九年級英語I used to be afraid of the dark教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
第1課時(shí) Unit 2 Section A 1a—2c (總第6課時(shí) )
【Learning objectives】
1. Knowing: used to
2. Habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern
3. Communicating: talk about what you used to be like
【Important learning points】
1. Habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern
2. Communicating: talk about what you used to be like
【Learning process】
一、 自主學(xué)習(xí)
Task 1 : 運(yùn)用used to詢問某人過去的特征
1、 回憶有關(guān)描述人的外貌特征及個(gè)性的詞語,完成部分1a表格
Task 2: 聽力練習(xí)
2、 聽錄音完成2a
3、 聽錄音完成2b
Task 3: 理解應(yīng)用
1、口頭描述Mario, Amy,Tina, Paula, Steve等人的過去
彈鋼琴 __________________ 踢足球 ___________________
對…更有興趣_____________________ 在游泳隊(duì)_________________
你不記得我了嗎?____________________________ ?
二、 合作共建
學(xué)習(xí)Grammar Focus中的句子,理解歸納used to的用法
1、used to意為:
2、used to后面加
3、used to的否定式有兩種形式
4、used to的反意疑問句
5、 used to的一般疑問式為
三、 系統(tǒng)小結(jié)
總結(jié): "used to" 句型的陳述句、一般疑問句、否定句,舉例說明
四、 診斷評價(jià)
1、Amy used to ___________ (play) soccer.
2、His sister used to be quiet, now she is outgoing.
3、our headteacher is very s__________. We often get nervous when we see him.
4、He's i____________ in playing the piano.
A: Hey, Amy,it's _____ to see you.
B: Hi,Li Lei. How are you?
A: _________. Wow, you have changed.
B: Really? How?
A: Well, you _________ _____ have long hair.
B: You remember that? Yes, I did.
A: And you ________ _____ ______ really tall!
B: Not at all. You're ________ than me now. And I remember you ______
____ ________ basketball. What about playing basketball now?
A: OK. Let's ______.
He used to go to school by bike.

第2課時(shí)Unit 2 Section A3a---4 (總第7課時(shí) )
【Lerning objectives】
1、 Knowing:terrify; be terrified of; be afraid of; on
2、 Habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern
3 、Communicating:talk about how you have changed
【Important learning points】
1 Habit-forming: "used to" sentence pattern
2 Communicating: talk about how you have changed
【Learning process】
一、 自主學(xué)習(xí)(教師寄語:相信自己,一定能行。
Task 1 : 談?wù)撟约哼^去和現(xiàn)在的變化
1 利用used to句型談?wù)揗ary過去和現(xiàn)在的變化
long black hairshort hair
quietmore outgoing
play the pianoplay the sports

Task 2: 利用 used to 句型談?wù)撟约杭八诉^去害怕什么
— What did you use to be afraid of ?
—I used to be afraid of--- ( dark; being alone; snakes; flying in an airplane;big dogs;
high places;speaking in front of a group)
—Are you still afraid now?
— Yes, I am / No, I 'm not.
3、仿照3b 對話,對比自己和過去變化
二、 合作共建(教師寄語:合作進(jìn)步,拼搏成功。
1. be afraid of 害怕--- 后面跟n/ Ving
2. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事
他害怕同老師談話 He is ______ ________talk to teachers
3. be terrified of 恐懼---- 與be afraid of 用法相同
我對蛇怕的要命 ____________________________________
4. on 是副詞 “ 開通;開著” 指電器在開著的狀態(tài)中
燈都開著 The lights are all ________.
5. go to sleep 入睡 = _______________
三、 系統(tǒng)小結(jié)(教師寄語:竹子開花節(jié)節(jié)高,因?yàn)橐徊揭豢偨Y(jié))
總結(jié): "used to" 句型的陳述句、一般疑問句、否定句,舉例說明
四、 診斷評價(jià)(教師寄語:相信自己是最棒的。
1. I used to ________(have) long black hair
2. I 'm afraid of _________(go) out at night
3. He is afraid _________(go) there.
4. I'm ________(terrify) of spiders.
5. He ____________(not use) to be afraid of the dark
6. I am ____________(interest) to hear your story.
1. 她過去常常穿紅衣服
2. 你過去常常害怕一個(gè)人呆著嗎? 不,不是。
3. 我的朋友Tom過去常常害怕在眾人面前講話。
4. 我睡覺時(shí)開著臥室的燈

