
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網

1、一般現在時的否定句與疑問句:do通常用于第一,第二單復數,第三人稱復數;而does用于第三人稱單數;如:Do you like English? They don’t like apples at all.
Does he like Chinese? y father doesn’t live in Haikou.
He can sing this song in English.. He can’t sing this song in English.
-- Can he sing this song in English? -- Yes, he can/ No, he can’t.
1. live in+地點 住在某地 live with sb和……住一起
2. Could you help e with(study) English ?
3. No proble./sure
4. be kind/friendly to 對。。。友好
5. play with… 和…玩 玩….
6. Please help us find hi.
7. want to do sth.=would like to do sth.
8. What does your father do?=What is your father?
=What’s your father’s job(工作)?
9. what/how about +名詞/代詞/doing 。。。怎么樣?
10. why not +動詞原形? 為什么不。。。?
11. a photo of y faily
12. in an office on a far
13. on the sofa/on the desk
14. Would you like soe(不用any) ilk?=Do you want…?
=What about soe ilk?
15. ay I take your order?
16. ay I help you?= Can I help you? = What can I do for you?
17. Help yourself/ yourselves to +食物 隨便吃、喝。。。
18. What do you have for breakfast?
19. -- Would you like to have dinner with e? ---OK, I’d love to.
I like it .(I為主格, it為賓格)She likes English. (she為主語)
Do they go with us? ( they為主格, us為賓格)
四、both 與all 的異同:
both“兩個人都”與all “全部都”放在:情態(tài)動詞或助動詞之后,行為動詞前;如 :
They are both farers. = They both work on a far.
而all “三人或三人以上都” 注意區(qū)別; 如:
They are both teachers. 他們都是教師。(總數為兩個人)
They are all teachers. 他們都是教師。(三人或三人以上)
名詞所有格表達形式,構成在名詞后加“ ‘s “,意思是“……的”。 如:y classate’s bag; Ji’s grandfather
“ ‘s ”通常用于有生命的,而無生命的常用結構…of; 如:
a photo of y faily一張全家福a ap of China一張中國地圖
注意:當名詞后已有s,所有格 只加“ ‘ ”如:
我父母的相片 y parents’ picture
同學們的單車 the students’ bikes
區(qū)別:To and Ji’s father 湯姆和吉姆的父親(To and Ji are brothers.)
To’s (father ) and Ji’s father 湯姆的父親和吉姆的父親
ilk, chicken, bread , French fries, coke, coffee, rice, orange juice, fish, porridge, water, beef, 等是不可數名詞。不可數名詞通常沒有復數形式。不可數名詞通常不能直接與具體的數詞連用,如需要表示數量,應:數詞+量詞of+ 不可數名詞,如:
a cup of tea 一杯茶; three pieces of bread 三塊面包;
ten bottles of apple juice十瓶橙汁;
1一玻璃杯水_________________ 2、兩箱子蘋果_________________

3、三箱子蔬菜________________ 4、九塊面包_________________

5、十杯牛奶_____________ 6、五塊肉_________________

7、十二杯茶_________________ 8、一副眼鏡_________________

9、兩塊雞肉________________ 10、三張紙_________________

11、四瓶橘汁________________ 12、五盒橡皮擦_________________

13、六碗米飯_________________ 14、七袋米_________________
1. Why not do ……? 為什么不?
2. Why don’t you do ……? 你為什么不?
3. What / How about doing …? …怎么樣(如何)?
4. Would you like to do …? 你愿意/想……?
5. Let’s do ……! 讓我們干……!
如果同意,則回答:Yes, I’d like to/Good idea./OK/All right.
如不同意,則回答No, thanks/No, let’s…
( )1. ---Thank you very uch---_________
A. Welcoe! B. You are welcoe
C. Sure D. Of course
( )2. y friend Billy lives _______ China.
A. with B. fro
C. under D. in
( )3. ______ he like the English corner?
A. Does B. Do
C. Is D. Are
( )4.Do you always speak English ____ your classates?
A. in B. on C. with D. at
( )5 ---ay I know your phone nuber? ---__________.
A. Yes B. Sure C. Yes, I do D. No, I a not.
( )6. Does Bobby want ________ hoe?
A. go B. goes C. to go D. going
( )7. Please call _______ ike.
A. his B. he C hi D. her
( )8 Books are kind_____ us.
A. fro B. on C. in D. to
( )9. I have a pet, ______ nae is Polly.
A. it’s B. it C. its D. y
( )10. -- Whose trousers/pants are they? ---__________.
A. They are here B. They are green
C. They are their D. They are theirs
( )11. ---_______? ---He’s a doctor.
A . What is his nae B. What does he look like
C. What does he do D. What does he like
( )12. y aunt Lisa is _______ office worker.
A. a B. an C. / D. the
( )13. ichael works _______ a far.
His sister works ____ a factory.
A. in, in B. on, on
C. in, on D. on, in
( )14.________ he study? --- In a iddle school
A. Where is B. What does C. Where do D. Where does
( )15 ---Coe in and ake yourselves at hoe. ---__________.
A. Yes B. Sure C. Good D. Thanks

