初一英語下冊7B Unit 1 Drea hoes單元測試題A

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網

7B Unit l Drea hoes單元綜合測試卷(A)
Class_________ Nae__________
1.y father is a ________ (廚師).He works in a restaurant.
2.He says people in our city are very________ (友好的).
3.Is there any________ (粉筆)on the teacher’s desk?
4.I live in a tall building and I 1ive on the ________ (二十)floor.
5.The football field is one hundred and fifty ________ (米)long.
6.The Browns are our ________ (鄰居).
7.Would you like________ (咖啡)or tea?
8.________ (百萬)of people can speak English in our country.
9.Can you answer the ________ (五)question in English?
10.We are watching the ________ (錄像)of y trip in the USA.
1.I like watching TV in the________ (sit)roo with y parents.
2.There are soe beautiful ________ (beach)in Thailand.
3.How any ________ (child)does the woan have?
4.There are ore than seventy ebers in the English Club.________ (any) of the live in the centre of Jiangyin City.
5.y roo is on the ________ (twelve)floor.
( )1.________ is the capital of the USA.
A . New York B.Paris C. Washington DC D.London
( )2.Kate will arrive ________Shanghai ________Deceber 8th.
A.in;at B.at;in C.in;on D.for;on
( )3.________ you ________hoe on Sundays?
A.Are;in B.Do;at C.Do;in D.Are;at
( )4.I have a dog.________birthday is ________June.
A.Its;in B.It’s;on C.Its;on D.It’s;at
( )5.Hello,ay I ________to Neil,please?
A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk
( )6.Your idea________ great.
A.1ook B.hears C.sounds D.1ikes
( )7.ary is always ________1eave the classroo.
A.first B.first student to C.the first D.the first to
( )8.In y bedroo there’s an air conditioner(空調) ________the window.
A.above B.on C.between D.in
( )9.illie’s lap is _________desk and the bed.
A.below B.under C.in D.between
( )10.________your new hoe ________ ?
A.What;like B.What’s;1ike C.How;like D.How does;like
( )11.Do you like the bathroo________ a shower in it ?
A.have B.with C.has D.hasing
( )12.They are reading ________lesson on Page ________.
A.nine;Twelve B.nine;the twelfth
   C.the ninth;Twelve D.the ninth;the twelfth
( )13.A ________ is the best place to grow flowers.
A.dining roo B.garden C.bedroo. D.bathroo
( )14.It rains ________in y hoetown in suer.
A.a lot B.1ot s of C.any D.a lot of
( )l5.一How do we say“2,056”? 一________.
A.Two thousands and fifty-six B.Two thousand and fifty-six
C.Two thousand, fifty-six D.Two thousand and five six
( )16.She is short.So she sits________ the classroo.
A.in the front of B.in front of
C.at the back of D.next to
( )17.一Would you like________ ? 一Yes,I’d like to.
A. to have soe tea B.to have any tea C.have soe ilk D.having any ilk
( )18.y new house is very beautiful and ________.
A.quietly B.quiet C.quite D.cleanly
( )19.The oon light is coing in ________the window and the roo sees(似乎)quite beautifu1.
A.across B.over C.fro D.through
( )20.一What are your parents doing now ?.
一Well, y father is reading a newspaper y other is cooking.
A.while B.then C.but D.after
1.Kitty sits beside Sandy.(同義句改寫)
Sandy sits________ ________Kitty.
2.The building has 38 floors.(對劃線部分提問)
How ________ ________ ________ the building ________?
3.Sally does her hoework in the evening.(改為否定句)
Sally ________ ________her hoework in the evening.
4.ary lives on the tenth floor and Peter 1ives on the fourth floor.
ary 1ives ________floors ________Peter.
1.Is Anna in the bedroo or in her classroo?
2.Does she enjoy listening to usic?
3.Is she very happy?
4.How any pictures are there on the wall?
5.Where’s the 1ap ?
1.Who always________ (cook)dinner in your faily?
2.Look! They_______ (swi)in the river.
