
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

                          七年級英語                     2017.12
  考試時間:100分鐘   滿分:100分
選擇題 共50分
A) 聽對話,選圖片。
1. What does Sandy have for lunch?
A.      B.      C.

 2. Which is Nancy’s favourite festival?
A.      B.      C.


3. What does the girl buy for Jack?
A.      B.      C.


 4. What does Millie like doing after class? 
A.      B.      C.


5. Where will they go?
    A.        B.                      C.



B) 聽對話,回答問題。
6. What colour is Peter’s mask?
   A. It’s brown.    B. It’s yellow.    C. It’s black.
7. How often does David exercise?
   A. Once a week.   B. Twice a week.   C. Never.
8. Where are the speakers talking?
A. On a bus.    B. In a restaurant.   C. In a hospital. 
9. How many students don’t have the books?
   A. Forty.         B. Twenty-five.   C. Fifteen. 
10. What does the man think of the skirt?
   A. It is colourful and nice.
   B. It matches the blouse very well.
   C. It is too colourful and does not go well with the blouse.
11. Where does Henry come from?
A. America.    B. England.    C. China.
12. Who’s Zhang Hua?
A. Henry’s brother.   B. Henry’s uncle.    C. Henry’s friend.
13. When does Henry visit Zhang Hua?
A. At the weekend.   B. During the holiday.  C. On New Year’s Eve.
14. Who teaches Henry to make dumplings?
A. Zhang Hua.    B. His brother.    C. Mrs Zhang.
15. What do the two boys NOT do on New Year’s Eve?
A. They go boating in the park.
B. They enjoy an interesting film.
C. They watch lion dances and fireworks.
16. Simon looks smart         purple.
   A. on    B. of     C. with    D. in
17. Jackie Chan is a Kungfu superstar. He is          among the people all over the world.
A. modern   B. beautiful   C. interesting  D. popular
18. —Is the man on the left your English teacher?
   —No, he teaches         Biology. His classes are fun.
   A. we    B. our    C. us   D. ours
19. —         do you do at Halloween?
   —We play games and have lots of fun.
   A. How    B. Where    C. What    D. When
20. —This pair of shoes looks nice. Can I        , madam?
  A. try them on   B. try it on       C. try on it     D. try on them
21. —Can you help me         when the train leaves?
   —Sure, Mr Green.
   A. look for   B. look out   C. look at   D. find out
22. —What’s your         , Jimmy?
   —I like dancing to music.
   A. work   B. name    C. hobby   D. age      
23. —The price of a HUAWEI Mate 9 Pro will be more than 4000 yuan.
   —Yes, good things always         much.
   A. pay   B. spend    C. take   D. cost
24. —Where’s Lucy?
   —She         volleyball with her friends.
   A. practises playing      B. is practising playing
   C. practisng playing      D. is practisng to play
25. How many syllables(音節(jié)) does the word “l(fā)ovely” have?
   A. One.    B. Two.    C. Three.   D. Four.
26. Trainers are         for a long walk.
   A. matching   B. match    C. fit    D. fitting
27. —Mike, let’s go to the zoo now.
   —OK. Just a         . Let me change my shoes.
   A. second   B. minute    C. hour   D. day
28. —How about the comic books? It’s $65.
   —I can’t take it. The price is too         for us students.
   A. high   B. cheap    C. expensive   D. much
29. —Good afternoon!        ?
   —I’d like some basketball cards.
   A. Can you help me      B. What can I do for you
C. How are you       D. What can I help you
30. —Dad, I’m going for Jim’s birthday party. I’ll be back before 10:00.
   A. Be careful.  B. Come home early. C. Have fun.  D. Really?
Food is important. Everyone needs to   31   well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is   32  . We begin to get knowledge even when we are young. Small children are   33   in everything around them. They learn   34  
while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to   35   science books, storybooks and anything else they like. When they find something new, they have to ask questions and   36   to find out the answers.
