
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


419 . ?Something must be done to stop the farmers cutting down the forests.
--I agree __ you. If we__, a lot more good land will be gone with them.
A. with; don’t B. on; don’t
C. to; will not D. like; will not
?Sth must be done某事必須做(情態(tài)動詞的被動)
?Stop the farmers cutting down (stop doing…阻止正在做的事情)
?Cut down砍伐;砍到
?More good land更多的好土地
?Will be gone將會消失
?Agree with sb同意某人

420 . ?Did you __ the first place of the league match?
--Of course we did. We__ all the other teams.
A. beat; beat B. beat; won
C. win; won D. win; beat
?Win ?won—won 贏得…勝利
?beat 打敗;心跳; 連續(xù)擊打
?The first place of the league match聯(lián)賽第一的位置
421 . ?What he enjoys__ great and interesting.
--Yes, __ it’s dangerous.
A. sounding; but B. sounding; so
C. to sound; so D. sounds; but
?What he enjoys他所喜歡的:主語從句---主句中的謂語用單數(shù)
?Dangerous (a)危險的

422 . ?Why not borrow some money from your friend?
--But I know __ of the people here except you.
A. nobody B. none
C. no one D. no
?Why not do(動原)…?為什么不…?
?Borrow (借來) …from… --- lend(借給)…to…
?Except (prep) 除…之外
?Besides (prep)除…之外,還有
?None of (可代物/人)
?None of + 名詞…中一個也沒有
?No one= nobody(只可代人)
423 . Let us help you carry water, ___?
A. shall we B. don’t we
C. don’t you D. will you
?Let us do… will you?讓我們做…可以嗎?(固定用法)
424 . ?Could you help me with my computer science?
A. it is my pleasure B. my pleasure
C. with my pleasure D. with pleasure
?日常用語:with pleasure 很樂意
對thank you的回答
?Thank you!
?It is my pleasure
?My pleasure
?Don’t mention it!
?Not at all!

425 . He is good at playing __ soccer instead of __ piano.
A. the; the B. /; the
C. /;/ D. the;/
426 . He is good at playing soccer __ the piano.
A. instead B. instead of
C. interest D. interesting

427 . ___,He is good at playing soccer.
A. instead B. instead of
C. interest D. interesting
?Instead of代替(介詞詞組),后面必須加名詞
?Instead 代替(副詞),用于句首或句尾.
?Be good at 善于
?Be good for對…有好處
428 . Shanghai __ one of the biggest __ in the world.
A. was; city B. was; cities
C. is; cities D. is; city
?One of+ 名詞復數(shù):…的其中之一. (單數(shù)概念)
?One of them is my student.他們中的一個是我的學生
?None of名詞復數(shù):…的其中一個也沒有. (單數(shù)概念)
?None of them is my student.他們中沒有一個是我的學生.

429 . What time__ the shop __ on Sunday?
A. is; open B. does; open
C. is; opened D. do; open
?Open: a; v兩種詞性(無被動用法)
?The shop is open at 8:00. —變?yōu)樘厥庖蓡柧渚褪穷}干
?The shop opens at 8:00. —變?yōu)樘厥庖蓡柧渚褪穷}干
430 . What time__ the shop __ on Sunday?
A. is; closed B. does; close
C. is; close D. do; close
?Close (v) 關閉
?He closes the window before sleep.
?Closed (a)關著的
?The window is closed.這扇窗子是關著的

431 . He __ the__ window.
A. closed; open B. closed; closed
C. opened; closed D. opened; open
?He closed the open window.他關上這扇打開的窗(open是形容詞)
?He opened the closed window.他打開這扇合著的窗.(closed是形容詞)
432 . ?Did you finish __ the book?
--yes, I did. Thanks__ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it.
A. reading; for B. reading; to
C. to read; for D. to read; to
?Finish + ving(只加ving)
?Thanks to 幸虧(to是介詞)
?Have a better understanding 有更好的理解.
?Sb had better do…某人最好做…(不要混淆)

433 . ?Why did you come so late today?
--because it__ heavily when the meeting was over.
A. rained B. was raining
C. was being rainy D. was rainy
?從when the meeting was over判斷出要用過去進行時.
?It + rains/ snows/… ---(it + 天氣動詞:主謂結構)
?It + is+ rainy/ snowy…---(it +be+ 天氣形容詞:主系表結構)
?主+ was/ were + ving: it was rainging.
?主+ was/ were +being+ a: It was being rainy.

