
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(考試時(shí)間:120分鐘  滿分:150分)

第一部分  選擇題(85分)
一、聽力  (共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)
第一部分  聽對(duì)話,回答問題。
本部分共有10道小題, 每小題你將聽到一段對(duì)話, 每段對(duì)話聽兩遍。在聽每段對(duì)話前, 你將有5秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目;聽完后, 你還有5秒鐘的時(shí)間選出你認(rèn)為最合適的備選答案。
1. Where are they going first?
A.    B.     C. 
2. What don’t they buy?
A.    B.       C. 
3. How much does one New Year Card cost?
A.       B.      C. 
4. Which festival is coming soon?
A.    B.     C. 
5. What does Alice plan to do?
A. Dance.      B. Watch the lion dance.    C. Let off fireworks.
6. Who can’t come back at the Mid-autumn Festival?
A. Jim’s uncle.     B. Lily’s daughter.     C. Jim’s cousin.
7. Why does Amy want to buy the scarf?
A. Because she thinks it is beautiful.  B. Because it will make her warm in winter.
C. Because she thinks it is very cheap.
8. When will the man give the book back to the library?
A. Wednesday.     B. Thursday.       C. Friday.
9. Why doesn’t Sam eat the cake?
A. Because he doesn’t like it.       B. Because he has bad teeth.     
C. Because he can’t open his mouth.
10. What does Julia need for her trip?
A. A map.      B. Coats.      C. A phone.
第二部分  聽對(duì)話或短文,回答問題。
11. What is Amy listening to?
A. Music.       B. A story.     C. A talk.
12. Why does Tony like listening to stories?
A. Because they are interesting.     B. Because they are popular.     
C. Because they are short.
Wendy’s day
Morning Wendy gets up at 7:30.
Wendy takes    13    first and then takes a bus to go to work.
Afternoon Wendy usually   14   .
Evening Wendy has a rest at home.
Wendy goes to bed    15  .
13. A. the underground    B. a taxi      C. a train
14. A. visits other companies  B. plays sports    C. has meetings
15. A. at 10:30 p.m.    B. before 11:30 p.m.   C. after 11:30 p.m.
16. How many people are there in Tom’s family?
A. Three.      B. Four.      C. Five.
17. What is Tom interested in?
A. Watching trains.   B. Swimming in summer.  C. Walking the dog.
18. What does Peter do when he sees a train?
A. He writes down its name and number. B. He draws it.  C. He runs with it.
19. Who likes walking the dog?
A. Tom’s sister.      B. Tom’s brother.     C. Tom’s father.
20. What does Tom’s mother like doing for the family?
A. Buying new clothes.    B. Doing housework.     C. Cooking food.
二、單項(xiàng)選擇  從下列每題所給的選項(xiàng)中,選擇一個(gè)最佳答案。(共20小題;每小題1分;滿分20分)
21. — Excuse me, is there _______ restaurant in front of the street? 
   —Yes. There is _________ in front of that building.
A. a; one     B. a; it      C. one; a     D. one; it
22. Our geography teacher tells us to __________ more about our city and share it next week.
A. find out     B. think about     C. chat with    D. talk with
23. At __________, we eat rice dumplings and have a boat race.
A. the Mid-Autumn Festival      B. the Spring Festival 
C. the Dragon Boat Festival      D. Christmas
24. The dishes in the restaurant are very expensive. But don’t worry. You can enjoy yourself. It’s my __________.
A. time      B. treat      C. money    D. food
25. China’s first home-built aircraft carrier(國產(chǎn)航空母艦) hit the water in Dalian ________ the morning of April 26, 2017.
A. in      B. on       C. at      D. to
26. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can use the Internet or go to the library, or __________. 
A. all       B. some      C. both     D. any
27. — _________do you get the presents?
— In a shop near my home.
A. When     B. Where      C. Why     D. How
28. — Good morning. I’d like a birthday gift for my mother.
