
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)


第starter單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Starter Unit 1-3課堂接力

Look at(看) y pencil box(鉛筆盒). It's blue.It's y pencil box. What's in it? Look! This is a pen.It's red. This is a pencil. It's orange. And this is an eraser(橡皮). It's white. y pencil box is big and nice(好看的). I like it.
1.What’s this?______________________
2.What color is the eraser?________________________-
3.What’s in the pencil box?__________________________
(文具大全參考答案:1.It’s a pencil box. 2. It’s white. 3.A pen,a pencil and an eraser. )

Hello,I 11 Dale.Look at(看)this picture(畫), please. 12 in the picture? A ap, a bed(床), 13 quilt, a jacket, 14 a TV are in it. 15 16 are the quilt and the jacket ? The quilt 17 nice. It isn't 18 . It is white. 19 jacket isn't green. 20 is brown.
( ) 1l.A. are B. a C.is
( ) 12.A. What's B. How's C. What
( ) 13.A. the B. an C.a
( )14.A.and B.or . C.of
( )15.A.What's B.What C.Who's
( ) 16. A. / B. colors C. color
( )17.A.is B.are C.a
( ) 18. A. a quilt B. green C. green one
( ) 19.A.The B. / C.A
( ) 20.A. Jacket B.The jacket C.It
(完形參考答案:BACAB CABAC)

第1單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 1 y nae’s Gina. 課堂接力
人際交往中,最常用的語言是打招呼的問候用語。在不同的國家里,打招呼和問候的方式是不同的。中國人喜歡用“吃了嗎?” “你干什么去?”作為打招呼的開場白,而在歐美國家的人們是怎樣打招呼或問候呢?
—Hello! /Hi!
—Hello! /Hi!
—Good orning/afternoon/evening/night! (orning!/Afternoon!/Evening!)
—Good orning!/afternoon!/evening!
—How are you?
—Fine. thank you. And you?(I' fine,thank you./I' OK. /Not bad.)
—Good night!晚安!
—Good night!晚安!

1.This is...(speaking).我是……
2.Who is that? 你是準? 或Is that...(speaking)? 你是……嗎?
3.ay I speak to...,please? 我可以跟…說話嗎?
4.He's in (out).他在家(不在家)。
5.Can I take a essage for you? 我可以為你捎信嗎?
6.Can I leave a essage? 我可以留個信兒嗎?
7.Hold on,please.稍等。

【語法專練】 第1單元 語法專練:p13
A:Hi, Ji.
A: 2.___________
B: I' fine, thank you! And you?
A:I' OK.
A. It's 7643572. B. It's y ID card.
C. What's your nae? D. Nice to eet you, too.
E. y last nae's Brown.
A: Hello, I' David. 1._________________
B: Hi. y nae's Ti. Nice to eet you.
A: 2._________________ What's your last nae?
A: What's your phone nuber?
B: 4._________________ And your telephone nuber?
A: It's 7683886. What's this?
B: Oh. 5._________________
A: Hello, ay I l._______________ to Gina.please?
B: I' sorry. He isn't in.
A: Who is 2.______________?
B: 3.___________ is ary-her best friend. ay I to essage?
A: Yes,I want to ask her hoework.
B: I'll tell her about that.
A:Thank you.
3.(打電話用語)我是To。你是誰? __________________________________________.

(語法專練參考答案:Ⅰ1.Hello/Hi. 2.How are you? Ⅱ.1-5 CDEAB
Ⅲ. l.speak 2.that 3.This
Ⅳ.1. Good afternoon. 2.—How are you? —I' fine, thank you.
3. This is To. Who is that? 4. ay I speak to Lin Tao'? )

I have(有)a sister(妹妹).She is ten years old(歲).Her first nae is Annie. Her last nae is Jones. Her phone nuber(電話號碼)is 545-5540.I have a brother(弟弟),too. His first nae is To. His last nae is Jones, too. His phone nuber is 726-8691.I like[喜歡)the(他們)very uch(非常).
1. Her nae is Annie Janes. ( ) 2.Her first nae is Jones. ( )
3.She is ten years old. ( ) 4.His last nae is Jones. ( )
5. His phone nuber is 726-8691.( ) (參考答案:FFTTT)
【廣角鏡】 我的名字 p12
Hello, boys and girls. y nae is alia Ann Obaa. alia js y first nae. It's a given nae. Ann is y iddle nae. And Obaa is y last nae. It's y father's faily nae. People call(叫) e alia Obaa, not alia Ann Obaa, or they call e alia. y father is Barack Hussein Obaa II. He is the 44th president of the USA(美國總統(tǒng)). y other is ichelle La Vaughn Robinson Obaa. y sister is Natasha Obaa . So our faily nae is Obaa.

I' a boy. y nae's Richard Sith. Richard is y first nae. Sith is y last nae. y telephone nuber is 284-5796. Look! This is y friend(朋友), To. To is his first nae. His faily nae is Bush. His telephone nuber is 457-8923, Look at this girl. She is y friend, too. Her nae is Sue Read. Her telephone nuber is 789-1258.y questions are(是): What's her first nae? And what's her last nae?
NaeFirst naeLast nae Phone nuber
Richard SithRichard Sith 21.
22.To 23.457-8923
Sue Read 24.25. 789-1258
(參考答案:21.2845796 22.To Bush 23.Bush 24.Sue 25.Read )

(書面表達參考答案:A: Hello, I' Xu Yan.
B: Hi, I' Zhao Chenzhe. Nice to eet you.
A: Nice to eet you, too. What's his nae?
B: His nae is Xin Xuehua. What's her nae?
A: Her nae is Sun Yaoeng.
B: What's this in English?
A: It's a pen. It's y pen.
B: What color is it?
A: It's black.)

