
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一. 詞匯 A. 根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示或所給的詞完成句子。
1. I ________(挑選)a nice present for y other yesterday.
2. Which is _________(expensive), gold or silver?
3. What is a good way to push a _____________(produce).
4. You can have ore success in ________(生意)if you know English.
5. In ________(west)countries, bread is like rice in China.
B. 選擇與句中劃線部分意思相同或相近的詞或短語(yǔ)。
( )1. The ancient Olypic Gaes began in Greece in 776BC.
A. odernB. very oldC. newD. long
( )2. The doctor told y father to give up soking.
A. beginB. startC. stopD. keep
( )3. I own a restaurant and two fars.
A. haveB. borrowC. lendD. begin
( )4. He has been in Beijing for two years.
A. since two years agoB. before two years C. two years agoD. in two years
( )5. The boy couldn’t catch up with the others in the race.
A. fell behindB. beat C. ran faster thanD. was neck and neck with
二. 單項(xiàng)選擇選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。
( )1.___the 2004 Olypic Gaes Duli won a godal edal___shooting.
A.In; at B.On; at C At;in D.At; at
( )2.He ade the products .
A by hiself B by herself C by itself D by oneself
( )3.If you hard, you can catch up with others.
A work B works C will work D worked
( )4.The coputer e 5000 yuan.
A took B paid C spent D cost
( )5.English is also popular in any______countries.
A .another B.others C.the other D.other
( )6.He could buy nothing, because he had oney with hi.
A few B a few C little D a little
( )7.ike writes as as his brother.
A careful B ost careful C carefully D ore carefully
( )8.I like packing kites, .
A so John does B so does John C so is John D John does do
( )9.--You’re very , aren’t you? --Yes. Our tea has won the gae.
A happy B worried C sad D afraid
( )10.The an is two etres_______.
A.old B. tall C.long D.high
( )11.---The puzzles are too difficult for e.-----Why not ________
A gives up B.give up the C.give it up D.give the up
( )12.--I hurt y leg when I played basketball yesterday afternoon.
A I’ sorry B Why weren’t you careful
C Oh, really. D Are you OK now?
( )13. I didn’t want to eat, I was very thirsty.
A or B and C but D so
( )14.--What’s wrong with your watch? --
A I can’t end it B It doesn’t work C It works well D It’s very nice
( )15.--This coputer is really cheap!
--The , the better, Because I have no uch oney.
A cheaper B cheap C ore expensive D expensive
( )16.Chicken soup always akes e better.
A to feel B feeling C feel D felt
( )17.Healthy diet your body grow and strong.
A helped; stay B help; stay C help; to stay D help; staying
( )18.The ore you ove your feet, you will be.
A ore healthy B healthier C the ore healthier D the ore healthy
( )19.It’s seven o’clock, please
A wake up hi B wake hi up C woke hi up D wakes hi up
( )20.If you ill, you’ll have to see the doctor.
A will be B are C were D be
三. 完型
One night a an cae to y house. He told e, “There is a faily with eight 1 . They have not eaten for days.”After I asked hi where the faily was. I took soe 2 with e and left.
When I finally got to that faily, I 3 those little children were too hungry to say 4 . There was no food t o the other. She took half of it, and then 5 . Wh en she returned, I asked her, “ 6 did you go?”She gave e this siple 7 , “To y neighbors ??? they are also 8 !”
I was not surprised that she gave, because poor people are always very kind. But I was surprised that she knew her 9 were hungry. Usually, when we are in trouble, we always 10 ourselves first, and we have no tie for others.
1. A. childrenB. workersC. farersD. cooks
2. A. flowersB. wineC. foodD. water
3. A. showedB. watchedC. lookedD. found
4. A. a sentenceB. a wordC. itD. nothing
5. A. went outB. cae backC. rushed inD. hurried back
6. A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. Why
7. A. questionB. decisionC. answerD. lie
8. A. illB. unhappyC. tiredD. hungry
9. A. peopleB. neighborsC. failyD. children
10. A. think ofB. talk aboutC. laugh atD. look for
四. 理解 (共20小題,每小題2分,計(jì)40分)
When I was young, y granda often told e a story. I reebered y granda told e a real story on a cold evening.
Not any years ago, an old farer went to the city to sell carrots, turnips(蘿卜), celery(芹菜) and other kinds of vegetables. But it was snowing that day so that there were few people on the road. When he sold out his vegetables, it was very dark. On his way hoe, He saw a woan lying in the sno The old farer put his basket on the ground and was going to help the woan to stand up. Just then he f ound it was a dead woan and there was uch blood(血) on the ground. He was so frightened that he ran away quickly, without taking his basket away. The next day the old farer was sent to the police station. After showing the basket, an officer(警官) asked the poor an,“Is it yours?”
“Yes,sir,” the poor farer answered tiidly(膽怯).
“When did you see the dead woan?”
“About nine o’clock yesterday evening.”
“Did you see who killed her?”
“No, I couldn’t see.”
The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” “No, sir.” The officer becae angry and ordered(命令) the policean to beat hi up and sent hi to prison(監(jiān)獄).
That afternoon the officer went on trying(審訊) pointing to the knife, the officer asked again, “Have you seen it yet?” “Yes, sir.”
“Well,” the officer becae happy and asked, “But when and where?” “I saw it here this orning, sir.” The honest(誠(chéng)實(shí)) old farer answered.
( )1、On his way hoe the old an saw a woan sleeping in the sno
( )2、The old farer didn’t sell all kinds of vegetables out until night.
( )3、The farer ran away quickly because he was afraid of the dead woan.