— What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it_____________ soft and smooth.
A. feels     B. smells      C. sounds    D. becomes
29. Would you please speak clearly? I can’t hear you __________.
   A. good    B. well            C. bad   D. badly 
30. __________ children are becoming the “Heads-down”Tribe(低頭族). It is _________ bad.
A. Too many; much too       B. Too much; much too 
C. Much too; too much       D. Too many; too much
31. My grandmother is very fat. The doctor asks her to ______ and _______.
   A. eat more; exercise more    B. eat less; exercise less
   C. eat less; exercise more     D. eat more; exercise less
32. —What can I do for you, sir? —I’d like two____________. We all like fruit.
   A. bowls of rice    B. boxes of apples  C. cartons of milk  D. bottles of water
33. Eating too much is ________ for your ________.
   A. good; health    B. bad; healthy     C. good; healthy  D. bad; health
34. — The pair of jeans ___________ a lot of money.
 — So I can’t buy ___________.
A. costs; them     B. spends; them  C. takes; it      D. cost; them
35. Look! Here __________ Simon. He ___________ a pink shirt and a pair of jeans.
A. comes; is wearing       B. goes; is putting away 
C. comes; is putting on        D. goes; is dressing
36. —Hello, Kitty! I am going to a party this evening. —_________________.
   A. Have fun!         B. Good luck!
C. That’s all right.            D. OK, go!
37. Bob couldn’t buy the book because he had only________ money with him.
A. a little   B. few    C. a few    D. little
38. Sweets are nice to eat, ________ I don’t often eat them because they are not healthy.
   A. but   B. and    C. or    D. for
39. Tom is _________ late for school. He goes to school on time(準(zhǔn)時(shí)) every day.
   A. always   B. often    C. never    D. seldom
40. It’s ten o’clock. The book shop ______ now. It usually _____ at nine in the evening.
   A. closes; closes               B. is closed; closes  
C. is closing; is closed               D. closes; is closed
三、完形填空  閱讀短文,從每題所給選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
One day, I am reading a newspaper when my wife calls me in the kitchen, “Will you   41 
here and make your daughter eat her food?”
I throw the   42    away and runs to my 8-year-old daughter, Millie. In front of her is a bowl of rice. She says to me: “Dad, I want to do a special thing.   43   I eat all the rice, will you let me do it?” “OK.” I say.
“Dad, I want to cut(剪掉) all my hair from my   44   this Sunday.” She says. I feel a little surprised(驚訝的). “Millie, why don’t you ask for something else? We will be   45    when we see your cleanshaven(剃光的) head.”
“Dad, you say you will let me   46    it!” Millie cries.
On Monday morning, I   47    her to school. I watch my hairless(沒有頭發(fā)的) daughter walking to her classroom. I see a boy with a hairless head. He   48   another car, and shouts: “Millie, please   49     for me.”
“Sir, your daughter is   50    .” A woman gets out of the    51   , and says, “That boy is my son, Harish. He is ill. He lost(失去了) all his hair because of chemotherapy(化療). He doesn’t   52    to go to school. Millie visits him and I don’t know she would cut her hair
  53    my son! ”
I stand there, and I can’t    54    anything. “Thank you, my little angel! You are teaching me what love is!” I think. My daughter is a    55    girl. She lives for her friends.  
41. A. come      B. go     C. ride    D. drive
42. A. book      B. magazine    C. picture   D. newspaper
43. A. But     B. Before     C. And         D. If
44. A. head      B. foot     C. hand    D. leg
45. A. happy     B. sad     C. healthy      D. excited
46. A. do     B. have   C. eat      D. drink
47. A. fly     B. ride         C. walk         D. drive
48. A. gets out of  B. gets into    C. gets on    D. gets away from
49. A. look    B. ask    C. wait     D. answer
50. A. interesting    B. bright   C. great        D. clever
51. A. bus     B. taxi    C. train   D. car
52. A. want   B. need   C. hate   D. have
53. A. about     B. for      C. of     D. in
54. A. say      B. speak    C. tell      D. talk
55. A. kind     B. bad        C. strong    D. healthy
四、閱讀理解  閱讀下列短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)
Mr. White’s house is less than two miles from his office, so he can drive home every day for lunch. Every time he drives home at noon, he finds many cars outside his house and there is no room(空間)for his own car. He has to drive somewhere else to park his car. Then he walks back home. This makes him very angry.