434 . Would you like to give us a talk __ next week?
A. sometimes B. sometime
C. some times D. some time
?Some times很多次
?Some time一段時間
435 . --Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?
--Sure. But what subject should I __?
A. talk B. talk about
C. talk with D. talk to
? I should talk about the subject with/ to you.我將和你談論這一主題.
?Talk about sth to/ with sb與某人談論某事

436 . The price of the car is__, and that car is__ too.
A. high; expensive B. expensive; high
C. tall; expensive D. expensive; tall
?The price is high. (price價格只配high---價格高)
?Sth is expensive. (sth某物可配expensive---某物貴)
?The price is low. (price價格只配low---價格低)
?Sth is cheap. (sth某物可配cheap---某物便宜)
437 . ?Would you like some tea, please?
--Yes, I prefer tea__ sugar.
A. to B. for
C. with D. than
I prefer tea to sugar.我喜歡茶里不放糖.
I prefer tea rather than sugar.
439 . ?Would you please __ make the child __ any more?
--Well, I just wanted him not to play with the chalk.
A. don’t; cry B. not; to cry
C. don’t; to cry D. not; cry
?Would you please not do…?
?Make sb do…
440 . ? Math isn’t as__ as Chinese.
--I agree with you. I think Chinese is __ than any other subjects.
A. easy; easier B. easier; easier
C. easy; easiest D. hard; the most difficult
?…as …as…象…一樣
?He is as tall as his father.他象他的爸爸一樣高
?復習agree with sb; agree to…; agree on…
?Any other subjects.其他的任何學科.

441 . ---Is Liming __ in his class?
---yes, he is __ than any other classmates.
A. tall; taller B. taller; tallest
C. tallest; taller D. tallest; tallest
442 . --Tom is a student. He does the work well.
--Jim is a student __. He does it __ Tom.
A. too; as good as B. too; as well as
C. as well; as well as D. as well; as good as
?…as well as…
?as well= too(副詞詞組,用于句尾)也

443 . Miss Liu asked Tom to read the new words and __ to listen to him.
A. the other students B. the others
C. others D. other students
?One… the other…= one… the other+ n
?One boy is a student, the other( the other boy) isn’t a student.
?The others= the other + ns: 前提是分為兩類, 一類…; 另一類…(就如同441題的劃分方法)
444 . You are so hungry. Why don’t have __ ?
A. another B. anothers
C. other D. another cake
?Another (只有單數(shù)的用法)

445 . The doctor did all__ the patient.
A. he can to save B. he could to save
C. what he can to save D. that he could to save
?The doctor did all that he could do.這是正常的定語從句.---在定語從句中,如果先行詞是all,必須用that連接定語從句.---這個大夫盡他所能
?The doctor did all he could.在此題干中,省略了兩處.
?第一處:that. That在連接定語從句時,可以省略.
?第二處: he could do.
?The doctor did something to save the patient.我們把定語從句用something來代替時,同學們就能很清楚的看出to save的用法了.

446 . He __ to be a doctor when he grows up.
A. wishes B. hopes
C. wants D. would like
A/C/D 考點分析:
?Sb want/ wish/ would like to be+ 職業(yè).某人長大后想當…
447 . His father __ him to be a doctor when he grows up.
A. wishes B. hopes
C. wants D. would like
?某人希望另外一個人做…---只用sb wish others to do…
?His father wishes him to be a doctor.他的父親希望他能成為醫(yī)生.