第3課時(shí) Unit 2 Seetion B 1a-2c(總第8課時(shí))

【Learning objectives】
1. Knowing :spider in sect chew gum
2. Understand :The meaning of the listening matieral
3. Practicing: used to didn't used to Did you use to …?
4. Communicating: Role-play the listening matieral
【Important learning points】
1. Understand: The meaning of the lislening conversation
2. Practicing: used to didn't used to Did you use to …?
3. Communicating: Role-play the listening conversation
【Learning process】
Task 1: (1a) Check the things you liked when you were a child. Look at the pictures and check the ones you like.
1. Write some things that you used tolike to do when you were a child.
e.g Iused to eat candy.
2. Discuss them with a partner.
體育_______________  畫畫_______________   音樂課_______________
Task2 : (1b,2a) Practise "used to " "I didn't used to …"
2a 1. Read and understand the four sentences.
2. Listen and check the sentences you hear.
3. Check the answers.
2b 1. Listen again and fill the from.
2. Check the answers.
六歲的弟弟_____________  為…擔(dān)心_____________  一直_______________
步行去上學(xué)_____________  坐汽車______________  體育課_______________
Task 3 (2c) Practice "Did you use to …?"
Practisec like this:
A: I used to eat candy all the time ? Did you ?
B: Yes, I dod . And I used to chew gum a lot.
1. six-year-old/six years old
This is a _____________________ boy.
The boy is ______________________.
2. worry about/be worried about 選擇短語完成句子。
3. take the bus/by bus   選擇短語完成句子
He goes to school________________________.
He ______________________________ to school.
used to 意為_______________  肯定句式_______________
疑問句式_______________  否定句式_______________
Iused to get up at 5:30 in the morning last term.(變?yōu)榉穸ň,疑問句?br />________________________________________________________________________
畫畫_______________ 體育課_______________ 音樂課_______________
過去常常_______________ 步行去工廠_______________ 一直_______________
為…擔(dān)心_______________ 乘汽車_______________ 38歲的婦女______________
1. 他過去常常遲到。_____________________________________________
2. 我過去常常不吃糖果。_____________________________________________
3. 你過去常常步行去上學(xué)嗎?_____________________________________________
4. 他過去常常坐汽車去上學(xué),是嗎?________________________________________

第4課時(shí) Unit 2 Section B 3A---4B (總第9課時(shí))
[Lerning objectives]
1. Knowing: right, comic.
2. Understanding:The meaning of the short passage.
3. Practicing: used to, spend some time doing sth., daily life, so much, so many, chat with, hadly ever(almost never), take sb.to,be different from.
[Important leaning points]
1. Understanding:The meaning of the short passage.
2. Practicing: used to, spend some time doing sth., daily life, so much, so many, chat with, hardly ever(almost never), take sb.to,be different from.
[Learning process]
Task1:Learn 3a
1. Read the story about Rose Tang's problems then complete the chart.
2. Read the short passage again and try to translate(翻譯) the following sentences.
①I used to have so much time.___________________.
②Then I go right home and eat dinner.___________.
③I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends._________________________________________.
④I hardly ever have time for concerts._____________.
3. Read aloud and try to retell(復(fù)述) the story in your own words.
Task2: Learn 3b---4b
1. Complete this letter. Use the information from the chart in activity2b.
My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example,I_________________like tests.Now, I don't mind them.I___________________.Now it's my favorite class.I used to play_______________.Now,________________.I_____________to school. Now,____.
2. Read this letter again and try to retell it.
3. Use the information in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school.
4. What did your parents use to do when they were children?How is it different from what you do?
Talk to your parents and fill in the chart.
1. My mother used to be a doctor._________________
I used to have so much time.___________________
My good friend is used to living here with us._______________
Telephone is used to connect(聯(lián)系) with each other._________
2. I don't have so much time to do my homework._________
You have so many friends here,why don't you play with them.________
3. I hardly ever have time for concert.________________
4. I'm sorry,I missed the early bus this morning._________
Long time no see. I miss you very much._____________
1. It took me two hours to finish doing my homework._______
2. He spent three yuan (in) buying this pen./on this pen._______
3. She spent two hours getting to Ji nan by bus yesterday._______
4. I paid five yuan for the book..---It cost me five yuan to buy this book.__
They_________good froends,but they don't like each other________.
3.他幾乎不玩電腦游戲。He ____ ____plays computer games.
5.食物太多,我們吃不了.There___ ___ ___food___we can't eat it at all.

