
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一. 寫出下列名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式:
1. house _________ 2. village ___________ 3. ap __________
4. orange _________ 5. bag ___________ 6. exercise ___________
7. brush __________ 8. faily ___________ 9. bus ___________
10. city __________ 11. box ___________ 12. baby __________
13. class __________ 14. factory _________ 15. glass __________
16. dictionary __________ 17. watch _________ 18. wo an _________
19. atch __________ 20. an _________ 21. wish __________
22. Geran __________ 23. toato _________ 24. policean ___________
25. kilo __________ 26. huan _________ 27. potato ___________
28. Chinese __________ 29. shelf __________ 30. Japanese __________
31. leaf ___________ 32. Aerican __________33. life ___________
34. tooth __________ 35. wife ___________ 36. foot ___________
37. knife __________ 38. sheep _________ 39. half _________ 40. child __________
二. 將下列詞組譯成英語:
1、一群孩子 2、兩箱子蘋果
3、三籃子蔬菜 4、九塊面包
5、十杯牛奶 6、五塊肉
7、多種植物 8、一副眼鏡
9、兩塊冰 10、三張紙
11、四瓶橘汁 12、五杯茶
13、六碗米飯 14、七袋米
15、八塊木頭 16、九塊金屬
三. 寫出下列各詞的名詞形式:
1. work _________ 2. teach _________ 3. sing ________
4. ill ___________ 5. fight ___________6. invent ________
7. wait ________ 8. woolen __________ 9. win ____________
10. thankful ________11. foreign _________12. cloudy ________
13. run __________ 14. dirty ________ 15. visit _________
16. funny __________ 17. wooden _______ 18. edical ________
19. operate ________ 20. hot __________ 21. invite __________
22. worried ________ 23. build __________ 24. please ________
25. help _________26. safe ________27. die _________
28. dangerous ______ 29. draw ________ 30. noisy ________
四. 選擇:
1. I want to buy ________.
A. two bottles of ink B. two bottle of ink C. two bottle of inks D. two bottles of inks
2. They don’t have to do _______ today.
A. uch hoework B. any hoeworks C. any hoework D. uch hoeworks
3. The ______ of achine ade us feel sick.
A. voice B. noise C. sound D. noises
4. The blouse is ade of ________.
A. a wool B. these wood C. wools D. wool
5. There are three ______ and seven ______ in the picture.
A. cows, sheeps B. cows, sheep C. cow, sheep D. cow, sheeps
6. June 1 is _______.
A. children’s day B. children’s Day C. Children’s Day D. Children’s day
7. ______ roo is next to their parents’.
A. Kate’s and Joan’s B. Kate’s and Joan C. Kate and Joan’s D. Kate and Joan
8. iss Green is a friend of _______.
A. ary’s other’s B. ary’s other C. ary other’s D. other’s of ary
9. To is ______. He will coe to see e.
A. y a friend B. a friend C. ine friend D. a friend of ine
10. Sheep _______ white and ilk _______ also white.
A. is, are B. are, is C. is, is D. are, are
11. I’d like to have a glass of ilk and _______.
A. two breads B. two pieces of breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread
12. It’s a long ______ to Paris. It’s two thousand kiloeters.
A. street B. road C. way D. end
13. any ______ are singing over there.
A. woan B. woen C. girl D. child
14. He bought _______.
A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoes C. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoe
15. r. White has three _______.
A. child B. children C. childs D. childrens
16. Beijing is one of the biggest _______ in the world.
A. citys B. city C. cityes D. cities
17. --- Where’s r. White? --- He’s in _______.
A. the roo 202 B. Roo 202 C. the Roo 202 D. roo 202
18. Shops, hospitals and schools are all _______.
A. places B. hoes C. roos D. buildings
19. Every orning r. Sith takes a _______ to his office.
A. 20 inutes’ walks B. 20 inute’s walk C. 20-inutes walk D. 20-inute walk
20. ---Are these ______? --- No, they aren’t. They’re _______.
A. sheep, cows B. sheep, cow C. sheeps, cow D. sheeps, cows
21. There are any ______ in the fridge.
A. fish B. fruit C. eggs D. bread
22. --- Whose roo is this? --- It’s __ _____.
A. Li ing B. Li ing’s C. Li ings D. Li ings’
23. Here are ______ for you, Sue.
A. potatos B. soe potatoes C. three toatos D. soe toato
24. Here are soe birthday cards with our best ______ for her.
A. wish B. hope C. wishes D. hopes
25. I always go to that ______ to buy food on Sunday.
A. shop B. park C. zoo D. garden
26. What’s the Chinese for “ PRC”?
A. 中國人民解放軍 B. 中華人民共和國 C. 聯(lián)合國 D. 中國共產(chǎn)黨
27. Sa gave Ann soe _______ to look after Polly while he was away.
A. picture-books B. inventions C. instructions D. essages
28. --- Which of the following anials lives only in China? --- The ________.
A. onkey B. elephant C. panda D. cat
29. ______ roo is on the 5th floor.
A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily D. Lucy’s and Lily’s
30. The third onth of the year is _______.
