
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(考試用時:120分鐘   滿分:150分)

一、聽力(共20小題,每小題1分,滿分20分)A) 根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇正確的圖片或正確的答案,聽兩遍。
1. Which festival are they talking about?
  A.                        B.                     C.

2. What does Daniel like?
  A.                        B.           C.
3. What does Millie like to do after class? 
A.           B.            C.  
4. What is Miss Wang?
A.          B.        C. 

5.What is the time now?
A. 6:00                  B. 6:15                  C. 5:45
6. What is Jack doing?
  A. He’s doing homework.     B. He’s watching matches.   C. He’s doing housework.
7. What would John like to do after school?
  A. To watch TV.       B. To listen to music.  C. To play music.
8. How often does the girl go swimming? 
  A. Every day.    B. Every week.   C. Twice a week.
9. What day is it today?
  A. Tuesday.                 B. Wednesday.        C. Thursday.
10. What does Sally like doing?
  A. Drawing.                B. Reading.           C. Singing.
B. 聽下面3段對話或短文。每段對話或短文后各有幾道小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。(每段對話或短文讀兩遍)
11. What is the yellow hat made of?
  A. Wool.             B. Silk.              C. Cotton.
12. Which hat would the man take at last(最后)?
  A. The pink one.         B. The yellow one.         C. We don’t know.
How to have a healthy supper
Before it Drink some 13.___________.
During it Eat some 14.__________ _, meat and rice
After it Take a walk for about 15.___________
Have some fruit
13. A. water          B. soup        C. milk
14. A. fruit         B. vegetables    C. bread
15. A. half an  hour     B. an hour           C. one and a half hours
16. How old is Sandy?
A. 13                     B. 14                   C. 15
17. Where does Sandy hold (舉辦) her birthday party ?
A. At home                  B. In the park          C. In the restaurant
18. What i sn’t Sandy’s present?
A. Toys                         B. Chocolate             C. Photos
19. Who gives Sandy a music CD?
A. Her friends                 B. Her uncle             C. Her parents
20. What do they do after the party?
A. They chat with each other.  
B. They listen to music. 
C. They go to the park to fly kites.
二、單項選擇 (共20小題,每小題1分,滿分20分)
21. —Lucy,  ______ apple on the table is for you. Remember to eat it.
   —Thank you, Mum. We all know ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
   A. an; an    B. an; the   C. the; a    D. the; an
22.— ______ do most students do their homework every weekday?       
   —About two hours.
   A. How far    B. How long      C. How often   D. How much
23. It ______ Nick two hours ______ the room. Now it is clean and tidy.
   A. takes; to clean         B. takes; cleaning  
   C. spends; to clean         D. spends; cleaning
24. These _______ come from NO. 1 Middle School and they all work hard .
A. women teachers      B. woman teachers  
C. women teacher      D. woman teacher
25.—Can I borrow your new bike and keep it for two days? 
—Yes, but you can't _____ other people.
A. borrow it from      B. lend it from  
C. lend it to       D. borrow it to
26.—This yellow skirt looks nice. How much is it?
   —It ______ me one hundred and twenty yuan.
   A. spends    B. costs   C. shops   D. buys
27. —Is there a ______  near here? I want to buy a football.
   —Oh, yes! It’s next to the bookshop.
   A. clothes shop        B. flower shop     C. shoe shop    D. sports shop
28. The library           at 2 every afternoon,so I think it           now.
   A. opens; opens        B. opens; is open   C. is open; opens  D. is open; open
29.—The light blue jeans look so cool. Could I         ?
   —Of course.
A. try it on    B. try on it   C. try them on D. try on them
30. Mrs. Green, let me show you  ______ our school.
A. to     B. around    C. for   D. with
31.—Can I have ______ water, Mum? I'm so thirsty(口渴的).
   —Sorry, there isn't ______, but we still have some green tea.
