; is
( )11. Students should do everything they can ________ their study.
A. improveB. to improveC. improvingD. improved
( )12. Mary with her sisters ________ Chinese in China.
A. are studyingB. have studiedC. is studyingD. study
( )13. 求David has made great progress recently.
求________, and ________.
A. So he has; so have youB. So he has; so you have
C. So has he; so you have D. So has he; so have you
( )14. Would you mind closing the window to stop the wind _______ the papers away.
A. blowB. from blowing C. to blowD. of blowing
( )15.Let*s go somewhere interesting to relax ourselves, ______?
A. do weB. don*t we C. will youD. shall we

菴珨郪ㄩ1求5 ABDAC 6求10 BDCBA 11求15 ABCDA
菴媼郪ㄩ1求5 BACDB 6求10 ACADB 11求15DBACC
菴 郪ㄩ1求5 CBADD 6求10 ADCDB 11求15 ABBCD
菴侐郪ㄩ1求5 BAABA 6求10 CADBC 11求15 BCDDD
菴拻郪ㄩ1求5 BADCC 6求10 BACDA 11求15 CABDB
菴鞠郪ㄩ1求5 DBCAC 6求10 BCBDA 11求15 DABDA 16求20 CABCD
菴 郪ㄩ1求5AABCB 6求10 ADDDA 11求15 CDDCB
菴匐郪ㄩ1求5 DABCC 6求10 CBCAD 11求15 DDCBA
菴嬝郪ㄩ1求5 DBCCA 6求10 CBADB 11求15 ABDCA
菴坋郪ㄩ1求5 CABCB 6求10 ADCBB 11求15 ADAAB
菴坋珨郪ㄩ1求5 DACBD 6求10 AAACB 11求15 ACBDA 16求20 DCDAA
菴坋媼郪ㄩ1求5DACAD 6求10 DCADB 11求15 ACCBD
菴坋 郪ㄩ1求5CCACA 6求10 ADBDD 11求15 DBAAD
菴坋侐郪ㄩ1求5 CCDBA 6求10 CDBDA 11求15 ACDAB
菴坋拻郪ㄩ1求5 DAACA 6求10 BBADD 11求15 CADCB
菴坋鞠郪ㄩ1求5 DBCDA 6求10ABAAB 11求15 CCCDB
菴坋 郪ㄩ1求5 BACCB 6求10 DCBBC 11求15 CADBA
菴坋匐郪ㄩ1求5 CBDCD6求10 BADCB11求15 DBAAC
菴坋嬝郪ㄩ1求5 CACDA 6求10 BCBAD 11求15 BCABD恅梒懂埭

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/66935.html
