
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

【2013山西】19. — Jack, I have to have a talk with your father today.
— Sorry, rs King. He is going on business and won’t be ________ until next week.
A. out B. awayC. back
【解析】考查副詞詞義。題意:——杰克,我今天必須和你爸爸談一下?對不起King夫人,他要因公外出,直到下周才回來。be out “出去”;be away “離開”;be back “回來”,根據(jù)題意選C。
【2013山東臨沂】32. When an earthquake happens, and you are outdoors, you should go to an open area as as possible.
A. quicklyB. quietlyC. loudlyD. slowly
【解析】考查副詞詞義辨析。Quickly快速地;quietly安靜地; loudly 大聲地;slowly慢慢地。又句意是:當(dāng)?shù)卣鸢l(fā)生,并且你在戶外時,你應(yīng)該盡快地去一個開闊的區(qū)域。故選A項。
【2013江蘇無錫】2. — Look at the bird over there! It’s so beautiful!
— Wow! It’s a rare crane. It appears in this area.
A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldoD. often
【2013江蘇蘇州】5. Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of course not ______ a local speaker in China.
A. so fluently as B. ore fluent than
C. as fluent as D. uch fluently than
【解析】考查副詞。根據(jù)句意“彼得說的漢語確實好,但是當(dāng)然不如中國當(dāng)?shù)厝苏f的流利”,固定短語not so/as….as,又動詞speak需要副詞修飾,故答案為A。
【2013山東聊城】27. The baby is sleeping. please speak ______.
A. loudly . B. clearly. C. quietly. D. politely.
【解析】考查副詞的用法。loudly意思是“大聲地”, clearly意思是“清楚地”, quietly 意思是“安靜地 ” , politely 意思是 “ 有禮貌地” ,根據(jù)句意:“這個嬰兒睡著了,請悄悄地說話。” 所以選擇答案C。
【2013山東臨沂】24. David was so excited at the good news that he could say a word.
A. nearlyB. hardC. everD. hardly
【2013浙江杭州】26. There has never been such a beautiful village _________ in the world.
A. anywhereB. everywhereC. soewhereD. nowhere
【2013黑龍江綏化】20. — How do you like the talk show?
— I think it’s ________, but soe people think it’s so________.
A. wonderful enough; bored
B. enough wonderful; boring
C. wonderful enough; boring
【解析】考查形容詞副詞用法。句意:——你喜歡脫口秀嗎?——我認(rèn)為夠精彩的,但有些人認(rèn)為夠令人厭煩的。enough 應(yīng)該置于形容詞wonderful 之后;bored 感到厭煩的(一般形容人);boring 無趣的;令人厭煩的;單調(diào)的,乏味的(一般形容實物),所以選擇答案C。
【2013 湖北黃岡】27. The boy did his hoework with the help of his father in the past. But now he can do it alone.
A. for hiself B. on hiself C. by hiself D. with hiself
【答案】C 考查近義詞。 alone,在此意為:單獨地、一個人,可用by hiself代替。
【2013 湖北黃岡】29. After nine years’ hard-work, finally his drea cae true.
A. at the end B. at the oent C. at once D. at last
【答案】D 考查近義詞 finally,意為:最后、最終。at the end (of),在……的末尾;at the oent,在此刻,at once,立刻、馬上;at last,最后、最終。
【2013內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特】13. I know you are shorter than your brothers,but you run _________.
B. ore faster B. fastest C. ore fast D. fast
【2013江蘇無錫】11. We arrived at the station too early and had to go, so we sat there and chatted with each other.
A. soewhereB. anywhereC. everywhereD. nowhere
【2013江蘇淮安】5. y uncle doesn't like fast food, so he ________ eats it.
A. always B. often C. soeties D. seldo
【解析】考查頻率副詞。always“總是”, often“常!, soeties“有時”, seldo“很少”。由前句“我的叔叔不喜歡快餐”知, 后句意為“他很少吃”, 所以選擇D。
【2013河北】42.We can hardly believe that you learn to dance so_ .
A. quick B. quickly C. useful D. usefully
【2013河北】31. I' sorry I' late. I should get here 10 inutes________.
A. early B. earlier C. the earlier D. the earliest
【2013廣西玉林】40. Lots of students feel sleepy in class at present, because they have to get up early in the orning.
A. now B. in the future C. then D. during the tie
【答案】 A
【解析】考查易混詞辨析。at present意為目前,現(xiàn)在。A項為現(xiàn)在;B項為將來;C項為然后;D項為在期間。所以選擇答案A。
【2013浙江寧波】29. Could you please speak a little ore _______? I can’t follow you.
