
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

6. 為什么不參觀一下當(dāng)?shù)氐膭≡海?br>                                                                                
7. 經(jīng)理的電腦出故障了嗎?
8. 一直往前走,你會(huì)看到紅綠燈。
9 法國(guó)有著超過(guò)26萬(wàn)平方英里的面積。
10. 我表妹再也不害怕蛇了。
11. 誰(shuí)愿意帶我們參觀新的博物館?
13. 志愿者們將樂(lè)意給老人們出些主意。
14. 他的手表壞了。

15. 他們學(xué)校的教室與我們學(xué)校的不一樣。
16. 老師正在為期中考試準(zhǔn)備試卷。
27. 沿著河邊的小路走,你就會(huì)看到銀行在街角處。
28. 我們期待著能與你在湖上泛舟。
29. 你看天上的云,快下雨了。
30. 為什么不邀請(qǐng)你的朋友來(lái)你的生日會(huì)?
31. 從你學(xué)校到故宮博物館有多遠(yuǎn)?
32. 我喜歡坐在那里,向外眺望海灘和大海。
33. 這些藝術(shù)家們知道如何設(shè)計(jì)他們的家。
34. 兩個(gè)穿著紅色衣服的志愿者正站在街的拐角。
35 為什么不請(qǐng)人修理壞了的收音機(jī)呢?
36. 恐怕你的電腦出故障了。
44. 法國(guó)有著超過(guò)26萬(wàn)平方英里的面積。
45. 經(jīng)理的洗衣機(jī)出故障了嗎?
47. 為什么不和我們一起去游泳呢?
48. 咱們帶他們?nèi)ノ覀儗W(xué)校好嗎?
49. 南京真是個(gè)適合居住的好地方。
50. 謝謝你帶我參觀這個(gè)公園。

1. The garden is full of flowers.
2. I am looking forward to seeing you at the party.
3. Fish sleep with their eyes open.
4. Monkeys jump around and make people laugh.
5. You can find someone to fix things like broken bicycles.
6. Why not visit the local theatre?
7. Is there anything wrong with the manager’s computer?
8. Go straight on, and you will see the traffic lights.
9. France has an area of over 260000 square miles.
10. My cousin is not afraid of snakes any more.
11.Who would like to show us around the new museum?
12.Half of the students don't have enough time to do exercise.
13.The volunteers will be ready to some ideas to the old people.
14. There's something wrong with his watch.
15.The classrooms in their school are different from those in ours.
16.The teachers are preparing the papers for the mid-term exam.
17.I live in a flat in the center of Nanjing.
18.Walk straight on and then you will see the traffic lights.
19.The volunteers are willing to share different skills with each other at the community centre.
20.It’s healthy for us to sleep with the windows open in spring.
21.Lily is worrying about what to wear for the party.
22. In her free time, she likes watering flowers. Jimmy is too young.
23. He can’t read books.
24. What’s your favourite film?
25.Sandy dislikes computer games.
26. Listening to music is good for us.
27. Walk along the path next to the river, and you will see the bank at the corner of the street.
28.We are looking forward to rowing a boat on the lake with you.
29.Look at the clouds (in the sky). It’s going to rain.
30. Why don’t you invite your friends to (come to) your birthday party?
31. How far is it from your school to the Palace Museum?
32. I love/like to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.
33. These artists know how to design their homes.
34.The two volunteers in red are standing at the corner of the street.
35. Why not ask someone/ somebody to fix the broken radio?
36. I’m afraid (that) there is something wrong with your computer./I’m afraid that something is wrong with your computer.
37.They work hard all year long.
38.Some boys are playing football, and others are swimming.
39.What are you going to do in the future?
40.It takes only 40 minutes by underground.
41.You’re lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that.
42. My dream home is at the foot of a hill.
43.Volunteers often share different skills with others at the community centre.
44. France has an area of over 260000 square miles.
45. Is there anything wrong with the manager’s washing machine?
46. I’m afraid they won’t welcome visitors like you.
47. Why not go swimming with us?
48. Shall we take them to our school?
49. Nanjing is really a good place to live in.
50. Thank you for showing me around the park.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1189881.html
