2013七年級英語上冊期末復習Units 5-8選擇題(新版牛津)

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

選擇練習Units 5-8
班級 姓名 __________
( ) 1.He wants to spend ten ore inutes when his other asks hi to get up early every orning .
A. in the bed B. in bed C. at bed D. at the bed
( ) 2.In our class , everyone playing coputer gaes .
A. like B. is like C. likes D. is liking
( ) 3. Soe students don’t know .
A. what they can do it B. what to do it C. how to do D. how to do it
( ) 4. This pair of shoes is too big for e . Please show e a saller .
A. it B. pair C. one D. shoes
( ) 5. He needs to finish his hoework every night these days .
A.two ore hours B.two any hours C. ore two hours D. any two hours
( ) 6. y father with his friends on Sundays .
A. will go fishing B.goes fishing C. go fishing D. is going fishing
( ) 7. Then Sion dresses up white clothes .
A. with B. fro C. at D. in
( ) 8. How the picture is !
    。. beautifully B. well C. nicely D. beautiful
( ) 9. I hope you the coing Spring Festival .
A . to enjoy B. enjoys C. enjoy D. enjoying
( ) 10.What do you think our fashion show ? Is it wonderful ?
A. at B. for C. of D. in
( ) 11.Trainers are cofortable .
A..wear B. wore C. wearing D. to wear
( ) 12.I a very busy now . So I don’t have enough tie coputer gas .
A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play
( ) 13.--- The shoes look very nice . Can I the ?
--- Of course you can .
A. put ; in B. try ; on C. leave D. look ; for
( ) 14. ---
--- I’d like two kilos of apples .
A. Can you help? B. What do you like?
C. How do you like ? D. What can I do for you ?
( ) 15. I don’t want to buy sae present Sion did .
A. the ; as B. the ; for C. / ; as D. / ; for
( ) 16. Sandy often the piano after supper , but she TV now .
A.plays ; watches B. plays ; is watching
B.is playing ; watches D. is playing ; is watching

( ) 17. --- How often do you take exercise ?
--- .
A. Soeties B. Three hours C. At three o’clock D. In two hours
( ) 18. That boy is not healthy . He needs to eat fast food and exercise .
A. ore ; less B. less ; less C. ore ; ore D. less ; ore
( ) 19. any children often have ilk and bread breakfast .
A. as B. of C. for D. like
( ) 20. There are two and three in y bag .
A. radioes ; toatoes B. radios ; toatos C. radios ; toatoes D. radioes ; toatos
( ) 21. --- does Lily dance every day ?
--- Two hours .
A. How long B. How often C. How uch D. How any
( ) 22. Good luck your English , Daniel .
A. to B. with C. for D. in
( ) 23. It’s very easy for e when I dance after school .
A. get tired B. tired C. to get tired D. getting tired
( ) 24. Would you like to bring friends to y party ?
A. soe B. a little C. a D. any
( ) 25. How any sheep on the hill ?
A. is there B. are there C. there is D. there are
( ) 26. There a photo and soe books on the desk .
A. is B. are C. a D. /
( ) 27. He plans the work in 5 days .
A. to finish B. finishing C. finished D. to finishing
( ) 28. The old an usually tells the soe .
A. boys ; stories B. boys ; storys C. boies ; stories D. boies ; storys
( ) 29. Exercise helps us fit .
A. feels B. stay C. keeping D. looks
( ) 30. This book is useful to e . So I 20 yuan for it .
A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take
( ) 31. A boy To coes to e on 6589472 .
A. called ; call B. calling ; call C. is called ; calling D. called ; be calling
( ) 32. There is “ ’’ and “ u ” in the word .
A. a ; an B. an ; a C. a ; the D. the ; an
( ) 33. ---Which festival coes first in the year?
A.Christas B.Halloween C.Thanksgiving D.Chinese New Year
( ) 34. illie wears a special costue a ask and plays a trick
Wendy at the party .
A. with ; at B. with ; on C. for ; with ; D. on ; with

