
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

安徽省2018/17 學(xué)年度七年級(jí)第六次月考試卷
英  語(yǔ)  試  題
第一部分    聽(tīng)力(共五大題,滿分30分)
1.A.station                   B.question                    C.musician
2.A.works                     B.takes                       C.tastes
3.A.happy                     B.heavy                       C.hard
4.A.fight                     B.follow                      C.forget
5.A.listen to                 B.want to                     C.talk to
6.Which country is the boy's sister in?
  A.              B.                  C..
7.How is Tony going to the park?
  A.             B.                 C. 
8.What does she look like?
  A.             B.                 C. 
9.What time does go to work?
  A.               B.                 C. 
10.Which  animal is from China?
  A.               B.                C. 

11.What size bowl of salad Dale like?
  A.A small bowl.             B.A medium bowl.        C.A large bowl.
12.What's Tom's mother doing?
  A.Cleaning rooms.           B. Making bed.           C.Making soup.
13.What would Peter like to have?
  A.A cup of tea.             B.Some water.            C.A cup of juice.
14.Where are they talking?
  A.On a bus.                 B.In a store.              C. At a school. 
15.Who are the two speakers?
  A.A teacher and a student.  B.A son and a mother.      C.Two classmates.
16.Where is Steve calling from?
  A. From the school.        B.From the new house.      C.From the post office.
17.What's Steve's new telephone number?
  A.698-6534.                B.765-6543.               C.798-6534. 
18.How many people are there in Kate's family?
  A.Three.                   B. Four.                   C.Five.
19.Where is Kate's grandmother?
  A.At home.                 B.In the zoo.               C.In the supermarket.
20.What is Kate's father doing?
  A.He's working.            B.He's swimming.           C.He's cleaning he floor.
21.What does Linda look like?
  A.Tall with short hair.     B.Short with long hair.       C.tall with long hair. 
22.Where does Linda come from?
  A.Japan.                    B.China.                  C.Canada.
23.What food does Linda like best?
  A.Rice.                     B.Noodles.                C.Dumplings. 
24.How does Linda feel about Healthy Living?
  A.Great.                    B.Boring.                  C.Relaxing. 
25.What may Linda like?
  A.English music.            B.Chinese history.        C.American shows.

                     Rick's family rules
◆Can't watch TV after     26    .
◆Can't go out to meet     27     or go to the movies on school nights.
◆Do      28     every day.
◆Practice the     29     on weekends.
◆Go to bed by      30     pm.
第二部分  英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩大題,滿分45分)
31.---Do you know the ______ to Green Street?
   ---Yes.Just straight and then turn right at the second turning.
  A.place          B.way           C.question          D.address
32.The hotel is very ______.I want a clean one.
  A.dirty          B.small         C.busy              D.expensive
33.---Can your little brother speak English?
   ---Yes,but only____.
  A.few            B.a few         C.little             D.a little
34.The boy's life is in danger. We must try our best to_____ him.
  A.leave          B.save          C.forget             D.remember
35.Your are so tall.Please don't sit______me.I can't see the words on the blackboard.
  A.behind         B.next to       C.in front of        D.in the front of
36.In the store,there is lost of fruit______apples,bananas and strawberries.
  A.like           B.from          C.with               D.about
37.---is it from your home to school?
   ---Quite near.It's 10 minutes' walk.
  A.How far        B.How long      C.How long           D.How often
38.---Let's go out to play basketball.
   ---Sorry,I must_____ the piano first.
  A.listen         B.make          C.exercise           D.practice
39.Jenny never forgets anything, She has a good memory like a(n)______.
  A.giraffe        B.koala         C.panda              D.elephant
40.---I'm afraid we_____.
   ---Don't worry.Here is a map.It can help you.
  A.drink tea      B.get lost      C.run away           D.turn right
41.---May I speak  to Mr Zhang?
   ---He _____ math in the classroom.Can I take a message?
  A.has           B.had           C.is having         D.will have
42.---Do you often go to the restaurant?
   ---No,_____.I don't like the food in the restaurant.
  A.before        B.after         C.if                D.because
43.Let me know _______ you have any problems.
  A.before        B.after         C.if                D.because
44.---Would you like more dumplings?
   ---______.I'm full.
  A.Yes,please    B.No,thanks     C.No,I wouldn't     D.I'd love to
45.---What does Dale want to know?
   ---He wants to know______.
  A.where Bruce lives            B.where does Bruce live in
  C.where does Bruce live        D.where Bruce lives in
     Mr Black is a very careful man.     46    is of medium build and usually wears glasses.Every morning he likes     47    along Long Street.
     It's     48    today.Mr Black is running in warm sunshine along Long Street.Then     49    young man comes to him and asks,“Excuse me.Where is the      50    ”
   “Oh,walk along the street and then cross a     51    ,”says Mr Black.“Then you walk 50 meters,you'll     52    at the end of the bridge.Then turn left and you can     53    the hospital.”
“Thank you!”says the young man and then he     54    .
But after a minute,Mr Black runs to the man and says,“I'm sorry.The bridge is about 60 meters long.So don't     55    after you walk 50 meters along the bridge,or(否則)you'll fall(掉落)into the river.”
46.A.This          B.He           C.She            D.That
47.A.singing       B.dancing      C.driving        D.running
48.A.rainy         B.sunny        C.snowy          D.cloudy 
49.A.a             B.an           C./              D.the
50.A.hospital      B.bank         C.hotel          D.restaurant
51.A.town          B.village      C.road           D.bridge
52.A.come          B.get          C.arrive         D.stop
53.A.read          B.look         C.see            D.meet
54.A.plays         B.sits         C.pays           D.leaves
55.A.turn left     B.turn right   C.go out         D.go back