He puts up a board in the garden facing the road. The board says, “No Parking”. But nobody notices(注意)it. People seem to listen to only a police notice(公告)with white letters on a blue board:
Mrs. White asks his husband to steal(偷)a police notice but he doesn’t want to do so. Then she asks him to make one just like a police notice. Mr. White says he is not the police and can’t use the word “police”. Several days later, Mr. White makes a blue board with white letters.
“Oh!” Mrs. White says, “You tell me you aren’t going to use the word ‘police’, but why do you use it now?” “Really?” he asked. “Look again,” she starts to laugh. “You are really clever”.
56. Mr. White’s office was __________ his house.
A. next to      B. opposite     C. not far from      D. 5 miles from
57. Mr. White is angry because __________.
A. he finds no room to park his car outside his house
B. he has nothing to eat for lunch at home
C. he can’t find his way when he drives back home one day
D. he can’t make a police notice outside his house
58. From the passage, we can know Mr. White makes __________ notice board(s).
A. two      B. one      C. three       D. no
59. In the end, Mr. White makes a notice board and it __________.
A. is the same as a police notice           
B. is different in color from a police notice
C. just looks like a police notice            
60. We can infer(推斷)that __________ after he puts up the blue board.
A. people park their cars outside his house
B. policemen park their cars outside his house
C. no people park their cars outside his house
D. people will visit him at noon    
I ask my classmates about what they think of fashion. Here are some of their answers:
Sarah Brady
I am interested in fashion. I enjoy reading fashion books and going to clothes shops. But I seldom buy fashionable(流行的) clothes. They are too expensive. I have two or three silk dresses and I often wear them to go for a party. But most of the time I wear jeans and a T-shirt. My sister Jenny and I often borrow each other’s clothes. That way we can both wear something new but without spending too much.
Mary Wilson
 Fashion isn’t for me. I don’t care about fashion and models. I usually wear comfortable clothes, like jeans, T-shirts and sports shoes. Most of my friends wear the same kind of clothes. We seldom talk about famous models. We talk about music a lot.
Kate Freeman
 Fashion is important because it says something about your personality(個(gè)性). I am a lovely girl and I wear my clothes to reflect this. Usually I buy some cheap clothes and then change them at home. I like designing my own clothes.
61. Sarah Brady seldom buys fashionable clothes because ____________.
A. she doesn’t care about fashion
B. she doesn’t have enough money
C. she can’t borrow her sister’s
D. she hates spending money on clothes
62. Mary and her friends often talk about ____________.
A. fashion     B. model      C. music      D. sports
63. The underlined word “reflect” means ___________ in Chinese.
A. 適合      B. 反映       C. 與…般配     D. 裝扮
64. Kate Freeman thinks that ________________.
A. fashionable clothes don’t cost too much
B. it’s not smart to wear fashionable clothes at home
C. designing your own clothes is out of fashion
D. what you wear can say a lot about you
65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Sarah seldom wears jeans and a T-shirt when she goes out.
B. Mary never wears the same clothes as her friends.
C. Kate enjoys making her own clothes.
D. Both Mary and Kate are interested in fashion.  
Do you know about YOLO? It is short for “You only live once”. It is a popular lifestyle now. After an American rapper(說唱藝人) Drake uses this saying in his song The Motto. More young people use it in their life. They say, “Life is short, so make the most of it.”
