
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

 (   ) 1.--Excuse me, is this          egg?
--No, it's          cake.
A. an;a    B. a; a      C. a; an      D. an; an
(   )2.字母“Fr’和字母“          ”不含有相同的元音音素。
A. Bb         B. Ll             C. Nn            D. Xx
(   ) 3.--Nice to meet you!
--          .
A. Thank you!    B. How do you do'?  
C. Nice to meet you, too!    D. The same to you!
(   )4.--         this your family?
--Yes, these are my parents and those          my brothers.
   A. Is; are      B. Are; are      C. Is; is       D. Are; is
) 5.--           in the picture?
--There is a teacher and some students.
  A. What  B. What's            C. Where's           D. When's
(   ) 6.These          are          .
A. woman; policewoman    B. womans; policewomans
C. women;  policewoman     D. women; policewomen
(    )  7.Angela is a           . She works in a hospital.
  A. farmer B. teacher      C. worker      D. nurse
) 8.--          ?
 --It's Monday.
A. What's this   B. What day is it today   C. How's the weather       D. What's the time
9. Miss Chen can help          .
A. I   B. she   C. he   D. you
(   )10.Ten and nine is          .
A. seventeen      B. nineteen      C. eighteen         D, twenty
(    )11.There isn't       beef in the fridge. I must buy       today.
A. some; some  B. any;any    C. any;some  D. some;any
(   ) 12.--What's your ID number, please?
--          372423199711030721.
A. That is    B. This is          C. They're         D. It's
(   )  13.--Where are the students?
--They are having lunch in the          .
A. sports hall   B. computer rooms   C. dining hall  D. science labs
(    ) 14.           20 girls in my class, and I          two good friends of them.
A. There have;have     B. There are; there have 
 C. There are; there are    D. There are; have
(   )  15.--How about eating some rice?
--          .
A.  No, I can't.   B. Thank you.    C. Good idea.   D. I'm hungry.
(   )  16. --Are Tina and Anna from Beijing?
--          .
A.  Yes, she is.     B. No, she isn't.   
C. Yes, they is.     D. No, they aren't.
(   )  17. My name is Sara          I'm from America.
A. and    B. so    C. but    D. with
(   )  18. The boy and the girl in the photo          my son and daughter.
A.  be      B. am    C. are    D. is
(   )  19. --Dad, pass me the cola, please.
--          . Here you are.
A.Yes, I can   B. No, I don't     C. All right     D. Good idea
(   )  20. The leg          this desk is broken(壞的).
A. with       B. for     C. of      D. on
二、完形填空(每空1分,共1 0分)
         Look at this girl.   21   name is Wang Meimei.    22  is  twelve. Wang Ming is her brother, He is   23   Class Three, Grade Two. Do you know how old he is? He is fourteen years old, The brother   24   sister are in No. 2 Middle School. Their mother     25   a teacher. She is an     26   teacher. Their father, Mr. Wang, is a teacher,
27    . He is a Chinese teacher in N0.8  Middle School. Their students all  love them because they love their students. They have a
cat.   28  name is Mimi.   29   a nice cat. The cat and Wang Meimei are    30 _ friends.
(   )  21, A. Her    B. She   C. He  D. His  
(   )  22.A. He   B. I   C. You   D.She  
(   )  23. A. on    B. with   C. in  D. at  
(   )  24. A. but   B. so   C. or   D. and  
(   )  25. A. am    B. is  C. are    D. be
(   )  26. A. English   B. Chinese   C. French  D. England
(   )  27. A. to   B. too    C. either     D.also
(   )  28. A. Its     B, It   C. It's   D. its
(   )  29. A. Its    B. They're   C. It's   D. It
(   ) 30.A; right    B. fine   C. nice    D. good
 Liu Li, a thin girl, likes French fries, fruit and ice creams. She
doesn't like rice. She often feels tired and the doctor suggests that she should eat some more meat.