       Do you know Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆)? It is a    56    group from Los  Angeles,America.
       There are    57    people in it. They are apldeap, Fergie, Taboo and Will I Am.They are very   58   . Many kids like to   59   their songs. In the picture , the young man with glasses is apldeap. He is of medium height. He has a beard(胡須).It makes him look   60   .The   61   is fergie. She is tall and thin. She is beautiful.   62   girls like her. Look! She is   63   a funny hat. She is cool! She looks like a boy.   64   two singers are Taboo and Will I Am.Will I Am is tall and he has long curly hair. Taboo is tall,too. His hair is always   65   and straight. Because of the cap, we can't see his long in the picture.
56.A.music          B.dance          C.drum          D.basketball
57.A.two            B.three          C.four          D.five
58.A.friendly       B.popular        C.clever        D.good-looking
59.A.look at        B.wait for       C.listen to     D.old
60.A.happy          B.sad            C.young         D.writer
61.A.singer         B.reporter       C.girl          D.writer
62.A.Lots of        B.A little       C.Any           D.Much
63.A.taking         B.showing        C.enjoying      D.wearing
64.A.Other          B.The other      C.Others        D.The  others
65.A.long           B.short          C.black         D.blond 
第三部分 閱讀理解(共兩大題,滿分45分)
A.That is to say, we have to cut doun
   Lots of trees.
B.We should stop cutting down trees.
C.Are you free this Saturday
D.How much paper do we use every
E.Do you know how many pieces of
  Paper a tree can become?
F.I agree with you.
G.Thank you very much.
A:Excuse me,can I ask you some questions?
B:Of course.
A:  66  
B:About 80,500 pieces of paper.
A:  67  
B:Sorry,I don't know.But I am sure we use a lot.
A:  68  
B: Yes,you are right.
A:What should we do now?
B:  69   And we should plant more trees.
A:  70   Shall we plant trees this weekend?
B:Sure.See you.
A:See you then.