448 . His father wishes him to be a doctor, but his mother doesn’t agree__ him.
A. with B. to
C. on D. for
?Agree with sb/sth同意某人/某事
?Agree to a plan/ suggestion…用意某計劃/建議等…
?Agree on sb 與…達成一致.
449 . ?Don’t play the dangerous game any more.
-- sorry! I __ do it again.
A. won’t B. can’t
C. don’t D. mustn’t
?I will not do it again.我不會再做了(口語常用語)

450 . __ children there are in a family, __ their life will be.
A. the less; the better B. the fewer; the better
C. the more; the poorer D. more; the poorer
?The +比較級… The +比較級…; 越…越
?The fewer children there are in a family, the better their life will be.孩子越少,生活越好
?More and more 越來越…
?More and more , I love it.我越來越喜歡它了.
?More or less或多或少
?I love it more or less.我或多或少喜歡它一點.
451 . I don’t think he will be back __ half an hour.
A. after B. for
C. in D. before
?In half an hour 半小時之內(nèi)
452 . ?I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday. Was it terrible?
--Yes. A car fell over and all the people in it __.
A. hurt B. are hurted
C. were hurt D. were hurted
?People were hurt某人受傷用被動
?Sb hurt his arm 某人傷了…部位用主動

453 . ?You can hardly swim,__?
--___. But my mother says she will teach me during my summer holiday.
A. can you; No, I can’t B. can’t you; No, I can’t
C. can you; yes, I can D. can’t you; yes, I can
?Hardly,幾乎不,半否定詞,其后的反意疑問句要用陳述---you can hardly do… can you?
?問題是會不會游泳---不會就用no, I can’t
454 . Your__ is just wonderful!
A. dress B. cloth
C. clothes D. coat
?Cloth 不可數(shù)名詞—布
?Clothes衣服 集合名詞---單數(shù)形式,復數(shù)用法
?Dress 女裝,女裙—規(guī)則名詞

455 . ?Do you think there are new __ in this unit?
--Yes. I will __ first.
A. vocabularies; look up them
B. vocabularies ; look them up
C. words; looked them into
D. words; looked into them
?Vocabulary = word 要用復數(shù)
?Look them up 查字典—注意代詞的位置
?Look into 調(diào)查
?Look out當心,小心
456 . ?You must__ what I have done for you before you leave.
-- Well, how much does it __? Is 100 dollars enough?
A. pay for; cost B. pay for; worth
C. spend; pay for D. pay; worth
?Sb pay for sth…某人支付…
?Sb pay…for…某人花…買… (注意for的不同位置意思不同)
?Cost (v)值
?Worth (prep)值注意詞性區(qū)別

457 . ?Excuse me, where’s the West Hill Farm?
--Go__ the forest and __ the foot of the mountain you will find it.
A. through; at B. across; at
C. cross; under D. past; under
?go through 穿過
?go across 橫穿(不搭配森林的)
?go past經(jīng)過;路過
?at the foot of mountain在山腳下
458 . __ noisy children!
A. How B. What
C. How a D. What a
?How + a +陳述句!
?What +n +陳述句!
?Children 復數(shù),所以排除d

459 . The policeman asked the witness __ saw the accident __ when the accident happened.
A. who; what he was doing
B. whom; what he was doing
C. who; what he did
D. whom; what he did
?第一個空,考定語從句,the witness 在定從中作主語,排除whom
460 . The USA __ up its satellite until Jan 31, 1958.
A. sent B. didn’t send
C. hasn’t sent D. wouldn’t send
?Send up 發(fā)射 satellite 衛(wèi)星
?Not …until …直到…才…
461 . Take your time, __ you will make another mistake.
A. then B. and
C. if D. or
or 否則,--其他都沒有此意義

462 . ?when shall we go to see him in the hospital?
--OH, I __ forget ___ him.
A. nearly; to see B. almost; to see
C. hardly; seeing D. nearly; seeing
?Nearly = almost 幾乎
?Near 在…附近
?Hardly 幾乎不
?Forget to see 忘記去看他(還沒有去看)
?Forget seeing him 看過他,但是忘記了

