
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

UNIT 6 I like usic that I can dance to.檢測題
1.A.F.I.R. B.Singers. C.Dance usic.
2.A.Yes,he doesn’t. B.OK. C.No,he doesn’t.
3.A.Yes,I do. B.Yes,I’d love to. C.Yes,I have a piano lesson.
4.A.Ye s,very uch. B.No,I don’t like it. C.I can’t stand it.
5.A.I enjoy listening to usic. B.I don’t like that ovie.
C.I like usic that isn’t too loud.
6.How long has rs Green had t he watch?
A.ore than three years. B.Less than three years.
C.Just three years.
7.What are the two people talking about?
A.Suer holidays. B.Their hoetown. C. Their friends.
8.Where does the woan work?
A.In a factory. B.In a school. C.In a shop.
9.Whose bike is broken?
A.Linda’s. B.John’s. C.Lucy’s.
10.What is wrong with the XL juper?
A.It is too sall for the an. B.It is too big for the an.
C.It is not the right colour.
11. What’re they going to do?
A. To have a eeting.B. To g o to a party.C. To eet a friend.
12. What’s the woan going to wear?
A. A shirt. B. A dress.C. A sweater.
13. What’s the progra on BTV 8?
A. A talk sho B. A ovie. C. A gae.
14. What’re they ainly talking about?
A. When to watch TV.
B. What to see on TV tonight.
C. How to choose TV progra.
15. Which cinea are they going to?
A. The one in the shopping center.
B. The one next to the post office.
C. The one near the arket.
16. How are they getting there?
A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus.
17. When does the fil start?
A. At 3:50. B. At 4:10. C. At 4:30.
18. How any books can you borrow at ost each tie?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
19. What can you learn fro the talk?
A. Students can borrow books and DVDs for free.
B. There are soe reading activities every Saturday.
C. If you want to use a coputer, you should book first.
20. What’s the speaker doing?
A. Giving soe advice.
B. aking an introduction.
C. Offering several choices.
1.We have tea and coffee,but perhaps he’d p a cold drink.
2.y h beat fast when I heard the news.
3.Why don’t you d your ad on the notice board where everyone can see it?
4.If I forget to hand in y hoework,please r e on tie.
5.Young people usually have ore e than the old.
Ⅱ. 用括號里所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式(每小題1分,滿分5分)
6. y father likes French food, while y other prefers ______ (Italy) food.
7. Kevin is ______ (interest) in stap-collection.
8.I like sleeping late on Sunday ornings.There is nothing (good) than that.
9. There will be a Chinese painting ______ (exhibit) in the national useu next week.
10. We had a great tie with the ______(fisheran) in this village.
11.We all agreed to the study plan this ter.(改為同義句)
We were all the study plan this ter.
12. I can sing along with the usic.I like it.(合并為一句)
I like the usic I can .
13.They prefer staying at hoe to going to the cinea on Sundays.(改為同義句)
They prefer at hoe go to the cinea on Sundays.
14.We prefer usic that has great lyrics. (對畫線部分提問)
do you prefer?
15.She looks like her other. (改為一般疑問句)
she her other?
16.This song reinds e ______an experience I on ce had in the countryside.
A.fro B. with C. to D. of
17. That traffic accident happened______a snowy afternoon.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
18. y parents tell e not to eat food that stays out overnight, _______it tastes .
A.even if;well B. even though;goodC. if;good D. but;well
19. you say,I won’t allow you to go there.
A.However B.How C.Whatever D.What
20.y Chinese teacher’s jokes e as uch as y history teacher’s.
A.aren’t interested in B.are interesting
C.isn’t interested D.don’t interest
21.They aren’t always each other although they’re best friends.
A.agree to B.in agreeent with
C.in agreeent D.agreeent with
22.This kind of usic akes e excited.
A.feeling B.to feel C.feel D.felt
23.Be sure late for the eeting.
A.being not B.not to be C.to not be D. not be
24.She always tries her best to help others.And she never how uch oney she gets.
A.listens B.cares C.thinks D.worries
25.—What do you think of the P4?
— .
A.It’s y cousin’s B.It’s ade in the USA
C.It’s about popular songs D.It’s wonderful
usic is soething that everybody likes.Everybody can 26 sounds in a way by singing or playing a usic instruent.any kinds of usic 27 developed as people have found out how to sing in different ways.There are 28 any kinds of usic to hear that you are sure to find soe usic that will greatly 29 you.usic has eaning for everyone.It is 30 by the old and the young, en and woen.It can ake people happy 31 sad.In our odern 32 , radios and televisions supply us with lots of usic, giving us enjoyent. 33 in a usic lesson or at a concert usic eans different 34 to different people.usic 35 to the whole world.
