9B Unit 3 學案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網
9B Unit 3 Vocabulary
詞匯: ocean
2. 獨立完成課本Vocabulary部分練習,全班交流答案。
Have been to, heve been in, have gone to的辨析
Have been to指“去過”,說話人不一定在說話提到的地方,而是以前去的; heve been in指“在某地待了一段時間;” have gone to指“去了”,現(xiàn)在在說話人提到的地方或在途中。
1. There are many strange things in the _____________ (地下的)
2. My sister is better at ___________ (設計)clothes than I am.
3. Students in school ____________ (聚集)on the playgroud on Monday morning.
4. Christmas is important in ____________(西方的)countries.
5. There is too much ____________ (家具)in the room.
6. The ___________(瀑布)are very beautiful.
7. Which is the _____________ (國家的)flag of Vietnam.
8. If you travel around the world, you will find many ____________ (吸引人的事物)
9. There is a beautiful ____________ (人造的)lake in the park.
10. You can h________ or buy a car to use.
1.He is an ________ sports.
A. experienced B. experiencing C. experience D. experiences
2. A foreign language must be learner ____________.
A. step in step B. step by step C. step on step D. step of step
3. The gun _________ where he __________ it three days ago.
A. lies; lay B. lies; laid C. lays; lay D. lays; laid
4. I don’t understand the text __________ there are few new words in it.
A. so B. because C. if D.though
5. You will __________ the weather here.
A. get used to B. used to C. use to D. used
6. The price hes been _____________.
A. raise B. raised C. risen D. rise
7. The best time _________ to Guilin is in summer.
A. come B. comes C. coming D. to come
8. It’s going to __________ cooler in Vietnam tomorrow.
A. be B. is C. gets D.will be
9. He didn’t have _________ to tell us.
A. something new B. new anything C. anything new D. new something
10. It is very late now, _______ the Indian is still working in his office.
A. so B. but C. because D. and

9B Unit 3 Grammar
3.用so that 談論某事的目的。
復習reading部分,找出含有although,unless 和so that的句子。
1. 四會內容
詞匯:healthily; suggest; sights; wherever
詞組:every five minutes; in a hurry ; be crowded;
句型:Although the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, it is still very beautiful.
Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily.
Every day many tourists gather there early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of the national flag.
2. 獨立完成課本Grammar部分的練習,全部交流答案。
1. every five minutes 意為“每五分鐘”。
“Every+數(shù)詞+復數(shù)名詞”表示“每(隔)多少時間或距離,指動作發(fā)生的頻率”,這里不能用each,對表示頻率的詞提問用how often.例如:
He goes home every two weeks.
---How often do you piay football?
---Every two weeks.
相關鏈接:在“Every+數(shù)詞+復數(shù)名詞”結構中,如果要譯為“每隔幾個。。!,在表示時間時,漢語要減一,但在表示距離時,英漢互譯數(shù)字是一致的。例如:There is a tree every three meters. 每隔三米有一棵樹。
Every other…表示“每隔一。。。”。例如:We go to visit our grandparents every other year.我們每隔一年區(qū)看望我們的祖父母一次。
2. Unless you want to buy lots of souvenirs, we suggest not taking a lot of money with you.
Suggest做動詞,意為:“建議、提議”,后面跟動詞時,用動詞-ing形式,變否定時,在動詞-ing形式前直接加not.其名詞為suggestion “建議”
例如:He suggested taking a walk after supper.
I suggested not going to Beijing Last year.
1.although 的用法
(1)although是從屬連詞,“盡管,雖然”,可用在句首或句中,不與but連用,但可與副詞yet,still, nevertheless等連用。如:
Although my car is very old, it still runs very well.
Although it was raining, we still played football.
(2)多數(shù)情況下,although與though同義,可以互換。但although不能與as,even組成短語, “even though”即使,as though 好像。 如:
Though she was in a hurry, she stopped to talk to me.
Even though it is hard woek, I enjoy it.
He sounds as though he has got a sore throat.
2. Unless的用法
Unless you take more care, you’ll have an accident.
Don’t promise anything unless you’re 100 percent sure.
Don’t leave the building unless I told you to.
3. so that的用法
(1)so that 的意思是“以便,為了”,引導的句子通常用來表示目的,so that放在句子中間,之后的從句通常有can, will, could, may等情態(tài)動詞。如:
I hired a boat so that I could go fishing.
Check carefully so that any mistakes will be caught.
9B Unit 3 welcome to the unit
1. 四會內容:
詞匯: although; paper cut; chopsticks
詞組: continue to the end; too many hills
句型: Although there is still a long way to go, we’d better continue to the end.
二. 要點點撥
1. Although there is still a long way to go, we’d better continue to the end.
although 的意思相當于 though(盡管,雖然), 用來引導讓步狀語從句. 它所引導的從句不能與并列連詞 but, and, so 等連用,但可以和 yet, still 等詞連用.
e.g. 1) Although the book was old, we decided to buy it.
2) There is air all around us, although we cannot see it.
3) Although Princeton has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town..
▲當加強語氣時,我們通常說even though,而不說even although。如:
Although/ Though/ Even though she didn’t understand a word of what he said, she kept smiling. 盡管他的話她聽不懂一個字,她還是一直微笑著。
She knew all her friends would be there, she didn’t want to go, though.
▲even though意為“即使”、“盡管”、“縱然”,與even if意義相同,也引導讓步狀語從句。如:
①Even though he’s very nice, I don’t really trust him. 盡管他很好,我并不真正信任他。(事實上“很好” )
②Even if you are not fond of flowers, you shouldn’t miss the flower exhibition.即使你不喜歡花,這次花展你也不應錯過。 (假想“不喜歡” )
③She won’t leave the television set, even though her husband is waiting for his supper.縱使她丈夫在等著吃晚飯,她也不愿意離開電視機。
2. continue to do sth 堅持做某事
相當于 continue doing sth / go on to do /go on doing
3. amazing/ surprising 修飾物 amaze/ surprise動詞 使驚奇
amazed/ surprised 修飾人 另外 surprise 還可以做名詞 to one’s surprise
I am amazed/ surprised at the amazing/ surprising news.
三. 課堂檢測
(一) 翻譯詞組
1. 有一段長路要走___________________ 2 堅持到底_____________________
3. 中國結 _____________________ 4 中國剪紙 ________________________
5 中國功夫____________________ 6 在某人回來的路上__________________
7. 把我叫醒____________________ 8 太多山____________________________