463 . ?when shall we go to see him in the hospital?
--OH, I nearly forget. __ this afternoon as soon as we__ our work?
A. what ; will finish B. what about; finish
C. how ; will finish D. how about; finish
?What about = how about 做…如何…?
?注意!只在此時how / what 意思相同,其他時絕對不同
?As soon as…一…就…
?How about this afternoon as soon as we__ our work?主將從現(xiàn)的省略用法
464 . ?Football__ by the British at the beginning of last century.
--That’s probably why football is one of__ popular games in England.
A. was invented; the most
B. was invented; most
C. was invented; more
D. invented; the most
?被動基本結構: 主+ be + ved …by …
?一般過去被動:主+ was/ were + ved …by …
?一般現(xiàn)在被動:主+ am/ is/are + ved …by …
?最高級前要加the: the most popular 最流行的

465 . ?you __work too hard like this.
--I see. You mean __ too hard makes one tired and ill.
A. had better not; working
B. had not better; working
C. had better not; that working
D. have better not; to work
?Had better not do …最好不要做…
?Mean (v) 意味著… 在此句中,其后是賓語從句. You mean that…賓語從句中的that可省略
?Working makes one tired .主語是working 即動名詞做主語
466 . ?Do you know the city of Ningbo well?
--Of course I do. I’ve __ here for nearly 3 years
A. been in B. been
C. got D. got to
?Sb have been to someplace 某人曾在...地方
?Here 前不能加介詞
467 . I find__ interesting to play games with children.
A. that B. how
C. what D. it
?interesting to play games with children 沒有完整的主謂結構,判斷不是從句,that/ how/ what 都是連接句子用的,所以都不能使用.
?I find that it is interesting to play games with children.這是賓語從句.
?而此考點是把is 省略,變?yōu)閱尉?br />
468 . Our school is only __ walk from here.
A. ten minute B. ten minute’s
C. ten minutes D. ten minutes’
?復數(shù)的 “的”字
469 . The building __ all elderly university teachers prefer looks so beautiful.
A. how B. where
C. which D. that
c/d 考點分析:考定語從句的連接詞. 這座所有老的大學教師都喜歡的建筑物是如此的漂亮.
?The building looks so beautiful 是主句.
?all elderly university teachers prefer the building是從句,并且the building在從句中是賓語,并是物,所以用which或that
?Prefer (v)喜歡

470 . There are millions of people __ need new housing in Iraq now.
A. who B. whom
C. whose D. that
?There are millions of people in Iraq now.主句
?People need new housing 從句
?從句的同一詞是people ,并做主語,所以用who, that ; whom是代替賓語;whose代替定語
471 . After __ in Paris for ten years, I returned to Hangzhou __ I grew up as a child.
A. working; which B. to work; which
C. working; where D. worked; where
?After working… I 動名詞替代從句,= after I worked in …I returned…
? I growed up in Hangzhou, 同一詞是hangzhou, 在從句做狀語,所以用where

472 . After woking in Paris for ten years, I returned to __ I grew up as a child---Hangzhou.
A. where B. when
C. that D. which

473 . If this jacket is not yours, __ can it be?
A. whose B. whose else
C. who else D. who else’s
D考點分析:如果這個夾克不是你的, 它可能是誰的啊?(此題較難)
?whose 不單獨用,所以排除. 如改成whose jacket 就正確了.
?Who else’s 其他哪個人的.(容易把’s忽視掉)

474 . ?Did you hear this music before?
--No, I __ it
A. haven’t heard B. did not hear
C. have never heard D. had not heard
?I haven’t heard it. ?我(到現(xiàn)在)從沒有聽過它.(時態(tài)的活學活用)
?I have never heard it= I have not heard it.
475 . He said he __ it.
A. haven’t heard B. did not hear
C. have never heard D. had not heard
?間接引語中: 一般過去時/現(xiàn)在完成時/過去完成時,都要改為 “過去完成時”此知識點容易忽略.

