Unit 1How do you study for a test學案

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
Unit 1How do you study for a test學案
Section B(1a-2c)
■重點短語:①make mistakes ②get the pronunciation right③a lot of
④get much writing practice ⑤spoken English ⑥practice speahng English
①I don’t know how to use commas.
②Why don’t you join an English language club to practice speaking English?
③I don’t have a partner to practice English with.
預習Section B 2a,2b,根據(jù)自己實際情況,寫出在英語學習中遇到的挑戰(zhàn)及解決辦法。
1.Forget v.忘記
例如:I often forget a lot of new words.我經(jīng)常忘記許多生詞。
【辨析】forget+n./forget to do/forget doing sth.
forget+n./pron.忘記……;forget to do sth。忘記要做某事;
forget doing sth.忘記做過某事。
(1)Last week I met my old friend Li Ming but I forgot him for his telephone number.
A.ask B.asking C.and ask D.to ask
【拓展】forget sth.與1eft sth.swh
1eft sth.swh.把某物忘在某處
Yesterday I my umbrella in the classroom.
2.Find v.發(fā)現(xiàn);找到,強調(diào)找到的結果
例如:Have you found your book?你找到書了嗎?
【辨析】find/1ook for/find out
1ook for尋找,強調(diào)動作的過程。
find out查出;查明;弄清楚,指通過觀察、思考、探索而找到或發(fā)現(xiàn)。
(3)—What’S the matter?
—I’m having trouble who has taken my book.
A.finding B.looking for C.finding out D.looking up
3.join v.參加;加入,指加入某黨派、團體或組織,并成為其中的一員
例如:My brother joined the army last year.我哥哥去年參的軍。
【辨析】join/take part in
Take part in指參加活動、比賽、會議或運動等。
Did you the sports meeting?
4.make mistakes犯錯;出錯,是動詞短語,mistake是可數(shù)名詞,還可以為make a mistake。
(1)make a living謀生 (2)make faces做鬼臉 (3)make up編造
(4)make friends交朋友 (5)make money賺錢 (6)make a decision做決定
(5)—You look sad,Kate.
—Yeah,I have made mistakes in my report。
A.a little B.little C.a few D.few
1.I don’t know how to use commas.
【精解】句子中的how to use commas為“疑問詞+動詞不定式”結構,作動詞know的賓語。動詞不定式前面加上疑問詞What,which,when,where,hOW等,用于know,tell,wonder,ask,find out,1earn等動詞或動詞短語之后作賓語。
I don't know .
2.I don't have a partnerto practice Englishw with.
【精解】句子中的動詞不定式短語to practice English with作定語,修飾名詞partner。
(7)He is not an easy man    .
A.get on B.to seten C.get on with D.to get on with
1.His s    English is very good because his mother is an American.
2.Can you give me a good s    to the problem?
3.P1ease be careful.Don't make the same m    .
4.Will you please speak    (slow)?
5.He joined an English club to practice    (speak)English.
6.I can’t    (pronunciation)some of the words.
I often       in grammar.
Paul can’t    the pronunciadon    .
      is more difficult than       .
( )1.—I don’t know how to read the word“medium”. —   ask Mr Li for help?
A.What about B.Let’s C.How about D.Why don't you
( )2.Why not    a music club to practice singing pop songs?
A.takepartin   B.join C.go D.joining
( )3.   She’ll be here soon.
A.Perhaps B.Ppssmle C.Sure, D.May be
( )4. P1ease give me a piece Of paper    .
A.to write B.writing C.to write on D.writing with
( )5.Reading helps him    that way.
A.lot B.a lot C.many D.very
( )6.His father makes a 1iving    driving a taxi.
A.by B.for C.with D.through
( )7.—Would you please tell me    next? —Think it over.You’ll find a good way.
A.when to do B.how to do C.What to do D.Where to go
Ⅱ. 閱讀理解
People 1iving in d訂ferent countries have different kinds of words.Today there are about fifteen hundred 1anguages in the world.Each contains many thousands Of words.A very 1arge dicdonary,for example,English contains four or five hundred thousand words.But we do not need a11 these.To read short stories,you need to know only about two thousand words.Before you 1eave school,you will 1earn only one thousand or more.The words you know are called your vocabulary.You Should try to make your vocabulary larger.Read as many books as you can.There are a 1ot of books written in easy English for you to read.You will enjoy them.When you meet a new word,find ot in the dictionary.Yourdictionary is your most useful book.
( )8.The number of different 1anguages spoken is about    .
A.150 B.15,000 C.500 D.1,500
( )9.Before you leave your school,you'11 1earn    .
A.only two thousand words B.five hundred thousand words
C.more than one thousand words D.three or four thousand words
( )10.To make your vocabulary bigger,you must    .
A.get as many dictionaries as you can B.read as many books as you can
C.buy a 1ot of books D.have a very 1arge English dictionary

