
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


(  )1.What's this in English?
A.An eraser.  B.A ruler.  C.A pencil
 (  )2.Is the map in his parents' room?
A.Yes,it is.  B.No,it isn't.  C.I don't know.
 (   )3.Do Jim have a sofa in his room?
A.Yes,he does.  B.No,he doesn't.  C.We don't know
(  )4.What does Peter like for lunch?
A.Ice ¬cream and salad.     B.Rice and chicken. C.Vegetables.
(  )5.What fruit does Jack like?
A.Pears.  B.Apples.  C.Oranges.
(  )6. Is the bag five dollars?
A.Yes,it is.  B.No,it isn't.  C.I don't know.
二 、  聽長對話,選答案。(讀兩遍)
( )7.  Where  are  these  two  people ?
          A.   At  school.   B.   At  home.   C.  At  a  store.
( )8.  What  color  does  the  man’s  daughter  like ?
          A.     White.     B.   Blue.        C.  Purple.
( )9.  How  much  are  the  skirt  and  the  hat ?
          A.   30  dollars.  B.   42  dollars.   C.  12  dollars.
( )10.  Sally likes __________.
           A.  carrots  B.  salad.  C.  A and B.
( )11.  Sally doesn’t like ________.
           A.    salad        B.       vegetables        C.  bananas
( )12.  Tom likes ___________.
           A.  salad     B.    grapes    C.  onions
(  )13.When does Julie always go to school?
A.At 7:00 a.m.  B.At 7:30 a.m.  C.At 8:00 a.m.
(  )14.What subject does Julie have on Tuesday and Friday?
A.P.E.  B.English.  C.Music.
(  )15.How much is Julie's basketball?
A.50 yuan.  B.100 yuan.  C.200 yuan.
 (  )16.They meet ________.
A.in the morning      B.in the afternoon
C.in the evening
(  )17.What's the boy's last name?
A.Black.  B.Smith.  C.Miller.
(  )18.What color is the ruler?
A.Brown.  B.Blue.  C.Purple.
(  )19.How old is Lily?
A.11.        B.12.        C.13.
(  )20.When is Lily's birthday?
A.On December 1st.    B.On December 21st. C.On December 31st.
21.( )  How  many  people(多少人)  are  there  in  the  boy’s  family ?
           A.   Seven .         B.      Four .            C.  Three .
22.( )  Who  doesn’t  like  chicken ?
           A.   His  father .    B.      His  mother .      C.  The  boy .
23( )What does the boy’s father like?
A. Chicken   B. Vegetables   C. Hamburgers
24. (  )  Where  is  the  boy ?
           A.  In the UK.       B.   In the USA .     C. In China.
25.( )  Who  likes  eggs ?
           A.   The  boy  and  his  sister .       B.  The  boy’s  parents .
           C.   All  the  people  in  the  family .


(     )1. This is____ Japanese book. It’s not ____English book. 
 A. a; a      B. an; an      C. a; an      D. an; a
(     )2. I have many _____ for breakfast.
        A. orange     B. oranges    C. chickens       D. carrot
(     )3. I want ______ a teacher for the children.
        A. be      B. to be       C.are       D.become
(     )4. What ________ she have ________ dinner?
A.do, in      B.does, for     C.is, at       D.can, for
(     )5. ______a dog. ______name is Coco.
         A. Its; It’s    B. It’s; It’s    C. Its; Its     D. It’s; Its
(     )6. ---Does Tim like his father? ----_______.
         A. Yes, he likes           B. No, he does 
         C. Yes, he does           D. No, he doesn’t like.
(     )7. The policemen’s _______ are in the tree.
         A. child     B. children    C. childs      D. child’s
(     )8.  I  like  Friday         we  have  music  and  art.
           A.    and      B.    but      C.    because     D.    so
(     )9. Do you have_______ flowers?
         A. any      B. some     C.  are    D. much                 
(     )10. ---         are  those  shoes ?  --- They’re  $40.
          A.  How  much    B.  Who    C.  What    D.  Whose
(     )11. ---Your new shoes are very beautiful.
         A. No, not beautiful           B. I like my shoes.
         C. Thanks.                  D. You are beautiful, too.
(     )12. —Is this _______pencil? —Yes, ________
         A. your, it is  B. you, it, is  C. your,  it's  D. you, it's.
(     )13. - Do you have _____ basketball? Let’s play_______basketball.
      A. an, a    B. a, a    C. /, /    D. a,/
(     )14. ---Do  you  like  vegetables ?  ---No ,  but  my  brothers         .
           A.   likes     B.    like     C.    does     D.    do
 (    )15. —When is Jim’s birthday?    —________ August 11th.
A. They’re    B. It’s     C. Jim’s     D. Here
I work in a small shop. It’s near an English  ____16 . Every day students come to  17____  things.
In the  18___  . I get up at six. And then I have breakfast.
I get to (到達) the  19__  at about six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We _20___ things like(比如) food and drink. We have school things,  21___  .So there  22 __ often many people in our shop  23 ___ morning to evening.
I have  24___  in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home  25___  supper.
(   )16. A. farm  B. factory   C. school   D. river
(   )17. A. buy  B. sell   C. take   D. want
(   )18. A. evening  B. afternoon   C. noon    D. morning
(   )19. A. classroom.  B. school   C. shop   D. club
(   )20. A. buy   B. sell   C. sale   D. like
(   )21. A. too  B. also   C. and   D. but
(   )22. A. are  B. have   C. see   D. come
(   )23. A. in   B. on   C. at    D. from
(   )24. A. supper  B. breakfast  C. tea   D. lunch
(   )25. A. to   B. at    C. with   D. for