(二) 單項選擇
( ) 1. _________, he no longer needed ________ up so early.
A So, to get B As a result, to get C However, getting D As a result, get
( )2. Could you tell me if _________ here tomorrow?
A does it snow B snows it C did it snow D it will snow
( )3. He didn’t know what he should do _________ his friend because his robot
caused many _________.
A to help, problems B help, questions C helping, problems D help, question
( )4. They must be doctors, _______ they?
A mustn’t B needn’t C aren’t D are
( )5. After so long a walk, he was too ____________ further.
A tired for walk B tire to walk C tiring to go D tired to go
( )6. When did they_____________?
____________ a cold winter morning.
A reach , in B get, at C arrive, on D arrive at, /
( )7. The work is __________ hard ________nobody is able to finish it.
A too, to B so , that C a very, so D such , that
( )8. They are twins, but ________ of them looks like each other.
A both B neither C none D each
( )9. I’m very hungry. Can I have _________ bread?
A one more B any more C some more D many other
( )10. Did you hear the news?
Yes , _________ good news it is !
A What B How C What a D How a
( )11. I don’t like winter because it’s ______ cold.
A. much too B many too C too much D too many
( )12. Your father is sleeping. You’d better _______.
A not to wake him up B not wake him up
C not wake up him D not to wake up him
( )13. What do people usually eat at Dragon Boat Festival?
A. Rice dumplings. B. Moon-cakes. C. Candies and apples.D. Chocolates.
( ) 14. There ______ in his room.
A are too many furnitures B are too much furniture
C are too much furnitures D is too much furniture
( ) 15. Those eggs _____, please throw them away.
A. smell badlyB. are smelled badC. are smelled wellD. smell bad

