
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一. 單項選擇選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。
( )1. — What kind of cakes do you like best?
— I like cakes    nuts best.
A. in B. for C. of D. with
( )2. y sister    very cold. y sister ust have a fever.
A. feel B. is feeling C. felt D. feels
( )3. —    does she take the edicine?
— Three ties a day.
A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. H ow far
( )4. — What’s this glass ade   ?
— Plastic.
A. in B. fro C. of D. into
( )5. The population of Shanghai is uch larger than    of Chongqing.
A. it B. that C. this D. what
( )6. I only spent half of the oney, and the rest    still in your bag.
A. was B. been C. were D. are
( )7. — ary, don’t hurt    while juping down.
— OK, u. I’ll be careful.
A. yours B. yourself C. you D. your
( )8. This is the special entrance for   .
A. the disabled B. disabled C. unable D. the unable
( )9. I    fro the village for ten years, so I don’t know its changes.
A. have left B. left C. have been away D. was away
( )10. This bike is    expensive, and I’ afraid I can’t afford it.
A. too uch B. uch too C. too any D. any too
( )11. — Bob, it’s tie to have breakfast.
— I don’t feel very   , u. I don’t feel like eating anything.
A. good B. we ll C. health D. happily
( )12. — Do you know    she is?
— It’s said that she is a nurse.
A. who B. which C. what D. where
( )13. That’s a great bookstore. There are    of books in it.
A. a kind of B. any kind of C. all kinds of D. different kind of
( )14. I know eating too uch eat is not good for e ,    I like to eat it very uch.
A. and B. so C. or D. but
( )15. He had a bad cold and only breathed    his outh.
A. with B. through C. without D. across
( )16. The nurse told the patient    plenty of water and    again.
A. to drink; no soke
B. drinking; not to soke
C. to drink; not soking
D. to drink; not to soke
( )17. — I have    to do. Could you give e ______ to read?
— Sure. Her e you are.
A. soething; soething
B. nothing; nothing
C. soething; nothing
D. nothing; soething
( )18.    you speak English,    your English will be.
A. The ore; the ore B. The harder; the bigger
C. The ore; the better D. The easier; the bigger
( )19.    delicious the food is!
A. How B. What C. How a D. What a
( )20. I asked   , but she didn’t tell e.
A. what was the atter with her
B. what the atter was with her
C. what wrong was with her
D. what the trouble was with her
二. 完形
To eat a healthy diet, you ay need to ake soe changes. Changing your eating habits a little bit at a tie ay be 21 to ake and it can lead to better health. Here are soe ways for you:
Keep ore fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products (乳制品) and whole-grain foods at hoe and at work. Focus (關(guān)注) on adding healthy food to your diet, rather than just 22 unhealthy foods away. Try to eat a 23 eal every day at the dining table. This will 24 you focus on eating healthy eals. Pack a healthy lunch and snack s for work. This lets you 25 over what you eat. Put your snacks on a plate 26 eating fro the package. This helps you control how uch you eat.
27 skip or iss eals, and be sure to list your sn acks. If you don’t feel 28 , you ay end up choosing an unhealthy snack. If you often feel too hungry, it can 29 you to focus a lot on food. Eat your eals with others when you can. Relax and 30 your eals, and don’t eat too fast. Try to ake healthy eating a pleasure, not a chore.
( )21. A. harder B. easier C. faster D. safer
( )22. A. taking B. putting C. keepingD. running
( )23. A. street B. restaurantC. faily D. school
( )24. A. keep B. help C. watch D. hear
( )25. A. bring B. know C. coe D. control
( )26. A. instead of B. in front of C. for D. besides
( )27. A. Please B. Don’t C. Notice D. Reeber
( )28. A. cold B. hot C. tired D. hungry
( )29. A. ask B. tell C. cause D. take
( )30. A. enjoy B. nae C. show D. cook
三. 理解
on. to Fri.: 9:00 a — 5:00 p
Sat.: 9:00 a — 1:00 p
Address: 1100 Chesnut St. New York
Telephone: 77364431

Price: $50 for adults
$25 for children
Address: 112 Kendal Way Chesterton Cabridge CB4
Telephone: 55539561

How will you spend your suer?
English Suer Cap 2011 at the University of Toronto, Canada!
Ages: 13 to 18
For ore inforation, call CEE / CCIEE at (010) 6606-2607

Bands fro hoe and abroad (國外) will give perforances in Chaoyang Park, Beijing. Chinese singers like Zhang Liangying will also share usic with fans.
Price: 30 yuan — 50 yuan
Tie: 9:00 a — 9:00 p
( )31. New York useu is closed on     .
