
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


一. 聽力測試。(每小題1分,共20分)
Ⅰ.聽5個句子,從A、B、C 三個選項中選擇最佳應(yīng)答語,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。每個句子聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分)
(  )1.A.They're in the bookcase.  B.Yes,they are.    C.No,they're on the desk.

(  )2.A.He has a soccer ball.      B.She has a basketball.  C.I have a baseball.

(  )3.A.Yes,I do.              B.No,I don't.         C.That sounds good.

(  )4.A.OK.                   B.I like salad.          C.I see.

(  )5.A.No, it isn't.             B.Yes.It's a tape.   C.The tape player is on the bookcase.
Ⅱ.聽5段短對話,從A、B、C 三個選項中選擇最佳答案,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。每段對話聽兩遍。(共5小題,每小題1分)
(  )6.Where's Jim's ping­pong ball?
A.In his desk.   B.In his box.  C.In his bag.

(  )7.Grace thinks watching TV is ________.
A.interesting    B.relaxing     C.boring

(  )8.The boy has ________ soccer ball(s).
A.one          B.two        C.three

(  )9.The CD is ________.
A.David's        B.John's       C.Jack's

(  )10.A ________ is under the chair.
A.dictionary     B.pencil       C.book
Ⅲ.聽1段長對話,從A、B、C 三個選項中選擇最佳答案,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。對話聽三遍。(共5小題,每小題1分)
(  )11.Diana is looking for her ______.
A.pencil box        B.pencil box and ID card    C.pen and pencil
(  )12.Diana's last name is ______.
A.Diana             B.Schwartz    C.Steve

(  )13.The ID card is ______.
A.Diana's           B.Mike's      C.Steve's

(  )14.That's ______ pencil box.
A.Diana's           B.Mike's      C.Steve's

(  )15.Diana's pencil box is ______.
A.blue              B.red         C.yellow
(  )16.What does Ben have for breakfast?
A.Bread and milk.        B.Pears and eggs.       C.Eggs and bread.

(  )17.Does Ben like chicken?
A.Yes,he does.          B.No,he doesn't.       C.We don't know.

(  )18.What does Ben think of watching games on TV?
  A.It's interesting.          B.It's good for health.    C.It's bad for health.

(  )19.What vegetables does Ben like?
A.Broccoli.              B.Carrots.              C.Potatoes.

(  )20.What vegetables doesn't Ben like?
A.Bananas.              B.Pears.                C.Tomatoes.

(  )21. Here is ________ basketball. Do you play ________ basketball?
A. a; the        B. a; a         C. a; /          D. an; /
(  )22. Is this ________ dictionary?  No, it isn’t. It is ______ dictionary.
      A. you;  his     B. your; he      C. you;  he    D. your;  his
(  )23. I like oranges, ________ my sister doesn’t like ________.
A. and; they    B. so; them C. but; them  D. but; they
(  )24.  My friend plays soccer very ________?
      A. well   B. good  C. fine  D. nice
(  )25.?How is your grandmother. Tom?  --__________.
A. She is 62 years old      B. She is OK      C. I’m fine.      D  Sorry
(  )26.—Do you play baseball? —No, but I watch baseball games _____ TV.
A. on          B. at        C. in         D. for
(  )27. _______ Kate’s father _______ chicken?
A. Does; likes  B. Does; like C. Do; likes  D. Do; like
(  )28.—Are ______ your cousins? —No. I don’t know ______.
A. they; they   B. they; them   C. them; they   D. them; them
(  )29. —Mom, I want _______ a banana. —OK.
       A. eat   B. to eat   C. eats   D. eating
(  )30. —What does she have ________ dinner?
—Only some rice.
A. with        B. at          C. for            D. in
(  )31. I ______ two pens, and my brother ______ three.
A. have; has    B. has; have   C. have; have   D. has; has
(  )32. —________?
—I am thirteen.
A. How much is it        B. How old are you
C. How are you          D. When is your birthday
(  )33.—Let’s have some ______. —OK. I like fruit.
A. bananas      B. hamburgers      C. eggs       D. chicken
(  )34. This book is good. I’ll ________ it.
A. take        B. look        C. need         D. help
(  )35. —Let’s play soccer. —______. It’s interesting.
A. I don’t play soccer     B. I don’t have a soccer ball
C. That sounds difficult     D. That sounds good
  Zhang Hua is a Middle School student (中學(xué)生). She goes to school at 7:30 am. She has lunch  36  , but she has 37 and dinner at home(在家). The time (時間)  38   lunch is from (從) 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Zhang Hua and her 39   , Lucy, have lunch in the school dining hall (餐廳). The food there is 40   . They like the food. Lucy often has some chicken and a hamburger. But Zhang Hua  41  . She likes to have vegetables and fruit salad. They have  42   classes a day, four in the morning and three in the afternoon. Zhang Hua likes English and Lucy likes 43   . In the evening, Zhang Hua  44   dinner with (和) her parents. They have some vegetables,   45   and meat (肉) for dinner.
( )36. A. at home   B. in the club   C. at school   D. in her room
( )37. A. dinner    B. breakfast     C. lunch       D. food
( )38. A. in        B. to            C. for         D. with
( )39. A. mother    B. grandmother   C. aunt        D. friend
( )40. A. many       B. great       C. difficult   D. last
( )41. A. doesn’t   B. does        C. isn’t      D. is
( )42. A. three      B. four        C. five        D. seven
( )43. A. chicken    B. food        C. math        D. salad
( )44. A. watches    B. likes       C. calls       D. has
( )45. A. fruit      B. balls       C. rooms       D. books


Lucy I like sports. I have ten tennis balls, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and five soccer balls. I play tennis with my friends every day.

