2014年中考英語七年級(jí)下冊(cè) Units 1~4復(fù)習(xí)試題(含答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

七年級(jí)下冊(cè) Units 1~4
(45分鐘 100分)
一、單項(xiàng)選擇 (30分)
1. In suer, it soeties rains hard for a short while.
A. on tieB. at tiesC. at the sae tie
2. —When did you arrive in London?
—Last Friday.
A. get to B. get upC. get off
3. —Do you know the old an wearing a blue coat?
—He’s r. Brown, Sally’s grandfather.
A. onB. withC. in
4. I like talking with y pen pals online, but I don’t like writing letters—it takes too uch tie to write.
A. disagreeB. dislikeC. disappear
5. —Is your new ath teacher kind or strict?
—She’s very kind and friendly _____ us.
A. withB. toC. for
6. —How uch should I _____ for the T-shirt?
—25 dollars.
A. takeB. costC. pay
7. —Did you enjoy _____ on the school trip, boys?
—Yes. We had a lot of fun.
A. youB. yoursC. yourselves
8. —What do you want to _____?
—I’d like to becoe a teacher like you.
A. beB. getC. take
9. You have to take a walk _____ the park on Fifth Avenue before you get to our school.
A. acrossB. throughC. over
10. y father enjoys _____ football atches on TV.
A. watchB. watchesC. watching
11. — _____do you like dolphins so uch?
—Because they’re really cute!
A. WhatB. WhyC. How
12. People in the northeast of China can often have fun _____ outside in winter.
A. skateB. to skateC. skating
13. —I’ dreaing about getting _____ on the sunny beach in Hawaii for vacation!
—Well, that sounds really _____!
A. relaxed; relaxed
B. relaxing; relaxing
C. relaxed; relaxing
14. You’ll probably get into the traffic ja(交通阻塞) if you _____ to work in the orning.
A. driveB. drivesC. will drive
15. —I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to _____ your old jeans to school.
—OK, I’ll _____ another pair right no
A. wear; put on
B. wear; dress
C. dress; wear
  In northern Sweden, there 1 a hotel whose roos are 2 in the trees. The tree hotel lies in Harads about 60 k south of the Arctic Circle(北極圈). It opened 3 July 17, 2010.
  The tree hotel is close to the Arctic Circle, 4 it’s quite possible for travelers here 5 aurora borealis(北極光) in winter, and the idnight sun in suer. It’s really an 6 place to stay, but the tree hotel is quite expensive. It 7 up to $555. 50 for two people to stay one night.
  Lindvall, one of the creators of the tree hotel, 8 that they plan 9 24 roos by 2015. They want to ake these siple tree houses into a world-class 10 destination(目的地).
1. A. isB. areC. has
2. A. bothB. allC. neither
3. A. inB. atC. on
4. A. andB. butC. so
5. A. to seeB. seeingC. see
6. A. excitedB. excitingC. bored
7. A. spendsB. paysC. takes
8. A. speaksB. tellsC. says
9. A. buildB. buildingC. to build
10. A. touristB. passengerC. policean
   情景七選五。請(qǐng)下面對(duì)話, 根據(jù)其情景, 從方框內(nèi)七個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出能填入下面對(duì)話的五個(gè)選項(xiàng)。
A. You’re welcoe.
B. Which bus shall I take?
C. I don’t kno
D. Is it far fro here?
E. Can I take a bus to get there?
F. Please ask that an over there.
G. Don’t thank e.
ary:Excuse e, ada. Could you please tell e the way to the People’s Park?
Woan:Sorry, 1 I’ new here. 2
ary:Excuse e, sir. How can I get to the People’s Park?
an:Go on and take the third turning on the left. Go across a bridge. And you’ll be in front of the gate of the People’s Park. xkb1.co
ary: 3
an:Yes, you can.
ary: 4
an:You can take a No. 4 bus.
ary:Thank you very uch.
an: 5
1. _____2._____ 3. _____4._____ 5. _____
  The panda is one of the anials ost in danger. There are about 1, 000 pandas living in nature reserves today. Zoos and research centers look after about 160 pandas. Scientists are studying how they live and ore baby pandas are born in the zoos.