476 . He said he hadn’t heard __ music before.
A. such a beautiful piece of B. so a beautiful
C. so beautiful a D. such a wonderful
?Music 不可數(shù)名詞,所以要用 a piece of

477 . He said he hadn’t heard __ song before.
A. such a beautiful piece of B. so a beautiful
C. so beautiful a D. such a wonderful
?Song 可數(shù)名詞,
?So beautiful a song= such a beautiful song
?在此處beautiful/wonderful 意思相同

478 .? How hot it __ in summer!
-- it is true! Just like yesterday, it __ over 38 degree.
A. is; was B. was; was
C. is; is D. was; is
479 . ?How__ is it from here to Xi’an?
--It is about two __ flight.
A. long; hour’s B. far; hour’s
C. long; hours’ D. far; hours’
?How far 問距離的遠近
?Two hours’ flight 兩小時的飛行

480 . He __ 10 years since 1997.
A. has been married B. has married
C. has got married D. married
A/C考點分析: married (a) 常考詞,易錯詞
?完成時不與瞬間動詞連用marry (瞬間v), married (a)
?Has been married = has got married
481 . He __ John last year.
A. married B. was married to
C. married to D. was married with
A/B考點分析: be married (a) to / marry (v) ?荚~,易錯詞
?Marry- married- married (易與 be married (a)混淆)
?Sb marry sb ---切記marry無介詞
?Sb be married to sb ---切記有介詞 (易記成with)
?Sb marry sb= sb be married to sb

482 . ?we __ since 1999.
-- yes!
A. have not met B. have never met
C. didn’t meet D. doesn’t meet
483 . It __ a long time since we met last time.
A. has been B. is
C. had been D. was
B考點分析:since 的特殊句型
?It is + 一段時間 since…
?It is 10 years since we met last time.

484 . ?Do you know the city of Ningbo well?
--Of course! __ I live here.
A. Since B. When
C. Where D. Because of
A考點分析: since 表原因= because
?Because of + 詞
?Because +句子
485 . Mary prefers __ a bike __ a bus.
A. ride; take B. to ride; take
C. riding; taking D. riding; to take
?Prefer doing … to doing …寧愿做…而不愿…to 是介詞.

486 . Mary would rather __ a bike than __ a bus.
A. ride; take B. to ride; take
C. riding; taking D. riding; to take
?Would rather do…than do …寧愿做…而不愿…
?Prefer doing…to doing…寧愿做…而不愿…

487 . He doesn’t know the answer. I don’t know__.
A. also B. too
C. either D. neither
?Too 也—用于肯定句
?Either 還有什么用法?

488 . I don’t know __ he would come.
A. what B. whether
C. before D. if
?If 是否/如果(往往同學們只記得 “如果”的意思)
?Whether 是否
489 . I don’t know __ he would come or not
A. what B. whether
C. before D. if
B考點分析:whether …or not
?如果出現(xiàn)or not (是否做…或不做),只用whether

490 . The weather here is quite different __ that of my hometown.
A. from B. with
C. than D. as
?Be different from…與…不同
?Be difficult to 對…很困難
?請用not…as …as改寫此句
491 . __ my teacher’s help, I begin to catch up__ my classmates.
A. under; with B. with; with
C. under; to D. with; to
?Catch up with sb趕上, 超過
?With sb’s help 在某人的幫助下,(不要和漢語習慣混淆)
?With 是重點介詞,請總結with的意義,搭配和短語

492 . She has a cup of coffee after lunch, __?
A. has her B. does her
C. does she D. has she
?前肯定, 后否定--- 前否定, 后肯定
493 . There is nothing in the fridge, __?
A. isn’t there B. is it
C. isn’t it D. is there
D考點分析:nothing 是否定詞(前否定)
?There be 句型中, there是主語

494 . Let’s go for a walk ___?
A. shall you B. shall we
C. shan’t you D. will you
?Let us do… shall we?固定搭配
495 . Please open the window, __?
A. will you B. shall we
C. don’t you D. don’t we
Please do… will you?