If you have the idea of YOLO, you need to make the most of every day. You need to enjoy your life because you only get one. You can do lots of fun activities or meet more friends.
But some people say it isn’t just a popular saying. They make two groups of students do an experiment(實(shí)驗(yàn)). The first group is ready to go to a new city in 30 days. Then the members in the first group do lots of activities and spend more time with their families and friends. The second group doesn’t change their lifestyle. After a month, people find out the first group is much better.
YOLO is really good for health. Would you like to try it?
66. After a rapper from ___________ uses this saying, YOLO becomes(開始變得) popular.
A. China      B. France     C. the UK      D. the USA
67. What does YOLO mean according to the passage? 
A. Life is short.        B. A healthy lifestyle is important.
C. You only live once.           D. Your life is wonderful.
68. If Andy has the idea of YOLO, he __________.
A. can’t do anything wrong         B. can be much happier than others
C. can’t change his lifestyle     D. can never spend time with family
69. From the experiment, we know _____________.
A. only a group of students are interested the activity
B. the first group plans to go to a new city in 30 days
C. the students in the second group do lots of activities
D. the students in both groups have a YOLO lifestyle
70. What’s the main(主要的) idea of the passage?
A. Life is short, so we must work hard.B. Students now have different lifestyles.
C. A YOLO lifestyle may be healthy.D. We don’t need to change our lifestyle.  
第二部分 非選擇題(65分)
A. 根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子(每空一詞)。
71. This kind of camera is too ____________(昂貴的). I don’t think I can buy it.
72. Chinese people often get ___________(在一起) to celebrate Mid-autumn Festival.
73. It is a good habit to brush our ____________(牙齒). You must keep them clean.
74. Don’t __________(借) money to Andy any more! He is a gambler(賭徒)!
75. The pair of jeans __________(合身) me well. Why not buy them?
76. Smiles on the ___________(lady ) faces show how they enjoy the race.
77. —Where is Tom, Dad? Here is a letter for him. —He __________(lie) on the bed.
78. The boy seems ____________(interesting) in the stories about Chang’e very much.
79. The leather shoes feel __________ (bad). Maybe you need to give them back to the shop.
80. Simon ___________(be not) afraid of dogs. He is playing with them.
81. Our teacher is coming. He teaches ___________(we) Chinese.
82. We want to make the street beautiful, so we need to plant twenty ________ (many) trees.
83. The shopping mall is a ____(real) fun place to go. I often go there to buy something to eat.
84. Daniel goes swimming ________________ (two) a week. He is very strong.
85. He spends all his free time ________________ (sit) in front of the computer.
六、完成句子  請(qǐng)根據(jù)所給中文,完成句子,每空一詞。(共10空;每空0.5分,滿分5分)
86. —讓我們晚飯后帶著狗去散個(gè)步吧!冒桑
—Let’s take the dog for a walk after supper. —__________ __________.
87. 湯姆的帽子與我的不同。他的看上去很神氣。
Tom’s hat is ___________ _________mine. His looks smart.
88. 你在寫信給你的朋友告訴他關(guān)于這次時(shí)裝展的事嗎?
 Are you ____________ __________ your friend about the fashion show?
89. 我的襯衫是棉質(zhì)的。你的呢?
    My shirt is _________ ___________ cotton. What about yours?
90. 每周六,我的媽媽都要去參加晚宴。
    My mother __________ ____________ a dinner party every Saturday.
七、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 根據(jù)要求改寫句子,每空一詞(共10空;每空0.5分,滿分5分)
91. Jack sometimes goes to the museum at the weekend.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)
___________ __________ does Jack go to the museum at the weekend?
92. My father rides to the park every morning.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
My father goes to the park __________ __________every morning.
93. There is only one child in the classroom.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)
How many__________ __________ there in the classroom?
94. I spend one hundred yuan on the coat.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
   It __________ me one hundred yuan to _________ the coat.