  Pandas live in the forests and ountains of Southwest China. They ainly live on baboo and each panda needs to eat a lot of baboo every day. The area of baboo is becoing saller for any different reasons, so pandas have less and less land to live on. Pandas don’t have any babies, and baby pandas often die. The situation is becoing very serious.
  Our governent is working hard to save pandas. There are ore than 30 nature reserves to protect pandas, but these are not enough. The governent has ade a new plan to help pandas. The nature reserves will be bigger and the baboo will grow better.
  ost people love pandas. It is the sybol for the World Wildlife Fund. The WWF works to protect all anials in danger, so the panda has becoe the sybol of all anials in danger. There is still a long way to go to save the panda. Think of other anials in danger such as tigers, whales, turtles and elephants—we need to save the panda, and we need to save the, too. xkb1.co
1. There are about _____ pandas living in nature reserves today.
A. 30B. 160C. 1, 000
2. Pandas live in the forests and ountains of _____ China.
A. SouthwestB. Northeast C. Southeast
3. Paragraph 2 is ainly about _____ .
A. why pandas are in danger
B. why baby pandas often die
C. how to protect all anials
4. The governent is trying _____ to help the pandas.
A. to build ore zoos
B. to send ore scientists
C. to ake bigger nature reserves
5. _____ is the sybol for the World Wildlife Fund.
A. The tigerB. The pandaC. The elephant
             Play with bublebees(大黃蜂)
  A study of bublebees by a group of children has becoe the first priary school project to be published in a Royal Society scientific journal(科技雜志).
  The 25 children at the Devon priary school are aged between 8 and 10. They found that ①蜜蜂可以被訓(xùn)練找到路by using color patterns(圖案).
  The children worked with Beau Lotto, a scientist fro University College London.
  The children designed and carried out the experient, wrote down all the study inforation and wrote up all their own work.
  No one in the history of science has done such a research before—②they were the first to do it and they were the first children to publish a science paper.
  The children said that science is fun and that it was like ③_____with the bublebees.
1. Who was the study started and ade by?
2. How old are the young students?
3. 把①句譯為英語:
4. 把②句譯為漢語:
5. 為③處選擇合適的短語:_____
A. playing a gae
B. watching a ovie
C. doing hoework
1. Usually we raise the national flag at the _____(begin) of the school eeting.
2. ost anials are not as _____(danger) as people think.
3. The Whites have four _____(child) in their faily.
4. Who do you think is the _____(lazy) boy of the three?
5. How any _____(visit) cae to your school last week?
下列各句中均有一處錯(cuò)誤, 請(qǐng)寫出并改正
1. Where does your pen pal fro?________ ________
2. He wants to an actor. ________ ________
3. The hospital is on Bridge Street at the right.________ ________
4. Everyone in our class like take-away food.________ ________
5. Now, everyone, please turn to page five.________ ________
   根據(jù)你的實(shí)際情況, 結(jié)合所給問題提示, 以“y Hoework”為題寫一篇不少于60詞的英語短文。
   (注意:短文中不得出現(xiàn)任何人名、校名及其他相關(guān)信息, 否則不予評(píng)分。)
1. How long does it usually take you to do the hoework every day?
2. Tell your daily experience of doing the hoework.
3. Do you think all of your hoework is helpful? Why?

y Hoework
______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

一、1.【解析】選B。soeties=at ties有時(shí)候;on tie按時(shí);at the sae tie同時(shí)。
2.【解析】選A。arrive in=get to=reach到達(dá)。get up起床;get off下車。
3.【解析】選C。wearing表示“穿著(……衣服)”時(shí)相當(dāng)于介詞in, 表示“戴著(眼鏡)”時(shí)相當(dāng)于介詞with。
4.【解析】選B。dislike表示“不喜歡”, 相當(dāng)于not like。disagree不同意;disappear消失。
5.【解析】選B。be friendly to sb. 對(duì)某人友好。
6.【解析】選C。問句句意:這件T恤我應(yīng)付多少錢?pay for表示“為……付款”。
7.【解析】選C。固定短語enjoy oneself“玩得開心”;根據(jù)boys判斷使用yourselves。
10.【解析】選C。enjoy doing sth. 喜歡做某事, 固定搭配。
12.【解析】選C。have fun doing sth. 做某事開心。
13.【解析】選C。第一空用短語get relaxed(放松)表示人的感受;第二空表示事物的特征“令人放松的”, 用relaxing。
—I’ dreaing about _____yself on the sunny beach in Hawaii for vacation!
