
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 九年級 來源: 高中學習網

( ) 1. —Is City useu open to the public yet? —Yes. It ______for alost three onths.
A. has opened B. has being opened C. has been open D. was open
( ) 2. We know that soething ____ to end it.
A. ust is done B. ust be done C. ust do D. ust done
( ) 3. Please give e a piece of paper ________.
A. to write B. to write on C. to write at D. writing
( ) 4. You ay ___ here until the rain stops.
A. leave B. coe C. reach D. stay
( ) 5. The rubbish sells __________.
A. well B. badly C. terribly D. terrible
( ) 6. y father finished his work ___________.
A. in the end B. by the end C. at the end D. for the end.
( ) 7. It’s ________ for e to see you.
A. please B. pleasure C. pleased D. pleasant
( ) 8. The stones they carried were used ________ houses and bridges.
A. to build B. to be built C. for building D. A or C
( ) 9. The roo_____________ as a study.
A. used to being used B. used to be used
C. was used to be used D. was used to being used
( ) 10. _____ the new China _____ on October 1, 1949 ?
A. Did, found B Was, found C. Was, founded D. Did, be founded
( ) 11. I still can’t believe it! y bicycle____ last night.
A. is stolen B. was stolen C. was stole D. stole
( ) 12. I’ sorry I haven’t got any oney. I’ve ______ y handbag at hoe.
A. issed B. put C. forgotten D. left
( ) 13. ---________ bad weather! -----Yes, and it will last ____.
A. What, two days B. What a, two days
C. How, for two days D. How, two days long
( ) 14. Soe gifts were _____ ___ on her _________ birthday.
A. for her, ninth B. to her, nineth C. for her, nine D. to her, ninth
( ) 15. Look! There _________ deer ________ with the tourists on Yinhe Square.
A. are a nuber of, playing B. are a nuber of, play
C. is a nuber of, playing D. is a nuber of, play
二、完型 (15分)
People al l over the world eat rice. 1 people, in Asia, Africa and South Aerica 2 it every day of their lives. Soe people alost do not eat 3 except rice. Rice is a kind of 4 . There are ore than 7000 kinds of rice. ost kinds are water plants. Farers 5 rice in any countries even in the southern part of Russia and in eastern Australia. No one really knows where rice 6 . Soeone in China wrote about it alost 5000 years ag o. Soe scientists think that rice 7 in West Africa, 8 think it 9 fro India and then 10 to other parts of the world.
( ) 1. A. Thousand of B. Hundreds of C. illions of D. A illion of
( ) 2. A. eat B. eats C. eaten D. is eaten
( ) 3. A. everything B. soething C. anything D. nothing
( ) 4. A. grass B. fruit C. flower D. vegetable
( ) 5. A. ake B. run C. keep D. grow
( ) 6. A. cae fro B. cae to C. went fro D. went to
( ) 7. A. grew B. grow C. is grown D. was grown
( ) 8. A. another B. other C. the other D. others
( ) 9. A. cae B. coe C. was coe D. was coing
( )10. A. was planted B. was taken C. was kept D. was grown
一、理解 (20分)
In 1826, a Frenchan naed Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artist .So he invented a very siple caera .He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.
The next iportant date in the history of photography was in 1837.That year, Daguere, another Frenchan, took a picture of his reading roo .He used a new kind of caera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly, even the sallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.
Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way .Travelers brought back wonderful photos fro all around the world .people took picture of faous buildings, cities and ountains.
In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and oving things .That was not siple .The photographers had to carry a lot of fil and other achines. But this did not stop the, for exaple, soe in the United States worked so hard.
athew Brady was a faous Aerican photographer. He took any p icture of great people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike.
Photographers also becae one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Soe photos were nor just copies of the real world .They showed and feelings, like other kinds of art.
( ) 1.The first photo taken by Niepce was a pictures of ____________
A. his business   B. his house    C. his garden    D. his window
( ) 2.The Daguerro type was____________.
A. a Frenchan  B. a kind of picture 
C. a kind of caera  D. a photographer
( ) 3.If a photographer wanted to take pictures of oving things in the year of 1840s, he had to__________.
A. watch lots of fils     B. buy an expen sive caera
C. stop in ost cities     D. take any fils and soething else with hi.
( ) 4. athew Brady_________.
A. was very lifelike        B. was faous for his unusual pictures
C. was quite strong        D. took any pictures of oving people
( ) 5.This passage tells us_____________.
A. how photography was developed 
B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures
C. how to take pictu res in the world  
D. how to use different caeras
We all love new inventions. 1 _________________________________________________. But have all these inventions really iproved the quality of our lives? Picture this: You’re rushing to finish your hoework on the coputer. Your obile phone rings and a QQ essage fro your friend appears on the screen. 2 _______________________________________________. Now you have to stay up all night to get it done. How happy do you feel? Inventions have speeded up our lives so uch that they often leave us feel ing stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away fro noisy cities, with no telephone, no car, not even any electricity often see to be happier? 3 _________________________________ _______________________________.