   In england,students can do some jobs after they are thirteen years old.They can only work after 7a.m. and before 7p.m.On Saturday they can work five hours between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.On Sundays they can work 2 hours between 7 P.m.and 11 a.m. On a school day they can only work 2 hours.
   Some students get up early and send newspapers before going to school.Some students help the milkman take milk(牛奶)to other houses after school.Some students work in stores or hotels.But they can't work in night clubs.The students need to have work permits(許可證)to work.They can get work permits from the schools.
71.Students in England can work        on Saturdays.
  A.at six o'clock in the morning                      B.at eight o'clock in the evening
  C.at ten o'clock in the morning                      D.all night
72.Students in England cannot      .
  A.work in shops              B.work in hotels        C.send newspapers      D.work in night clubs
73.Students in England can work     hours on Sundays.
  A.five                       B.two                   C.seven                D.eleven
74.Which of the following is Not right(正確的)?
  A.On school days,students in England can work two hours.
  B.On Sundays,students in England can't work after 11 a.m.
  C.Students in England can get work permits from their parents.
  D.Students can't work if they don't have work permits.
New Year's Day

Hello,I'm Cindy.I'm in China.It's very cold here.I'm making some cards For my family and friends.My parents are cooking in the kitchen.At night,We usually watch TV together.

     I'm Eric. It's windy in Australia today.We have a party in the evening.Now my parents and I are preparing(準(zhǔn)備)for the party.My mother is cooking.My father is out to buy some drinks.I'm cleaning the house. We are all busy
But happy. 

  I'm Tony from Canada. It's snowing and cold outside.But people are Happy and they go to visit family and friends.I always go to visit my grandparents with my parents.

75.What is Cindy doing?
   A.She is writing to her friends.                   B.She is watching TV.
   C.She is making in Australia?                        D.She is cleaning her room.
76.How is the weather in Australia?
   A.It's cold.         B.It's rainy.        C.It's snowy.          D.It's windy.
77.Tony always goes to see his      with his parents on New Year's Day.
   A.teacher        B.grandparents             C.friends               D.uncle
78.Which of the following is Right?
   A.Eric's father is not at home now.           B.Cindy is an American girl.
   C.Eric is doing his homework.                D.It's raining and cold in Cananda.

   An elephant wants to have some friends. He sees a monkey in a tree. “Can you be my friend?” asks the elephant.
  “You are too big. You can’t swing (搖蕩) in the trees like me.”
   Then the elephant meets a rabbit. “Please be my friend,” he says.
  “How can I? Sorry, sir. You are too big.”
   The elephant is very sad. Then he goes home.
   The next day, he sees all the animals running. He doesn’t know why. A monkey
tells him that there's a tiger near here. He is coming to eat the animals.
   The elephant goes to the tiger.“Please, Mr Tiger. Don't eat the animals.”
  “Go away! Says the tiger.”
   The elephant is not happy and kicks (踢) the tiger. Then the tiger goes away.
   At last, all the animals want the elephant to be their friend.
79.What does the elephant want to do?
   A.To look for some food.                           B.To have some friends.
   C.To see the tiger.                                D.To play with the monkey.
80.The monkey and the giraffe don't want the elephant to be their friend because     .
   A.the elephant is too big                       B.the elephant is shy
   C.a tiger is coming to eat them                   D.a tiger is running after them
81.The writer wants to tell us that     .
   A.tigers don't have friends                   B.elephants  don't have friends
   C.a tiger is coming to eat them                 D.a tiger is running after them
82.The writer wants to tell that      .
A.tigers don't have friends                  
B. B.elephants don't have friends
C.when you are big,you can't find friends    
 D.when you help others,you can have some friends
    I'm Linda. There is a great artist in my family.She is Lisa. Lisa likes drawing a lot. Here are her three drawings (圖畫(huà)) .
    There is an animal in the first drawing. It has two big eyes,a big mouth and two small ears. It has long arms and long legs. It is black and white.There are some apples in its hands. It looks very happy. What is it? I don't know,but Lisa says it is a panda.
    There is a woman in the second drawing. She is thin. She has straight blonde hair,a small mouth,a big nose and two big eyes. She looks angry (生氣的) . Who is she? Lisa says she is our mom. But Mom has curly blonde hair,small eyes and a small nose.
    There is an animal in the third drawing,too. Its head is an apple. Its hair and tail (尾巴) are leaves (樹(shù)葉) . It has a long mouth,and it is a banana. Its two legs are carrots. What is it? Lisa says it is a horse (馬) ,but it doesn’t look like a horse.
83.The animal in the first drawing      .
A.is eating apples                                B.looks very happy
C.has big eyes and big ears.                      D.has short arms and long legs        
84.Linda's mother has       .
A.a big mouth                                     B.curly  blonde hair
C.two big eyes                                    D.a big nose
85.From the passage,we can know Lisa is Linda's       .
A.mother        B.cousin               C.sister                D.classmate
86.The underlined word “it”refers to(指)        .
     A.the hair          B.the head             C.the tail           D.the mouth
87.Which one is Right according to the passage?
     A.Lisa's horse likes to eat carrots.               
    B.Linda doesn't think Lisa's drawings are good
     C.Lisa draws an animal and two women.            
 D.The woman in the second drawing looks happy.