—Well, that sounds really _____!
A. relaxed; relaxed
B. relaxing; relaxing
C. relaxed; relaxing
【解析】選B。句意:——我夢(mèng)想度假時(shí)在夏威夷陽光明媚的沙灘上放松自己!——噢, 那聽起來很令人輕松!drea about doing sth. 表示“夢(mèng)想做某事”;relax oneself表示“放松自己”;答語空處仍用relaxing表示事物的特征。
14.【解析】選A。句意:如果你早上開車去上班可能會(huì)陷入交通阻塞中。if表示“如果”時(shí)引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句, 從句使用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)表示將來的動(dòng)作, 根據(jù)從句主語you判斷選A。
——好的, 我馬上(換)穿另一條褲子。第一空表示“穿著”的狀態(tài), 用wear;第二空表示“穿上”的動(dòng)作, 用put on。
二、 1.【解析】選A。根據(jù)a hotel判斷使用there be句型, 其中be動(dòng)詞使用is。
4.【解析】選C。因?yàn)檫@家樹上賓館離北極圈很近, 所以游客很有可能見到北極光。 根據(jù)句意判斷選用so表示“所以;因此”。
5.【解析】選A。 It’s+adj. +for sb. to do sth. 固定句式, 表示“做某事對(duì)某人而言是……的”, to do不定式結(jié)構(gòu)是真正的主語。
6.【解析】選B。修飾事物用-ing結(jié)尾的形容詞, 根據(jù)an判斷使用exciting。
7.【解析】選C。It takes/took sb. . . . to do sth. 句式表示“做某事花費(fèi)某人若干……”。根據(jù)主語it判斷選用takes。
9.【解析】選C。plan to do sth. 計(jì)劃做某事。
10.【解析】選A。旅館本是為游客準(zhǔn)備, 所以根據(jù)句意判斷選A。
三、答案:1~5. CFEBA
四、1.【解析】選C。由第一段第二句“There are about 1, 000 pandas living in nature reserves today. ”可知“大約有1, 000只大熊貓生活在自然保護(hù)區(qū)”。
2.【解析】選A。由第二段第一句可知“大熊貓生活在中國(guó)西南部的森林和山區(qū) ”。
3.【解析】選A。竹子的減少, 生活地域的減小, 使大熊貓?zhí)幱谖kU(xiǎn)中。
4.【解析】選C。由第三段第四句The nature reserves will be bigger and. . . 自然保護(hù)區(qū)將增大……可知。
5.【解析】選B。由第四段第一句及第二句“It is the sybol for the World Wildlife Fund. ”可知it指大熊貓。
五、答案:1. A group of children (at the Devon priary school).
2. Between 8 and 10.
3. bees could be trained to find their way
4. 他們是最早做此研究者(第一批做這種研究的), 而且他們是首批發(fā)表科學(xué)論文的兒童。
5. A
六、答案:1. beginning2. dangerous3. children
4. laziest5. visitors
七、答案:1. does; is2. to; to be3. at; on
4. like; likes5. five; Five
y Hoework
  I have to spend three or four hours doing y hoework every day.
  After dinner, I begin to do y hoework at once. I keep doing it till 8:30 p or 9 p. It akes e a little exhausted, so soeties I feel sleepy and tired the next day.
  In y opinion, soe of the hoework is helpful, while soe of it is not at all. For exaple, I ust write the English words any ties, and I ust copy the test papers. It’s easy to ake e lose interest in learning. And I have little tie to relax and do things I’ interested in.
  So I have to say, I have both love and hate with hoework.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/79850.html