95. What else would you like to buy from the shop?(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
   What _________ ___________ would you like to buy from the shop?
八、任務(wù)型閱讀  閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容,在文章后表格中的空格里填入一個(gè)最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。
It’s 7 a.m. It’s time to go to school. What? You don’t want to go? Well, maybe you don’t have to. Many children don’t go to school. They stay at home. Someone teaches them at home. Usually, their parents teach them, but sometimes a special teacher teaches them. This is home schooling.
There are many reasons for home schooling. Some children are very ill and can’t go to school. Some students live very far in the country. There aren’t any schools near their homes. Sometimes, parents just don’t like schools near their home.
Home schooling sounds easy, but it’s really not. Home-school students have to do the same work as school students. They study the same subjects and have homework. Also, home-school students don’t meet other students in school. Sometimes, finding friends can be hard for them. Not going to school can be harder than you think.
                             Home    96  
What is home schooling? Some children study at    97  .
Who are the home-school students’ teachers?  Some special teachers or their    98   .
Why do some students study at home?  They are    99  .
They don’t live    100    school.
The school near their home is not    101   .
What do students do at home? Learn the same     102    as school students.
Also have    103    to do.
The disadvantage(缺點(diǎn)) of home schooling  Usually students at home don’t have many   104  .
Conclusion(結(jié)論)  In fact home schooling is   105  .
九、缺詞填空  根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及首字母提示,補(bǔ)全空格內(nèi)單詞,使短文完整、通順。(請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}紙上寫出完整單詞)(共10空;每空1分,滿分10分)
There are more and more vending machines(自動(dòng)售貨機(jī))around the city. Do you know h   106    to use them? Yes, you put in the m  107   , and then they give you snacks, drinks and your change(零錢).
Now a different kind of vending machine is p   108    in France. This machine is different because it doesn’t sell a   109   food or drinks. It sells short stories.
The machine comes from Short Edition, a short-story company(公司). The company says it can help you pass time when you are waiting at a bus s  110   , a train station or an airport(機(jī)場(chǎng)). And many people buy short stories b   111    they get on trains.
The machine is very lovely and e  112    to use. How much time do you like to s   113    reading the stories? You can choose(選擇): 1 minute, 3 minutes or 5 minutes. Then the machine sells you a short story. The p  114    are not very high. With a little money, you can make your waiting more interesting.
People first see this kind of machine at the airport. Now there are so many machines a  115     France. People all like them.
七(3)班的Lily 想?yún)⒓舆@個(gè)比賽。請(qǐng)你用以下信息為L(zhǎng)ily寫一篇演講稿。
1.  外貌:個(gè)子不是很高,但是看起來很健康。
2.  生活方式:媽媽告訴她身體健康很重要,經(jīng)常給她做健康的飯菜。并且要求她每天鍛煉半個(gè)小時(shí),因此她經(jīng)!
3.  衣著:喜歡穿色彩艷麗的衣服,今天穿了灰色和紅色相間的衣服,紅色長(zhǎng)筒靴。因?yàn)樗J(rèn)為….
Good afternoon, teachers and friends, glad to be here with you.
    I am Lily from Class3, Grade 7.                                                
___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
   That’s all! Thank you!

1-5 CCACB    6-10 CBCBA   11-15 AAACB  16-20 CBACC 
21-25 AACBB  26-30 CBABA  31-35 CBDAA  36-40 AAACB
41-45 ADDAB    46-50  ADACC    51-55 DABAA
56-60  CAACC 61-65 BCBDC    66-70 DCBBC
71. expensive   72. together    73. teeth       74. lend    75. fits
76. ladies’      77. is lying     78. interested    79. bad   80. isn’t
81. us   82. more   83. really   84. twice         85. sitting
86. All right.     87. different from  88. writing to   89. made of   90. goes for/to
 91. How often   92. by bike   93. children are   94. costs; buy   95. other things
96. schooling     97. home        98. parents       99. ill     100. near  
101. suitable/good    102.subjects     103.homework   104.friends   105. hard
 106. how   107. money     108. popular    109. any    110. stop/station
111. before    112. easy         113.spend      114. prices     115.around
Good afternoon, teachers and friends, glad to be here with you
I am Lily from Class 3, Grade 7. I am not very tall but I look healthy because I have a healthy lifestyle. My mother tells me health is important. And she often cooks healthy meals for me. She asks me to exercise for half an hour every day. So I usually go to school on foot.