第2單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 2 This is y sister. 課堂接力
(l)This is y,..這是我的……
(2)That's y...那是我的……
(3) Is this /that your...? 這/那是你的……嗎?
(4) These/ Those are... 這些/那些是……
(5) —Who is she/he?她/他是誰? —She/He is y...她/他是我的…
(6)—Who are they?他們是誰? —They are...他們是……

(2)用法:指代上文提到的不同人稱的人或物。如:Peter is a good boy. He is twelve.
(3) be動詞根據(jù)人稱代詞和數(shù)的變化而變化。如:I' Linda.He is Ji.
(2)用法:指示代詞可以在句中作主語,賓語和定語。如:This is a pencil.
That boy is y new friend.
♥ 提醒:this,these指代近處的人或事物;that,those指代遠處的人或事物。

A: Good orning, Chen Chuan.
B:1. Wu Jie.
B: I' fine, thank you. And you?
A: 3.
B: Wu Jie. Is this your other?
A:4. She’s y aunt and this is y Cousin Wu Letian.
B: Nice to eet you!
A: 5.
請根據(jù)此情景編寫一組對話。 ___
(語法專練參考答案:Ⅰ. l.Good orning. 2. How are you? 3.I' fine, too.
4. No,it isn't. 5. Nice to eet you, too.
Ⅱ.1.This is y uncle—Zhang Yang.
2. —Is this your sister? —No, it isn't. It's y cousin.
3.These are y parents.
4. The two girls are y friends—Wang Ying and Lin Hui.
5.—Who is he? —He is y brother. Ⅲ.略)

y nae is Liu Xing. Do you know e? any(許多)kids know e. Yes, I' Liu Xing in the play(電視劇)-Hoe with kids(家有兒女).Look! That's a picture of y faily. y father is sitting on the sofa(沙發(fā) ) . His nae is Xia Donghai. He is a writer. That is y other, Her nae is Liu ei. She is a nurse. That is y sister-Xia Xue. y brother Xia Yu is behind(在-----…后面 ) y parents. Do you know which one is e? Yes, the boy in black is e. I have a happy faily.

Hello, boys and girls! I' happy to be here. y nae is Gina Green. Gina is y first
nae. Green is y faily nae. I' 13 years old. I' English. I' in Tianjin no Because(因為) y parents work(工作) here. I have a happy faily. Look at this photo. This is y father, To. He is an English teacher. That is y other, Rose. She is an English teacher, too. They work in the sae(相同的) school. I study(學習) in y parents' school. I love y parents. They love e, too.
1. is y last nae.
A. Gina B. Green C. Gina Green
2. are in Tianjin no
A. Gina B. Gina's parents C. Gina and her parents
3. are English teachers
A. To B. Rose C. To and Rose

Look here! This is a 11 of Ji's faily. This 12 To Green. 13 is Ji's father. He's tall(高).
14 is Ea. 15 is Ji's :other. She's kind(和藹的).The 16 before(在……的前面)Ea is Ji. The 17 next to Ji(靠著)is Kate, r Green's 18 . Ji and 19 are 20 and sister. They are happy!
( ) 11.A. Book B. Photo C. ap D. faily
( ) 12.A. Is B. a C,. Are D./
( ) 13,A, She B, He's C. His D. He
( ) 14. A.A B. These C. This D.That's
( ) 15.A. She B. Her C. He D. His
( ) 16.A. Boy B. girl C. Brother D. Ji
( ) 17.A. Boy B. girl C. Sister D. Kate
( ) 18. A. Son B. sister C. Brother D. daughter
( ) 19.A. Kate B. father C. other D.I
( ) 20.A. Sister B. brother C. Cousin D. friend
(完形填空參考答案:BADCA ABDAB)

第3單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 課堂接力

第一人稱 Ieweus
第三人稱he hitheythe

(2)用法:人稱代詞主格作主語 I a a teacher. You are a student.
(3)人稱代詞賓格作賓語,表示動作行為的對象。Give it to e. Let's go.

形容詞性物主代詞y yourhisheritsouryourtheir

Is this your book? No,it isn't. It's hers(her book).

【語法專練】 第三單元語法專練p33
1.This is his pencil. _________ (y)is in y desk.
2. _________(you) book is on the table.
3. y dictionary is different fro(不同于)_________(your).
4.__________(he) pen is blue.
5. Are___________ (their) students?
6. Let__________ (we) go to school.
7.Is the girl___________(To) sister?
8. ________ (us) are in the classroo.
3. 他的電話號碼是7690329。_________________________________.
4. 她的鋼筆是藍色的,我的是白色的。__________________________.
( )1.—Are those____________sisters?
—No, they're____________cousins.
A. his; y B. your; y C. your; his D. her; y
( )2. —__________is Jenny.
—I' Gina. Nice to eet you.
A. Her nae B. y nae C. I' D. His nae
( )3.—What's___________brother's nae?
—___________ nae is Dave.
A. her; Her B. his; He C. your; His D. your; He's

( )4.—___________ is the girl?
—___________ is y sister
A.Who; She B. What; Her C. Where; She D. How; Her
( )5. This is__________ sister. ___________nae is Lucy.
A. your; Her B. y; His C. your; His D. y; Her

(語法專練參考答案: I. l.ine 2.Your 3.yours 4.His 5.they 6.us
7.To's 8.We Ⅱ. 1. He is y cousin. 2, That pencil is his.
3. His telephone nuber is 7690329. 4. Her pen is blue and ine is white.
Ⅲ. 1—5 . BBCAD)

Look there! This is our classroo. There are any school things in it: a notebook, an eraser, a pencil box, a schoolbag, and four pencils. The notebook is blue. And the schoolbag is blue, too. The eraser is blue and pink. The pencil box is red. The four pencils are all long(長).
They’re four colors. And the pencil sharpener is light blue. Is that your pencil'? Is that your notebook? Is this your eraser?... Coe and take it back.
1. 短文圈出短文中提到的物品。
2. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空。
①The notebook is b____________
②The schoolbag is b____________
③The eraser is b____________ and p ____________
④The pencil box is r____________
⑤The four pencils are four c____________
⑥The pencil sharpner is light b____________
(參考答案:blue ; blue ; blue pink; red ; colors ; blue)