One faily in the UK went “back in tie” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjain, 10and Thoas, 7. spent nine weeks in a house of the 1940s. 4 _________________________________________. The grandother, Lyn, said, “5__________________________________________________”. The boys said they fought less. Probably, they said, because there was less to fight over. Benjain also noticed that his grandother had chan ged fro being a “trendy, beer-drinking granny to one who cooked things”.
A. They had no washing achine, icrowave, coputer or obile phone.
B. Suddenly the coputer goes blank and you lose all your work.
C. Perhaps because they live sipler lives.[
D. The ore things you have, the ore difficult life becoes.
E. They are exciting, aazing and can even change our lives.
四、任務型閱讀 (10分)
This suer, the ost popular touristy sight in China is Tibet. Why? Because the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was open on July 1.
The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the first railway between Tibet and other parts of China. It is 1,142 kiloeters long and is the world’s highest railroad.
About 960 kiloeters of it is over 4,000 eters above the sea level. any people thought it was ipossible to build a railway so high. But the ra ilroad was successfully copleted last October.
The railway akes travel cheaper for Tibetans. ost of the don’t have enough oney to travel by air.
It will also bring ore tourists to Tibet. A recent Xinhua report said that the new railway will bring 3,000 to 4,000 tourists to Lhasa each day. In Shanghai, one travel agency has worked out a 10-day-trip fro Shanghai to Lhasa at a price of 3,600 Yuan.
A railway trip to Tibet is ore cofortable than driving or flying. Each train has special windows to keep out ultraviolet rays(紫外線) and sandstors.
Thin air akes you feel sick. To stop this fro happening, the train gives oxygen through its air-conditioning syste. If you feel sick, you can find oxygen asks near the seats.
1. This suer, the ost popular touristy sight in China is _________.
2. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the World’s highest railroad and it is _________ long.
3. The railroad was successfully copleted _______________.
4. The railway akes travel to Tibet _________ than by air.
5._________________ akes you feel sick. So you can find oxygen asks near the seats.
1. It’s used for s________ really cold ice crea.
2. The tea was invented by a_________
3. An a _______ Chinese legend told us that tea was invented by the Chinese.
4. Tea abacus was invented in the sixth c_______ by the Chinese
5. Tea tastes very d_______.
At, call, try, discover, however, beyond, travel, send, be, understand, reach, good
Scientists think that there has 1 life on the earth for illions of years. 2 , we haven’t found life on other planets yet. Why?
The earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. There are other planets that also go around the sun. The sun and its planets 3 the solar syste(太陽系). The solar syste is a sall part of our galaxy(銀河系).
The stars we see at night are the suns in other solar systes. There are ore than 200 billion stars in our galaxy, the ilky Way, and our sun is only one of the.
But scientists have 4 any other galaxies in the universe. They a re a long way away and their light has 5 for any years to 6 us. It’s hard to 7 how large the universe is.
Scientists have 8 lots of spacecrafts to visit other planets in our solar syste, and soe spacecrafts have gone 9 the solar syste. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.
But why has no one fro other planets sent us a essage? Have they 10 to send inforation to us? Are we alone. Is there life out there in space? We don’t kno
1.___________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.______________ 5.______________
6.___________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.______________ 10.______________
Zhang Hua 是一個中學生。在上星期五下午放學途中,她在地上撿到了一個錢包(wallet)。請根據所給的單詞,寫一個短文。
關鍵詞:on one’s way hoe, wallet, card, have to wait, in a hurry, thankful, refuse, though
四、任務型閱讀1. the Qinghai-Tibet Railway 2. 1,142 kiloeters 3. last October
4. cheaper 5. Thin air
五、詞匯。1.scooping. 2.accident 3.ancient 4.century 5delicious
綜合填空1.been 2.However 3.are called 4.discovered 5.traveled 6.reach 7.understand 8.sent 9.beyond 10.tried
Zhang Hua is a student of Nuber 6 iddle School. Last Friday afternoon. When the school was over, she went hoe directly. On her way hoe, she saw a wallet lying on the ground. “Who lost it?” she thought. Then she opened it and saw there was soe oney and ten credit cards in it. She thought the an who lost the wallet ust be very worried, so she stayed there and waited. She had to waited and waited. Then a an ran to her in a hurry. He asked Zhang Hua if she saw a wallet on the ground. He said there was soe oney and ten credit cards in it. They were very iportant to hi. Zhang Hua gave the wallet back to hi. The an was so thankful that he gave 100 yuan to her. But Zhang Hua said, “No, thanks.” She refused the an and went hoe quickly. Though it was late to get hoe, she felt very happy.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chusan/96417.html