  A. any; any    B. any; some   C. some; any  D. some; some
32. We need to buy some _____ and two ______ for supper today.
   A. potatoes; kilos of meats     B. potatos; kilos of meat
C. potatoes; kilos of meat      D. potatos; kilos of meats
33. Sandy looks beautiful ______ blue, and red clothes also look nice ______ her.
A. on; on       B. in; in       C. on; in      D. in; on
34. There ______ some sheep and a dog at the foot of the hill.
   A. are             B. is            C. have         D. has 
35.Lily is________ in her room because she wants to be the most beautiful girl at the fashion show tonight.
   A. getting together  B. playing tricks  C. dressing up D. having fun
36. Sweet snacks ________ bad for your health because there is too much ________ in them.
   A. are; sugar    B. is; cola   C. is; salt  D. are; candies
37. — Wow! Your hairstyle looks so modern!
   — ________. It’s my mother’s design!
   A. Thank you   B. Sounds great  C. Good idea  D. Very good
38.The dress fits you well,and your hat          the dress.
   A. watches       B. matches      C. matchs     D. fits[
39.—Why            Daniel look happy today?
   —He           happy because he can’t do well in Music today.
A. doesn't; doesn't                     B. isn't; isn't
C. isn't; doesn't                       D. doesn't; isn't
40. — How often do you do exercise? 
      — ________.
    A. In two hours        B. Three hours   C. At three o’clock  D. Sometimes
The Black family come to a new big city. Mrs Black’s son, Bob, is not    41   . He doesn’t have any friends to play   42    . “Don’t worry!” says his mother. “You will soon make friends here.”
One    43   , there is a knock at the door. Bob’s    44   , Mrs Black, opens it. There stands a woman with brown hair. It is Mrs White. She comes to    45    some eggs. She wants to    46    cakes. Mrs Black lends her two. In the afternoon, there is another knock at the door. Mrs Black opens it and sees a    47    standing there. “My name is Jack White,” he says. “My mother sends(送)    48   this cake and the two eggs.” “Well, thank you, Jack,” says Mrs Black. “   49    and meet my son Bob.”
Look! Bob and Jack are    50   the cake and milk. They are playing football. Now they are    51   ! Jack says, “I’m glad you live next door.” Bob says, “I must thank your mother for coming for eggs.” Jack laughs and    52   Bob, “She doesn’t want the two eggs,    53   she wants to make friends with your mother.” Bob says, “That’s a(n)    54    way to make friends. It’s an easy way, too. It can work!”
So if you’re willing (樂意的) to make friends, you can always   55    some ways!
41. A. friendly   B. free   C. lazy   D. happy
42. A. in    B. on   C. to    D. with
43. A. morning  B. afternoon  C. evening  D. noon
44. A. sister   B. teacher  C. doctor   D. mother
45. A. put       B. borrow  C. give   D. buy
46. A.do      B. bring   C. order   D. make
47. A. girl   B. man      C. boy      D. woman
48. A. we       B. you      C. us      D. them
49. A. Come in  B. Go away  C. Get out  D. Come out
50. A. looking   B. eating      C. having      D. drinking
51. A. classmates  B. members  C. friends   D. brothers
52. A. tells   B. says      C. talks      D. speaks
53. A. but       B. and   C. so   D. or
54. A. popular   B. poor   C. interesting  D. cheap
55. A. see       B. find   C. enjoy   D. keep

I lost my keys in the school library. There is also a beautiful lele key ring(鑰匙環(huán)). I must find it. Call me on 5578-3356.

A blue schoolbag is in Classroom 7A. An English book, a notebook and a pencil box are in it. E-mail: Amy2018年@163.com.

Daniel, Is this your basketball? Please come to the playground after class.

My pencil box. A blue pen, two yellow pencils and a purple ruler are in it. My phone number is 5548-4439.
56. Who lost keys?        .
A. Amy   B. Jack   C. Nick   D. Tina
57. What’s in the schoolbag? There is         in it.
A. a basketball B. a pencil box C. an English notebook D. a key ring
58. You can’t see a         in the pencil box.
A. pen   B. ruler   C. pencil   D. knife
59. Tina wants to find her ________.
A. keys   B. basketb all  C. pencil box  D. schoolbag
60. Which is TRUE?            .
A. You can e-mail Amy to find your schoolbag.    
B. Tina’s ruler is green.
C. Daniel found(發(fā)現(xiàn)) a basketball in the playground.
D. You can call 5548-4439 to get the keys back.  
Mr. Green is a good bus driver in a big city. All day he drives a bus through busy streets. He is always happy. And the people on his bus seem to be happy, too.