Susan is from China. She is nineteen years old.Now she lives with her sister in Washington,America.Susan's sister is an art teacher in a school and she helps Susan find a job in the school library.Susan loves the job very much.She needs to work three days a week. And she can get thirty every day. The library is not far from her house. It only takes her fifteen minutes to get there by bus.
Today is Sunday. Susan doesn't go to work. What is she doing now? Look! She is talking on the phone with her parents in China. She is telling them about her new job.
88.Where does Susan work?(不超過(guò)5個(gè)詞)
89.How much money can Suan get in a week?(不超過(guò)5個(gè)詞)
90.What is Susan doing now?(不超過(guò)10個(gè)詞)
第四部分 寫(xiě)(共兩大題,滿分30分)
   91.The weather is d     (干燥的)and cold these days.
   92.Don's k      (殺死)dogs. They are our good.friends.
   93.Yang Mi is a famous young a      (女演員)now. Many people like her.
   94.The math problem isn't difficult.I can work it out e     (容易地)
   95.Scott likes singing and his d     (夢(mèng)想)is to be a singer.
   假定今天是圣誕節(jié)(Christmas Day),Nancy 正在紐約游玩。請(qǐng)你幫 Nancy 寫(xiě)一張明信片給她的筆友 Becky,告訴她波士頓的天氣情況和 Nancy 的度假活動(dòng)。
Wednesday,December 25 th
Dear Becky,
No 16 Bridge Steet
Toronto, Canada

安徽省 2018/17 學(xué)年度七年級(jí)第六次月考試卷
第一部分 聽(tīng) 力
聽(tīng)力(共 30 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 30 分)
1-5 A C B B A 6-10 B A B A C 11-15 C C A B A
16-20 B C C C A 21-25 C A B A B
26. school 27. friends 28. homework 29. violin 30. 9:30
第二部分 英語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)用
VI. 單項(xiàng)填空(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)
31-35 B A D B C 36-40 A A D D B 41-45 C A C B A
VII. 完形填空(共 20 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)
46- 50 B D B A A 51-55 D C C D A
56-60 A C B C D 61-65 C A D B A
第三部分 閱讀理解
VIII. 補(bǔ)全對(duì)話(共 5 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 5 分)
66-70 D E A B F
IX. 閱讀理解(共 20 小題;每小題 2 分,滿分 40 分)
71-74 C D B C 75-78 C D B A 79-82 B A C D 83-87 B B C D B
88. In the school library.
89. Ninety dollars.
90. She is talking on the phone with her parents.
第四部分 寫(xiě)
X. 單詞拼寫(xiě)(共 5 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 5 分)
91.dry 92.kill 93.actress 94.easily 95. dream
XI. 書(shū)面表達(dá)(共 1 大題;滿分 25 分)
One possible version:
Dear Becky,
Thank you for your postcard from Toronto. I’m having great fun visiting New York right now. Everything is going well here. New York is a beautiful city and the people here are friendly. I live with a host family. It is snowing outside, and I am joining a Christmas party here. The snow is very beautiful, so I am making some snowmen with my friends. And I’m also taking a lot of photos with snowmen and Christmas trees. I feel very happy and relaxed here.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1165815.html