第5課時(shí) Unit 2 Self Check (總第10課時(shí))
【Learing objectives】
1. Knowing:The words and phrases of this unit.
2. Understanding:Sentence patterns and grammar.
3. Communicating:Talk about what you used to be like.
【Important learning points】
1.Understanding: Sentence patterns and grammar.
2.Communicating:Talk about what you used to be like
【Learning process】
Task1:Learn Part 1
Miss____be afraid to_____used to_____have to______worry about_____
2. Fill in the blanks with the words given.Then make your own sentences with the words.
Task2: Learn Part 2
Look at the pictures and write about Yu Mei.
It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. She used to be short when she was younger,but now____________________________________________
過去常常_______過去是---________對---感興趣_______害怕---恐懼---______ ________入睡_____不再_______使某人驚奇的是________最后______對---注意_________放棄______記性真好___________a couple of days_______make conversations______in four years_______look like______be friendly to sb.________在游泳隊(duì)________總是,一直___簡直沒有,幾乎不_______在過去的幾年里________和---不同________
if necessary_______be sressed out_______join sb.______

⑦But these days I get up early and stay in school all day._____________.
⑧But I just don't have the time anymore._________________________.
小組討論并總結(jié)used to do sth.,used to be +n./adj.,be used to do sth.,be used to doingsth.含義及用法并舉例說明。。


第6課時(shí) Unit 2 Reading(總第11課時(shí))

【Learing objectives】
1. Knowing: used to / dark / be interested in / sure / terrify / be terrified / on /spider insect / chew / gum / right / comic
2. Understanding: Be able to understand the meaning of the passage
3. Habit-forming: the important sentences
【Important points】 Understanding : Be able to understand the meaning the passage.
【Learning process】
Task 1: words and phrases
黑暗的_______無疑,確實(shí)_______ 使害怕_______開著的_______蜘蛛_______
Task 2: Listen to the teacher and finish 3a and 3bunderstand the following points
1. fifteen-year-old /fifteen years old
He is a ______________boy. The boy is______________.
2. 用die, dead, death的適當(dāng)形式填空
He _______two years ago. He has been _______for two years.
It is two years since his father's _______.
3. afford to do
他買不起一輛新車。He can't _____________________a new car.
4. get into trouble
他小時(shí)候經(jīng)常惹麻煩。He often______________when he was young.
5. to one's surprise / be surprised / in surprise
He _____________________to see his old friend.
"Aren't you a teacher?" he asked_____________________.
_________________________he passed the exam.
6. take pride in
我父親為我的學(xué)習(xí)而驕傲。My father_____________________my study.
7. be afraid of doing / be afraid to do / be terrified of doing
He is afraid of telling his father.(同義句)He is _______ _______ _______ his father.
8. give up doing 歸納出帶doing 的短語__________________________________

9. no longer=_____________________ no more=_____________________
10. 寫出以下短語
對…有信心___________使某人驚奇的是____________ 不在_______
I used to travel by air a great deal of when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays. An airhostess would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to traveling (習(xí)慣于某事) by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height (逐步升高), when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, an air-hostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learned that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told (被告訴,得知) that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly (被徹底搜查). Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.
( )1. The writer used to fly much when he was a boy.
(。2. The writer's parents used to live in South Africa.
(。3. While they were waiting to land, an air-hostess told them not to be calm.
(。4. Nothing was found and nine hours later they could take off again.
(。5. There was really a bomb on the plane.
Unit 2
班別: 姓名:    