I like colourful clothes. So I am wearing a grey and red sweater and a pair of red leather boots. I think the sweater matches the boots well. They look nice on me.
That’s all! Thank you!

第一部分 聽對(duì)話,回答問題。
本部分共有10道小題, 每小題你將聽到一段對(duì)話, 每段對(duì)話聽兩遍。在聽每段對(duì)話前, 你將有5秒鐘的時(shí)間閱讀題目;聽完后, 你還有5秒鐘的時(shí)間選出你認(rèn)為最合適的備選答案。
1. M: Shall we go and buy some fruit first?
W: En, we’d better go to have dinner first. I am so hungry.
M: OK, why not?
2. W: Oh, you buy so many things from the Suguo Supermarket. They are watermelons, apples, and…
M: Yes, because they are very cheap today. You see, I buy some bananas, too.
3. M: Your new cards are nice. Are they for the new year?
W: Of course. And ten cards only cost me twenty yuan.
4. W: What are you busy doing?
M: I am making some rice dumplings. You know, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.
5. M: Alice, why are you so happy?
W: Oh, there is a lion dance at the playground. I plan to watch it. Would you like to go with me?
6. W: Hi, Jim. It’s so happy that the Mid-autumn Festival is coming!
M: Yes, I can play with my uncle then. But my cousin Lily can’t come back. How sad!
7. W: How much is the scarf?
M: It is three hundred yuan, lady.
W: Oh, it is so expensive.
M: But it can make you warm in cold days.
W: OK, I will take it.
8. W: Do you like the book from the library?
M: Yes, it is very interesting.
W: Today is Friday. You should return the book to the library tomorrow.
M: Right, I will give it back this afternoon.
9. W: Why don’t you eat your chocolate cake, Sam? You don’t like chocolate?
  M: Yes, I do. But I am having trouble with my teeth.
10. M: Are you ready to go hiking, Julia?
   W: Well, I’ve got some food in my bag but I can’t find the map.
第二部分 聽對(duì)話或短文,回答問題。
M: Hello, Amy. What are you listening to?
W: Hi, Tony. I am listening to Erquan Yingyue.
M: What kind of music is that?
W: It’s Chinese music.
M: Sounds beautiful but sad. I like listening to stories.
W: Oh, why?
M: I think many stories are interesting and I feel happy when I listen to them.
My name is Wendy. Every morning, I get up at half past seven and leave my house at eight. It takes me about an hour to get to work. First I take the underground. After three stops, I get off and catch a bus. It takes me to my office. After working in the morning, I have lunch at twelve. In the afternoon, I usually have some meetings. I finish working at six. I often feel tired after a day’s work, so I go home and have a rest. But I never go to bed after 11:30 in the evening. I always go to bed before that. 
Hello, I am Tom. Let me tell you something about my family’s hobbies. I like swimming most. But it is too cold in winter, so I only swim in summer. I have many friends in the city. We often swim together. My little brother, Peter, likes watching trains. He goes to the station nearby and watches them carefully. When a train passes the station, he writes down its name and number. But he will not run with it. My sister’s hobby is doing housework. She often helps my mother with some housework. My father has a hobby, too. That is taking the dog for a walk. Every morning and afternoon, he walks with his dog. My mother likes cooking very much. She always cooks food for us.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1159061.html