    Hello, everyone. My name is Johnson. I’m a middle school student. I am a soccer fan . I play soccer after school every day. My father is a soccer fan, too. He plays soccer very well. I like playing soccer with my father very much. We have a great collection of fifteen soccer balls. But my mother and my sister don’t like soccer. They only watch TV at home. They say many TV programs are very interesting. 
(   ) 26. What sport do Johnson and his father like?
 A.football   B. basketball     C. volleyball  D. tennis
(   ) 27. _________ plays soccer very well.
A. Johnson                B. Johnson’s father     
C. Johnson’s mother         D.Johnson’s sister
(   ) 28. Does Johnson play soccer with his father?
A. Yes, he does.            B. No, he doesn’t.   
C. We don’t know.           D. Yes, he plays.
(   ) 29. How many soccer balls do Johnson and his father have?
A. Many.                  B. 15.  
 C. 50                     D.We don’t know.
(   ) 30. Do Johnson’s mother and sister play soccer?
A. Yes, they do.            B. We don’t know.   
C. No, they don’t.           D.Yes, they are

      Wen Feng Store Sale                       
  Goods     Colors  price(each)
  Socks   Black,white,green     $ 3
 Sweater    Black     $15
  Hat     Blue, white     $ 4
 T-shirt     Red,green     $14
  Shoes     Black and white     $25
  Bag     Blue     $5
(   )31.In all goods,______ is(are) cheap.
    A.Bag    B.Shoes    C.Hat    D.Socks
(   )32.Jack wants to buy two pairs of socks,one bag and two hats.How much are they?
    A.Twenty-one yuan.   B. Nineteen yuan.
    C.Eighteen dollars.    D. Nineteen dollars.
(   )33.Mary only likes blue,so she will buy ________ .
  A.socks and bag        B.pants and sweater
   C.hat and bag          D.shoes and hat
(   )34.The store has hat in _______.
   A.a(chǎn)ll colors        B.blue,white and black
   C.blue and black    D.white and blue
(   )35.Peter has twenty dollars,so what can he buy?
   A.Two bags and one T-shirt.
   B.Three hats and two bags.
C.One sweater and two pairs of socks.
D.One T-shirt and one bag.
Tina and Lisa are middle school students. They want to go shopping. And they don’t have classes on Sunday . So they go to the store. It is a very nice store. They can buy a lot of things there. Tina buys a pen and Lisa buys a pencil case. In the store, there is also food. Tina buys some apples and bananas. Lisa buys some tomatoes and carrots for her mother. They are very happy to go back home with their things.
(   ) 36. Where do Tina and Lisa buy these things?
A. At school.      B. In a store.       C. In a club.      D. In a fruit shop.
(   ) 37. They buy these things _____________.
A. on Monday   B. on Tuesday   C. on Saturday    D. on Sunday
(   ) 38. What does Tina buy?
A. A pen.      B. A pencil case.   C. Fruit.            D. A and C.
(   ) 39. Who does Lisa buy some vegetables for?
A. Her mother.  B. Her father.      C. Her sister.   D. Her friend.
(   ) 40. Where do they go after they buy the things?
A. They go to school.
B. They go to the classroom.
C. They stay (停留) at the store.
D. They go home.

Uncle Lee is coming to have dinner with us. __41_We don't have any meat. We need to buy some. 42____. But now two kilos are sixty yuan. I say, "Mom, let's buy some fish." Mom answers, "OK." 43_____We buy one kilo and a half. We also buy some vegetables and some chicken, 44_____. Uncle Lee doesn't like them at all. 45_____You know, I like bananas, oranges and peaches, but I like apples best. But we can't find any. We go home at a quarter to five in the afternoon.
A. It's ten yuan a kilo before.
B. but we don't buy any hamburgers.
C. Mom also wants to buy some apples for me.
D. Mom and I go shopping.
F. We are at the shop
E.Fish is Uncle Lee's favorite food
51.她有三個排球。She _______________________________.
52. 我的書在背包里。My books _____________________________.
53. 那雙紅鞋多少錢?__________________the red ______?
54. 學(xué)生應(yīng)該有良好的飲食習(xí)慣。Students should have good____________________________
55. 那些是新字典嗎? _________________________________.

I am English. M  1   name is Ron. I’m eleven. I h  2   two friends. They’re s  3  .
T  4   names are Kate and Susan. W  5   all like sports. I l  6   volleyball. Kate like   v7  , too. Susan likes basketball. She h  8   three basketballs. We p  9   basketball after school. We often watch the games o  10   TV.

1______  2_____  3_____ 4_____ 5_____6_____ 7_____  8_____   9_____  10_______
七、 書面表達(共15 分)
   (1)  11歲,生日是9月2號,電話是4756-1089 。
  (2) 家有4個人,父母、弟弟和Alice。
  (3) 喜歡綠色,不喜歡黑色;喜歡水果,不喜歡蔬菜。
  (4) 喜歡運動,有3個棒球,2個籃球,5個排球,每天和我一起運動。        _____________________________________________________________________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1148766.html
