七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Unit 5 Why do you like pandas單元測(cè)試與練習(xí)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?


( )1.A. eat B. leave C. head D. clean

( )2. A. sart B. card C. hard D. war

( )3. A. lazy B. relax C. panda D. Africa

( ) 4. A. south B. these C. think D. throw

( ) 5. A. fun B. ugly C. ushroo D. cute


A) 根據(jù)首字母,填出正確的單詞。
1. Don’t s_____ in class. Keep awake, please.
2. A g______ has a very long neck. It’s a beautiful anial.
3. A dolphin is very i________ because it can act as people do.
4. It has an u_____ face. We are afraid of it.
5. The panda is very shy, so please be very q________.
B) 用所給單詞的正確形式。
1. Our teacher is very _________ ( friend) to us. We like her very uch.
2. He usually sleeps and __________ ( relax ) 20 hours every day.
3. Ji went to the Sea World and _________ ( enjoy ) his day.
4. The _________ ( leaf ) of the trees are yello
5. There are any __________ ( kind ) of anials in the zoo.
1. I like pandas _______ they are beautiful.

A. so B. and C. because

2.I a afraid _________ tigers because they are scary.

A. with B. of C. for

3. You had breakfast, _________?

A. weren’t you B. wasn’t you C. didn’t you

4. r. Li is kind _________ us. But soeties he is kind _______ serious.

A. to , of B. with, to C. of , to

5. y sister is very quiet. She has _________ words.

A. a little B. a few C. little D. few

6. I got a letter _________ Australia last week.

A. with B. in C. fro

7.I like y teacher because he can talk ____ us ___ our friend.

A. to , like B. with , likes C. to, likes

8.I don’t like lions because they’re _________.

A. strong B. shy C. unfriendly

9. ost children like koala bears because they are _________.

A. interesting B. scary C. cute D. both A and C

10. Did Sandy go to school _________ last onday?

A. on B. at C. / D. for

11. y little cat sleeps ________ the day , but ________night he begins to work.

A. at , at B. on, in C. on, at D. during, at

12. y watch was lost yesterday. I __________ it everywhere but I didn’t _______ it.

A. looked for, find B. found, look for

C. looked for, find out D. find, look for

13. I have two books. One is for you, ________ is for her.

A. another B. other C. the other

14. Listen! The boy _________ in the roo, he often ______ English songs.

A. sings, is singing B. is singing, sings

C. sings, sings D. singing, sings

15. There is ________ elephant in the zoo. _______ elephant is fro Africa.

A. a , The B. an , The C. / , An

1.I like elephants because they are interesting.(就劃線部分提問)
________ do you ________ elephants?
2. He usually gets up and eats leaves at night.(就劃線部分提問)
________ does he usually _______ at night?
3. y brother eats acdonald every week. ( 用 last week 替換every week)
y brother ________ acdonald _______ week.
4. Let’s see the pandas first.( 完成反義疑問句 )
Let’s see the pandas first, _______ _________?
5.I like dolphins best of all the anials.(同義轉(zhuǎn)換)
y _________ ________ is dolphins.


1. __________ A. Because they’re cute.

2. ___________B. Let’s go and see the giraffes and pandas.

3. ___________C. Why do you like pandas?

4.____________D. Because they are sart.

5.____________E. Ok., so why do you like giraffes?


Is He Only One Day Older than You?

Joan and Alice are in Grade One. They __1__ in the sae building and they’re good __2__.They go to school and coe hoe together(一起).After __3__ they sing, play, read or do their hoework in front of the building.

It’s Joan’s birthday today. Joan __4__ Alice to her party. The little girl went there at six. The party __5__ and all the people said, “Happy birthday to you , Joan!” She was very __6__. Joan’s parents brought soe food and the children thought it was very delicious, so they __7__ uch. After that they began to play in the roo. They __8__ a good tie there.

“Weren’t you at hoe yesterday?” asked Alice.

“__9__,”answered the girl. “It was y grandpa’s birthday and I went there with y __10__.”

“What?” the little girl said in surprise(驚訝地). “Is he only one day older than you?”

( )1. A. work B. live C. walk D. run

( )2. A. students B. teachers C. classates D .friends

( )3. A. class B. breakfast C. school D. eeting

( )4. A. asked B. let C. told D. hoped

( )5. A. finished B. started C. left D. lifted

( )6. A. happy B. sorry C. free D. busy

( )7. A. saw B. carried C. found D. ate

( )8. A. gave B. got C. had D. heard

( )9. A. Yes, I was B. No, I wasn’t C. Yes, we were D. No, we weren’t

( )10. A. doctor B. driver C. faily D. cleaner


A) This is y hoe. I live on a far. I work here. I work seven days a week. I work five in the orning to seven at night. any people work in a factory. I work on a beautiful far. y far is like a beautiful painting. I grow rice and different kinds of vegetables such as carrots, onions, toatoes and potatoes. In the orning I can see any colors and hear the birds sing. I love working here. I love y rice like y children. I love faring.

Read and coplete.

I a a _________, I work ________ hours a day. I like working _______ a far very uch, but I don’t like working in a __________. I think y far is as beautiful as a ________. I __________ rice and different ________ of vegetables. Every day when I see the colors and ________ the birds _________, I feel very happy. I really ________ working here.

B) r. Knott [not] was a teacher. He taught in a big school in London. He lived a long way fro the school, so he was usually quite tired when he got hoe. At nine o’clock one evening when he was in bed, the telephone bell rang in the hall, so he went downstairs, picked up the telephone and said, “ Hello! Who’s speaking, please?”

“Watt[wot]” a an answered.

“ What’s your nae, please?” said r. Knott.

“Watt’s y nae. ”was the answer.

“ Yes, I asked you that what’s your nae?” r. Knott said again.

“ I told you. Watt’s y nae.” said the other an, “ Are you Jack Sith?”

“No, I’ Knott.” Answered r. Knott.

Both r. Watt and r. Knott put their telephones down angrily and thought, “ What a rude, foolish an!”

1. r. Knott was usually tired in the evening because ________.

A. he was a teacher. B. he worked very hard in a school

C. he lived a long way fro school D. he taught too any students.

2. r. Knott went downstairs at nine one evening _________.

A. to telephone r. Watt B. to eet r. Watt

C. when soeone rang hi up D. when the door bell rang.

3. r. Watt wanted to speak to __________.

A. his wife B. r. Knott C. Jack Sith D. rs. Knott

4. “Watt’s y nae” eans __________.

A. What’s y nae? B. y nae is What.

C. Are you asking y nae? D. y nae is Watt.

5. r. Knott didn’t understand what r. Watt said because ______________.

A. he was a foolish teacher.

B. B. he had bad ears.

C. r. Watt didn’t speak loudly enough.

D. The “a”in “watt” is pronounced (發(fā)音)as the “a” in “what”

八. 書面表達(dá)。



y Favorite Anial

Keys to Unit 2

一. 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D

二. A) 1. sleep 2. giraffe 3. intelligent 4.ugly 5.quiet

B) 1. friendly 2. relaxes 3. enjoyed 4. leaves 5. kinds

三. 1-5 C B C A D

6-10 C A C D C

11-15 D A C B B

四. 1. Why like 2. What do 3. ate last

4. shall we 5. favorite anial

五. 1-5 B C D E A

六. 1-5 B D C A B

6-10 A D C B C

七. farer fourteen on factory painting

grow kinds hear sing love/enjoy

八. 1-5 C C C D D


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/141523.html

相關(guān)閱讀:七年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Unit 5 Why do you like pandas測(cè)試題及答案