Mary I have five baseballs, five volleyballs, two soccer balls. I like ping-pong. It's easy for me. I often play ping-pong with my classmates. I also have three ping-pong bats and lots of ping-pong balls.

Alice I don't have any balls. I love sports, but I don't play them. I only watch them on TV.

(     )46. Lucy and Mary have ________ volleyballs.
      A. four            B. five            C. eight       D. nine

(     )47. Lucy plays ________ every day.
      A. ping-pong        B. tennis         C. baseball    D. soccer

(     )48. Mary doesn't have________.
      A. volleyballs       B. ping-pong balls  C. baseballs    D. basketballs

(     )49.________ has two soccer balls.
      A. Mary            B. Lucy          C. Alice      D. Mary and Lucy

(     )50. Alice _____________.
      A. has no balls                       B. doesn't like sports
      C. thinks ping-pong is easy             D. plays sports with her classmates

Dave is a 12-year-old boy.There are three people in his family:his father,mother and he.They are in Shanghai.Dave likes blue.Look,his jacket and backpack are blue.He is in Class 3.22 boys and 18 girls are in his class.His good friends Liu Kun and Li Lei are in Class 3,too.Miss Wang is their math teacher.She is a good teacher.Her classes are interesting.Math is not difficult for them!
Dave likes playing computer games,but he doesn’t play them every day.He plays sports every day.It is good for his health.
(   )51.________people are in Dave’s family.
A.Three         B.Four          C.Five          D.Six
(   )52.Dave’s ________and ________are blue.
A.jacket;hat       B.jacket;backpack       C.bag;notebook        D.backpack;eraser
(   )53. ________students are in Dave’s class.
A.18             B.22             C.28            D.40
(   )54.Miss Wang’s classes are ________   .
A.difficult         B.boring         C.interesting      D.well
(   )55.Dave ________every day.
A.plays sports      B.plays computer games      C.watches TV     D.eats apples


Jack likes eggs,bananas and apples.  So every day,he has two eggs,one apple,a cup of milk and some bread for breakfast.But for lunch,he has bananas,some chicken and vegetables.And for dinner,he has tomatoes,F(xiàn)rench fries and ice cream.His sister likes dessert,oranges and apples.She often(經(jīng)常) has some hamburgers,one apple and bread for her breakfast.She likes tomatoes,salad and some fish(魚) for lunch.For dinner,she likes strawberries and some chicken.
(   )56. What does Jack have for his breakfast?    
      A.Some hamburgers,one apple and bread.
B.Bananas,one egg and a cup of milk.
C.Two eggs,one apple and a cup of milk. 
D.One apple,two eggs,some bread and a cup of milk.
(   )57._______ likes dessert,oranges and apples.    
A.Jack       B.Jack’s mother    C.Jack’s father    D.Jack’s sister (   )58.Jack has ________ for his dinner.     
A.  tomatoes                   B.French fries and ice cream
C.bananas and some chicken      D.A and B
(   )59.Jack has some chicken ______ ,but his sister has some chicken ________.
A.for breakfast;for dinner        B. for lunch;for dinner
C. for dinner;for lunch          D. for dinner;for dinner
 (   )60.Which is right(正確的)?    
A.Jack likes dessert,but he doesn’t like apples.    
B.Jack likes vegetables, his sister likes them, too.     
C.Jack has two eggs for breakfast,but his sister has one egg.    
D.Jack has bananas for lunch,and his sister has apples for lunch.
A: Hi! What’s your name?
B: My name is Helen.      61  
A: I’m Bob. Do you like sports?
B:     62    Tennis is my favorite sport.
A: Oh, I like tennis, too. Let’s play tennis.
B:     63     Do you have a tennis ball?
A: No, I don’t.       64   
B: Where’s his tennis ball?
A:      65    Let me get it.
B: OK. You can ask Jack to play with us. 66—70  FADBG
A: Great!
A. Yes, I do.
B. But my brother Jack does.
C. No, he doesn’t.
D. Sounds good.
E. He is in the classroom.
F. What about you?
G. In his classroom.
六.詞匯. (共10小題,每小題1分,共計10分)
1. We don’t think math is __________ (困難的).
2. Do you eat __________ (健康的) food every day?
3. Alan _______ (總是) asks.
4.  Some books are on the __________(老師) desk.
5. My father and mother are my parents. I’m their ____(女兒).
   be    price    carrot    go    but

41. Let’s _______ to the clothes store.

42. In my room, my books and tapes _________ on the desk.

43. I don’t have a baseball, ______ I have a soccer ball.

44. For lunch, I always eat________. They are healthy food.

45. We sell all our clothes at very good ________.

七.動詞應(yīng)用. (共10小題,每小題1分,共計10分)
1. My sister __________(not have) a soccer ball.

2. Bruce only __________(watch) sports on TV!

3. Michael __________(have) a computer.

4. Let’s _________(go) to play volleyball.

5. Does your father _________(play) sports every day?

6.He wants ______(is) a sports star.

7.What about ________(play)tennis?

8. Lucy likes ________(watch ) TV in the evening.

9. Here ________ (be) some oranges.

10. It’s easy for me ________(play)volleyball.

1.   My brother and  I are in the same school.

2.   Do you like hamburgers for dinner?

3.   我認為你的手表在你祖父母的房間里。

4.   下課后,我和我的同班同學(xué)們打乒乓球。

5.   早餐你喜歡什么?

Name: Bob           
Age(年齡): 13 
Subject(科目): English
Food: chicken,  carrots
Fruit: strawberries
Sports: basketball 
Dream(夢想): a basketball star 
提示詞匯: interesting, difficult, healthy food, want to be (想成為), star 
要求:  1. 語句通順、語意連貫;  
2. 介紹要包括表格中的所有內(nèi)容; 
3. 不少于50詞。   

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1121531.html