One morning, Mr. Green starts his big yellow and blue bus. At the first bus stop many people get on the bus. When he drives on, he begins ta lking, “It is seven now. The sky is blue. It will not rain today. We all like sunshine(陽光), don’t we?”
At NO. 5 Stop a very old man gets on, “This boy will be good to give you his seat,” Mr. Green says. The boy’s face turns red. He stands up at once(立刻).
“Most people want to be nice,” Mr. Green tells the old man. “They want to do the right things. But sometimes they need a push(推力). So I just give them one.” Mr. Green always sings his own song. “ I love you. Mr. Sunshine. I love you, Mr. Sun(太陽). In the world, I love you best. You are the only one.”
61. At NO. 5 Stop, __________gets on Mr. Green’s bus..
    A. a boy   B. a girl       C. an old man     D. an old woman
62. People on Mr. Green’s bus seem very happy because ______.
    A. Mr. Green is very good to people
B. Mr. Green’s bus is early and they talk on the bus
    C. Mr. Green can tell them something about the weather(天氣)
    D. Mr. Green always gives boys pushes when they get on the bus
63. What does Mr. Green think of(認為…怎么樣?) most people? He thinks they are_______.
    A. right.      B. happy.      C. angry.   D. nice
64. Mr. Green 's song shows his love for________ .
      A. good weather       B. his country        C. old people     D. his bus
65. What is the main idea(主要意思) of the passage(這篇短文)? It tells us_______.
A. we should help old people       B. about a good driver     
C. a song about Mr. Sun        D. most people need a push
We talk to three students from around the world about different national(國家的) holidays. There are different customs (習(xí)俗) for each festival .
    Tan Xiaodong, 15, Hong Kong, China
    “Chinese New Year is in January(一月份) or February. Before it, we clean the house and decorate(裝飾) it for good luck. During(在……期間)the festival, every shop is closed for a few days and we go out a lot to celebrate in the streets. We can go and see the lion and dragon dances in the city center. I love this festival. ”
Wendy, 16, Sydney, Australia(澳大利亞)
“Australia Day is on 26th January and it’s an important holiday here. We always have a day’s holiday on Monday, so we celebrate for three days. My parents and I go to the countryside for a picnic and friends always come over. Many people go to beach(海灘) parties or street parties and there’s lots of music and dancing. What fun!”
Amy, 14, New York, USA
“On the first Thanksgiving Day, Europeans(歐洲人)in America thanked God for his help. It’s still a very important day for families to be together. This year we’re going to visit my grandparents and we’ll eat a nice meal of turkey(火雞). Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November every year. ”
66.How many festivals are mentioned in the passage?
A. Two.     B. Three.   C. Four.    D. Five.
67. During the Chinese New Year, we can ________.
A. do a lot of shopping                  B. eat turkeys
C. decorate the house for good luck           D. see lion and dragon dances
68. What does the word countryside mean(意思為) in this passage(在這篇短文中)? 
   A. 工廠                       B. 城市            C. 鄉(xiāng)村             D. 商場
69. On Australia day, families often ________.
A. have a meal in the countryside            B. go to a swimming pool
C. have a party at school                   D. clean the house and dance
70. From the passage, we can learn that________.
A. Australia Day is an important day for family members to get together
B. Different festivals have different customs
C. Many people go out for a picnic with friends before Chinese New Year
D. On the fi rst Thanksgiving Day, American people thanked God for his help.
 五、閱讀表達 請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,回答下面問題,每題答案不超過5個單詞。  (共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)
A 24-year-old boy seeing out from the train's window shouts(大聲說) . . .
“Dad, look …the trees are going behind!”