496. It is really dangerous to play with fire. Stop __that!
A. to do B. doing
C. do D. did
B考點分析:stop doing …停下手頭正在做的事
stop to do…停下手頭的事去做另外的事

497. ?When did you stop working there?
A. in 2005 B. For 2 years
C. Twice a week D. In 2 years

498. When ___ you born?
A. were B. did
C. do D. are
A考點分析:sb were born in +年.某人出生必須用被動
例: she was born in 1990.

499 . She is __ to go to school
A. to young B. young enough
C. enough old D. too young
D考點分析:too…to …太…而不能

500. I need __ sugar. Please pass the bottle to me.
A. three B. three spoon of
C. three spoons of D. three spoons
C考點分析:量詞的單數(shù)構成: a spoon of+ n
量詞的復數(shù)構成: three spoons of + n
請寫: 一滴雨;一塊布;三片面包

501. She put her bag in the bus and __ to bring it away when getting off.
A. leaving B. forget
C. forgot D. left

502. The bread tastes nice. I’d like to have __ slice.
A. the other B. another
C. others D. other
B考點分析:某人想再來塊/來杯…就用 I’d like another…

503 . ?Where __ you __my ruler, mom?
--I __ it just in your schoolbag.
A. do, find, find B. did, found, found
C. did, find, found D. do, found, found

504 --I’m sorry I __ my homework home.
--Don’t forget to __ your homework to school tomorrow.
A. left, take B. forget, bring
C. left, bring D. forgot, take
把…忘在某地. Leave …in…(不用forget,易錯)
505 . We take final examinations __ the end of the term.
A. on B. in
C. at D. for
In the end不配介詞= at last
At the end of必須配介詞? at the beginning of---at the middle of…

506. The boy didn’t go to school __ his disease
A. because B. and
C. because of D. when
because +句子 Because of+單詞
507 . The programmer is played __ on TV.
A. live B. alive
C. lively D. living
Live (v)住在 He lives in KF.
Live (a)1.活著的,常用定語. A live man.2.生機勃勃的---lively 生機勃勃地
Live (ad)現(xiàn)場直播地. It is played live on TV.電視直播
Lively (a)活潑的,可愛的
Alive (a)只做表語. He is alive.他還健在

508. Last time I saw him__ there as an engineer.
A. to work B. worked
C. works D. working
see sb doing 看見某人正做某事\

509. My family ___ reading newspapers every evening.
A. like B. likes
C. liked D. will like
例:I have a big family.我有一個大家庭(家庭)
2).作家庭成員,是單數(shù)形式,復數(shù)用法,(聯(lián)系: clothes; people等詞用法)
例: My family are eating together. 我們家正在一起吃飯(家庭成員)

510. I will have a meeting in Shanghai tomorrow. Would you mind__ the time for all the flights to Shanghai tomorrow?
A. looking for B. looking after
C. finding out D. finding
Find out經(jīng)過調(diào)查后發(fā)現(xiàn),此句引申為查找,查看
511. I saw a wonderful dress when I __ the shop
A. pass B. go past
C. past D. passed
D: 考點分析

512. In my free time, I usually miss the __ time that she spent with me.
A. pass B. go past
C. past D. passed
詞組: the past time 過去的歲月
513. After hard work, he __ the trouble
A. get over B. go over
C. come over D. think over
A: 考點分析
Get over克服;恢復健康; go over復習; come over 順便來訪; think over仔細考慮; turn over 翻身

514. This is __ room, don’t come in without my permission.
A. my own B my personal
C. my private D. my owe
?My own sth 我自己的…
?Personal 個人的
?Private 私有的---public公有的;公共的; the public大眾
513. After hard work, he __ the trouble
A. get over B. go over
C. come over D. think over
D: 考點分析
Get over克服;恢復健康; go over復習; come over 順便來訪; think over仔細考慮; turn over 翻身

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/73157.html
