
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

題號(hào) 一 二 三 四 五 六 總分

(    )1. What sport does Tina want to play?
A. Basketball      
B. Tennis       
C. Baseball
(    )2. Where are they?
A. In a library       
B. In a store     
C. In a classroom
(    )3. Who is Tom's sister?
A. The girl in red  
B. The girl in a yellow skirt.
C. The girl in a shirt
(    )4. How much are the shorts?
A. Five dollars
B. Ten dollars
C. Four dollars
(    )5. When is Lily’s father’s birthday?
A. December  19th
B. January  21st.
C February  21st
(    )6. What does Lucy think of baseball?
A Interesting
B. Difficult
C. Boring
(    )7. What will Tom and Lucy do?
A Play tennis
B. Watch TV
C. Play baseball
(    )8. How old is Gina’s brother?
A. Eleven
B. Thirteen
C. Fifteen
(   )9. Who likes music very much?
A. Gina
B. Gina's brother
C. Gina's sister
(   )10. How much is Gina's sweater?
11. Mike's birthday is                       .
12. Mike’s jacket and trousers are                          .
13. Mike's favorite sport is                        .
14. Mike's favorite subject is                             .
15. Mike thinks                        are healthy.
(   )16.This is          easy English test.  I think you can do well in           .
B an;the
C the; an
D. the; the
(  )17.I        this red hat but my daughter        likeit.
A. Like;doesn't
B. Like;don’t
C likes; doesn't
D. Likes; don't
(   )18.-is that        ruler?
-No,       is on the table.
B. Yours; my
C.your; mine
D. Yours; mine
(   )19. Mary has        and        after dinner.
A. ice-cream; apples
B. ice-cream;apple
(   )20.—Let's g watch TV.
—That sounds       . Let's play basketball.
A. interesting
B. fun
C. boring
D. relaxing
(   )21. I like chicken and I always eat it        lunch.
A. of
B. at
C. for
D. in
(   )22. Look! The blue trousers        30 dollars. That pair of black trousers
       20 dollars.
A. are; is
B. are;are
C. Is;is
(   )23. This is Class 3,and it’s        classroom.
A.Lucy and Mary
B. Lucy’s and Mary
C. Lucy and Mary’s
D. Lucy's and Mary's
(   )24.-I want        a birthday party with my  friends        December 17.
A. Have;on
B. to have;on
C. to have; in
D. Have;in
(   )25.—        do you have English class?
—From Monday to Friday.
A. How
B. When
C. Why
D. What
Do you have breakfast every day?  It's important to drink and eat something in the   26  .  All the food can give you the energy (能量) to help you start  a  new   27  . Breakfast is very important,  28   .some  students do not like to have breakfast.
What is breakfast? There  29  two words in“breakfast- break(打破)”and“l(fā)ast (禁食期).At night you  30  and don't eat anything,so you should   31   something in the morning and break your last. You can get the energy from the food and get ready for the day.  If you don't  32   breakfast,you're not full of energy and you may feel hungry  (饑餓的).  Then you cannot do well   33   your  lessons and you  cannot  listen to the   34   carefully in class. It is bad for your health if you often go to school without breakfast.
What do you think   35   breakfast now?
(    )26. A.nigh     B.morning     C.afternoon     D.evening
(    )27. A. hour     B.week        C.month        D.day
(    )28. A.but       B.and         C.so            D.if
(    )29. A.am       B.is           C.are            D.be
(    )30. A.drink    B.sleep        C.eat            D.study
(    )31. A.eat      B.change      C.keep          D.play
(    )32. A.get      B. like        C.have           D. sell
(    )33. A.at       B.of          C. in             D. with
(    )34. A.students B. teachers   C. parents        D.uncles
(    )35. A.on      B. in          C. about          D.over
B) 請(qǐng)先閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所給的詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每個(gè)詞限用一次。(每小題1分)

