仁愛版九年級英語教案U3T2Topic 2 English is spoken differentl

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Topic 2 English is spoken differently in different countries.
Section A
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn some new words and a useful phrase:
Australian, difference, autumn, face to face
2. Learn some useful sentences:
(1) Sorry, I can’t follow you. Can you speak more slowly, please?
(2) English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.
(3) Have a good trip!
(4) If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.
3. Learn present continuous to show the future:
I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow.
4. Discuss the differences in using English around the world.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids
Radio /blackboard
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan
Step 1 Review
T:In Topic 1, we’ve learned the importance of English. Now let’s review it. I’ll give you some key words. Please say some sentences using passive voice. Are you ready?
T:Firstly, the key words: English, speak.
Ss:English is spoken as the first language in America.
T:Well done! Next: English, use.
Ss:English is widely used throughout the world.

T:Good on ya, mate! Can you understand me?
Ss:Sorry, we can’t.
T:I just said “Well done!” In Australia, people use the words “Good on ya, mate!” instead of “Well done!”
Good on ya, mate! = Well done!
T: In fact, though English is widely spoken around the world, there are some differences among American English, British English, Canadian English and Australian English. What are the differences between them? Please read 1a and find out the answers.
Step 2 Presentation
1.present 1a by listenning,and solve the difficulties of 1a, and then check answers
(1) How to say “hello” in Australia?
(2) In Australia, what do people call all their friends?
(3) Who call girls “sheilas”, Canadians or Australians?
T: English is spoken differently in different countries. Now please listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions above.
2. find the correct partners between group A and group B
g’ daywell done
matesall girls
Good on ya, mate!trunk
Step 3 Consolidation
Grammar: Showing the future by present continuous.
e.g. ①I’m coming.
②I’m leaving.
③I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow.

T:Boys and girls, please look at Picture 1. What’re the boys doing?
Ss:They are greeting when they meet on the way to school.
T:Do you know what they are saying?
T:If they come from Great Britain, what will they say?
Ss:They will say “Hello/Hi, nice to meet you…”
T:You’re right.
3.S1: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m very happy to speak here. My topic is “Different Countries, Different English” …
4. T: Please finish 1c by yourself, then we will check the answers.
Step 4 Practice
1.T:Good on ya, mate! We’ve learned to express the same meaning with different words. Now please listen to 2 and find out what “fall” means in this dialog.
2. T: We know English is very interesting. It has different meanings in different countries. There is another interesting English, which is called e-mail English.
T:Boys and girls, do you like surfing the Internet?
Ss:Yes .
T:Do you often send e-mails to your friends?
Ss:Yes .
T:OK. Do you know the meanings of the following e-mail English in 3? You can read it firstly.
T:Now, let’s check the answers.
face to face
T:Can you give more examples of e-mail English?
S2:It means…
Step 5 Project
1. For example:
English word from ChineseKungfu, tofu…
Chinese word from English咖啡,可口可樂……
2. Homework:
Collect more information about e-mail English.