Look at this boy. He is an English boy. His first nae is Peter. His last nae is Barnes. This is his school(學校). His school ID card nuber is two-zero-four-eight-five-six-seven. His teacher(老師)is iss White.
iss White is a good (~-的) teacher. Li Lei is his good friend(朋友)at school. Look! What's that? It's his schoolbag. It's black.But where's(在哪里)his watch?I don't(不)know(知道).
1. The boy is an__________ boy. His faily nae is__________ .
2. His school ID card is__________ .
3. Peter has(有)a good__________ and a good__________ .
4.-What's that? -It's his__________ .It's__________ .
(參考答案:1.English ; Barnes 2. 2048567 3.teacher ; friend 4. Schoolbag ; black )

A:Excuse 11 ,what's 12 ?
B: y nae is Ann Read. And 13 ?
A:Wei Hua.Nice to 14 you,
B: Nice to eet you, too.
A: 15 this? Is it a book?
B:No.It's 16 notebook.
A:What's that 17 English?
B:It's a ring,a 18 ring.
A: Can you 19 "ring" ?
B: 20 ,I can. R- I- N- G.
( )11.A.y B.e C.I D.you
( )12.A. that B. It C. This D. your nae
( )13. A. are you B. your C. Nae D. your nae
( )14. A. eet B. See C. found D. eets
( )15.A.What B.Is C. What's D. How
( )16. A. / B. A C. an D. the
( )17. A. in B. / C. of D. is
( )18. A. y B. You C. his D. white
( )19. A. say B. Look C. eet D. spell
( )20. A. No B. Yes C. Thank you D. It is
(完形填空參考答案:BDDAC BADDB)

1.Eily Sith丟了電腦游戲機,她的電話:372-5683。
2.Ben Green拾到了一串鑰匙,他的電話:645-2357。
(參考答案:1. Lost: A coputer gae. Please call Eily Sith a 372-5683.)
(參考答案:2. Found: A set of keys. y nae's Ben Green. Phone nuber is 645-2357.)

第4單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 4 Where’s y schoolbag? 課堂接力
(1) 一般名詞詞尾加s。如: pen→pens
(2) 以o結(jié)尾的名詞一般直接加~s。如:radio→radios,photo → photos
但有的以o結(jié)尾的有生命的名詞要加~es。 如:toato→ toatoes
(3) 以s,x,ch,sh結(jié)尾的名詞變?yōu)閺蛿?shù)時要加~es。
如:bus→buses, box→boxes, watch→watches
(4) 以“輔音字母加y”結(jié)尾的名詞變y為i加~es。女口:dictionary→dictionaries
(5) 以“元音字母加y”結(jié)尾的直接加~s,如:boy→ boys,key→ keys
(6) 以f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞,一般情況下將f、fe變?yōu)関,再加~es。
如:leaf→ leaves, wife→wives

【語法專練】 第四單元語法專練p43
1. This is y ________ (book).
2. Is that your ________ (other)?
3. These are his_________ (pen).
4. Are they your ________ (parent)?
5. To and ike are y ________ (friend)?
6. Where's y ________ (schoolbag)?
7. Here are y brother's ________ (pencil).
8. Her ________ (key) are on the sofa.
9. y two ________ (pencil box) are on the desk.
10. His brother's ________ (tape) are in his bag.
11. Are those your ________ (photo)?
12. These are y grandparents' ________ (radio),
1.兩把尺子 _____________________ 2.一個橙子 ____________________
3.一串鑰匙 _____________________ 4.三個弟弟 ____________________
5.兩個女兒 _____________________ 6.一些照片 ____________________
7.一塊橡皮 _____________________ 8.這些箱子 ____________________
9.五本詞典 _____________________ 10.那些手表 ___________________
11.他們的桌子 __________________ 12.兩臺收音機 _________________
III. 翻譯下面的句子
1.那些是我的父母。______________________________________________ .
2.他們是我的朋友。______________________________________________ .
3.你的兩個弟弟在哪里?__________________________________________ .
4.我的爺爺和奶奶在第一張照片里。________________________________ .
5.我的書在書櫥里。______________________________________________ .
(語法專練參考答案: I. 1. book 2. other 3.pens 4.parents 5.friends 6.schoolbag
7.pencils 8.keys 9.pencilboxes l0.tapes 11. photos 12.raclios
Ⅱ.1. two rulers 2.an orange 3.a set of keys 4.three brothers 5.two daughters
6.soe photos 7.an eraser 8. these boxes 9. five dictionaries 10. those watches
11. their desks 12. two radios
Ⅲ. 1. Those are y parents. 2. They are y friends, 3. Where are your two brothers?
4. y grandfather and grandother are in the first photo. 5. y books are in the bookcase.)

Dear Li Qiang,
Thank you for helping e. Please put these things to y roo: y bed, y table, y chair, y sofa, y bookcase, y coputer, and y balls. y bed is next to y table. y chair is under y table. y bookcase is near y table. Please put y books in the bookcase, Put y coputer on the table. Put y basketball under the chair and y tennis racket under the sofa. Don't forget to put y quilt on y bed.
Gao Lin

This is a photo ofy bedroo(臥室).It's not big(大).You can see(看見)a bed next to(靠近)the wall(墻).On the wall there are y photos. y desk and chair are next to the bed. Where is y backpack? Oh, it's under the desk. What's in y backpack? Look! A pencil box, soe books and a baseball. y school ID card is in y pencil box. Where is y coputer gae? Is it on the desk? No, it isn't. It's in the drawer. Do you know y nae? I' To Brown.
1.To's bedroo is_____________ big.
2.The photos are_____________the wall.
3. The backpack is_____________the _____________.
4. His_____________ _____________ is in the drawer.
5. The school ID card is in his_____________ _____________.
(參考答案:1.not 2.on 3.under ; desk 4. coputer gae 5. pencil box )

This is 11 phot0 12 y roo. Can you see(看見) y bed? It is here. It is beautiful(漂亮的). These 13 y books. They are 14 .y chair is 15 desk.Look!(看)What's that? It's 16 alar clock.It's 17 the floor. y 18 is on the bed. 19 are those 20 0n the desk? Oh, they are soe plants.
( )ll.A.a B.an C./ D.the
( )12.A.to B.at C.in D.of
( )13.A.is B. an C. are D. do
( )14.A. on desk B. on the desk C. at a desk D. on a desk
( )15. A. in the B. In C. under the D. on the
( )16.A.a B.the C,/ D.an
( )17.A.in B.under C,on D.at
( )18.A.books B.quilt C. hats D. alar clock
( )19.A.What B.Where C.Here D.How
( )20. A. thing B. plants C. plant D. things
(完形填空參考答案:ADCBC DCBAD)