  What is the best   37   to get knowledge? If we learn    38   ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are   39   getting answers from others and don’t ask why, we will never learn more and understand   40   . So we should believe in the saying that is never too old to learn.
31. A. sleep    B. read              C. drink       D. eat
32. A. sport   B. exercise        C. knowledge   D. meat
33. A. interested  B. interesting      C. weak            D. good
34. A. everything  B. something    C. nothing   D. anything
35. A. lend       B. write             C. learn        D. read
36. A. try       B. have              C. think     D. wait
37. A. place   B. school     C. way    D. road
38. A. on         B. with            C. to       D. by
39. A. seldom     B. always             C. never        D. sometimes
40. A. harder     B. much        C. well         D. better
四、閱讀理解(共10小題, 每小題1分,滿分10分)
Tom’s clothing shop
Clothes Colour Price
socks white, blue $4
pants black $11
sweater red, white $8
T-shirt red, green, black $7
hat black, red $6
41. Which is the expensive of all?
A. Hat.            B. T-shirt.     C. Pants.          D. Socks.
42. You don’t like red, so you may buy           in the shop.
A. socks          B. sweaters          C. T-shirts      D. hats
43. You only have sixteen dollars. You can buy              .
A. a sweater and a pair of pants        B. two T-shirts and a pair of socks           C. a sweater and two pairs of socks       D. a sweater and two hats
   Many people say that they are working too many hours. They don’t have enough time to play or to stay with their families.
   Work hours are different from one country to another. In France, people spend about 1,646 hours a year at work. In Japan, people work about 2,159 hours a year. A Japanese worker works longer than a French worker.
   Why do people work so many hours? Some people work extra hours because they want to have more money, but many companies(公司) don’t pay overtime. Their workers don’t get more money for more work. Some people think they should work more hours. Some think that they will lose their jobs if they don’t work more hours.
   Many people say that their holidays are too short. In France, people get five weeks of paid vacation a year. In Germany, they get four to six weeks, and in the USA, two weeks. But less than 50% of the workers use all the holidays. In the UK, there is a saying , “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” If that is true, there must be a lot of dull people in the world.
44. A Japanese worker works           more hours a year than a French one.
A. 1,646 B. 2,159 C. 513     D. 3,805
45. The underlined word “extra” means           in Chinese.
A. 正常的      B. 額外的            C. 有用的      D. 少量的
46. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?
A. Jack is a dull boy.
B. Many people say they have enough time to play.
C. Not all companies pay their workers for their more work.
D. More than 50% of the workers use all their holiday days. 
One day Mrs Jones goes shopping. When her husband comes home in the evening, she begins to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress. “I see it in a shop this morning,” she says. “And…and you want to buy it,” says her husband. “How much does it cost?
“Forty pounds.”
“Forty pounds for a cotton dress? That’s too much!”
But every evening, when Mr Jones comes back from work, his wife continues to say only about the dress, and at last, after a week, he says, “Oh, buy the dress. Here’s the money!” She is happy.
But the next evening, when Mr Jones comes home and asks, “Do you buy the famous dress?” “No,” she says.
“Why not?” he asks.
“Well,” Mr Jones says, “It is still in the window of the shop after a week. I think nobody else wants this dress, so I don’t want it, either.”