A. quietly B. quickly C. loudly D. slowly
【解析】考查副詞辨析。quietly“安靜地”;quickly“快速地”;loudly“大聲地”;slowly“慢地”。由下文I can’t follow you “我沒聽懂”可知應(yīng)是讓對方說得慢一些。故選D。
【2013浙江麗水】24. I et Lucy in the priary school and we have been close friends ______.
A. as usual B. again and again C. sooner or later D. ever since
【解析】考查副詞短語的用法。as usual意為“和往常一樣”,again and again意為“一次又一次”,sooner or later意為“遲早”,ever since意為“自從那之后”。本句句意:我在上小學(xué)的時候遇到Lucy,自從那之后我們就成了朋友。所以選D。
【2013安徽】45. —Our school bus will leave at 8 o’clock toorro Don’t be late.
—OK. I will be there ten inutes __________.
A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier
【解析】考查副詞詞義辨析。Sooner“快一點”;slower“慢一點”; faster“快一點”; earlier意為“早一點”。根據(jù)句意“我們的校車將在明天早晨8點出發(fā),不要晚了。好我將早十分鐘到達”。故選D。
【2013山東德州】21. I carried the bowl with both hands________, so that I wouldn’t break it.
A. carefully B. happily C. quickly D. carelessly
【解析】考查副詞用法區(qū)別,carefully“小心地;仔細(xì)地”, happily“高興地;幸福地”, quickly“飛快地”, carelessly“粗心地” ,根據(jù)句意:“我用雙手小心翼翼地捧起這只碗,以免把它打碎”,所以選A。
【2013山東德州】25.________, the Internet was only used by the governent. But now it’s widely used in every field.
A. As usual B. At first C. After all D. So far
【答案】 B
【解析】考查固定搭配的詞義辨析。As usual A“和平常一樣”, At first“起初”, After all“畢竟;到底”。 So far“到目前為止;迄今為止”。根據(jù)句意:“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)在剛開始時只被政府使用。但是現(xiàn)在卻被廣泛地應(yīng)用于各個領(lǐng)域”,所以選B。
【2013山東菏澤】14.—How often do you chat with your friends online?
—_________ I' busy with y study.
A. Only one onth. B. About twice a onth.
C. Alost every day. D. aybe in two weeks.
【解析】考查副詞。句意:你多久一次和你的朋友在網(wǎng)上聊天?——大約每月兩次,我要忙于我的學(xué)習(xí)。問句中的how often表示“多久一次”,是用來提問頻率的。根據(jù)I' busy with y study可判斷選項C不符合句意。
【2013山東青島】12. It is ______ that r. Guo sailed across the world by hiself ______ within about 130 days
A. terrified, successfulB. scary, successfully
C. aazing, successfully D. convincing, successful
【答案】 C
【解析】考查形容詞、副詞的用法。由動詞sailed知道用副詞修飾,故排除A, D ,aazing“令人驚異的”,scary“嚇人的”,所以選擇答案C。
【2013福建福州】34. — Dad. Would you please drive ________?
— No hurry. We have enough tie before the plane takes off.
A. faster B. ore slowly C. ore carefully
【2013山東菏澤】12. The World Health Organization has given soe advice on ______to protect us fro being infected(感染) with H7N9.
A. how B. what C. where D. when
【2013湖北襄陽】35. —Who ran of all in the sports eeting?
—Hector did, I think.
A. fastB. faster C. the fastest D. ore fast
【解析】考查比較等級的用法。句意:在所有的人中,誰在運動會上跑得_____。我認(rèn)為是Hector。Fast快;faster快的比較級“更快”;the fastest 快的最高級“最快”;ore fast 是錯誤選項。根據(jù)句意在三者或三者以上中比較用最高級,故選C。
【2013湖北襄陽】29. —Excuse e, would you please speak a little ore?
—Sorry, I thought you could follow e.
A. sadlyB. quicklyC. slowlyD. politely
【2013福建泉州】34. —What should we do to reduce food waste?
—In a restaurant only order as________ as we need and try to eat it up.
A. uch B. ore C. ost
【答案】 A
【2013廣西賀州】 42. This ovie wasn’t ______. He fell asleep half way through it.
A. interesting enough B. enough interesting
C. interested enough D. enough interested
【解析】考查副詞的用法和形容詞辨析。句意:這部電影不______。他看著看著就睡著了。Interesting enough, 夠有意思;enough interesting語序錯誤;interested enough,夠感興趣;enough interested, 語序錯誤;enough修飾形容詞或副詞時,要放在被修飾語的后面,故排除了B和D;interested,感興趣的,主語為人;interesting,有趣的,主語為物;本句的主語是this ovie, 故選A。
【2013廣西賀州】 40. Don’t talk ______. Your grandother is sleeping no
A. loud B. hardly C. loudly D. hard
【2013江蘇徐州】11. I ________ watch this TV prograe. It's very interesting.