A. onday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday
( )32. 8-year-old Toy is visiting the City Flower Show with his parents. They should pay     .
A. $75 B. $100 C. $125 D. $150
( )33. If you want to get ore inforation about English Suer Cap, you can     .
A. go to Canada
B. call (010) 6606-2607
C. write to CEE / CCIEE
D. send an e-ail to the University of Toronto
( )34. In Pop usic Week,      will give perforances in Chaoyang Park.
A. bands and singers B. bands and dancers
C. actors and singersD. bands and actors
( )35. Phillip, twenty years old, is NOT allowed to go to     .
A. Pop usic Week
B. New York useu
C. English Suer Cap
D. the City Flower Show
Ebarrassing (令人尷尬的) oents happen to everyone, no atter how iportant a person is. What would you do if you had an ebarrassing oent?
★ Forget all about it and then laugh about it. The first thing you should do is let others know it is a joke. Just laugh loudly and say, “That is funny!” People will know that you are not taking it seriously. They will stop aking fun of you.
★     When you go b ack to your roo, just take a oent to think how that ebarrassing oent happened. Are you always careless? Think about ways to correct the proble.
★ Iprove your awareness (意識). Try to be ore aware of what is happening around you if you are always careless. Just reeber not to be upset over it. The people who laugh at you have probably d one soething siilar to (與……相似) what you have done. Just laugh with the at the tie, or they will reeber your ebarrassent for a long tie. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of the day.
★ Don’t be afraid of ebarrassing oents. Take it easy. It’s not hard to get through it if you believe that you can do with it.
( )36. According to the passage,      people have ebarrassing oents.
A. ost B. few C. no D. all
( )37. If you feel ebarrassed, the first thing you should do is     .
A. ake fun of others
B. stay away fro others
C. talk about it with your friends
D. let others know it is just a joke
( )38. When ebarrassing oents happen to you, you should keep     .
A. serious B. careful C. cool D. upset
( )39. Which sentence can be filled in the blank of paragraph 3?
A. Stay in your roo alone and laugh.
B. Think about your proble carefully.
C. How do you feel after the ebarrassing oent?
D. What can we do at the ebarrassing oent?
( )40. The passage ainly tells us     .
A. how to deal with ebarrassing oents
B. when ebarrassing oents usually happen
C. how to forget ebarrassing oents
D. how to face ebarrassing oents bravely
You know that soking is bad behaviour. But what if one or both of your parents soke? You can’t order your parents to stop soking, but you can encourage the to quit. Here are soe good reasons: soking is bad for their health; soking causes second-hand soke which can daage every faily’s health; soking will cause other troubles in the faily.
You can show articles about soking to your parents and encourage the to find out ore inforation about soking. But what if your parents get angry with you because of the topic of soking? People don’t like to be reinded that they are doing soething bad, so it’s possible your parents will be angry. Reeber to be kind, respect and understand your parents. Also you should know that it is difficult to give up soking. Instead of shouting at the, you should tell the that you love the and want the to enjoy a happy life. One day your parents will realize you are right.
And if they do agree to stop soking, you should be their supporter. There’s soething you can do to help the when they want to soke. aybe you can go for a walk, do a puzzle, or listen to usic with the. When they ake progress, like a onth without soking, you can hold a party to celebrate it. Please say, “Go ahead, y parents!”
( )41. The underlined word “quit” eans .
A. give away B. give up
C. put up D. put off
( )42. The parents ay be angry with the child because .
A. they don’t enjoy reading any articles
B. they don’t love their kids any longer
C. they think they can deal with everything theselves
D. they d on’t like to be told their habits are bad
( )43. Which is NOT right for a child to treat the parents who can’t stop soking?
A. Being kind to the parents.
B. Keeping a respectful way to treat the parents.
C. Shouting at the parents.
D. Understanding the parents.
( )44. What should a child do when his parents want to soke?
A. He should try doing soething else with the.
B. He should tell the he’s disappointed with the.
C. He should ask his teacher for help.
D. He should ake the have ore food.
( )45. The passage ain ly tells of .
A. how to give up soking
B. how to help parents quit soking
C. the disadvantages of soking
D. why people soke
“ore students wear glasses” said the fourth-grade teacher Qu Tingting when she entered the classroo at the beginning of the new ter.
“The 9-year-old students have little hoework,” Qu said, “and alost all of the play gaes on coputers every day. Digital gadgets (數(shù)碼小裝置) are not allowed during the breaks between classes, but alost all of the children’s parents tell e their kids use iPads after school.”