9B Unit 3 reading

1. 四會內容:
詞匯: unless; furniture; fill; national; flag; man-made; ancient; lie; shape; cave;
Underground; hire; ruler; sunrise; eastern
詞組: 1. 在中國北部_________________ 2. 輕易迷路______________-
4.在…中心_________________ 4 被吸引__________________
5.充滿著游客_________________ 6 觀看升國旗________________
7一個中式園林________________ 8 一個人工湖_______________
8在古代_________________ 10 用石頭和磚快建成__________________
11 在日出時______________ 12 體會它的美麗與雄偉___________________
13 乘船沿著漓江旅行___________________________________
二. 要點點撥
①Unless he comes… = If he doesn’t come… 如果他不來……
②Unless you work hard, you will fail. = If you don’t work hard, you will fail.
Unless it rains, we’ll go hiking.如果不下雨,我們將去遠足。
2. so that引導的目的狀語從句
1)so that引導目的狀語從句,從句中通常帶有can, could, may, might, should等情態(tài)動詞,以適用于目的。如:
They worked very hard so that they could finish the work before supper.
注意:(1)so that從句如為否定結構,則謂語動詞中多用情態(tài)動詞。
(2)so that引導的目的狀語從句,可轉換成in order that引導的目的狀語從句。若從句主語與主句主語一致,還可用in order to (do) 或so as (to do) 改成同義簡單句。如:They worked very hard so that they could finish the work before supper.
= They worked very hard in order that they could finish the work before supper.
= They worked very hard in order to finish the work before supper.
= They worked very hard so as to finish the work before supper.
2)so that引導的狀語從句也可表示結果,這時so that從句中根據(jù)句意可用或不用情態(tài)動詞。 如:
They worked very hard so that they finished the work before supper.
The shoes are so small that I can’t wear them.這雙鞋小得我都穿不上。
3. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here.
used to do, be used to doing 和be used to do
1)used to do表示“過去常常做某事”,言外之意就是現(xiàn)在已不再如此,因此沒有現(xiàn)在式,后面總是跟不定式。如:
It used to be a very rich village.這個村子以前很富。
注意:used to構成疑問時可借助于助動詞did或直接將used移至主語之前。如:
Did you use to see each other? = Used you to see each other?
used to 在構成否定時可借助于didn’t,也可直接在used后面加not構成。如:
She didn’t use to drink. = She used not to drink.她過去不常喝酒。
2)be used to +名詞或動名詞表示“習慣于某事或做某事”,這里to為介詞,后面的動詞須用-ing形式,句子的主語通常是“人”。如:
I’m really not used to such close and wet weather.
4. mean意為“意思是”“有……的意思”“指的是”。如:
‘What do you mean?’ ‘I mean nothing else.’
“你是什么意思?” “我沒什么別的意思!
It means that we can enjoy cleaner air.
5. be filled with …= be full of 指狀態(tài),表示“放滿了……”“裝滿了”,主語常為“物(容器)”。 主動語態(tài) fill sth with sth
The room is filled with everything. 房間里堆滿了一切。
fill the glass with milk
6. consist of sth.相當于be made up of 意思為“由……組成”,如:
The band consists of a singer, two guitarists and a drummer.這支樂隊由一位歌手、兩位吉他手及一位鼓手組成。
This school consists of an office and some classrooms.這所學校由一個辦公室和幾間教室組成。
7. It lies on the two sides of Li River.它位于漓江兩岸。
The hills lie to the north of the town.小鎮(zhèn)的北面有山。
lie, lie, lay三個動詞很容易使人混淆。
lie(說謊)是規(guī)則動詞,其過去式和過去分詞都是lied, 現(xiàn)在分詞為lying。當然lie也可以用作名詞,意為“撒謊”。
I would never lie to you.我永遠不會對你撒謊。
I could tell from her face that she was lying.我能從她臉上判斷出她在撒謊。
Of course it’s true. I wouldn’t tell you a lie.當然它是真是。我不會對你撒謊。
He found an old man lying on the ground on his way home.在他回家的路上,他發(fā)現(xiàn)一位老人躺在地上。
The hen usually lays an egg every day, but she didn’t lay today.那只母雞通常每天下一個蛋,但今天卻沒下。
8. shape和form
in different shapes 表示“形狀各不一樣”。這里要注意介詞in和名詞shape的搭配。如:
Now radios are made in many different shapes.現(xiàn)在收音機制造的形狀各不一樣。
I don’t like any form of exercise.我不喜歡任何形式的運動。
9. see sb./sth. with one’s own eyes 意為“親眼所見”
hear sth. with one’s own ears 意為“親耳所聞”,
I saw President Hu with my own eyes last year. 去年我親眼見到了胡主席。
10 furniture 家具 (不可數(shù)名詞)
a set of furniture 一套家具
a piece of furniture 一件家具
11 區(qū)別raise 和 rise
raise 及物動詞 后面直接加名詞
raise one’s hand raise money for raise the price raise 4 children
rise 不及物動詞
The Sun always rises in the east.
三. 課堂檢測
1. Is Xuanwu Lake a __________(人工) lake or a natural lake?
2. Mountain s in the city stand in different ___________(形狀).
3. There is much old __________(家具) used in the new flat.