A. often B. never C. hardly D. seldo
【2013天津】27. Be quick! The gae will begin ______.
A. iediately B. recently C. carefully D. Luckily
【解析】考查副詞辨析。iediately立刻,馬上; recently最近;carefully認(rèn)真地;Luckily幸運地。從Be quick!(快點)推斷后一分句意思:比賽馬上就要開始啦。故選A。
【2013山東萊蕪】32. Speak aloud, please! I can ________ hear you.
A. usually B. alost C. hardly D. nearly
【解析】考查頻度副詞的用法。usually通常;alost幾乎,強調(diào)“差一點……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可;hardly幾乎不;nearly幾乎(在具體數(shù)字前常用nearly;not修飾nearly 意為“遠非”,“遠不及”)。根據(jù)句意:大聲說話,拜托了!我?guī)缀趼牪灰娔愕穆曇,所以選擇答案C。
【2013黑龍江哈爾濱】 23. The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year around, ______ in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of tourists.
A. especially B. generally C. probably
【解析】本題考查副詞的用法。especially“尤其”;generally“一般地,通常”;probably “可能”。由句意“哈爾濱市全年都很漂亮,尤其是在冬季”知A項符合題意。
【2013廣西玉林】39. At ties an ad can lead you to buy soething you don't need at all. So you have to be careful.
A. Soetie B. Soeties C. Soe tie D. Soe ties
【解析】考查易混詞辨析。at ties意為有時。A 項為將來某個時候,過去某個時候;B項為有時;C項為一段時間,一些時間;D為幾次。所以選擇答案B。
【2013廣西玉林】37. —The eat is ______ delicious.
—Yes, but don't eat ______.
A. too uch; too uch B. uch too; too uch
C. too uch; uch too D. uch too; uch too
【解析】考查副詞的用法。too uch太多,修飾不可數(shù)名詞;uch too太,非常,修飾形容詞或副詞原級。根據(jù)delicious可知要用uch too來修飾,意為非常美味,第二空根據(jù)句意可知別吃得太多。所以選擇答案B。
【2013廣西玉林】35. Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings ______the faous singer, CoCo.
A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as the best as
【解析】考查副詞的同級比較。根據(jù)原級比級as +原級+ as可知C和D是錯語的。A項為和……一樣好,well為副詞;B項為和……一樣好,good為形容詞。根據(jù)謂語動詞sings可知用well,副詞修飾動詞。所以選擇答案A。
【2013廣西玉林】28. —Sally, I went to the concert last night. How big the syphony hall is!
一So it is. It is ______ to hold ore than one thousand people.
A. big enough B. enough big C. too big D. too sall
【解析】考查副詞的用法。enough修飾形容詞時,放在形容詞后,可知B是錯誤的。big enough足夠大;too big太大;too sall太小。根據(jù)How big可推測出是大的,排除D,把C項代入句中理解,too…to太…….而不能……,意為太大而不能容下,不符題意。只有A項符合。所以選擇答案A。
【2013 甘肅白銀】44. — Are you the last one to go to school today?
—________not. I’ always the first one.
A. Certainly B. usually C. Generally D Finally
【答案】A 考查副詞。 句意:今天你是最后一個上學(xué)的嗎?當(dāng)然不是。我總是第一個,certainly,當(dāng)然。其他的usually,通常;generally,概括的;finally,最終,都不符合句意。
【2013廣東梅州】40. The dining hall is ______ to hold 300 people.
A. enough big B. enough well C. sall enough D. big enough
【2013山東菏澤】4. —Do you like seeing a ovie on your obile phone?
— No. I ______do that because it akes e uncofortable.
A. seldo B. often C. usually D. Soeties
【解析】考查頻率副詞。句意:——你喜歡用手機看電影嗎?——不,我很少那樣做,因為它讓我感到不舒服。seldo“很少,幾乎不”,與hardly同義。根據(jù)后面的“it akes e uncofortable”,可以判斷“很少那樣做”。
【2013山東德州】29. There are no words to describe_______ I iss y hoetown.
A. how uch B. how any C. how soon D. how long
【解析】考查疑問詞區(qū)別。how uch“多少”,后跟不可數(shù)名詞,也可以表示價格多少;how any“多少”,后跟可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),也可以表示多么,用來表示程度;how soon“多久”,用于問in+段時間;how long“多長(時間)”,既可以用來提問將來時間,也可以用來提問過去的時間。題干意義是 我無法用語言來表達我是多么地想念自己的家鄉(xiāng),所以選 A。
【2013浙江溫州】7. —The girls are talking about the art festival .
—Yes. They have so any fun things to share.