Dear Rose,
Please take these things to your sister, Alice.They are her CD player and C.D case, backpack,sunglasses(太PH鏡), baseball cap, keys and alar clock. Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in her bedroo. Her backpack is under her bed.The sunglasses are on the desk in y roo. Her baseball cap is on her bed. Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(廚房). The alar clock is on the table in her roo.
( )21. Who is this letter(信) written to(寫給)?
A. o. B. Rose. C.Alice. D. e.
( )22. Are Alice's keys on the table in her bedroo?
A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, they are. C. No, they aren't. D. No, it isn't.
( )23. Where is the alar clock?
A. It's on Alice's table. B. It's on the table in the kitchen.
C. It's in Rose's roo. D. It's under the table.
( )24. Where are Alice's sunglasses?
A. They are on the desk ofAlice's roo. B. They are on the desk of Rose's roo.
C. They are under the desk of o's roo. D. They are on the desk of o's roo.
( )25. Does o have(有) two daughters?
A.Yes, she does. B. No, she isn't. C. No, she does't. D. We don't kno

y ideal(理想的)bedroo
(書面表達參考答案:y ideal bedroo
This is y ideal bedroo. Here is a bed. y quilt is on it. y coputer gae is under it. Here is y table.y chair is under it. y coputer and backpack are on the table. Those are y books. They are in y bookcase. y keys are on the dresser. And y baseball is in the drawer. Where are y CDs? They're in the drawer, too.)

第5單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 課堂接力

1.I a a student.(改為否定句)_____________________________.
2.I have a baseball.(改為否定句)_____________________________.
3.Her nae is ary.(改為一般疑問句,并做肯定回答)_____________. _________.
5. His book is on the table(對畫線部分提問)_____________________________.
6.inging plays soccer in the afternoon.(對劃線線部分提問)____________________.
Ⅲ. 用所給動詞的適當形空
1.________ (be) your nae ike?
2. What________ (be) his telephone nuber?
3. How________ you________ (spell) "ruler" ?
4. y brothers_ (be) in the living roo.
5. Here________ (be) soe of y photos.
6. I________ (play) soccer in the afternoon.
7. He ________ (have) a tennis racket.
8. —________ you________ (play) basketball every day? —No,I________ .
9. That ________ (sound) good.
10. She________ (not have) a tennis racket. But she________ (have) a ping-pong bat.
(語法探究參考答案:2. (1) .① not ② a,is, are (2) .① do, does, don't, doesn't
 語法專練參考答案:Ⅰ. 1.I' Ji. 2.This is y sister.
3.To plays sports every day.    4.His schoolbag is on the chair. 
   5.They have a basketball.
Ⅱ. 1. I a not a student. 2. I don't have a baseball. 3. Is her nae ary? Yes, it is.
  4. Does your sister play soccer'?  No, she doesn't. 5. Where is his book?
6. What does inging do in the afternoon?
Ⅲ. 1. Is 2. is 3. do; spell 4. are 5. Are 6. play 7. has 8. Do; play; don't
9. sounds 10. doesn't have; has )

Look at the boy. He is y friend. His nae is David. He likes to play basketball. He joins the school basketball club. He plays basketball every afternoon and watches the basketball gaes on TV. Next to hi is his sister-Lucy. She's 9 years old. She likes to play ping-pong. She plays it every afternoon with her friend, Anna. They play it very well.
1. David likes to play____________ .
2. He is in the school basketball____________ .
3. He often watches the basketball gaes on ____________ .
4. Lucy likes to play____________ and she plays it with her friend____________ .
(參考答案: 1.basketball 2.club 3.TV 4. ping-pong ; Anna )

Ben is an English boy. He is 13 years old. He likes sports, He plays sports every day. He likes playing volleyball. He thinks it is very interesting. He likes playing basketball, too. Because he thinks it is good for hi. Ben has 49 basketballs, 82 tennis rackets, 65 baseballs, 26 volleyballs and 52 soccer balls. He has a good friend. His nae is Bill, He likes sports, too. He likes to play basketball. But he doesn't like to play volleyball. He thinks it's boring.
Balls Nuber
Tennis rackets2.____________
baseballs 3.____________
Soccer balls 5.____________
(參考答案:1. 49 2. 82 3. 65 4. 26 5. 52 )

y uncle can play any 11 . He can play 12 , basketball, volleyball, baseball and
ore. He 13 baseball and basketball well. He 14 the sports gaes (比賽) 15 TV. He plays sports every 16 . He 17 a sall roo in his house. There 18 any balls in it. They 19 12 tennis 20 , 10 baseballs, 3 volleyballs, 2 basketballs and a soccer ball.
( )1l. A. Sport B. Sports C. ball D. chess
( )12. A. ping-pong B. Volleyball C. Soccer D. sports
( )13. A. Play B. Has C. plays D. has
( )14. A. has B. Sees C. Watch D. watches
( )15. A. On B. At C.Fro D. in
( )16.A.Year B.day C.days D. ornings
( )17.A.have B. Is C.has D. plays
( )18.A.are B. Is C.do D.does
( )19.A.are B. have C.has D. is
( )20.A.balls B. racket C.bats D./
(完形填空參考答案:11-15 BCCDA 16-20 BCAAA)

Ben is y cousin. He is 12 years old. He is in Class 5, Grade 7. He likes sports. He plays sports every day. He likes playing basketball. Because(因為)he thinks(認為)it is very interesting. Ben has a great sports collection. He has 4 basketballs, 8 tennis rackets, 5 baseballs and 2 soccer balls.

Linda is y good friend. She is 10 years old. She's in Class 5, Grade 5. She likes sports, too. She plays baseball with her other every day. And she likes to watch the on TV. She has 8 baseballs and 4 baseball bats.

A. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容連線:
21. A. has 4 basketballs, 8 tennis rackets.

B. plays baseball with her other every day.

C. is in Class5, Grade 7.

22. D. has 8 baseballs and 4 baseball bats.

E. likes playing basketball.

B. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空:
23. Ben thinks playing basketball is very___________. He has a great________ collection.
But Linda likes_______________.
24.How old is Linda? ______________________________________________________
25. Does Ben have tennis balls? ______________________________________________
(閱讀理解參考答案: 21.ACE 22.BD 23. interesting sports baseball
24. Sheis 10 years old. 25. No, he doesn't. )

第6單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 課堂接力
★ 分類:英語中的普通名詞可以分為可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。
★ 可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)的規(guī)則變化
l) 一般情況,在名詞詞尾加____,如:apple→____________;book→____________ 。
2) 以s、x、sh、ch結(jié)尾的名詞加____,如:glass→ ________ ,box→ ________ 。
3) 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,變y為_____ 加_______ ,如cities,babies,eneies。
4) 以f或fe結(jié)尾的名詞,多數(shù)變f或fe為v加es,如:wife→wives,leaf→leaves。
如: toato→________,zoo→zoos, photo→________。
6)不規(guī)則名詞變化:foot→feet,tooth→teeth, child→children, an→en,
woan→woen, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, ouse→ice。
★ 名詞變復數(shù)的讀音:(口訣:清清濁濁元濁)
1) 清輔音后讀/s/,如:ap→aps
濁輔音和元音后讀/ z /,如:bag→bags,car→cars
2) 以s,sh,ch,x等結(jié)尾加es讀/ iz /,如:bus→buses, watch→watches
以ce,se,ze等結(jié)尾加s讀/iz/,如:license→licenses, 以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾,變y為i再加es讀/z/,如:baby→babies

1.你喜歡香蕉嗎? Do you ___________ ____________ ?
2.這是我的兩個妹妹。___________ ____________ y two sisters.
3.他喜歡面包和梨。He ____________bread and pears.
4.他早飯吃雞蛋嗎? Does he___________ ____________for breakfast?
His other___________ toatoes and carrots___________ ____________.
1. That is an eraser. __________________________________________.
2. He has a sister. __________________________________________.
3. The girl likes an orange. __________________________________________.
1. These are his ___________ (orange).
2.1 0ften play coputer ___________ (gae) on weekends.
3. He has five ___________ (basketball).
4. Do you play ___________ (sport) every day?
5. Those ___________ (girl) are in the classroo.
6.I have three ___________ (pen).
7. Can you bring soe ___________ (thing) to school?
8. Do you like French ___________ (fry)?
9.I like ___________ (salad) and ___________ (strawberry).
10. Does she like ___________ (chicken)?
ruler, toato, haburger, boy, salad, apple, orange, ice-crea,
eraser, strawberry, pen, pear, egg, banana, food, rice,carrot
chicken, girl, bread
(語法探究答案 : 1 ) s, apples, books 2 ) es, glasses, boxes 3 ) i, es
5 ) toatoes, photos
語法專練答案: I. 1. like bananas 2. These are 3.likes 4. eat eggs 5.likes, for dinner
II. 1. Those are erasers. 2. They have sisters. 3.The girls like oranges.
Ⅲ. 1.oranges 2.gaes 3.basketballs 4.sports 5.girls 6.pens 7 things 8.fries
9.salad, strawberries 10. chicken
IV. 可數(shù)名詞:ruler, toato, haburger, boy, apple, orange, eraser, strawberry, pen,
pear, egg, banana, carrot, girl 不可數(shù)名詞:bread, rice
既是可數(shù)名詞又是不可數(shù)名詞:ice-crea, salad, chicken, food )

y nae is Jenny. I have four good (好的) friends. I like haburgers, but (但是) Ben doesn't like the. I don't like strawberries, Cara doesn't like the, either(也), Cara and Ay like rice, and they have it every day. But Dale doesn't. Dale and Ben like vegetable salad, but Ay doesn't. She likes fruit salad.
1. Ben doesn't like haburgers. ( )
2. Cara and Ay don't like rice. ( )
3. Dale doesn't like rice. ( )
4. Dale and Ben like vegetable salad. ( )
5. Ay doesn't like fruit salad. ( )
(各有所好參考答案:TFTTF )

I have a happy faily. I think we are healthy. We get up(起床) at about 6:00o'clock. Then(然后) we run in the park for an hour. We often eat haburgers,apples and ilk for breakfast. For lunch
we have chicken7 carrots and rice. We eat dinner at 18:00. We like
_________(eat) fish,toatoes, pears and French fries. After dinner, we like to walk with our pet dog“QQ”.

1. What do they do after they get up?
2. What do they eat for breakfast?
(廣角鏡日常飲食參考答案:1. They run in the park for an hour.
2.They often eat haburgers, apples and ilk for breakfast
3.eating/ to eat 4.我們午飯吃雞肉、胡蘿卜和米飯。 5.寵物)

I a Danny. I 11 a brother,Eric.I have five 12 and two oranges every day, He 13 four bananas and three 14 every day. I like 15 , but he l6 . He doesn't like salad, 17 I don't,either(也).What about y parents? y father 18 broccoli(花椰菜 ), but
y 19 doesn't.What 20 you?
( )11. A. a B. Have C. like D. has
( )12. A. banana B. Orange C. bananas D. salad
( )13. A. is B. Likes C. has D. have
( )14. A. orange B. Haburger C. strawberries D. broccoli
( )15. A. toato B. a toato C. toatoes D. soe toatoes
( )16. A. Do B. doesn't C. Like D. is
( )17. A. but B. And C. Or D. for
( )18. A. Likes B. Have C. like D. does
( )19. A. friend B. Sister C. other D. uncle
( )20. A. of B, are C. Do D. about
( 完形填空參考答案:BCCCC BBACD )

Gina: Let's have a picnic(野餐).
To: That sounds good.
Francisco: I like haburgers, bananas and ilk. What about you, ary?
ary:l like strawberries and chicken. Do you like chicken?
Gina: Yes, I do. I like eggs and toatoes, too. What about you, To?
To: I like carrots and oranges. And y favorite drink is orange. Do you all like orange?
G, F and : Yes, we do.
To: OK. Let's go shopping.
Food and Drink
ary22. ____________chicken
Gina eggs 23.____________chicken
To 24.____________oranges 25.____________

( 閱讀理解參考答案:21.ilk 2.strawberries 23.toatoes 24.carrots 25. Orange)


y nae is Alice. ___________________________________________________
(書面表達參考答案: y nae is Alice. I like apples. y other likes apples, too. But y father doesn't like the. y other and I like ice-crea.But y father doesn't like it. y father likes chicken. But y other and I don't like it.)