( )35.The guest will arrive here the night 1ay.
A.at; of B.in; of C.on; of D.on; in
( )36.I will go to work early toorrow orning. Can you your baby sister,To?
A.wear B.put on C.dress D.have
( )37.---Don’ t run in the street, boy?
--- .
A.I will B.OK, I won’t C.OK, I don’t D.No, I will
( )38.--- is your sister, the one in red or the one in white?
---The one in white.
A.What B.Where C.Which D.Who
( )39.I have soething iportant . Please be quiet and listen carefully.
A.to say B.saying C.says D.say
( )40.---How do you like Christas?
--- .
A.Very well B.Very uch C.Very good D.Very fine
( )41.How any does your father visit his parents onth?
A.tie; every B.tie; a C.ties; an D.ties; a
( )42.There are three on the table.
A.bottle of orange juice B.bottles of orange juice
C. bottles of orange juices D. bottle of orange juices
( )43.All the teachers enjoy theselves on 8 arch every year.
A.woen B.en C.woan D.an
( )44.Sa, coe here. I need you soe housework for e.
A.to do B.do C.does D.doing
( )45.I want to buy a nice present y father and give it hi on Father’s Day.
A.for; to B.to; for C.for; for D.to; to
( )46.These books 50 yuan.
A.cost Ay’s B.cost Ay C.costs Ay’s D.costs Ay
( )47.---Can I borrow oney fro you?
---Sure. How do you need?
A.soe; any B.soe; uch C.a few; uch D.any; any
( )48.When you think soething is very nice or wonderful,you can say”It’s so .”
A.cold B.war C.hot D.cool
( )49.Wang Tao is his English book, but he can’t it.
A.finding; look for B.looking for; look at C.lookingfor; find D.looking; at
( )50.---u, can you give e yuan for another book?
---Sure. Here you are.
A.twenty ore B. ore twenty C.twenty another D.twenty other
( )51.---Does Sandy like to wear the boots?
---Yes. It atches her skirt.
A.red long leather B.red leather long C.long red leather D. long leather red
( )52.--- your raincoat. It’s raining outside.
---u, I don’t like the raincoat.
A.Putting on; wearing B.Wearing; putting on C.Wear; putting on D.Put on; wearing
( )53.---How beautiful Lucy is! She looks sart red.
---Yes, the red clothes are very wonderful her.
A.on; in B.in; on C.on; on D.in; in
( )54.I have a pair of gloves. One is on the bed. But I can’t find .
A.another B.others C.other D.the other
( )55.---Today I will go to the zoo with y parents.
--- .
A.Yes,please. B.Have a nice day C.Sure D. Good idea
( )56. “Trick or treat” eans “get a or play a “.
A.trick; treat B.treat; treat C.trick; trick D.treat; trick
( )57.Please who broke the glass of our classroo.
A.look for B.look C.find D.find out
( )58.He sees because he passes the test.
A.happy B.happily C.unhappy D.unhappily
( )59.Does Sion after school?
A.walk hoe B.walk to hoe C.go to hoe on foot D.go hoe on feet
( )60.It is iportant a healthy lifestyle.
A.of us to have B.of us having C.for us to have D.for us having
( )61.---I play football for one and a half hours every day. How about you?
---Oh,you do exercise. You exercise ten hours a week.
A.uch; less than B.uch; ore than C.any; less than D.any; ore than
( )62. do you know about healthy food?
A.How uch B.How any C.Where D.Which
( )63.---I like this pair of shoes. Can I ?
A.try it on B.try on it C.try the on D.try on the
( )64.---Where is the Garden Cinea?
---It is the floor of that building.
A.in; five B.in; fifth C.on; five D.on; fifth
( )65.---Where shall we eet?
---I think Longshan Park is a good place friends.
A.eet B.eets C.eeting D.to eet
( )66. The book 40 yuan.I think it is expensive.
A.uses B.buys C.costs D.takes
( )67. an interesting fil!
A.How B.What C.How uch D.Which
( )68.The scarf is ade silk and ade Suzhou.
A.of; fro B.fro; of C.of ;in D.fro; in

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/143526.html