Teaching reflections:
Section B
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn a new word and some phrases:
see … off, put out, ask for a ride, get in, pick up, victory
2. Learn some useful sentences:
(1)The foreigner is asking for a ride.
(2) It’s quite all right.
(3) I hope I won’t have much difficulty communicating.
(4)Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.
3. Go on learning present continuous to show the future:
(1)My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.
(2)When are you leaving for Disneyland?
(3)I’m leaving this afternoon.
4. Talk about sign language and body language.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids
Radio /blackboard/ pictures
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan
Step 1 Review
T:We know that English is spoken differently in different countries. Then how to say hello to each other in Australia?
S1:They say “g’day”.
T:What does the word “boot” mean in British English?
S2:It’s the trunk of a car.
T:Good! What’s the meaning of “F2F” in e-mail English?
S3:Face to face.
T:What about “OIC”?
S4:It means “Oh, I see.”
T:Well done! In fact, English speakers communicate in this kind of simplified form. Besides, they also use gestures to express their meanings. Look at me. This is my thumb. I put out my hand with my thumb raised. (put the finger up) What’s my meaning? Do you know?
Ss:Sorry, we don’t know.
T:It means that I am asking for a ride.
Thumb put out ask for a ride
T:OK, look at the picture in 1a, what’s the foreigner doing?
Ss:He is asking for a ride.
T:Yes, where is he going? Let’s listen to 1a.
Step 2 Presentation
T:Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
(1) Where’s the foreigner going?
(2) When is Wang Junfeng’s flight?
2. T:Please read 1a and write down the sentences that use present continuous to show the future.
I’m flying to Disneyland.
I’m leaving this afternoon.
My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.
現(xiàn)在進行時表將來時常有“意圖”、“安排”(但不是固定不變的)或“打算”的含義,這種現(xiàn)在進行時比較生動,給人一種期待感。它常表示最近或較近的將來,所用動詞多是位移動詞(come, go, start, leave, stay, arrive …)。例如:
I’m going.
When are you starting?
I’m leaving tomorrow.
I’m meeting you after class.
She is buying a new bike soon.

4. (find the main phrases of 1a)
see…off, get in, minibus, guidebook
They are on their way to the airport. → on one’s way to
Michael and Kangkang are going to see them off. → see sb. off
I hope I won’t have much difficulty communicating. → have difficulty (in) doing
Step 3 Consolidation
1.T:Read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Suppose you are Wang Junfeng. Listen to the tape and make a dialog with it.
2.T: Class, now let’s work in groups. I’ll choose six students to act the dialog out in the front.
3. T:Mark True or False according to 1a. Finish 1b.
pick up
4.T:Here are some pictures. Now make sentences with the key words given below, using present continuous to show the future.
leave for Disneyland this afternoon travel to Canada tomorrow
come home in twenty minutes start at 7 o’clock go to Shanghai next week

Picture1: …is leaving for Disneyland this afternoon.
Picture2: …is traveling to Canada tomorrow.
Picture3: …is getting home in twenty minutes.
Picture4: …is starting at 7 o’clock.
Picture5: …is going to Shanghai next week.
5. T:Pair work. Make dialogs with your partner according to the example in 1c.
A:When are you leaving for Disneyland?
B:I’m leaving this afternoon.
T:Now I’ll ask several groups to act out the dialogs. Let’s have a competition.
Step 4 Practice
1. T:I have some pictures here. There are some instructions on them. I’ll ask one student to choose a card and he should do an action according to the card he gets. Other students should guess what he is going to do.
S1:(do actions)What am I going to do?
S2:You are going shopping.
S1:Yes, you are right. / No, you are wrong.
S3:(do actions)What am I going to do?
S4:Are you flying to …?
S3:Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
2.T:Class, suppose you are traveling in the United States. But you can’t speak English. If you are in trouble, what are you going to do?
T:Good. You can take an interpreter with you or you can make a gesture to express your meanings. Now, look at these gestures that people often use in the United States. Guess the meanings of them, and you can discuss with your partners.
T:What’s the meaning of the gesture in Picture ①?
S1:It means “Have a victory”.
T:What about Picture ②?
S2:It means I’m puzzled.
Victory puzzled
T:Class, do you agree with him / her?
Ss:Yes. / No.

3. T:Boys and girls, let’s work in groups and each group has four students. We stick the gesture cards to the back of one student. He / She can ask questions about the gestures, and the other three just describe the gestures and make the student who has pictures on his/her back guesses what the gesture is.
Step 5 Project
1.T:Suppose you’re a volunteer of the 2008 Olympic Games, try to search the Internet for sign language and body language as many as possible, and then make a form like this. After that, please make a report to your class.