第7單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 7 Hoe uch are there socks ? 課堂接力
(1) Can I help you?= What can I do for you? 我能為您做些什么?
(2) What color do you want? 您要什么顏色的?
(3) What sizes do you have/want? 您有/想要多大尺寸的?
(4) 一How uch is it? 一It's…dollars/ yuan. 這個多少錢?……美元/元。
(5) 一How uch are they? 一They're... Dollars. 他們多少錢?他們……美元。
(6) What/How about…? ……怎么樣?
(7) It's too expensive. 太貴了。
(8) It's cheap.很便宜。
(9) It/They look(s) nice. I'll take it/the. 看起來不錯,我買了。
(10) Thanks a lot.非常感謝。
(11) You're welcoe.不客氣。
(12) Here you are.給你。

A: 1.___________________________?
B: I want a pair of sports shoes for y daughter.
A: 2.____________________________________ ?
B: Black or white.
A: We only have white shoes for girls. What about this pair?
B: They look nice, 3.______________________________?
A: They are 75 yuan.
B: OK,4.________________________.Here is the oney(錢).
A:Thank you!
1.“襪子多少錢?” “僅僅5元!
一_________ _________ are these socks? 一_________ _________ only¥5.
2.這件黃色毛衣45美元。 The_________ _________is 45 _________.
3.我喜歡那條黑褲子。 I like that pair of_________ _________.
4.那頂藍帽子10美元嗎? Is the_________ _________10 dollars?
5.我想買一條白裙子。 I _________ to buy a_________ _________.

(語法專練參考答案:Ⅰ.1. Can I help you 2. What color do you want/like?
3. Flow uch are they 4.I'll take the 5. You're welcoe

II. 1. How uch, They are 2. yellow sweater, dollars 3. black pants
4. blue hat/cap 5.want, white skirt
III. A: Can I help you? B:Yes, please. I want a skirt.
A: What color do you want7 B: Blue.
A: How about this one? B: It looks nice, How uch is it?
A: Ten dollars. B: I'11 take it. Thank you.
A: You're welcoe. )

I' Linda. I go to the clothes shops with y parents. We buy a lot of clothes. Look at the red skirt. It's for e. It's only $78. I like it very uch. Here is a white sweater. It's for y o. It's only $ 95. But it's very beautiful. The black trousers are $120. y father likes the very uch. What's this? Oh, it's a blue hat. y other buys it for y grandother. It's $30. And it feels soft(摸起來柔軟). Are these socks?Yes, they are. They are y socks. They're white. They are only $5. Here is-a pair of brown shoes. We buy the for y grandfather. I think he ust(一定) like the.
Clothes ColorPriceFor who
Skirtred1.____________ Linda
Sweater2.____________$ 95o
Hat 4. ____________$30grandother
Sockswhite5. ____________Linda
( 快樂購物 參考答案:1.$78 2.white 3.father 4.blue 5.$5 )

Big Sale at ary's!
Coe to ary's big sale on clothes, things for your roo and things for school. We have jackets for boys for thirty-five dollars, sweaters for girls for fifteen dollars, and bags for five dollars!
See our great dressers(梳妝臺), beds, and chairs. Get a new bookcase for all your school books. At ary's big sale, they're only twenty dollars! And we have schoolbags, pens - everything(一切)for school! Coe to ary's today!
l. How uch are the jackets for boys? _____________________________________.
2. How uch are the sweaters for girls? _____________________________________.
3. There are (有) also dressers,beds and __________ at ary's.
4. At ary's big sale, bookcase is ____________ dollars each.
( 廣角鏡超值購物參考答案: 1.Thirty-five dollars. 2.Fifteen dollars. 3.chairs
4.twenty 5.今天就來ary商店吧!)

Next to(靠近) the No.l iddle School is a school store. It's not 11 but it has 12 0f school things (學習用品). D0 13 like books, erasers, pens 14 color pencils? They're on 15 sale. Big erasers are only one yuan 16 and the
sall one is 0.5 yuan. Those color pencils are only 17 two yuan. I want the yellow pencil sharpener(卷筆刀). It is 18 a good price. I'll take it. Do you need soe school things for 19 ?
20 to this store!
( )11. A. big B. sall C.long D. good
( )12. A.lot B. lots C. any D. uch
( )13. A. I B.they C.you D.we
( )14. A. but B. too C. all D. or
( )15. A. in B. at C. on D,/
( )16. A. one B. every C. each D. sale
( )17. A. for B. on C. in D. of
( )18. A. in B. at C. on D. for
( )19. A. you B.your C.y D.yourself
( )20. A. Coe B. Welcoe C. A or B D. Please
( 完形填空參考答案:ABCDD CABDC)


A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I want a T-shirt for y son.
A: What color do you want? B: Green.
A: Here you are! B: How uch is it?
A: It's 49 yuan. It's on sale. B: I'll take it. Thank you.
A: You're welcoe. )

第8單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 8 When is your birthday?課堂接力
—When is your birthday? 一It's…

at : 表示在某一時刻。如: at six(o'clock)在六點鐘,at half past rune在九點半,
at three forty-five在三點四十五分
in : 表示在某一段時間內(nèi),可能很長,也可能很短。 如:in five inutes在五分鐘以內(nèi),
In suer在夏天,in ay,1965在一九六五年五月
on : 表示在具體的某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上。
如:on Septeber 10在九月十日,on Friday orning在星期五上午,
on a cold winter orning 在一個寒冷的冬天的早晨
下午、晚上”,這時名詞前用定冠詞the,且不要修飾語。如:in the orning在早晨;
in the afternoon在下午;in the evening在晚上。
2.a(chǎn)t也可用于一些固定搭配中,如:at noon,at night, at the weekend, at weekends等。
3.在以this,that,toorrow,next,yesterday, every,last,today等開頭的時間前二般不
加介詞。如:last autun去年秋天;this evening今天晚上;next Friday下周五