A. easilyB. angrilyC. sadlyD. happily
【解析】考查副詞的用法。easily意為“容易地”; angrily意為“生氣地”;sadly意為“難過地;傷心地”;happily意為“高興地”。根據(jù)答句中的“They have so any fun things to share.”可推知,女孩子們正在高興地談?wù)撍囆g(shù)節(jié)。故正確答案選D。
【2013四川南充】25. I don’t think fast food is good for our health, so I ________ eat it.
A. usually B. hardlyC. always
【解析】考查副詞用法。題意:我認(rèn)為快餐對我們的身體不好,因此幾乎不吃它。usually “經(jīng)常”;hardly “幾乎不”;always “總是”,根據(jù)句意選B。
【2013四川瀘州】7. What is it that has ade hi _______ excited?
A. so B. very C. too D. quite
【2013四川瀘州】5. No one can sing _______ than her.
A. well B. good C. better D. best
【2013 上!41. The volunteer spoke as ________ as she could to ake the visitors understand her.
A. clearly B. ore clearly C. ost clearly D. the ost clearly
【答案】A 考查副詞比較等級。 句意:這個志愿者盡可能地說清楚,以使參觀者聽懂她的話。as…as之間要用副詞的原級。
【2013 上海】39. y old neighbor Charles felt _______ after his children oved out.
A. lonely B. safely C. angrily D. happily
【答案】A考查副詞詞義辨析。 句意:我的老鄰居Charles在孩子們搬出去后感到很孤獨。Feel (felt)是感官動詞,其后用形容詞,只有l(wèi)onely是形容詞。其他的safely,angrily和happily都是副詞。
【2013江西】37. Ted was hard-working. His success ade hi work_____.
A. harder B. hardest
C. ore quickly D. ost quickly
【解析】考查形容詞的比較級 句意:Ted是一個勤奮的人,他的成功讓他更加勤奮。work hard固定搭配,意為“努力”。根據(jù)句意用比較級harder,故選A。
【2013江西】27. She always does very well in the English exas. But she can _____understand English radio progras.
A. always B. hardly C. already D. easily
【解析】考查副詞用法。 句意:她在英語考試考試中成績一直很好。但是卻幾乎聽不懂英語廣播節(jié)目。由but引出相反結(jié)果可知選擇hardly“幾乎不能”,故選B。
【2013 湖北黃岡】26. —— How far is Yuhua iddle School fro here?
——It’s around five inutes’ walk.
A. about B. over C. ore than D. less than
【答案】A 考查近義詞。 around,在此意為:大約,可用about代替。
【2013廣西南寧】30. We held a concert in the hall yesterday, Kate sang aong the singers.
A. good B. well C. better D. best
【解析】考查副詞的比較等級。aong the singers“在所有的歌手當(dāng)中”可知,要用最高級。
【2013江蘇連云港】4. ________ after the explosion happened in a factory in Dehui, Jilin on June 3rd, a lot of fireen rushed to put out the fire.
A. Sadly B. Softly C. Shortly D. Suddenly
【解析】考查固定搭配。shortly after“不久以后”。根據(jù)句意:“6月3日吉林德惠一家工廠爆炸后不久,許多消防員趕到撲滅了大火”,所以選擇C。
【2013湖北隨州】28. —Did you go to the cinea to see 3D Titanic last night?
—No, I ______ go to the cinea. The tickets are too expensive.
A. hardly B. nearly C. still D. Only
【2013黑龍江綏化】25. On June 29, 2012, China’s Shenzhou-9 spacecraft landed ________ at the ain landing area in northern China’s Inner ongolia (內(nèi)蒙古).
A. safe B. safely C. safety
【解析】考查副詞辨析。句意:2012年6月29日,中國神舟九號太空船安全降落在中國北部的內(nèi)蒙古主著陸區(qū)。safe adj. 安全的;safely adv. 安全地;safety n. 安全。修飾動詞landed(著陸)用副詞,所以選擇答案B。
【2013山東濟南】41. Tony is not as clever as Lucy, but he works __________ than her.
A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest
【2013山東濟南】42. y uncle lost his ID card yesterday orning. ___________, a school boy found it and sent it back to hi in the afternoon.
A. Loudly B. Clearly C. Nearly D. Luckily
【2013湖南株洲】28. Who runs ,Lily or ichelle?
A. slow B. slower C. slowest
【解析】考查比較級的用法。句意“誰跑得慢,Lily 還是ichelle?”,兩者比較用比較級。故選B。
【2013湖南長沙】29. —Which season do you like ______, suer or winter?
A. wellB. bestC. better
【解析】考查副詞比較級。用問句的比較對象suer or winter可知是在兩者之間進行比較,所以用比較級。 來

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://yy-art.cn/chusan/82096.html