(  )1. My father an English teacher.
A. used to B. is used to C. used to be D. was used to be
( )2. Amy used to have long hair, she?
A. used B. didn’t C. didn’t use D. usedn’t to
( )3. Where live before you come here?
A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to
( )4. These boys are very in football.
A. interested, playing B. interested, playing the
C. interesting, play D. interesting, play the
( )5. The boys don’t know .
A how do they swim B. how swim C. they how swim D. how to swim
( )6. ?Why are you going in a hurry? ?Because I’m about late for school.
A. worry, be B. worried, being C. worrying, be D. worry, being
( )7. He will go there me, because I am too busy at home.
A. instead B. instead of C. with D. taking
( )8. I always go to sleep the light .
A.in , on B. with, on C. and , in D. and, with
( )9. I like the Internet because I can my friends and make a lot of new
friends online. A. chat with B. help with C. find D. go with
( )10. seems that he is not going to be back.
A. That B. He C. She D. It
( )11. She hardly ever goes to school late, she ?
A. do B. isn’t C. does D. doesn’t
( )12. ?Don’t you remember me? -- .
A. Yes, I do B. No, I didn’t C. No, I do D. Yes, I didn’t
( )13. ?She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?
-- , though she was not feeling well.
A. No, she didn’t B. No, she did C. Yes, she didn’t D. yes, she did
( )14. I spent half an hour my homework.
A. finish doing B. finishing doing C. to finish doing D. finishing to do
( )15. It takes a long time by the way.
A. write B. to write C. written D. writing
( )16. She is girl.
A. an 18—years—old B. an 18—year—old
C. a 18 years old   D. a 18—year—olds
( )17. Would you mind the door? It’s too hot here.
A.to open B. openning C. opening D. opened
( )18. Jack bought useful book. book is also very interesting.
A. a, The B. an, The C. an, A D. a, A
( )19. ?We’re going to the park this afternoon. -- .
A. Good time B. Have good time C. Enjoy yourselves D. Enjoy playing
( )20. ?Thanks a lot ! ? .
A. No at all B. That’s all C. Not at all D. You aren’t at all

1. She spends lots of time housework.
2. Li Lei swim in the river last year. Look, he is swimming.
3. His mother is ill at home. He look after her very day.
4. After his father’s , Tom’s life became difficult.
5. He left school last year. He a student .
(二)根據(jù)句意, 從括號中選擇正確的詞填空。
6. She likes to speak in front of people because she is (friend).
7. Remember (bring) your homework here tomorrow.
8. His mother makes him (wash) his feet before going to bed.
9. I used to be afraid of     (speak ) in front of a group.
10. He has already (see) the film. He saw it last Saturday.
 Last Sunday I drove back to my hometown. It used o be a q place, but now it has c a lot. There are t building and wide roads everywhere. So when it gets dark, all the lights are o . Wow, How beautiful it is !
But the thing that I was i     in is to chat with my old friends. We used to p   the together. We often climbed the trees, swam in the river and caught the insects, but most of us were t     of spiders because they are terrible and u .
Now our life are d from then. We all grew older, but we all m the old days. 
Dear editor,
I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to my city. There are so many colorful peacocks(孔雀) here.
The peacocks mostly live on the grass land of Dongfeng Square (廣場). They are given food freely by visitors. Thy usually throw food to tem , and don’t think bout at all whether the food is right or not. Some of the peacocks became ill, and some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors.
I’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds, but don’t; realize that they may be doing them harm(傷害).
The visitors should be told that what they have done is very harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening.
Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. For us every person, it’s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after the carefully. 
Sun Yan
1. Why did many visitors come to this city?

2. Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors .
3. Do the visitors like the peacocks?

4. Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may for visitor.
5. We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan, may be a .
A. visitor B. shopkeeper C. square keeper D. Student

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/69106.html