(A) 根據(jù)首字母提示補全對話。
A: Are you free this l.e__________?
B:Yes, what's up?
A:Today is y birthday.
B:Happy 2.B________to you!
A:Thank you.
B: I'll have a birthday 3.p____________.Would you like to coe
to y party?
A: I'd love to.4.W___________does“start?
B:At 5:00 p.
A: OK,5.s____________you later.
(B) 從方框中選擇合適的句子補全對話。
A.1 like it very uch. B.Sit down, please.
C.Thank you. D. Coe in, please, Lucy.

A:Good afternoon, Linda.
B:Good afternoon. 1.____
A: Happy birthday to you, Linda.
A: Here is a nice toy bear for you.
B:Thanks a lot.3.____
A: This way, please. Here is our living roo.4.____
B:Thank you!
1. His birthday is _______ January 2nd.
2. He was born _______ a orning of ay.
3. He likes playing soccer _______ the afternoon.
4. We read English _______ the orning.
5. Linda goes to school _______ 7:30 a.
6. He likes reading books _______ night.
7.He'll(將要)coe _______ next week.
8. Are you free _______ this evening?
(語法專練參考答案: I. l. (A) l.evening 2.birthday 3.party 4.When 5.see
(B) 1-4 DCAB Ⅱ.l.on 2.on 3.in 4.in 5.at 6.at 7./ 8./ )

Joy is a girl. Her birthday is on Septeber 13th. She is 9 years old.She likes bananas, apples and strawberries. She likes baseball. She often(經(jīng)常)plays baseball at school. 3.她媽的生日是六月十六日。 She is 36 years old. She likes apples, oranges and pears. She likes volleyball. Joy's father's birthday is on Deceber 20th. He is 38 years old. He 4._____________(not like) fruit. 5, He likes sports. He likes basketball, volleyball, soccer and so on(等等).
l. Joy likes bananas, apples and ____________.
(廣角鏡巧妙應(yīng)答參考答案:1.strawberries 2.Her other's birthday is on June 16th.
3.doesn't like 4.他喜歡運動。)

y nae is Gina. I have two good friends, Linda and Rose. Rose and I are twelve years old. Linda is eleven years old. y birthday is on Noveber 10th. Rose's birthday is on Septeber 10th. Linda's birthday is on January 19th. I like red. But they like green. Rose and Linda are in the sae (相同的 ) school. They have an art festival and a school trip, but y school only has a usic festival every year.

( )1. How old is Rose? A. 10. B. 11. C. 12.
( )2.________is 11 years old. A. Gina B. Linda C. Rose
( )3. When is Gina's birthday?.
A. Noveber 10th. B. Septeber 10th. C,. January 19tb.
( )4.________ like(s) green. A. Gina B. Linda C. Linda and Rose
( )5. Gina's school has.________every year.
A. an art festival B. a school trip C. a usic festival

Good orning, boys and girls. 11 eg. I' Twelve years 12 .I have a brother 13 a sister. y brother is nine and y sister is 14 four. I like haburgers and salad. y brother likes 15 and y sister likes ice-crea. We . 16 a lot of sports things. We all like tennis. Today is y 17 birth-Day. It's January 21st. There's a big cake 18 the table. How 19 is it? Do you know? It's seven 20 . Coe to y other's birthday party and have the cake with us.
( )11. A.I’ B.y nae C. He's D. She's.
( )12. A. young B. / C. big D. old
( )13. A. but B. And C. or D. so
( )14. A. No B. yes C. only (僅僅 ) D. about
( )15.A. a toatoes B. Toato C. one toatoes D. toatoes
( )16. A. has B. Have C. sound D. are
( )17. A. other B. others C. other's D./
( )18. A. in B. Under C. at D. on
( )19. A. uch B. any C. soe D. old
( )20. A. fens B. Yuans C. dollars D./
( 完形填空參考答案: 11-15 ADBCD 16-20 BCDAC )

Today is Noveber 8th. It's Gina's birthday. She is twelve. Ji, Kate and Bill are her friends. They want to buy soe presents(禮物) for Gina. They go to the store near(在附近) the school. There are lots of things in the store. They buy a big cake(蛋糕), two boxes of color pencils, a pencil case and soe nice books. They want to buy two dolls(玩具) for Gina, but the dolls are too dear(貴).
( )21.—How old is Gina today? — _______.
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15
( )22.Gina has _______friends.
A. three B. Four C. two D. only one
( )23. _______is near the school.
A. Their hoe B. A factory C. The store D. The far
( )24.They buy _______for Gina.
A. a big cake B. two boxes of color pencils
C. a pencil case and soe nice books D. A, B and C
( )25. — When is Gina's birthday? — _______
A.Today B.It's Gina's birthday C.Noveber 8th D.Sorry,I don't know
( 閱讀理解參考答案: 21-25 AACDC )

Nae To
BirthdaySepteber 8th
Age 13
Phone uber59596811
Sports he likestennis and basketball
Food he likeshaburgers,eggs and chicken

I have a friend. His nae is To. _______________________________________

( 書面表達參考答案: I have a friend. His nae is To. He is13 years old. His birthday is on Septeber 8th. His phone nuber is 59596811. He likes tennis and basketball. He plays the every day. He likes haburgers, eggs and chicken. He often eats the. )

第9單元 人教版七年級英語上冊Unit 9 y favorite subject is science.課堂接力
話題探究 p93
“學校生活和興趣愛好”是初中新課程標準中規(guī)定的話題之一,也是日常生活常談?wù)?br />的內(nèi)容。常用的句型有:
(1) —What's your favorite subject? 你最喜歡的科目是什么?
—y favorite subject is English. 我最喜歡的科目是英語。
(2) —Why do you like it? 你為什么喜歡它?
—Because it's interesting. 因為它有趣。
(3) —Who is your English teacher? 你的英語老師是誰?
—s Zhang.張老師。
(4) —When is your English class? 什么時候上英語課?
—It's on onday and Wednesday. 周一和周三。

A:Hello, ary.
B: Hi, Ji. Long tie no see. 1.___________________________?
A: It's OK. Soeties I' a little busy
B. 2.__________________________?
A: History.
B: Really? 3. __________________________?
A: Because it's very interesting. And our history teacher is kind and fun.
He always tells us jokes in class.
A.r Hu.