( )16.Linda’s aunt and uncle _______ workers.
A. are all B. are both C. both are D. is both
( )17. ---__________? ---In a factory.
A. Were does he work B. Where is he fro
C. What does he do D. What does he like
( )18.Lisa’s cat _________ her hat.
A. looks like B. looks after
C. looks the sae D. looks at
( )19. Those are y______ clothes
A. children’ B. children’s
C. parents’s D. parents
( )20.I a an_________ boy
A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Aerican D. Brazilian
( )21. ---__________? ---Yes, please.
A. What would you like B. What does he look like
C. Would you like soe apple juice D. What does he like
( )22. I’d like ___________
A. a apple B. a bread
C. a bottle of water D. two cup of tea
( )23. What would you like ________?
A .soething to eat B. eat C. drink D. to drink
( )24.I have _________ in the orning.
A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner
( )25 Would you like _____ilk?
A. a B. an C. soe D. any
( )26.---Do you have________ books on Chinese food?
---Yes, I have______.
A. soe, any B. any, soe
C. soe, soe D. any, any
( )27. They have ____________.
A. any tea B. uch oranges
C. uch burgers D. uch bread
( )28.---____________? ---Very good. I like it very uch.
A. What do you like it B. How do you think of it?
C. What do you think of it D. ay I help you
( )29. Do you want ________ an apple?
A. eat B. to drink C. to have D. to like
( )30.--- ___________? ---Good idea.
A. Do you like to eat soe beef B. Why not have soe rice
C. What do you want to have D. ay I take your order
1.I’d like two________(pair) of shoes?
2.Would you like to have dinner with ________(we)?
3.Help ____________(you) to soe fish, children.
4.I’d like three ___________(cup) of tea.
5.There __________(be) soe water in the bottle.
6.Is he a driver or a ___________(cook)?
7.Please give ________(he) soe orange juice.
8.any=A lot of 【soe】___________(China) live in England no
9.He ___________(teach) in a school
10._______ (we) friend is a cook.
11.Please look at ___________(Ann) faily tree.
12.Is your son a ___________(work)?
13.Are there five ____________(people) in your faily?
14.They are all _______________( office worker).
15.y cousin Susan __________(study) in a new school.

16.Who __________(look) after (照看)Rose?
17.He ___________(live) in China.
18.y friend helps _________(I )with y English.
19.y classate Zhou Lan __________(have ) a dog.
20.Do you ________ (want) to go to Beijing?
21.Does Billy __________(have) any friends in Haikou?
22.r Liang is our English teacher,
we like ________(he) very uch.
23.________(the) are in the sae grade.
24.Thank _______(your) very uch.
15.Jack doesn’t know _______(she )and_______(she) cousin.

1. He likes his pet very uch..(否定句)
He _________ ________his pet ______ _______.
2. I speak English at school. (一般疑問句)
______ ________ _______ English at school?
3. Does his aunt like a cat? (肯定回答)
________, ________ ________.
4. He lives in Xianning,hubei.(就劃線部分提問)
_________ ________ _______?
5. I like y pet very uch (同義句)
I like y pet_________ _________.
6. Thank you very uch. (同義句)
Thanks _________ ________ .
7. Zhou Lan likes dogs. (就劃線部分提問)
_________ __________ dogs?
8. The letter is fro To. (就劃線部分提問)
_________ is the letter__________?

1. Is this a ruler?(作否定回答) ____, it ____.
2. Dick is sixteen.(對畫線部分提問) ____ ____ is Dick?
3. That’s an English book.(改為復數句) ____ ____ English books.
4. They are in Class One, Grade Seven.(對畫線部分提問)
____ class are they ____?
5. That is y o.(對畫線部分提問) ____ ____ that?
6. Are you fro China?(作肯定回答) ____, I ____.
7. I’ Li Hua.(同義句轉換) ____ ____ is Li Hua.
8. These are desks in English.(對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ these in English?
9. I a in Grade Seven.(改為一般疑問句)
____ ____ in Grade Seven?
10. He has short hair.(改為一般疑問句) ____ he ____ short hair?
11. Do you have a sister?(作否定回答) ____, I ____.
12. She has long legs.(同義句轉換) ____ legs ____ long.
13. I a fro China.(同義句轉換) I ____ ____China.
14. We aren’t in the sae class.(同義句轉換) We are in ____ ____.
15. y pants are black.(對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ are your pants?
16. ike has blond hair and blue eyes. (對畫線部分提問)
____ ____ ike look like?
17. Li ing and Li Lei look the sae.(同義句轉換)
Li ing ____ ____ Li Lei.
18. Please give her the pen.(同義句轉換)
Please give the pen ____ ____.
19. Those apples are red.(同義句轉換) Those are ____ ____.
20 They are y books. (對畫線部分提問) ____ ____ are they?
21. She has black hair. (改為一般疑問句)
____ she ____ black hair?
22. Her skirt is yello (對畫線部分提問) ____ ____ is her skirt?
23. To’s face is round. (同義句轉換)
To ____ ____ round face.
24. Does ary have a round face? (作肯定回答) ____, ___ ___26. 25. They are English.(同義句轉換) They are ____ ____.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/135885.html