As ore children like playing coputer gaes, eye doctors reind parents that the gaes ay daage children’s eyesight and ay raise shortsightedness. Eye tests show that fourth-grade Tairi School students’ eyesight has declined (下降) on average since last ter. Qu said 8 of the 40 children in her class now wear glasses. There were only 4 before the Spring Festival holiday.
Zhang said her 5-year-old grandson was lost in playing iPad gaes. The boy wouldn’t like to stop even when the faily had dinner together in a restaurant .
IPads shine with bright colours, which is too strong for children’s eyes. Eye doctors tell parents to keep children fro playing with digital gadgets.
( )46. At the beginning of this ter, Qu Tingting found ______.
A. the students had less hoework than last ter
B. ore students wore glasses than last ter
C. ore students bought iPads than last ter
D. ost parents didn’t know their children’s eyesight
( )47. During the break between two classes the students are not allowed to_______.
A. go out of the classroo
B. do any hoework
C. play football on the playground
D. play any digital gadgets
( )48. The underlined word “shortsightedness” in the passage eans “______” in Chinese.
A. 縮短視力 B. 往近處看 C. 近視 D. 紅眼病
( )49. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Qu Tingting teaches the students of Grade Five.
B. Now 20% of the students in her class wear glasses.
C. Zhang’s grandson is also in Qu’s class.
D. Doctors ask parents to stop children fro playing with digital gadgets
( )50. The best title of the passage is ______.
A. How Children Wear Glasses
B. Parents Should Take Good Care of Their Children
C. Coputer Gaing Hars Children’s Eyesight
D. Stop Using Digital Gadgets
四. 詞語運用
(A) 根據(jù)句意用所給單詞或短語的適當(dāng)形式。(每詞或短語只限使用一次)。
weak disease hospital allow catch a cold
51. r. Jones has gone to the      to see a doctor.
52. ary has been ill for a week, so she looks uch      than before.
53. Children under sixteen are not      to drink beer in the country.
54. Soking can cause      such as cancer.
55. To      and didn’t have the exa last week.
(B) 根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示,寫出單詞。
56. Although he is (殘疾的), he works very hard.
57. You ustn’t get off the train when it’s still (移動).
58. You’ll not be afraid of snakes if you understand their (習(xí)慣).
59. Cancer destroyed his body but not his s . He never gave up hope.
60. You have been working for any hours. You need to r for soe inutes.
五. 任務(wù)型閱讀
Capodiele is located between Naples and Roe. This village is about 650 etres above sea level with clean ountain air and wonderful sea wind.
The whole population of the village is about 700, while there are 49 villagers over 90 (including 2 over one hundred). 94-year-old Quirino has just given up his bicycle two years ago while Guiseppe (102) with bright eyes and sooth skin walks up the hill to collect his pension (退休金) and grew his own vegetables.
The locals enjoy breathing fresh air and living with low stress. Villagers there get up early to work in the fields. They plant apples, pears, oranges and leons, cabbage, green beans, peas, carrots, onions, toatoes and so on.
They love their food which ainly includes whole wheat bread, fresh fruits, olive oil and vegetables grown by theselves. Hoe-grown and hoe-ade food without any added things is the ain diet. They have no sugar, salt or processed (加工過的) foods. They ostly walk for two hours each day, eat at the sae tie each day, take a rest for two hours at noon and sleep eight hours at night.
61. Capodiele is about 650 etres away fro the sea. 【 】
62. There are     people over 100 years old in the village.
63. What percent age of the population in the village is over 90 years old?
64. What fruits do the villagers grow in the fields?
六.書面表達(dá)健康的身心能使我們和睦相處、愉快學(xué)習(xí)。為此,《學(xué)英語》報社舉行題為How to keep healthy的征文活動,倡導(dǎo)中學(xué)生保持健康的生活習(xí)慣。請你根據(jù)以下提示寫一篇80詞左右的英語短文,開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。
提示: (1) 保持健康、均衡的飲食;
(2) 保證足夠的運動時間;
(3) 有充足的睡眠,每天八小時以上;
(4) 和身邊的人和睦相處。
How to keep healthy
As we all know, health is very iportant. But how to keep healthy?
To keep healthy is not difficult if you care it a lot.

1-5 DDBCB 6-10 ABACB 11-15 BCCDB
16-20 DDCAA 21-25 BACBD 26-30 ABDCA
31-35 DCBAC 36-40 DDCBA 41-45 BDCAB
46-50 BDCCC
51. hospital 52. weaker 53. allowed
54. diseases 55. caught a cold
56. disabled57. oving 58. habits
59. spirits 60. rest
61. F 62. 2 63. About 7 %.
64. Apples, pears, oranges and leons.
65. 自家生長、自家制作、沒有任何添加物的食物是主要飲食。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/79601.html