(語法專練參考答案:I. 1. How is your school day 2. What's your favorite subject
3. Why do you like history 4. Who is your history teacher
Ⅱ. 1. y favorite subjects are science and Chinese. 2. I like ath, because it's interesting.
3. To's geography teacher is r Xie.
4. Our ath is on onday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
5. usic is relaxing.
Ⅲ. Cousin: Hi, Gina. How's your day?
Gina: It's OK.
Cousin: What's your favorite subject?
Gina: usic.
Cousin: Why do you like usic?
Gina: Because it's fun.
Cousin: Who is your usic teacher?
Gina: s Xu.
Cousin: She is our usic teacher, too. )

I a Xia Xue. I a a girl. I' ten years old. y favorite subject is English, because it's very interesting. And I like to speak English. I have a good English teacher. Her nae is Liang Hui. She loves us very uch.We all like her. She likes to play basketball after class. She likes to read books very uch. And she often tells us soe funny stories. y favorite sports are basketball and soccer. I want to join the basketball club. y favorite anial is y cat. Her nae is ii. It is white and black.

NaeXia Xue
Sex(性別)1. ____________
Age 2.____________
Favorite subject 3.____________
Favorite sports 4.____________
Favorite anial 5.____________
( 廣角鏡漂亮女孩參考答案:l.girl 2.10 3.English 4.basketball land soccer 5.her cat )

I a a boy. y nae is Jiang Wei. I a 13 years old. 1 have a brother. y brother's Jiang Qiang. He's 14 years old. y brother and I are at the sae(相同的) school. We go to school fro onday to Friday. We have no classes on Saturday and Sunday.
At school, we study c學a) Chinese, English, ath, history, biology, P.E., usic and art. I like Chinese and English because they are very interesting. But y brother likes ath, history and art. He thinks they are fun.
We usually go to school(去上學) at 7:20. School starts (開始)at 8:00.We have four classes in the orning and two classes in the afternoon. We often play basketball after school. We get hoe (到家)at 5:00 p.
l. How old is Jiang Qiang? _____________________________________.
2. When do they have no classes? ________________________________.
3. Jiang Wei likes ________ and English. Because he thinks they are very __________.
4. They often ________ _________ after school.
5. They get hoe at ________ in the afternoon.
( 英俊男孩參考答案:1. He's 14 years old. 2.They have no classes on Saturday and Sunday.
3. Chinese,interesting 4. play basketball 5. 5:00p )

y dear friend, let e 11 you soething about y school day. I get up(起床) 12 6:30 in the orning and I go to school(去上學) at 8:00. I have science at 13 and then I have ath at 10:00. 14 y favorite subject. I like ath very uch, because it's 15 . r Zhang is our ath 16 .Ilike hi.l eat 17 at 12:00 and then I have usic at 13:00. I have history at 14:00. I 18 like history because it is boring. But I 19 like art and I want to be an artist c藝術(shù)家). I have art 20 onday.
( )11. A. to tell B. tell C. tells D, telling
( )12. A. on B. in C. for D. at
( )13. A. nine B. Ten C. eleven D. six
( )14.A.That B.That's C. English D. Chinese
( ) 15. A. Boring B, difficult C. Interesting D. beautiful
( )16. A. Teacher B. student C. subj ect D. friend
( )17. A. breakfast B, dinner C. supper D. lunch
( )18.A. not B. a not C, doesn't D. don't
( ) 19.A. very B. very uch C. really D. a little
( )20. A. on B. at C. in D. of
(完形填空參考答案:11-15 BDABC 16-20 ADDCA )

y nae is Jet. I' 13 years old and in(居住)New York.________________________(我最喜歡的科目是音樂).I don't like science because it's boring.I usually do y hoework at 17:00and I go to bed at 21:00. y favorite teacher is r Green.
Hi, y nae is Victor. I' 14 and y birthday is Noveber 13th. s artin is y favorite teacher. She teaches us ath. I like ath and usic. I don't like science. It's boring.
I' Ken. I like to swi and paint. I want to join the art club. I think art is very interesting. I don't like science. I think it's boring. So I don't like Thursday. We have science on that day.
y nae is Selina. I usually go to school at 7 0'clock in the orning. I think science is boring, but I like history. I want to visit China one day. I think China is very interesting.

23. Who don't like science? ___________________________________________
24. What tie does Selina usually go to school?_______________________________
25. Who's Victor's favorite teacher? _______________________________________
( 閱讀理解參考答案:21. y favorite subject is usic. 22.她教我們數(shù)學。
23. Jet, Victor, Ken and Selina. 24. She usually goes to school at 7 0'clock in the orning.
25. s artin is his favorite teacher. )

Tie Subjects
9:00 t0 9:40 Chinese
10:00 t0 10:40 ath
11:00 t0 11:40 English
Lunch tie
14:00 t0 14:40 usic
15:00 t0 15:40 Science
16:00 t0 16:40 Art

Dear artin,
It's onday, October 12. I' really busy today!____________________________

Dear artin,
It's onday, October 12. I' really busy today! At 9:00, I have Chinese. I don't like Chinese. It's boring. Then at 10:00, I have ath. I like it very uch because it's interesting and I like our ath teacher, too. Next, at 11:00, I have English. It's y favorite subject. I like to speak English in class. At about 12:00, I have lunch. I often eat chicken and haburgers for lunch. After lunch, I have usic. It's relaxing. I have science at 15:00. I like it because it's fun. At 16:00, I have art. I like art, too. What about you?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/128814.html