26. A.ake B .do C.hear D.cause
27. A. is B. had C. have D.has
28. A.such B. a lot C. uch D.so
29. A. interest B. prefer C. invent D.find
30. A.kept B.enjoyed C.disliked D.written
31. A.and B. but C.so D.or
32. A.world B.oon C. star D.space
33. A.Either B.Neither C. Every D.Each
34. A.soething B.things C.anything D.nothing
35. A.takes B.uses C. plans D.belongs
Ⅵ.理解 (每小題2分,滿分20分)
Popular usic in Aerica is what every student likes. Students carry sall radios with earphones and listen to usic before class, and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and play the usic loudly as they drive on the street.
Adult(成年的)drivers listen to usic on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of Aerican people. ost of the radio prograes are usic.
Pop or popular usic singers ake uch oney. They ake a CD or tape which radio stations use in any places. Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tapes. Soe of the oney fro these tapes coes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to eet hi or her. Now the singer has becoe a national star.
There are other kinds of usic that are iportant to Aericans. One is called folk(民間)usic. It tells stories about the coon life of Aericans. Another is called western or country usic. This was started by cowboys who would sing at night to the cows they were watching. Today, any usic about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country usic.
36._______ kinds of usic are entioned in this passage.
A. TwoB. Three C. Four D. Five
37. When pop singers _______, they will becoe national stars.
A. ake uch oney B. ake a CD or tape
C. are loved by all the young people D. are wanted to sing on the radio
38. Fro the passage we know that country usic is about the______.
A. coon life of Aericans B.country life and love stories
C. life of cowboys D.school life in Aerica
39.Which of the following is true according to this passage?
A. ost students in Aerica like popular usic.
B. Students with cars in Aerica like to listen to usic while driving.
C. Adult drivers in Aerica listen to usic all the tie while driving.
D. Everyone in Aerica wants to eet pop singers wherever they go.
40. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Aerican usic B.Popular usic
C.History of usic D.Western usic

I can’t reeber when I fell in love with usic.aybe it happened when I was feeling blue soetie long ago.I can’t tell you exactly how usic akes e feel better.But while listening to usic,especially light usic,it akes e feel cal and peaceful.Now I a listening to a song naed oon River.It is really a fantastic song.I didn’t like this song at the beginning,but later I found its slow elody and beautiful lyrics deeply touching.
“Oh,drea aker,you heart breaker.Wherever you’re going I’ going your way.Two drifters
(流浪者)are off to see the world.There’s such a lot of world to see.”
Yes.Although there is a long way to go for the drifters and aybe there are any troubles ahead,he sees afraid of nothing.I like usic.usic reinds e that huan beings have a lot in coon even if they coe fro different countries or backgrounds, because we all have the sae feeling or understanding of elodies and words.
41.The writer likes usic.
A.popular B.light C.classical D.dance
42.The writer didn’t like the song called oon River .
A.now B.at all C.at the beginning D.very uch
43.Fro the song,we know that the drifters see afraid of .
A.everything B.police C.dogs D.nothing
44.The writer thinks people who coe fro different countries have .
A.the sae feeling of elodies and words
B.different understanding of e lodies and words
C.different feelings of elodies and words
D.the sae understanding of sound and words
45.The writer began to love usic when he/she was soetie long ago.
A.happy B.excited C.tired D.blue
BandsBack Street Boys,HOTEnergetic;good singers; look cool;wear fantastic clothes
BooksHalet,Roeo and JulietLove stories;roantic;beautiful words
oviesTitanic;E.T.Tragedy;science fiction

ike is one of y good friends. He

UNIT 6 I like usic that I can dance to.檢測題原文及參考答案
1.What is your favorite group,Li ing?
2.Does Ji like groups that play quiet and gentle usic?
3.Would you like to go to the superarket with e,To?
4.What do you think of the ovie,Lucy?
5.What kind of usic do you like best,John?
6.:Oh!You have a new watch,rs Green!
W:You won’t believe it.I bought it three and a half years ago.
7.W:I went to y hoetown this suer and I et a lot of friends. Where did you go?
:I went to y hoetown, too.But I didn’t visit y friends. I visited y priary school teachers.
8.W:What can I do for you?
:I’ looking for a pair of shoes. Will these shoes wear well?
W:Of course.They’re our best shoes.
9.:ay I borrow your bike,Linda?
W:Sorry,John.y bike is broken. You ay use Lily’s or Lucy’s.