Unit 1
Section B (3a—4)
■重點短語:①later on ②it doesn't matter ③be afraid to ④enjoy doing
⑤laugh at ⑥take notes ⑦first of all
①First of all,it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked.
②Later on,I realized that it doesn't matter if you don't understand every word.
③I think that doing lots of 1istening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.
1.At last I    (意識到)the importance of learning English well.
2.I was also    (害怕)to speak in class.
3.I can't make    (完整的)sentences.
Ⅱ.預習Section B,3a部分的內(nèi)容,判斷下列句子正誤。
[Write“T’’(for true)or“F”(for false)]
4.The teacher’s pronunciation was poor. ( )
5.People always laughed at her when she spoke. ( )
6.She had trouble making complete sentences. ( )
1.try v.盡力;嘗試,其后接動詞不定式,try to do sth.盡力做某事;設法做某事。Try not to do sth.盡力不做某事。
例如:I try to finish my homework on time.我盡力按時完成家庭作業(yè)。
【拓展】try doing sth.嘗試著做某事;Try one’s best to do sth.盡某人最大努力做某事
Try on試穿(衣服;鞋;帽等),此處on為副詞
Have a try試一下,try意為“嘗試”,此處為名詞
(1)We should try our best    the problem.
A.solve B.so1ution C.to solve D.solving
2.enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事;樂意做某事,在“enjoy,mind,finish"等動詞后,常接名詞、代詞或動名詞作賓語o
【拓展】enjoy oneself玩得開心,相當于have a good time
He       football.
1.First of a11,it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked.
【精解】first of all意為“首先”。
When conj意為“當……時”,引導時間狀語從句。
I’ll call you    he comes back.
2.Lateron,I realized that it doesn't matter if you don't understand every word.
【精解】①later on意為“以后;隨后”,作副詞短語使用。
 、趓ealize v.意為“認識到;了解到”,后接名詞或從句作賓語。
③matter v.意為“重要;要緊;有關系”,后常跟疑問詞引導的從句。
【辨析】later on/later
He came back          .
3.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the se crets of
becoming a good 1anguage learner.
【精解】①one of...意為“……之一”,其后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式,如有形容詞修飾名詞時,形容詞用最高級形式。
Yao Ming is       the most popular basketball players in the world.
【精解】②該句子是由that引導的賓語從句構成的復合句,動名詞短語doing lots of listening practice作賓語從句的主語。主句是一般現(xiàn)在時,從句可以用任何所需時態(tài);主句是一般過去時,從句要用相應的過去時態(tài)。
I heard that          Shanghai.
Ⅰ. 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞
1.He was very i    by what his father said.
2.The kind of paper feels very    (softly).
3.Do you have any trouble in f    the task on time?
4.A11ane enjoys    (1isten)to pop music.
5.It’s not impolite    (laugh)at others introube.
6.He    (realize)that he made a few mistakes.
7.I’ll tell you about it       (以后).
8.          (沒關系).You can come earlier next time.
9.I was          (害怕說)English in class.
10.Teacher asks us             (做語法筆記)in every class.
( )1.If Ann    ,I won’t go    .
A.doesn’t go;too B.won’t go;either C.doesn't go;either D.won't go;too
( )2.It is impolite    others.
A.to 1augh B.1aughing to C.to 1augh at D.laughing
( )3.Tom,   afraid of speaking in public.
A.be not B.isn't C.doesn’t be D.don't be
( )4.They haven’t decided    their vacation.
A.where spending B.to spend where C.where to spend D.spending
( )5.The teacher    when he saw Ⅰ had made great progress.
A.impress B.was impressing C.impressed D.was impressed
Ⅱ. 完形填空
I like English very much.I think English is very important and 6 .Here are my opinions of 7 English well.
I think there are many ways 8 1earn English.For example,asking the teacher 9 help is very helpful.One of my good 10 said he had trouble 11 English.His 12 English is very poor.So he reads a1oud every morning.Now he can speak English very well.Watching English ShowsonTVcan alsO behelpful.You can 1earnmany words 13 them.Remember“Where there is a 14 ,there is a way.”Believe you can do it 15 .
( )6.A.usefUl B.use C.used D.to use
( )7.A.1earn B.learns C.1earning D.1earnt
( )8.A.to B.for C.of D.in
( )9.A.to B.for C.of D.by
( )10.A.friend B.a friend C.friends D.fiendly
( )11.A.1earn B.1earning C.to 1earn D.will 1earn
( )12.A.speak B.spoken C.speaking D.speaks
( )13.A.by B.in C.from D.to
( )14.A.shall B.can C.will D.could
( )15.A.well B.good C.bad D.worse

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/80704.html