Li Qi , a tall girl, likes swimming a lot. Her favorite foo d is hamburger. She does sports a lot and eats a lot. She likes coffee very much.
Chen Yang, a fat boy, likes hamburgers, hot dogs and pizzas. Chocolate is his favorite. But his parents don’t want him to eat too much, especially ice creams.
Deng Lei is a 15-year-old boy. His family don't eat pork. He likes fish and potato hips. His favorite drink is orange juice.
(  )  31. The underlined word “suggests” means         in Chinese.
A.要求    B.說服    C.告訴    D.建議
(   )  32. What's Chen Yang's favorite food?
   A. Hot dogs.   B. Hamburgers.     C,. Pizzas.       D. Chocolate.
(   )  33. What does Li Qi look like?
A. She is thin.     B. She is fat.     C. She is tall.   D. She is beautiful.
(   )  34. Whose family don't eat pork?
  A. Liu Li's family.  B.Chen Yang's family.  C.Li Qi is family.  D.Deng Lei's family.
(   )35.Which is NOT true according to the passage?(下面哪一項是不正確的?)
A. Liu Li doesn’t like rice,
B. Chen Yang's parents let him eat ice creams.
C. Li Qi likes swimming very much.        
D. Deng Lei's favorite drink is orange juice.
Kate and Ken are new students. Kate is twelve. She is from America. Ken is eleven. She is from England. They are in Class 5, Grade  l. They can speak (講.說 )   English very well and Kate can speak a little Chinese, but Ken can't. They live in Guangzhou with their parents. Ken's mother is a teacher. They are studying in Ken's mother 's school. On Sundays, they often play football with their Chinese friends. They love China and their Chinese friends.
(  ) 36. How old is Ken?
A. She is 11.   B. She is 12.     C. She is 13.       D. She is 14.
(  ) 37. Kate and Ken are        .
A. twins          B. students        C, Chinese     D'. Americans
(  ) 38. Where do they  live?   They live in         .
A. Beijing       B. America        C. England            D. Guangzhou
(  )  39. On Sundays, they often         with their Chinese friends.
A. play basketball   B. play football
C. watch TV      D, do homework
 (    ) 40 . Which is TRUE according lo the passage?(下面哪一項是正確的?)
A. Kate's mother is a teacher.           
B. They are studying in Class l, Grade 5.
C. Kate can 'speak a little English.
D. They love their Chinese friends very much.
    My name is Eve Smith. This is a photo of my family. There are five people in the photo. Look!  The old woman is my grandma. She is seventy years old. The woman in red is my mother. She is a doctor in a hospital. The man in a black coat is my father. He is a teacher in a middle school. This tall man is my uncle. He is my mother's brother. He is next to my mother. I'm iii yellow.
       We live in this house. Look here, please! In front of our house, there is a small garden. It's very nice. There are many beautiful flowers and some small trees in the garden.
(      )41. How many children are there in Eve's family?
A. One.          B.Two        C.Three.       D. Four.
(     )42.  How old is Eve's grandma?
A. 67.    B. 70.    C. 78.    D. 80.
(   )43. Who is next to Eve's mother?
A. Eve's brother.   B. Eve's father.    C. Eve's grandfather.   D. Eve's uncle.
(   )44. There is a        in front of their house.
A. park   B. school       C. garden       D. shop
(   )45.which is NOT true according to the passage?
A. This is a photo of Eve's family.
B. The woman in black is Eve's mother.
C. There are many flowers an d some small trees in the garden.
D. Eve's father is a teacher in a middle school.
I have a good friend. ①他叫湯姆 .  He is a nice boy, but he eats too much and he doesn't like sports.
②He has a big breakfast every morning. He has four eggs, some bread and. milk. For lunch. he eats two hamburgers, lots of French fries and chicken. He has much cola. too. For dinner, he likes beef and salad(沙拉). He likes ice creams, cola, hamburgers and dessert.