Dad smiles(微笑)and a young couple(夫妻倆), sitting nearby(附近), look at the 24-year-old
 childish(孩子氣的)behavior(行為) with pity(同情心).
Suddenly the boy again  shouts . . .“Dad, look …the clouds(云) are running with us!”
The couple can't resist(忍住 ) and says to the old man, “Why don't you take your son to a
 good doctor?”
The old man smiles and says “I do and we are just coming back from the hospital(醫(yī)院). My
son can’t see from birth(出生). He shouts excitedly(激動地)because he can see now.”
Everyone in the world has a story. You can't judge(判斷) people before you truly(真正地) know them. The truth(真相) might(可能) surprise(使……驚訝) you.
71.How old is the boy?
72.Where are the boy and his father now?
73.Who sits near the boy’s fathe r?
74.Why does the boy shout excitedly?
75.What can’t you do before you truly know some people?
六、任務(wù)型閱讀  閱讀短文,并根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一個最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,每空只填1個單詞。(共10小題;每小題1分;滿分10分)
Do you want to be a good student? If you do, here are some ideas.
Take notes(做筆記)when a teacher is giving a lesson. If you can't follow your teacher, put up your hand and ask questions. You'll learn a lot by asking. Don't copy notes or talk to friends in class.
Do homework carefully. Homework helps you review (復(fù)習(xí)) your lessons. You can find some questions when you are doing your homework. This is also an important part of your study. Remember that homework can also help you have good habits of study.
Make good plans. Bring all the things you need with you to class, such as books, pens, pencils and homework. Have a folder (文件夾) for each subject. Put your Maths papers(數(shù)學(xué)試卷) in your Maths folder, and put your History papers in your History folder.
Start to read more. When you read books, you can learn more about the world.
Some ___76___ about how to be a good student
Take notes Put up your ___77__ and ask questions.
Don’t copy notes or___78__ to friends in class.
Do__79__carefully Homework helps you review.
Find some ___80___when you are doing the homework. Homework helps you have good habits of ___81___.
Make good __82___ Bring everything you need with you to class. Have folders for all ___83___.
Read ___84___ Read more books, and you will learn more about the ___85___.
86. Most people wear         (圍巾)in winter.
87. She likes to be a          (模特兒)when she grow up.
88. Mr. White is sitting         (在……中)a few children, telling them a story.
89.Jay is one of my _______(偶像). Do you like him?
90.Lucy looks ______(苗條的) because she likes running.
91.We can’t        (叫喊)in the reading room.
92.She        (很少) goes shopping outside because she likes shopping on the Internet.
93. Look! The children are so happy .The film         (seem) very interesting.
94. We play football         (two) a week. It’s good for us.
95.一Tommy is too fat(胖的).  一That's because he         (not exercise) at all.
96. There         (be ) two cartons of milk and some candy on the table.
97. Does she often practise         (play) tennis on Sunday afternoon?
98. Tom,         (not read) in the sun. It's bad for your eyes.
99.          your brother         (run ) on the playground now, Kitty?
100. Amy wants           (buy ) the new cards.
八、缺詞填空  請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母,填寫單詞,每空一詞。(共10空;每空1分,滿分10分)
We have a new English teacher this year. He is an American. His name is Mark Miller. His birthday is September 10th. It’s T__101__ Day in China that day. We all t___102___ it’s interesting.
  Mr. Miller is nice, and his l___103___ are always very interesting. We all like to l__104___ to him carefully. After class, he o__105__ learns to speak Chinese. He says, “I am y__106___ teacher in English class, but after class you are my Chinese teachers.” So he can speak a little Chinese now.
  Mr. Miller likes playing s___107___. He can play basketball a__108___ football. The b__109___ in our class usually play football with him after school. E__110__ in our class likes him.
