九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)module 8unit 1導(dǎo)學(xué)稿

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
九年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)module 8unit 1導(dǎo)學(xué)稿
Module 8 Unit 1
Learning aims: (學(xué)完后,如果你會(huì),打個(gè)勾)
1. I can read: on the right/left trouble shot kid expect pick up perhaps
2. I can find: the Attribute clause ( 定語(yǔ)從句)
3. I can use: on the right/ on the left
How do you get on with sth。 ?
pick sb. up
There is something wrong with
band __________________________ dance _________________________________
concert_______________________ drums_______________________________
shot___________________________ be in trouble____________________________
photographer_____________________ camera______________________________
perhaps_________________________ expect_______________________________
in with a chance _________________
1.Beyond is one of the most famous _____ in our country.
A. band B. bands C. banded
2. --- Can you tell me how I can get post office?
--- Go straight the road. It is ________.
A. on your the right B. on your right C. in your right
3. I like the photos _____ were taken in Beijing.
A. which B. what C. who
4. --- Where is Jane ?
--- I don’t know. But it’s said that he wants to draw pictures, ______ he is there.
A. perhaps B. might C. must
5. ---Look! Our team is playing against Class One.
--- I _____ we can win.
A. look B. expert C. prefer.

一、Listen and answer.
1.Why can’t Tony take photos of the Blues Boys at first?
A. Because he is too short B. Because there are too many people C. Because he doesn’t want to take.
2. Who is Hezhong?
A. He is a drawer who won the photo competition last year
B. He is a photographer who won the photo competition last time.
C. He is a teacher who won the photo competition this year.
3. How does Tony get on? A. Fine B. Not good C. better
4. Where is Tony’s camera?
A. He loses it B. he lends it to Betty C. He has returned it back to his father
5. Why does Tony’s Dad come here?
A. to pick Tony up B. to see Tony’s photos C. to take back his camera
二、Listen and write down the missed words.

A. Daming: ________ He Zhong?
Tony: He’s the photographer _____ won the photo competition ____________ !
Daming: __________ who won the photo competition last summer?
B. Betty: He ________ early. There was ____________________ with his camera.
Tony: Great! Now I’m _______________ a chance to win!
Lingling: But, Tony… ____________________?
Tony: It’s here, in my bag. Oh no, it’s _______!
A. 1. It’s the band _____ gets everyone dancing. A. who B. which C.what
2. I got some great _____ the boy who plays the guitar on the left. A. shot B. shots C. shots of
3. ---What’s wrong with your camera? --- __________. A. It doesn’t work B. It’s wrong C. It’s not well
4. There ____ so many people in the hall. A. are B. is C. will be
5. John is an humorous person _____ always tells funny stories. A. who B. which C. what
B. 1. 沿著這條路走,然后在第一個(gè)路口左拐。Walk along the road and take the first turning ______________.
2. 在操場(chǎng)上的紙必須立即撿起來(lái)。The paper on the floor _________________________ immediately.
3. 小心點(diǎn),路上很多車。 Be careful!______________ many cars on the road.
4. 你的作業(yè)做得怎樣? How do you ______________________ your homework?
5. 他的相機(jī)有點(diǎn)問(wèn)題。 There is ____________________________ his camera.

A. 選擇填空
1. --- What’s Tony doing? --- He is _______ apples from the tree.
A. picking up B. picking C. picked
2. Every Child in China _______ to go to college by their parents.
A, expecting B. is expected C. was expecting
3. My watch doesn’t work now. There is __________ with it.
A, something nice B. wrong something C. something wrong
4. The picture ______won the first prize is very beautiful.
A. who B. / C. which
5. I’m sorry that I ______ at home. A. forget my schoolbag B. leave my pen C. left my English book.
6. --- How did your physics get on ? --- _________.
A, very good. B. very bad. C. Very well.
B. 完成句子
1. 做出這道數(shù)學(xué)題我沒(méi)有困難。I _____________________________ working out this math problem.
2. 別擔(dān)心,今天下午我爸爸會(huì)順便去接你的。Don’t worry, my father __________________ this afternoon.
3. 這是一個(gè)令每個(gè)人都想看的電影。 This is the film ____________________________.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/71211.html