2. Homework:
(1)Write several sentences using present continuous to show the future.
(2)Collect more information about the differences in English among different English?speaking countries, including spelling and pronunciation.
Teaching reflections:

Section C
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn some new words and phrases:
pronounce, pronunciation, fill in
2. Discuss the differences between British English and American English in spelling,
pronunciation and expression.
3. Cultivate students’ exploring spirit and open their minds to accept language differences.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids
Radio /pictures/blackboard
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan
Step 1 Review
G1:We are flying to Disneyland.

2. T:Now, let’s play a game to review the body language.
3. T:Well done! Boys and girls, yesterday I asked you to collect more information about differences in English among different English-speaking countries. Now I’ll ask a pair to perform in the front. S1, S2, would you like to show us your dialog?
S1, S2: Yes, of course.
S1:Hello, what should people say when they meet other people in Britain?
S2:They often say“Hello”. But what about in Australia?
S1:“G’day” instead.
S2:What should people say when someone did something well in Britain then?
S1:Well done! And what about in Australia?
S2:Good on ya, mate!
T:Boys and girls, do you think their oral English is very good?
T:Who has the best pronunciation in our class?
pronunciation (n. ) ?? pronounce(v. ), oral
Ss:Li Lan.
T:Yes, you’re right. Li Lan, please stand up. Can you pronounce “hot”? (hot)
Li Lan:Yes, it’s…
T:You’re right. You know it pronounces /h?t/ in British English, while in American English it pronounces …./. Besides pronunciation, there are also differences between American English and British English, such as spelling and expression.
T:Now, if you want to know more about differences between American English and British English, let’s learn 1a.
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: Please listen to the tape carefully and find out what the differences between British English and American English are.
(1) How many kinds of differences are mentioned in the passage?
(2) What are they?
T:Who can answer Question 1?
S1:I can. There are three.
T:Yes, what are they?
S1:American English is different from British English in pronunciation, spelling and some expressions.
2.T: Read 1a again, and fill in the form in 1b.
fill in
T:S2, could you tell me how to pronounce “clerk” in British English?
S2:Oh, yes. It’ s….
T:But how to pronounce it in American English?
S2:It’s …
T:Great. S3, could you spell the past participle form of travel in American English?
T:Good. But how to spell it in British English?
T:S4, which take the subway, Americans or British people?
T:OK. You can make a similar conversation with your partner.
Step 3 Consolidation
1.T: Now, let’s play the game “I know where you come from. ” You can use the knowledge we have learned in this topic. You can begin like this:
S1:Hello. May I ask you a question?
S2:Of course, please.
S1:How do you pronounce “hot”?
S1:Thanks. I know you are an Englishman.
S2:(with a surprising gesture) How do you know that?
S1:I know that from your pronunciation.
S2:Oh. I see.
S3: Good on ya, mate!
S1:Oh. I know you’re from Australia. In Australia, people call their friends “mates”.
S3:That’s right. There are differences in English among different English-speaking countries.
2. T: Now, according to what we have just learned, we know American English and British English are different. Please finish 1b first. I’ll ask some students to retell the text. You can use the form in 1b.
Step 4 Practice
1. T:Now, let’s play a game “Who does quickly and well?”.
A:“Fall” in America is “秋天”. Do you know how to express “秋天” in England?
B:Yes, it’s “autumn”. Do you know how to spell “數(shù)學(xué)” in British English?
C:Yes, it’s “maths”. Do you know how to spell it in American English?
D:Yes. It’s “math”.
not only… but also
be fond of
be close to
Pirates of the Caribbean
Not only he but also I am interested in watching TV.
The children are fond of playing toys.
His home is close to his school.
4. T:Match the pictures with the right sentences. Then I will ask a student to read the sentences, and check the answers.
Step 5 Project
1.play a game like finding friends to experience the differences between British and American English
2. Homework: After class, see two English films. One is made in the UK, the other is made in the US.
Teaching reflections:
Section D
Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands
1. Learn some new words and phrases:
come about, force, take in, cent, accent
2.Learn how the differences between American English and British English came about.
3. Review present continuous to show the future:
I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow.
My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.
Ⅱ. Teaching aids
Blackboard /radio
Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan
Step 1 Review
British EnglishAmerican English