生活 1、早上8點起床;每天吃健康的食物,做運動;
學(xué)習(xí) 1、每天做2小時作業(yè);
活動 1、最喜歡春節(jié),能和朋友一起舉行聚會;
感受 她認為寒假(the winter holiday)……(補充完整) 
Kate's winter holiday
    Hello, I'm happy to tell you something about Kate's winter holiday. ____________________
一、1-5 BACBC 6-10  BBCAA 11-15 CABBA 16-20 AACCC
二、21-25 DBAAC 26-30 BDBCB 31-35 CCDAC 36-40 AABDD
三、41-45 DDADB  46-50 DCBAC 51-55 CAACB
四、56-60 BBDCA 61-65 CADAB 66-70 BDCAB
五、71.(He is) 24( years old). /Twenty-four
72. (They are)On the train.
73. A young couple
74. Because he can see now.
75. We/I can't judge them.
六、76. ideas 77. hand 78. talk 79. homework 80. questions 81. study 82. plans 83. subjects 84. more  85. world
七、86.scarves 87.model 88 among 89.heroes 90.slim 91.shout 92.seldom 93.seems  94.twice  95.doesn’t exercise 96.are 97.playing 98.Don’t read 99.Is running 100.to buy
八、101.Teachers’ 102. think 103.lessons 104.listen 105.often 106.your 107.sports 108.and 109.boys 110.Everyone/Everybody
Kate's winter holiday
    Hello, I'm happy to tell you something about Kate's winter holiday. She gets up at 8.00 in the morning. She eats healthy food and exercises for half an hour every day. She often wears cotton clothes and trainers. Sometimes she helps her parents clean the room. It takes her about 2 hours to do her homework every day. In her free time, she likes drawing and reading books. She likes the Spring festival best because she can have a party with her friends. She likes to let off fireworks with her parents. She thinks the winter holiday is interesting.

A) 根據(jù)聽到的內(nèi)容, 選擇正確的圖片或正確的答案,聽兩遍。
1. W: What do you like to do at the Chinese New Year?
  M: I like to watch lion dances.
2. W: I like bananas. How about you, Daniel?
  M: I like tomatoes. They are my favourite.  
3. W: After class, Millie likes to read stories, but Kitty likes to play the piano.
M: Oh, I see.
4. W: Is Miss Wang a policewoman?
  M: No, she isn’t. She is an English teacher.
5.W: Is the clot hes shop closed now?
M: No. It is closed at 6:00. We still have fifteen minutes.
6. W: Hello, Jack! What are you doing?
  M: I am watching matches and Nancy is cooking.
7. W: What would you like to do after school, John?
  M: I usually listen to music. It makes me feel great.
8. W: Swimming is my favourite sport. I go swimming twice a week.
  M: I like football best. And I play it after school every day.
9. W: What day is it today?
  M: It’s Wednesday. Oh, no, to morrow is Wednesday.
10. W: Is that tall girl with glasses Sally?
  M : Yes, she is my new classmate. She like drawing, but she doesn’t like reading or singing.
B. 聽下面3段對話或短文。每段對話或短文后各有幾道小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。(每段對話或短文讀兩遍)
W: Good morning. Can I help you?
M: I’d like to buy a hat for my daughter.
W: What about the yellow one? It’s made of cotton. It is $ 14.
M: She likes yellow, but I think that’s too expensive.
W: How about the pink one? it’s $16, but it’s a woolen one
M: It looks very nice. I’ll take this one.
聽第一篇短文,回答第13~15小題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案,完成信息記錄表。 To most Chinese people, supper is the most important meal of the day. How can we eat a hea lthy supper? First, it’s necessary to drink some soup before eating. Then, during the supper, you’d better eat some vegetables, meat and rice. They are good for your health and give you e nough energy. After supper, you can take a walk for about half an hour and have some fruit.
I’m Sandy. Today is  my birthday. I’m 13 years old now. There is a birthday party at my home at noon. There are some drinks, food, fruit and flowers on the table. There is a birthday cake too. My f riends come to my party. They give a lot of presents to me, hairclips, CDs, cards, toys and storybooks. My uncle comes to the party too. He buys me some chocolate. They are my favourite. My parents buy me a music CD. We listen to music and chat with each other. At last, all of them  sing the birthday song to me, then we eat the big cake. In the afternoon we go to fly kites in the park. We take some nice photos. I have a happy birthday.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1107294.html