( )4、The officer ordered the policean to beat the farer because the officer thought the farer was lying.
( )5、The officer tried the old farer in order to find out if he was the urderer(謀殺犯).
D. We should spend all our free tie on our studies.
2.26-etre-tall Yao ing ade his NBA debut(初次亮相)on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rocket in the gae. The next day, he scored 16 points in another gae.
Yao ing, 22, has been a star in China for soe tie, but it is still under question as to whether he can play well in the NBA. Yao ing said, “When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really difficult.”He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. “I hope that though very hard work I can ake everyone happy and help the Rockets win ore gaes,”he said.
Yao ing speaks soe English. Both he and his teaates can understand each other. They don’t think there is a language proble. They say that Yao ing is one of the best players in their tea. They all like hi.
6. On October 23, 2002, Yao ing played his ____________ gae in the NBA.
A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. fourth
7. Yao ing scored ___________ points in the first two gaes for the Houston Rocket s.
A. 6B. 13C. 22D. 28
8. Yao ing thinks that ___________________ .
A. it is boring to play basketball B. playing in the NBA is not easy
C. it is difficult to watch NBA gaes on TV D. he is an NBA star
9. Fro the passage we can learn that _________ .
A. Yao ing will work hard for his tea B. Yao ing often watches TV
C. Yao ing is a very strong player D. the Rockets has lost several gaes
10. What is this passage probably about?
A. An advertiseent.B. A notice. C. An instruction.D. A news report.
Pawnshops (典當(dāng)行) are not alls. You can borrow soe oney at pawnshops if you leave soething as a pledge (抵押). You can also take back what you left there if you return enough oney on tie. But if you can’t, the owner of the pawnshop will sell your things. Pawnshops ay be large or sall, but they are all full of different things.
Few people want to go to the pawnshop unless they need uch oney. But soeties people do want to sell soething. ost pawnshops accept any kinds of things, including jewelry (珠寶), watches, clothes and so on. So the owners of the pawnshops ust know a lot. Because soe things ay have been kept in a faily for any years, the owners of the shop s have to tell how old they are, whether they are real or how uch they are worth. The owner of the pawnshop ight buy it at a low price and then try to sell it for a higher price. About 25% to 35% of their oney coes fro selling things.
( 11. If you want to borrow soe oney at a pawnshop, you ust .
A. have a good jobB. bring your ID there
C. know the owner very well
D. leave soething as a pledge
( )12. The owner of the pawnshop will sell your thing if .
A. you can’t return the oney that you borrowed on tie
B. he/ she doesn’t like your thing that you left there
C. the pawnshop is full of different kinds of t hings
D. the pawnshop needs uch oney to buy other things
( )13. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Pawnshops ust be very large, or they can’t hold all the things.
B. Nobody wants to sell soething at the pawnshops.
C. The owners of the pawnshops ust know a lot.
D. ost pawnshops only accept expensive things.
( )14. The underlined word “tell” in the passage eans in Chinese.
A. 告訴B. 判斷C. 命令D. 提醒
( )15. Fro the passage, we know the pawnshops can .
A. earn soe oney by selling things
B. help soe poor people
C. keep things for us as long as possible
D. bring soething to alls to sell
五. 任務(wù)型
Going shopping is part of our everyday life. For soe people it’s a pleasant pastie (消遣) w hile for others it’s an everyday work. Soe people like doing soe shopping and they are happy if they can pick up a bargain (特價(jià)商品) in the sales, while others yawn (打哈欠) when they’re walking along the shelves (架子) in a shop. But whether you like shopping or not you have to do it because it’s necessary.
Now shopping has becoe ore exciting than it used to be any years ago. Today people do a lot of shopping or at least window-shopping every day, because not only in large cities but also in sall towns there are all kinds of shops and stores as well as superarkets. People can do soe shopping easily.
odern departent stores serve all the needs of a faily. Fro quick-frozen food to new-laid eggs, fro living fish to toothpaste (牙膏) … Usually people enjoy buying products in such shops as they can buy all they need in one shop. There are also soe departents selling special products. All the shops are bright. You can listen to pleasant usic while you are walking along the shop. All the shelves are full of products, and you can choose happily. So we can hardly iagine our life without these stores.
16題判斷正誤 (“T”表示正確,“F”表示錯(cuò)誤);17題完成句子;18-19簡(jiǎn)略回答;20題將文中劃線句子譯成漢語(yǔ)。
16. Not all people like shopping. 【 】
17. Shopping becoes       than years ago.
18. Why do people do soe shopping easily today?
19. What can you buy in a odern departent store?
20. ________________________________________
1. u was so excited that she couldn’t help cried.
2. It’s very iportant of us to learn English.
3. The shop won’t be open in toorrow orning.
4. I d idn’t catch that he said.
5. The trip ay spend you 1,000 dollars.
假如你們班開(kāi)展了一次“賣(mài)小甜餅?zāi)季琛钡幕顒?dòng)。通過(guò)這次活動(dòng)你覺(jué)得很有收獲——不僅可以?huà)晷╁X(qián),而且還能學(xué)到其他東西。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下面的提示與要求,以y pleasant selling experience為題寫(xiě)一篇短文。
① What did you do to sell cookies?
② How did you like selling?
③ What did you get by selling cookies?
① 短文應(yīng)包括所有提示信息,并有適當(dāng)?shù)陌l(fā)揮。
② 詞數(shù)在80左右,開(kāi)頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
y pleasant selling experience
I’ very happy today because our cookies sold very well. ________________

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/80622.html