10.:The juper is too sall for e. Do you have one in a bigger size?
W:I’ sorry,but XL is the biggest size we have.
W: I don’t know what to wear to the party.
: Well, how about a shirt?
W: No. I want to look nicer.
: OK. What about your black dress?
W: That sounds better. But it’s cold today.
: So, wear your red sweater.
W: Good idea.
W: So, what do you want to watch on TV tonight?
: Well, what’s on?
W: H. There is a talk show on BTV 8.
: No. You know I don’t like talk shows.
W:Well, then…Ah, here’s soething. Do you want to watch a ovie, Star Wars? It’s on CCTV 6.
: No. I’ve seen it twice. I’d like to see soething different.
W: OK. Let’s see what’s on CCTV 5. A basketball gae, but . . . but I guess . . .
: Oh, great. You know I like basketball so uch.
W: Hi, ike. Would you like to go to the cinea with e and Jane on Saturday?
: What are you going to see, Susan?
W: The Adventure of Tintin.
: Is it on at the cinea in the shopping center?
W: No. That one’s closed. We’re going to the one next to the post office.
: And how are you getting there?
W: y o can’t drive us, so we’re going to walk fro y house. We can coe back by bus.
: OK. What tie shall I be at your house then?
W: Well, the fil starts at four thirty, so coe at ten to four. It takes about twenty inutes to get
: Good idea. See you later!
Good orning, and welcoe to Star Language School. I hope you will have a very good tie here. First, let e tell you about the school. On the first floor, there is a library. The library has lots of books and DVDs. You can take the reading books and DVDs hoe with you and you can keep the for two weeks. You don’t have to pay to borrow reading books, but you have to pay £2 to borrow a DVD. You can borrow at ost four books once. You can’t borrow graar books. You can only use the in the library. On the second floor, there is a sall coputer roo. It’s often busy, so you should book before you use it. The booking for is on the door. On the third floor, there is a sall café where you can buy hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and chocolate. You ay be interested in our activity progra. We organize trips every Saturday. This week, there will be a trip to Warwick where you can see a great old castle. If you want to go on this trip, please speak to Susan in the office.
1~5 ACBCC 6~10 AACAA 11~15 BCABB 16~20 BCCCB
Ⅰ.1.prefer 2.heart 3.display 4.reind 5.energy
Ⅱ.6. Italian 7. interested 8.better 9. exhibition 10. fisheren
Ⅲ.11.in agreeent with 12.that/which,sing along with 13.to stay,rather than
14.What kind of usic 15.Does,look like
Ⅳ. 16.D reind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事。
17.C 在具體某一天的下午,介詞要用on。
18.B even though/if即使,盡管;taste在此處作連系動詞,后跟形容詞作表語。
19.C whatever無論什么。
20.D interest使……感興趣。
21.B in agreeent with意為“與……一致”。
22.C ake sb.do sth.為固定搭配,意為“讓某人做某事”。
23.B be sure to do sth. “確保做某事”,為固定搭配,其否定形式為be sure not to do sth.。
24.B 25.D 只有D項是對某物做出評價。
Ⅴ. 26.A ake sounds發(fā)出聲音。
27.C 28.D so...that...如此……以至于……
29.A interest使感興趣; prefer喜歡; invent發(fā)明; find找到。
30.B 句意:它受到老年人和年輕人、男人和女人的喜愛。
31.D or或者。
32.A in our odern world在我們現(xiàn)代化的世界里。
33.A either...or...或者……或者……
34.B 35.D belong to屬于。
Ⅵ. 36.B 文中共提到pop or popular usic, folk usic, western or country usic三種音樂。
37.C 由第三段倒數(shù)一、二句可知。
38.B 由第四段最后一句可知。
39.B 由第一段最后一句可知。
40.A 通讀全文可知,本文主要講了“美國的音樂”。
41.B 由第一段第四句可知。
42.C 由第一段最后一句可知。
43.D 由第三段第二句可知。
44.A 由最后一段最后一句可知。
45.D 由第一段第一、二句可知。
Ⅶ.One possible version:
ike is one of y good friends.He loves listening to usic,reading books and watching ovies.He is a super fan of the bands Back Street Boys and HOT because he loves bands that are energetic.He thinks they are good singers.Besides,he thinks the band ebers look cool and always wear fantastic clothes.When he reads,he prefers reading books like Halet and Roeo and Juliet by Shakespeare.They are love stories that are extreely roantic and ike likes books that have beautiful words. Also,he likes tragedies and science fictions.Of all the ovies,he enjoys Titanic and E.T. best.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/92954.html