3.onkeys are good at________ (clib)trees.
4.Spring is the best tie ________ (plant)trees.
5.Who________ (call)hi at the oent?
6.I’d like ________ (do)sortie shopping this Saturday.
7.Lucy’s brother enjoys________ (chat)with his friends on the Internet.
8.There________ (be)a sitting roo and three bedroos.
9.How often________ illie________ (write)to her parents?
10.adee often________ (help)her other with the housework.
Lucy is 1 Aerican girl.She has a twin sister.They look 2 .They live in Shanghai 3 their parents,r and rs King.r King __4 in a factory(工廠).
rs. King is a teacher in our schoo1.She teaches 5 English.All of us are 6_ to her and she love us,too.
Lucy and Lily go to school here and they 7 a lot of friends.They like eating Chinese food very uch.__8 Sunday orning they usually go to the shop and help their other_ 9__ the shopping.They often buy a lot of things.
rs King l0__ the things in Shanghai are very cheap.
( )1. A.a B.an C.one D.the
( )2.A.sae B.different C.the sae D.the
( )3.A. and B. with C .also D. too
( )4.A.work B.at work C.works D.working
( )5.A.we B.us C.our D.ours
( )6.A.students B.classates C.faily D.friendly
( )7.A.have B.there are C.has D.there is
( )8.A.In B.On C.At D.By
( )9.A.carry B.take C.go D.do
( )10.A.talks B.speaks C.wants D.says
There is a sall shop bear y hoe,but it sells(賣) a lot of things.It sells fruit—apples,pears,oranges and bananas.And you can buy school things there,too--notebooks,rulers,pens,colour pencils,erasers and pencil-boxes.All of the are very cheap.
There are two en and three woen in the shop.They are very friendly.The en aren’t in the shop soeties.They go to different places to get things.The woen work all day.The shop opens at 8 o’clock in the orning and closes at 9 o’ clock in the evening.We can buy things fro this sall shop on our way hoe or to schoo1.
( )1.The shop________.
A.is big B.sells TV sets C.sells books D.sells any things
 ( )2.There are ________people working in the shop.
A.any B.five C.two D. three
( )3.________of the work in the shop all day.
A.Two B.Three C.Five D.One
( )4.The things in the shop are________.
A.cheap B.dear C.nice D.not good
( )5.People can’t buy things in the shop________.
A.fro 8 a. .to 9 a. . B.before 9 P. .
C.before 8 a. . D.after 8 a..
Aerican people like to say“thank you”when others help the or say soething kind to the.People of any countries do so,too.It’s a very good habit.
You should say“thank you”when soeone passes you the salt on the table,when soeone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you,when soeone says you have done your work well,or you have bought a nice thing,or your city is very beautiful.“Thank you” is used not only between friends,but also between parents and children,brothers and sisters.
“Excuse e”is another short sentence they use.When you hear soeone say so behind you,you know that soebody wants to walk past you without touching you.It’s not polite to break others when they are talking.If you want to speak to one of the say“excuse e,”first。and then begin talking.You should also do so when you begin to cough or ake any noise before others.
Let’s learn to say“thank you”and“excuse e”.
( )6.You should say“thank you”when ________.
A.you say soething kind to others B.you help others
C.soeone helps you D.you need others to help you
( )7.Fro the passage we know“thank you”is________.
A.widely used in the world B.used ore often than“excuse e”
C.used only by Aericans D.used only between friends
( )8.You should say“excuse e”if you want to________.
A.cough B.ake soe noises
C.go first D.all of the above
( )9.When you are going to ask soeone to tell you the way,you should say“________”.
A. Thank you B.That’s very kind of you
C. Excuse e D. I’ sorry
( )10.This passage ainly tells us the way________.
A.to be happy B.to be polite
   C.to help others D.to 1earn fro Aericans
4.一你有自己的房間嗎? -沒有。我和妹妹合用一個房間。
6.-adee在干什么? 一她坐在椅子上看電視。
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本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/104245.html