47. At first, Mrs Jones         the beautiful dress in the window of the shop.
A. dislikes       B. likes           C. buys       D. wears
48. Her husband doesn’t give her the money right away because          .
A. he doesn’t love her at all            B. he doesn’t have any money      
C. he thinks the dress is too expensive   D. he wants a better one
49. How long does Mrs Jones talk about the cotton dress?
A. A week.       B. One day.   C. Two days.   D. Two weeks.
50. In the end, Mrs Jones          .
A. is happy to get the dress     B. doesn’t buy the dress
C. is angry with her husband    D. doesn’t get the money to buy the dress
非選擇題 共50分
51. This pair of trousers    ▲   (與…相配) Jack’s yellow shirt. They look cool on him.
52. When we do sports, it’s better to wear sports clothes because they are    ▲   (舒適的).
53. My father likes collecting     ▲   (郵票) very much. What about your father?
54. I have    ▲    //with tomatoes and some fish for lunch.  
55. Sandy is wearing a red    ▲    // blouse, a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots.
56. We will go on a    ▲    // if it is fine tomorrow.
57. Eddie is so     ▲    (懶惰的)that he doesn’t want to take any exercise.
58. Eating too much sugar is bad for our    ▲   (牙齒). 
59. Children in China like Spring Festival because they can get lots of    ▲   (gift).
60. I will go to a party but I don’t know what    ▲   (wear).
61. In winter people cover their faces with their    ▲    (scarf).
62. My father enjoys    ▲   (lie) on the sofa and watching TV after dinner.
63. This book is very interesting. We are    ▲   (interest) in it.
64. The girl doesn’t know how    ▲   (look) after her little sister.
65. Daniel isn’t in the classroom. He    ▲   (make) models with his friends in the library.
A) 按要求改寫句子,每空一詞。
66. There is some milk in the bottle.(改為否定句)
   There    ▲       ▲    milk in the bottle.
67. The students usually do their homework at school. (用now改寫句子)
   The students   ▲       ▲    their homework at school now.
68. My father exercises every day. (對畫線部分提問)
      ▲       ▲    does your father exercise?
69. The girl in red is my younger sister. (對畫線部分提問)
      ▲       ▲    is your younger sister?
70. Simon would like two kilos of beef. (對畫線部分提問)
   How    ▲    beef    ▲    Simon like?                .
71. Can I spend ten more minutes in bed? (改為同義句)
   Can I spend   ▲       ▲    minutes in bed?
72. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. (改為同義句)
      ▲       ▲    my parents are teachers.
73. There is a potato and a lemon in the basket. (改為復(fù)數(shù))
   There are some    ▲    and    ▲    in the basket.
B) 連詞成句,注意大小寫及標(biāo)點符號。
74. is, for, important, healthy food, me (.)
75. usually, you, celebrate, how, your birthday, do(?)
76. thinking about, am, I, what to wear(.)
77. the, is, to, meet friends, and, have fun, mall, a good place(.)
C) 根據(jù)漢語意思,用英語完成下列句子。
78. 一天一蘋果,不用去診所。  
An apple a day       ▲      .
79.  假如他們不招待我們,我們就捉弄他們一下。
    If they do not give us a treat, we will       ▲       them.
80.  不要在太陽下看書。這對你的眼睛不好。
    Don’t read in the sun. It        ▲       your eyes.
81.  凱特每天睡眠不足八小時。
   Kate sleeps       ▲      . 
82.  讓我?guī)銋⒂^一下我們的新圖書館。
   Let me       ▲       our new library.
83.  如果我們努力學(xué)習(xí),我們的夢想就會實現(xiàn)。
If we work hard, our dreams can    ▲  .
84. 我的生活方式與你的不同。
   My lifestyle       ▲        yours.
85.  我每天吃蔬菜因為我想保持健康。
    I eat vegetables every day because I       ▲       .
Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying “Eat good things for b  86  , eat a b  87   meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many people in the USA agree that one s  88   a day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are d  89  .
Most people in America only give themselves a short time to have their lunch, so they eat a s  90   lunch. After work, they can have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a quiet dinner at home with all the family talking about their day is a w  91   to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work.
Eating at r  92   is also different. In China, very often you can hear people t  93   and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time. In America it is not like this. They usually eat a good meal f  94    away from the noisy places. If they are making some noise, other people in the restaurants will look at t  95   angrily, even the manager of the restaurants will ask them to be quiet.
Age 13
Appearance short hair, wear glass…
Hobbies computer games, be good at…
Personalities kind and helpful…
Lifestyle unhealthy lifestyle, want to change…
Clothes and shoes like sweaters and trainers because…
Festival Spring Festival because…
1. 短文必須包括所有要點,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。 2. 短文開頭和結(jié)尾已寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。
Dear Li Lei,
    I would like to introduce my best friend Daniel to you.                                 
Do you want to be friends with him? Please write back to me soon.
1-5 A B A B B   6-10 C C B C C   11-15 A C C C A
    16-20 D D C C A  21-25 D C D B B   26-30 C B A BC
    31-35 D C A B D  36-40 A C D B D
    41-45 C A C C B  46-50 C B C A B
  A) 51. matches 52. comfortable 53. stamps   54. beef    
55. silk   56. picnic    57. lazy     58. teeth   
  B) 59. gifts      60. to wear    61. scarves  62. lying    
63. interested  64. to look  65. is making
  A) 66. isn’t any     67. are doing     68. How often     69. Which girl 
     70. much, would   71. another ten  72. Both of       73. potatoes, lemons
  B) 74. Healthy food is important for me.  
    75. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
     76. I am thinking about what to wear.
    77. The mall is a great place to meet friends and have fun.
  C) 78. keeps the doctor away   79. play a trick on     80. is bad for
81. for less than eight hours  82. show you around    83. come true   
84. is different from   85. want to keep healthy
86. breakfast    87. big         88. starts      89. different   90. small
91. way        92. restaurants   93. talking     94. far       95. them


Dear Li Lei,
    I would like to introduce my best friend Daniel to you.
    He is thirteen years old. He wears glasses and has short hair. He is good at Maths. He likes playing computer games. He is helpful. He often cleans the flats for the elderly. He likes hamburgers and cola. They are not healthy at all. He wants to change his lifestyle. He plans to eat more fruit and vegetables. He wants to swim once a week, He likes wearing sports clothes and trainers because they are light and comfortable. His favourite festival is the Spring Festival because he likes letting off fireworks. He also thinks that people can get together on that day.
Do you want to be friends with him? Please write back to me soon.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/1209689.html