Hi! My name  is David.  I'm   36  . I have a busy week. On Monday our school   37    a  basketball  game. It's great. On Tuesday, I have   38   English test.  I  like English.  It's   39   for me.  Wednesday is my favorite day        40    I  have geography.  It's fun and useful.  My friend Paul's birthday Is on 
41   .  I’ll go to his birthday party that day.  On Friday,  there is a book   42   in our school  library. I want to   43   a picture book for my sister.  I  like tennis.  On Saturday  I’ll play tennis for three   44   . On Sunday,  I'll go to see my grandparents   45   my parents.  It's really a busy week.
36.           37.          38.           39.           40.         
41.           42.          43.          44.            45.         
I'm a  girl.  My name is Gina.  I'm fifteen years old.  My birthday in March 6th.  I like volleyball.  I’m Mary,  I'm an English girl.  I'm sixteen.  I was born(出生)on May 4th,  I  like winging.
My name is Wang Gang.  I'm Wang Ping's brother.  I'm a Chinese boy.  I'm fourteen.  My birthday is on February  1st.  I  like running(跑步)
(   )46.         is 15 years old.
A. Gina
B. Mary
C. Wang Ping
D Wang Gang
(   )47. Mary's birthday is               .
A. March  6th
B. February  1th
C.May  4th
D.May  16th
(   )48. Wang Gang is               .
A. a Chinese boy
B. a Chinese girl
C. an English boy
D. an English girl
(   )49.        is Wang Ping's brother.
A. Robert
B. Mary
C.Mary's brother
D, Wang Gang
(   )50. Mary likes            .
A. playing volleyball
B. singing
C. playing the piano
D. running
This is Liu Fei's room.  It's a small but nice and tidy room.  On the wall,  there are two maps.  One is  a map of China,  the other is of the world.  There' s also a picture of platypus(鴨嘴獸)。 It's an ancient  animal .  Platypuses have lived on the Earth (地球) for about 25, 000,000 years.  Liu Fei  loves them
very much.  There's  a desk in front of the window and on the desk there is a clock.  Near the clock there is a glass.  There's some water in it.  And there are two pencils,  one pen and some books on the desk too.  There is a chair on the floor and under the chair there’s a ball.  Liu Fei often studies (學(xué)習(xí))in his room
and he likes his room very much.
(   )51.Liu Fei’s room is            .
A. big and nice
B. small but nice
C. big but bad
D. small and bad
(   )52. There is some          in the glass.
B. water
C. tea
D. orange
(   )53. There are some books           .
A. on the chair
B. on the desk
C. on the floor
D. on the wall
(   )54. The underlined word ancient here means          in Chinese.
(   )55. The best title(標(biāo)題) for the passage is          .
A. Liu fei's desk.
B. A good student.
C. An animal
D. Liu Fei’s room
Students learn their lessons in class.  In class teachers teach them.  Students sit in the classroom  listening to the teacher.  This is a way of leaning.  Is this the only way for students to leam something?  Of course not.   There another  way to learn.  That is, students can teach themselves.  For example, if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homework,  you can look through (瀏覽)your book to find the answer.  This is a way to teach yourself.  And it is not a difficult thing.  We can do this at any place and at any time.
How do you teach yourself?  The first thing you must do is reading.  Read something interesting.  The second is that you must ask yourself questions.  Many clever students often do this.  The question are about something you don't understand or you want to know more about.  You can write down these questions.  The third is to answer the questions yourself by thinking hard, by reading the texts or other books, and sometimes by asking other people.  There are ways of teaching yourself.  And if you do these  thingsfor  a long time, you will besure to succeed( 成功)in your study.
(   )56. Listening to the teacher is        for students to learn something.
A. not a way
B the best way
C. the only way
D not the only way
(   )57. If you want to succeed( 成功), you'd better learn          .
A. how to teach others
B how to teach yourself
C to read and write
D how w ask questions
(   )58. What does teach yourself mean(意思是)?
(   )59. A clever student usually likes          .
A asking questions
B answering questions
C. Finding  answers
D. teaching others
(   )60. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. A student can teach himself only in class.
B. It is a bad way to learn from the teacher.
C. A student can learn to teach himself if he wants to.
D. Students know very well how to teach themselves.
Our new school is very big and it is very beautiful (漂亮).61.       . I’m in Class Three,  Grade Seven Jiujiang Foreign Language School.  The walls of  Our classroom are white. 62.        .Our classroom is  very clean(干凈).  There are 56 students in my class. 63.        She is from England.  I like English very much.  Miss. Haffar is very friendly(友好) to us.64.         She can speak a little Chinese.  My father and mother are English teachers, too.  They often help me with my English.65.         We are all friends.  We like our school.
A:Can I help you?
B: Yes, please.66.            .
A: OK. Come and look at these skirts. They 're for girls.
B: This one Is nice. 67.           .
A:308 yuan.
B:Oh,It’s too dear(昂貴的)
A: How about this one?  It's only 11 8 yuan.
B. Good. Well, this one is too short for my daughter. 68.           .
A:Yes.Here is a long one.
B: Great. 69.              .
A: Look at these socks. They are on sale -three yuan for two pairs.
B: Oh,yeah. It's a good price. I'll take two pairs.
B: Thank you.
A: you're welcome
你母親名叫王麗,下周是她生日。請(qǐng)根據(jù)下面的導(dǎo)圖以及關(guān)鍵詞提示,以“My mother”為題寫(xiě)一篇短文介紹你的母親。短文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)的人名和地名,不少于60詞。
提示詞:36, February 8th, vegetable, fruit, healthy,purple, 13870206757,teacher
be kind to, 2 basketball, 4 ping-pong bats and balls, play sports.

七年級(jí)  英  語(yǔ)
A).1—5 ABBCB            B).6—10  BAACC
C).11.January 26th  12.on his/the/Mike’s bed.  13.soccer  14. science  15. apples
16—20  BACAC       21—25 CACBB
A)26—30 BDACB   31—35  ACCBC
B)36. thirteen   37.has   38.an   39.interesting  40.because
41. Thursday  42.sale   43. buy  44. Hours    45.with
A)46—50 ACADB     51—55 BBBAD   56—60 DBBAC  
B)61—65 DCGBA
66—70 CFDGE
My mother
My mother is Wang Li. She is 36 years old. Her birthday is February 8th.Next week is her birthday. She likes vegetables and fruit.She eats them every day,so she is very healthy.Her favorite color is purple.Her telephone number is 13870206757. She is an English teacher. She is kind to her students. Her students like her very much. She likes sports and she has a big sports collection. She has 2 basketballs,4 ping-pong bats and 4 ping-pong balls. She plays sports every day.I love my mother.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1185140.html