a living room

T:Now, let’s review Section C. How many kinds of differences are mentioned between British English and American English?
S1:Three. They are different in pronunciation, spelling and expression.
T:Who can give me some examples?
S2:We pronounce the word“hot”[h?t] in Britain, but it is pronounced as….in America.
S3:The word“dialog”is spelt as“dialogue”in Britain, but in America it is spelt as“dialog”.
S4:In Britain people usually relax in a sitting room, but in a living room in America.

T:Good. You learn very well. But how did these differences come about? Do you want to know? OK, let’s learn 1a to find out.
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: As we know, there are some differences between American English and British English. How did the differences come about?
come about
T: Long ago, many British people were forced to leave their country for some other places. These places were later called America, Canada and Australia. The English language was brought to these places by them. The language changed little by little in different parts of the world.
T:The English language has also taken in many new words from other languages. In a word, the English language is changing all the time. Understand?
take in
T:Now, look at your books and listen to 1a, find out how these differences came about.
be forced to do,cent
in the beginning,German
take in,kowtow
in short,
Step 3 Consolidation
1. T: Read 1a again, and mark the statements in 1b True or False and match the words with the languages in 1c. Then we’ll check the answers together.
2. Example:
T:S1, may I ask you some questions?
S1:Of course.
T:There are differences between American English and British English, but how did they come about?
S1:Long ago, many British people were forced to… The English language was brought to… In the beginning… the same as…, changed little by little…
T:What’s the meaning of the word “cookbook”?
S1:It’s a book for cooking. It’s from German. The English language has taken in many new words from other languages. For example, it borrowed “tofu” and “kowtow” from Chinese.
T: Well done, thank you. You’ve learnt very well.
Step 4 practice
1T:Now let’s make some sentences with the present continuous tense to show the future. OK?
T:Who wants to try?
S1:I’m leaving for Disneyland tomorrow.
S2:The most exciting time is coming.
S3:We are traveling to America next summer holiday.
2. T:Now, please find out all the sentences which show the future by present continuous yourselves. Then discuss in groups.
3. T:OK, listen to 2a and repeat the sentences.
I’m flying to Disneyland tomorrow.
I’m leaving this afternoon.
4. (1)T: Let’s have a competition. I will divide you into eight groups. You have to list all the useful expressions in this topic within the fixed time. Then we’ll check to see which group is the winner.
(2)T:Listen to 2b and follow.
I can’t follow you.
Can you speak more slowly, please?
Have a good trip!
The foreigner is asking for a ride.

Step 5 project
1. T:Let’s play a guessing game. You work in groups of four. Any student from each group in turn describes something in riddle format, and the students from the next group guess. If the riddle is guessed correctly, the guess group wins one score, otherwise the riddle group wins the score.
G1:What color is the white cap that is thrown into the Black Sea?
G2:White. Which table doesn’t have legs?
G3:Timetable. Who earns a living by driving his customers away?
G4:The driver. …
T:I’ll give you more riddles. If your answer is right, your group can get one more score. OK?
T:Are you ready?
T:All right. No.1: What letter is an animal?
S5:… (B).
T:No.2: What letter is an question?
S6:… (Y).
2.T:What do we talk about in this topic?
Ss:The differences between British English and American English.
T:Yes. If someone has trouble in communicating in English, can you help him/her?
Ss:Sure./Certainly./No problem.
T:OK. Wang Junfeng is in California now. He has some difficulties in understanding the people there. Because their accents are not all the same.
T:Let’s read his e-card to find out what he wants to know and try our best to help him.
3. Homework:
Write a passage about the differences among American English, British English, Canadian English and Australian English.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/81169.html
