
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

  ( )1、Let’s look at the bag. Can you see “s” on the corner of bag?
   A. a, A B. an, An C. an, the D. the, An
 。 )2、We’ll be away for two weeks because we’ll have a .
   A. two-weeks holiday B. two-weeks’ holidays
   C. two-week holiday D. two-week’s holiday
 。 )3、We found necessary to protect the environent.
   A. it B. this C. that D. what
 。 )4、ore and ore foreigners want to their copanies in Zhejiang.
   A. clean up B. look up C. pick up D. open up
 。 )5、 of the teachers in our school is 118, of the are woen teachers.
   A. The nuber, first fourth B. The nuber, one fourth
   C. A nuber, one second D. A nuber, three quarters
  ( )6、Could you tell e ?
   A. how old is your son B. that he will coe here soon
   C. weather is fine toorrow D. who is going to speak at the eeting
  ( )7、Here are the photos in Beijing.
   A. who are taken B. that took
   C. which I was taken D. that were taken
  ( )8、、---u, _______ I play coputer gaes?
   ---Yes, you can. But you have to finish your hoework first.
   A. ust B. ay C. will D. need
 。 )9---Excuse e, can I park y car here?
   ---Yes. You can park on side of the street.
   A. either B. neither C. both D. all
  ( )10、 ---The train is leaving right now, but David hasn’t arrived yet.
   ---Well, he said he ______ here on tie.
   A. cae B. will be C. would coe D. can be
  ( )11、 If you don’t go to the eeting toorrow, _______.
   A. I will, too B. I won’t, either C. So will I D. I don’t, either
 。 )12、I need this letter. Would you ind e your pen, please?
   A. to finish; lending B. writing; to give
C. to see; borrowing D. finding; drop
 。 )13、Peter doesn't tell e when he .I'll telephone you as soon as he .
   A. will coe; coes B. will coe; will coe
C. coes; will coe D. coes; coe
 。 )14、?Will you please us a story, r Andrew?
   ?OK. Shall I it in English or in Chinese.
   A. say; speak B. talk; speak C. tell; say D. talk; say
 。 )15、In the exaination, the you are, the istakes you'll ake.
   A. careful, little B. ore careful, less
C. careful, few D. ore careful, fewer 
aybe you know a lot about the city you live in. You ay even know soe interesting facts about Earth, but 16 do you know about ars? Will there be 17 there just like people on Earth?
ars is the fourth planet fro the sun and it's the ost like Earth, but it's uch 18 than Earth because it's farther fro the sun. It's also the only planet whose surface can be 19 fro Earth.
ars is often called "the red planet" because the rocks on it have a dark 20 color. There are strong winds on ars that can 21 dust into the hills.
For any years, people have 22 ars. They have sent instruents and robots there. Soe of the robots got there, 23 ost failed.
NASA(美國國家宇航局) sent two robots to ars two years ago. They wanted to 24 signs of water and life on ars. Soe day, huans will travel to ars and have an even 25 look at our red neighbor. aybe it could be you!
( )16. A. when B. what C. which D. how
( )17. A. sound B. life C. air D. water
( )18. A. hotter B. colder C. bigger D. saller
( )19. A. seen B. wrote C. heard D. visited
( )20. A. red B. black C. white D. yellow
( )21. A. blow B. look C. ix D. fly
( )22. A. lived on B. landed on C. studied D. written
( )23. A. but B. and C. however D. or
( )24. A. leave B. use C. find D. give
( )25. A. faster B. farther C. closer D. lower
  The world is not only hungry, it will also be thirsty for water. About 97% of water on the earth is sea water, or salty(咸的) water. an can only drink or use the other 3% of the fresh water(淡水) which coes fro rivers, lakes and underground.
The sea is very big. Look at the ap of the world, there is ore sea than land. It covers(覆蓋) quarters of the earth, it looks very beautiful when the sun is shinning on it. But it can be terrible when there is a strong wind.
Soe par ts of the sea are very deep. There is one place near Japan. It's nearly 11 kiloeters high. If we put that ountain into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kiloeters of water above it!
The sea is salty. There is one "sea" called the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is not a sea. It's a big lake in the Jordan Valley. It's the saltiest. It's near the cit y of Jericho. It's about 80.kiloetres long, between 4.8 and 17.7 kiloeters wide. The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea. The sun is not there and the water is salty. Fish can't live in the Dead Sea and plants can't grow near it. People can't swi well in the Dead Sea, but they can't float(漂浮) on the water. The water is very blue and the air is clean. In winter, people coe to the Dead Sea to enjoy the sunshine.
( )26. Does the fresh water coe fro rivers, lakes and underground?
A. Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn't. C. Yes, it doesn't. D. No, it does.
( )27. The deepest place in the sea is near .
A. Japan B. India C. Aerica D. China
( )28. The passage tells us the sea covers of the earth.
A.3% B.25% C.75% D.97%
( )29. The Dead Sea is .
A.80 kiloeters long B.2 kiloeters wide
C.11 kiloeters deep D.17.7 kiloeters high
( )30. According to the passage, which of the following isn't true?
A. The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea.
B. The world will be thirsty for water.
C. The sea looks beautiful when the sun-is shining on it.
D. The Dead Sea is the saltiest sea in the world.
   New rules and behavio r standards(行為規(guī)范)for iddle school students cae out in arch. iddle School is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won’t only have high arks. They will also be kids who don’t dye(染) their hair. The following are soe of the new rules.
  Tell the truth. Have you ever copied soeone else’s work on an exa? Don’t do it again! That’s not soething an honest student should do. If you have played coput er gaes for two hours in your roo, don’t tell your parents you have done hoework.
   Do ore at school. Good students love anials and care for other people. April is Bird-loving onth in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? You should join! That way, you can learn ore about anials and how to protect the. When ore people work together, it akes it ore fun for everyone.
   Have you ever quarreled with your teaates when your basketball tea lost? Only working together can ake your tea stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.
   Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the oon? aybe you’ll discover Earth Ⅱ soeday. Don’t look down on new ideas. Everyone’s ideas are iportant. You should welcoe the, because new ideas ake life better for everyone.
   Protect yourself. Has soeone ever taken oney fro one of your classates? Don’t let it happen to you. If you have to go hoe late, you should let your parents kno
   Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But soe things on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web for run or hoework. Can’t you find any good! Web sites for children? Here are soe: Http:// kids.eastday.co Http ://ww China kids. net.co http:wwCycnet.co
  ( )31. The new school rules will help kids by telling the .
   A. how they can study well B. what they should do at school
   C. what is right and what is wrong D. how they can protect theselves
 。 )32. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?
   A. Take care of yourself when you are out.
   B. Tell the truth, even when you are wrong.
   C. Keep soe anials to protect the.
   D. Use the Internet, but keep away fro bad things.
 。 )33. The ain idea of the fourth paragraph is about .
   A. aking the tea stronger B. helping with each other
   C. being a good friend to others D. getting on well with others
  ( )34. Good Web sites for children can .
   A. be a waste of tie B. help the with their studies
   C. do hoework for the D. ake life easier
 。 )35. The passage tells us how to ________ .
   A. be top students B. do ore at school C. care for others D. use the Internet
Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was 12 years old, Jeff had cancer. Doct ors had to cut off ost of his right leg to save his life.
Every day Jeff puts on an artificial (an-ade) The leg is plastic . With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swi and play soccer. He also can run.
When he was 22 yeas old, Jeff ran across the United States, fro the East to the West. He ran 5,150 kiloeters, that’s about 26 kiloeters each day. (A)Jeff wore out 36 pairs of running shoes and five legs.
On his way, in every city people gave Jeff oney. The oney which received was not for Jeff hiself. It was for the Aerican Cancer Society(協(xié)會(huì)). The Society used the oney to learn about cancer. At the sae tie, Jeff talked to people about cancer. He also talked about being disabled.
Jeff is disabled, but he can do any things: skiing, swiing, playing soccer and running.(B) He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer. Jeff says,(C)人們可以做他們想要做的任何事. I want people to know that. I ran not only for disabled but also for everybody.
36.What was Jeff’s right leg ade of?