4. You won’t pass the exam u________ you work hard.
5. It’s amazing for people in a________ times to build the Great Wall without morden machines.
6. Some Chinese don’t know the meanings and the importance of our n________ flag.
7. You can ________ ( get the use of sth for a short time by paying) a hall for an evening party.
(二) 詞匯運用:用所給詞的適當形式填空
1. The hotels in Beijing are far________ (comfort).
2. Guilin is famous for its ________ (colour) caves.
3. Have you ever seen the raising of the ______ (nation) flag?
4. The emperors used to _____ (spend) their summers in the Summer Palace.
5. You’d better keep patient and not give up ________ (easy).
6. Guilin is a very beautiful city in the ______ (south) part of China.
7. My favourite _______ (attract) is the Great Wall.
8. The Great Wall is one of the _______ (wonderful) of the world.
9. You can experience the _______ (beautiful) and _______(great) of the Great Wall.
10. We should plan everything well before ________(visit) other places.
(三) 單項選擇
( )1. Fish are good pets, we _____ give them _____ food.
A. ought not; much too B. shouldn’t; many C. ought not to; too much D. shouldn’t; much too
( )2. _____ he knocked at the door, we were having a meeting.
A. SinceB. WhileC. When D. As soon as
( )3. If we _____ action to protect giant pandas, there _____fewer and fewer of them in the world.
A. don’t take; will be B. take; will beC. won’t take; are D. take; are
( )4. The dried food _____ for 2 months.
A. storesB. can storeC. can be storedD. store
( )5. We all _____ how he made such great progress in a short time.
A. believedB. thoughtC. decidedD. wondered
( )6. The man ____ his sheep to the tree is smoking over there.
A is tying B was tying C tired D tying
( )7. Mike _____ come to our family meeting, he _____ to New York.
A. can’t be able to; has been B. can’t be able to; has gone
C. isn’t able to; has gone D. isn’t able to; has been
( )8. Ricky had to speak loudly _____.
A. because of the noisy B. because it is very noisy
C. because of there is too much noisy D. because it is too noise
( )9. Most of our patients are _____ go to hospital.
A. very poor that they can’t B. so poor that they can’t
C. too poor to not D. not enough rich to
( )10. Everyone was ________ when they heard this ________ news.
A. excited; excitedB. exciting; exciting
C. excited; excitingD. exciting; excited
( )11. You can’t catch up with others ______ you work hard.
A. until B. after C. unless D. when
( )12. I have ______ a raincoat ______ an umbrella. That’s why I have to wait until the rain stops.
A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. both; and
( )13. ____ the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, _____ it is still very beautiful.
A. Although; but B. /; although C. Although; / D. Because; so
( )14. There _____ furniture in the room.
A. are too many B. is too much C. are too much D. is too many
( )15. He _____ in Shanghai for five years.
A. used to live B. is used to live C. is used to living D. used to living
Welcome to the unit
have a long way to go continue to the end
Chinese Knot Chinese paper cut
Chinese Kung fu on one;s way back
wake me up too many hills

in northern China get lost easily
at the centre of be attracted by
be filled with tourists watch the raising of national flag
a Chinese style garden a man-made lake
in ancient times be built with stones and bricks
at sunrise experience its beautiful and greatness
一.1. man-made 2. shapes 3.furniture 4. unless 5 ancient 6 national 7 hire
二.1. comfortable 2. colourful 3. national 4. spend 5. easily 6. southern 7. attraction
8. wonders 9. beauty, greatness 10 visiting

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/70843.html

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