A. arch B. January C. February D. April
31. u, I’ quite thirsty. Please give e ________.
A. two orange B. two bo ttle of oranges C. two bottles of orange D. two bottles of oranges
32. How wonderful! The ______ is ade of _______.
A. house, glass B. house, glasses C. houses, glass D. houses, glasses
33. I et soe ______ in the park and talked with the the other day.
A. Janpaneses B. Aerican C. Chineses D. English
34. _______ is the best tie for planting trees.
A. Suer B. Winter C. Spring D. Autun
35. To was badly hurt in the atch. They carried hi to the ______ as quickly as possible.
A. bank B. post office C. shop D. hospital
36. There are two ______ in the roo.
A. shelf B. shelfs C. shelfes D. shelves
37. There are seven ______ in a week.
A. years B. onths C. days D. inutes
38. y father is a ______. He works in a hospital.
A. teacher B. doctor C. farer D. writer
39. It’s very cold today. Why don’t you put on your ______?
A. watch B. shirt C. sweater D. glasses
40. --- Excuse e, are you ______? --- Yes, I’ fro ________.
A. Japan, Japanese B. China, Chinese C. England, English D. Aerican, Aerica
41. They took a lot of _______ in the children’s park.
A. photo B. photoes C. photos D. the photo
42.There is _______ in the bottle.
A. no any orange B. not a orange C. not any orange D. no oranges
43. aths _______ an iportant subject taug ht in the iddle school.
A. are B. is C. was D. were
44. There are ore ______ in this hospital than in that one.
A. woan doctors B. woen doctor C. woen’s doctor D. woen doctors
45. The ________ eat a lot of rice.
A. Japan people B. Japanese C. Japaneses D. people of Japanese
46. Two ___ and five _______ are studying Chinese at Beijing University.
A. Geran, English B. Gerans, EnglishC. Gerans, Englishen D. Geren, Englishen
47. Then the ______ began to eat the green ______ of young trees.
A. deer, leafs B. deer, leaves C. deer, leaf D. deers, leafs
48. Would you like _____ ?
A. soe rice B. any rice C. soe rices D. any rices
49. Don’t hurry! We still have _______ tie left.
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
50. These ountains will be covered with tree in ______ .
A. a few year’s tie B. a few years’ tie C. a few year’s ties D. a few years’ ties
51. The children had _______ in the park.
A. good tiesB. good tieC. the good tieD. a good tie
52. I a busy with y work these days. I don’t get _______.
A. any sleep B. uch sleepC. ore sleep D. ost sleep
53. This is an interesting _______.
A. news B. inforation C. work D. job
54. Her parents are _______.
A. English B. Aerica C. Frenchan D. two English
55. Roo 110 on the second floor is the _____ office. I know soe of the.
A. doctors B. doctor’s C. doctors’ D. doctors’s
56. The roo is _______. They are brothers.
A. To and ike’s B. To’s and ike’sC. To’s and ike D. To and ike
57. The box is ade of a kind of hard _______.
A. wooden B. wood C. woods D. word
58. Can you see soe _______ on the hill?
A. sheeps and deers B. sheeps and deerC. sheep and deers D. sheep and deer
59. How any _ ______ shall we pay for the special service?
A. oney B. yuans C. dollars D. pound
60. I have any friends here. Lily is _______.
A. ine friend B. a friend of y C. one of y D. one of the
61.--- Would you like soe _______?---Thank you, but I a not hungry.
A. breads B. cakes C. oranges D. orange juice
62. Don’t ake any _______, the boy is sleeping.
A. voice B. noise C. usic D. laugh
63. She was born in Xiangfan, but now she works in Taiyuan. So we cannot say Taiyuan is her ____.
A. hoetown B. second hoe C. faily D. house
64. Is this your _______ for aking so any istakes?
A. idea B. ind C. excuse D. result
65. There are few _______ for supper. Would you please buy soe carrots and cabbages on your way hoe?
A. eat B. eggs C. fruit D. vegetables
66. --- Would you like soe _______? --- Oh, yes, just a little please.
A. pears B. apples C. bananas D. ilk
67. --- Can you finish the work in a week? --- No _______.
A. proble B. atter C. trouble D. question
68. Is there a little _______ left for e?
A. roo B. place C. ground D. house
69. The sign “_______!” is often seen on the box.
70. Help yourselves to soe _______, children.
A. fish B. fishes C. a piece of fish D. a fish
71. --- Here is the _______, please. --- Oh. Fried eat with soe green peppers and two eggs.
A. bill B. list C. book D. enu
72. _______ is used to eat soup.
A. Knife B. Fork C. Spoon D. Chopsticks
73. --- What’s the _______ like today? --- It’s sunny.
A. cliate B. weather C. sky D. space
74. Two thirds are _______ in our school.
A. woan teachers B. woen teachersC. woan doctor D. woen doctors
75. It’s _______ walk fro y hoe to our school.
A. two inutes’ B. two inute’sC. two inutes D. two-inutes’