③Too much food is not good for him. And he is not healthy.
    (       )Tom eats lots of food and he does sports every day.
50.回答問題 .
What does Tom have for breakfast?
51. How many           ( potato )do you have?
52.              ( write') your name on the blackboard, please.
53.Dale                   (not have)got any ice creams.
54.There are two big          (library)in  our school.
55. Eating too much candies is bad for your             ( tooth).
56.Are there             (some)books in your classroom?
57.I often drink              (coffee)at night.
58.The boy eats too               (many)meat every day.
59.L1 Hua wants to go             (shop)for some apples on Sunday.
60.This is               desk ( Tom and Tony) ,it is very beautiful.
Be  on  we  teacher  girl
Hi! I'm Betty. Look! This is a photo of _ 61  classroom. There is a blackboard   62    t he front wall. A big new desk is near it. It is for our teachers. There are some flowers on the    63  desk. Under the teach er's desk. there    64  two basketballs and a football.
There are some green desks and chairs in the room. They are for us. There are twenty-six  65  and twenty-nine boys in our class. Our classroom is very nice. I like it very much.
61         62         63         64         65         .
五、情景交際(1 0 分)
A. No, I haven’t.
B. Yes, we have.
C. Bananas are fruit.
D. What do you like?
E. What’s your favorite drink?
F. Have we got any cola?
G. We have got some juice and milk.
Tom: Mum, have we got any meat in the fridge?
Mum:   66       .
Tom: That 's good.  Meat is my favorite food.    67     .
Mum: No. Cola is an unhealthy drink.
Tom: I know, Mum. But I like cola very much.
Mum:  68   .
Tom: OK. I will drink some milk.
Mum: Tom, I will buy some vegetables.  69       .
Tom:  Carrots and bananas.
Mum: Oh, my child.    70     .
Tom: Ah! I like carrots.
71.The man on the right is my father.(對畫線部分提問)
                   the man on the right?
72.Who is he?(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)
Who                   ?
七年級英語第7頁  (共8頁)
73.There is much beef on my plate.(改為同義句)
There is                   beef on my plate.
74.Chocolate is delicious.
Too much chocolate isn’t good for you.  (選擇連詞and或but合并兩個句子)
75.1'm in Class 7.(對畫線部分提問)
七、書面表達(dá)(1 5分)
假如下面是你的名字叫James,是北京四中7年級4班的一名學(xué)生。下面是你的好朋友Tony Smith的信息卡片,你們在同一所學(xué)校。請你根據(jù)卡片提示,用英語來向大家介紹一下你和你的好朋友Tony Smith.
要求:l、填寫8 1、82兩個空白。
2、  寫規(guī)范,語言表達(dá)準(zhǔn)確連貫,可以適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。不少于50個詞。


    2017. 11
    1-5 AACAB  6-10 DDBDB  11-15 CDCDC    16-20 DACCC
二、完形填空(每空1分,共1 0分)
    21-25 ADCDB    26-30 ABDCD
    31-35 DDCDB,36-40 ABDBD  41-45 ABDCB
    46.His name is…/He is...
    50.Four eggs, some bread and milk.
四、詞語運用(每空1分,共1 5分)
    51-55  potatoes,~Vrite,  hasn't,  libraries;  teeth,
    56-60 any;coffee;much,shopping;Tom and Tony's
    61-65  0ur,  on;   teacher's,are,  girl's
五、,景交際(每空2分,共1 0分)
    66-70 BFGDC
六、句型轉(zhuǎn)換(每小題2分,共1 0分)
    71.Who is;  72.are they;  73.lots of;
    74. Chocolate is delicious, but too much chocolate isn't good for you.
    75. What class are you in?
乇、書面表達(dá)(15分)  略。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1196676.html

相關(guān)閱讀:2018年秋七年級英語上Unit6 Section A(1a-1c)課后作業(yè)(有答案)