40.What is the ain purpose of the passage?

41.Please put those books on the s_________,They are epty.
42. y other often l_________ her keys at hoe.
43. S____________ in a public place isn’t good.
44. Hawaii is faous for its beautiful ____________ (海灘)
45How long have you _h__________ this bike?
one, hurt, ride, luck, die, take, be, they, when, visit, on, pass, drive

People like to talk about “first”. They like to reeber their first love or their first car. But not all firsts are happy 46_________. Few people enjoy the firsts that 47_____________ bad.
One of history’s bad but iportant firsts was the first car accident. Cars were still young48____________it happened. It 49__________place in New York in ay 1896. A an fro assachusetts was 50___________the city in his new car. At that tie, bicycle51_____________ were still trying to get used to the new set of wheels on the road. No one was sure who was at fault(過錯(cuò)). Any way, a bike and the car collided(相撞). The an on the bike was 52__________. The driver of the car had to stay in prison(監(jiān)獄) and wait for the hospital report on the bike rider. It was 53__________that the bike rider was not killed.
Three years later, another car accident took place. It was again in New York City. A an naed Henry Bliss got off a street car. He was hit by a 54__________car. Again no one was sure just how it happened or who was at fault. The driver of the car was put in prison. Poor r. Bliss becae the first person 55____________in a car accident.
請(qǐng)以第一人稱以”E—ail English” 為題寫一篇。短文要求介紹出E-ail English 的用途及優(yōu)點(diǎn)、缺點(diǎn)。
E-ail English

一、 1—5 CCADB 6—10 DDBAC 11—15 BAACD
二、 16—20 BBBAA 21—25 ACACC
三、 26—30 AACAB 31—35BCDBA
四、 36 It was ade of plastic. 37.Jeff 穿壞了36雙跑鞋,跑壞了5個(gè)假肢。
38.他大學(xué)畢業(yè)后學(xué)習(xí)當(dāng)一名律師。39. People can do anything they want to do.
40. To tell the story of Jeff Keith’s life.
五、 41. shelves 42. left 43. Soking 44. beaches 45. had
六、 46. ones 47. are 48. when 49 took 50 visiting 51 riders 52. dead 53. lucky 54. passing
55. hurt
E-ail English
E-ail English is a new kind of written English that any people use. Lots of e-ail English words look like rubbish. Usually we can’t use the. They are used in chatting online. We are supposed to type quickly, or the other person will be bored.
E-ail English uses kinds of new words. The first kind is ade up of the first letters of the words in the phrase. These are called acronys. The second one is called hoophone. For exaple, CU eans “see you”.
E-ail English is used to save tie. It’s like writing riddles. We can understand it ourselves. But our friends, parents and teachers ight not. E-ail English is great for writing quickly. But lots of teachers say th at e-ail English should only be used in e-ail to one’s friends.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/79430.html