五. 各地中考題選編:
1. --- Where is To? --- He’s left a ______ saying that he has soething iportant to do.
A. excuse B. essage C. exercise D. news
2. There is no ______ in the bus so we have to wait for another bus.
A. roo B. a roo C. roos D. seats
3. --- Would you like soe ______? --- Oh, yes. Just a little.
A. pears B. oranges C. sugar D. apples
4. You can find the following INSTRUCTIONS on _______. KEEP IN A COLD PLACE
A. food B. oney C. clothes D. books
5. r. Green has lived in the _____ hotel since he cae to China.
A. five-star B. five-stars C. five star’s D. five stars
6. She was born in Wuhan, but Beijing has becoe her second _______.
A. hoe B. faily C. house D. place
7. --- What’s the _____ today? --- It’s June 26.
A. day B. date C. tie D. hour
8. English is spoken as a first language in ______.
A. the USA B. France C. Japan D. China
9. ______ coes fro cows.
A. Wool B. Chicken C. Pork D. ilk
10. Let the children go away. They’re aking too uch ______ here.
A. noise B. voice C. noisy D. sounds

1. We went to Dr. Brown's yesterday. He gave us_____.
A.soe adviceB.advicesC.an adviceD.soe advices
2. What _____ they've got! No wonder they are very happy.
A.a good newsB.quite a few newsC.good newsD.little news
3. uch _____ to fight against pollution.
A.have been doneB.has been doneC.had been doneD.has done
4. What _____! Let's go swiing.
A.a fine weatherB.fine dayC.a fine dayD.bad weather
5. You have ade ______. You should be ore careful.
A.a lot of istakeB.a great deal of istakesC.a large nuber of istakesD.few istakes
6. Before we oved into the new house, we bought any _____
A. furnituresB. furnitureC. pieces of furnitureD. pieces of furnitures
7. The bookshelf over there is_________.
A.ary’s and Jane’sB.ary’s and JaneC.ary and Jane’sD. ary and Jane
8. We saw the guest off at ______ yesterday..
A. The Shanghai’s Railway Station.B. The Shanghai Railway Station.
C. Shanghai Railway Station.D. The Railway Station of Beijing Railway
9. They had a good tie at the _____ Palace.
10. Xiao Li was ____ in y boyhood.
A. y close friendB. ine a close friend C. a close friend of ine D. a close friend of e
11. These are ____ fro other presses. They are having a eeting in one of the ___ office.
A. editor- in-chiefs, editor’s-in-chiefB.editors ?in ?chief , editors-in-chief’s
C. editors ?in-chief’s, editor’s ?in-chief’sD.editor-in-chief’s , editors ?in-chief
12. There are five ____ in our clas s.
A. Zhang’sB. Zhangs’ C. Zhangs D. The Zhangs
13. How far is your school ?
A. twenty - five inutes walkB. the walk of twenty-five inutes
C. twenty-five inutes walks D. twenty-five inutes’ walk
14. ---What’s the distance fro her e to the station? - ---It’s __________fro here.
A. two kiloetre distanceB. two kiloetres’ distance
C. distance of two kiloetersD. distance of two kiloetres’
15. We’re going to have __________next onth.
A. two day’ h olidayB. two day holiday C. two days holiday D. two days’ holiday
16. Who’s a cousi n?
A. Uncle or aunt’s sonB. Uncle or aunt’s daughter
C. Uncle or aunt’s childD. Uncle or aunt’s brother or sister
17. She always wears beautiful _____.
18.Will you have a little ______?
A.ore fishesB.ore fishC.uch fishesD.fishes
19. There _____ in y class. Which of the do you want to see?
A.is JohnB.are three JohnsC.are the John'sD.is the John
20. Twenty dollors ____ what he needs
A.wasB.wereC.isD.has been
21.The United Nations ____ a resolution
A. has pastB. has passedC. have passedD. has through
22. The Arabian Nights ____ a very interesting storybook
A. isB. areC. has beenD. had been
23. The New York Ties ____ a wide circulation
A. isB. hasC. areD. have
24. atheatics_____ a very iportant subject.
A. areB. isC. wereD. was
25. His atheatics ____ weak
A. isB. seesC. wasD. are
26. An iron works _____ no
A. is being builtB. are being builtC. has builtD. had been built
27. Every eans _____ tried to iprove teaching and learning
A. hasB. has beenC. haveD. were
28. The police _____ searching for a tall dark an with long hair.
A. isB. has beenC. areD. had been
29. One of his fingers was wounded. What about _____.
A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. the others
30. There’s an English book in _____ of his hands, and he also has a dictionary in his _____ hand.
A. one, otherB. one, anotherC. one, the otherD. another, second

一 ~ 三 答案略

四.1-5AABDB 6-10 CCADB 11-15 CCBAB 16-20 DBDDA 21-25 CBBCA 26-30 BCCBA 31-35 CADCD 36-40 DCBCD 41-45 CCBDB 46-50 CBACB 51-55DBDAC
56-60 ABDCD 61-65 BBACD 66-70 DAADA 71-75 DCBBA

1—5 BACAA 6—10 ABADA


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/87540.html
