
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)




Ⅰ. 選擇 (每小題1分,共20分)
( )1. They usually have their school trip ____a orning of January.
A. in B. at C. to D. on
( )2. This is ____orange. It’s ____big orange.
A. an, an B. a, a C, an, a D. a, an
( )3. Let’s ____volleyball with ____.
A. play, they B. to play, they C. play, the D. to play, the
( )4. Let’s ____dictionary and that is ____.
A. your ,he B. you, his C. your, his D. he ,you
( )5.---Why don’t you like history ?
---Because it is _____.
A. fun B. useful C. boring D. interesting
( )6.---Let’s play basketball.
---_______.But y basketball is not here.
A.It is on the floor. B. That sounds good .
C .We’re in the school. D. That sounds boring .
( )7.---Which is the second onth of the year?
A. April B. Noveber C. January D. February
( )8 ---_____?
---Yes, please. I want a pair of jeans.
A. What do you like B. What do you want to buy
C. Do you like a skirt D Can I help you
( )9. To ____a brother, but I ____.
A. has, doesn’t B. have, don’t C. has, don’t D. have, doesn’t
( )10. ---____are your pants?
---Ninety-nine dollars.
A. How uch B. How C. How old D. What
( )11.---Thank you for your help!
A. No, thanks B e too C. You’re welcoe D All right.
( )12. The boy is ____. Today is his ____birthday.
A. twelfth, twelfth B. twelve, twelve C. twelve, twelfth D. twelfth, twelve
( )13.---_____?
---It’s Sunday.
A. Is it onday today? B. What’s the date today?
C. What’s the tie? D. What day is today?
( )14.The children have good ____.
A .eat habits B. eating habit C. eating habits D. eat habit
( )15. I like ____and _____.
A. toato, rices B. toatoes, rice C. toatoes, rices D. toato, rice
( )16. ---Where are y pencils ?
A. y pencils are on the desk. B. They are on the desk
C. Your pencil is on the desk D. It’s on the desk
( )17. r. King doesn’t play sports, he only watches _____on TV.
A. he B. they C. the D.I
( )18.Lucy’s friend Nancy _____like bananas. But she _____apples and pears.
A. doesn’t, like B. doesn’t ,likes C. don’t ,likes D. don’t ,like
( )19. The salad is great. Let’s _____soe.
A. spell B. call C. play D. eat
( )20. There ____a bed and two sofas in the roo.
A. is B. are C .aren’t D. be
Ⅱ. 理解(A篇為判斷對錯,對的寫A,錯的寫B(tài)。B篇和C篇為。每小題1分,共15分)
Welcoe to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You also worry about aking friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry too uch. ost of the tie soe people are friendly and soe people are not. Usually there are soe people you like at once .These people often like you too. How do people ake friends? What akes a person a friend? Here’s what one student says.
“y nae is Helen. Ay and Sally are y best friends. Ay has been y friend since y first day at school. We are three years old then. We’re 14 now!
I like her because she is happy alost all the tie and very friendly. Sally is a quiet girl. She akes friends ore slowly. However, she is just as good a friend as Ay. They are both interested in the sae things as e, and we listen to each other’s probles. Ay like to talk and Sally likes to listen. We are all good at different school subjects .So we help each other with our hoework too!”
( ) 1. You don’t worry about anything when you go to a new school.
( ) 2. ost of the tie Ay is happy while Sally is quiet.
( ) 3.Helen and Ay were at the sae school.
( ) 4.Helen, Ay and Sally are good friends, so they do hoework for each other.
( ) 5.Helen, Ay and Sally are all good at the sae school subjects.
Look at the picture. What can you see? In the picture there is a big table with a lot of things on it. There are three bottles of orange juice, two glasses of ilk, soe bread, cakes and so on.
Look, there is a cat under the table. It’s Kate’s cat. Its nae is ii. I think it likes the very uch. No, ii . You can’t have the. All the things on the table are not for you. They are for Ji and Kate. They have the for lunch. POLLY a bird .Now it’s on the windo It’s eating a banana.
( ) 6.There is a big table with ____on it.
A. any things B. three bottles of orange
C. two glasses of ilk D. soe bread and cakes
( ) 7.Where is the cat? It’s _____.
A. behind the door B. under the table C. near the window D. on the floor
( ) 8.What’s the nae of Kate’s cat?
A. ii B. Polly C. Xiao i D. ary
( ) 9.All the things on the table are for ______
A. Ji and Kate B. Ji and ii
C. Ji and his father D. Kate and her other
( ) 10.Which sentence is right?
A. The cat is eating bread. B. Ji is having breakfast.
C. Polly is eating a banana. D. Kate is having supper.
Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very iportant. There are any healthy foods. You can have ore bananas, apples, oranges, toatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are food for you. But don’t eat too uch chocolate. It’s not good for you. It’s not healthy food. Healthy food can ake you grow and ake you strong and happy. Reeber there is a saying,” An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do soe sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.
( ) 11.Which is right?
A. Everybody is healthy. B. We want to be healthy.
C. Everybody is not healthy. D. We are iportant.
( ) 12.What are healthy foods?
A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Fruits and chocolate.
C. Bananas, apples, and chocolate. D. Toatoes and chocolate.
( ) 13.Why are healthy foods good for you?
A. They ake you happy. B. They ake you grow strong.
C. They keep you healthy. C. They ake you grow and ake you strong and happy.
( ) 14.”An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” eans(意思):
A.The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.
B.The doctor runs away when you give hi an apple.
C.You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.
D. The doctor goes away after he eats an apple.
( )15. What keeps you healthy?
A.Fruits and vegetables B. Healthy food C. Healthy food and sports D. Sports
Ⅲ. 根據(jù)音標寫出單詞(共5分)
1. ['difikəlt]____________
2. /sep'tebə/___________
3. /'zɪərəʊ/_____________
4. ['vedʒitəbl]___________
5. /'telifəun/____________
Ⅳ. 英漢詞組互譯(共5分)
1. 從周三到周六___________________
2. 她最喜歡的科目_________________
3. 兩條紫色短褲___________________
4. have an art festival next onth_______________________
5. sell purple trousers at very good prices_________________
Ⅴ. 綜合(共15分)
A. 用所給詞的適當形式填空(每題1分,共10分)。
1. They are y grandparents. And y other is __________daughter. (they)
2. To has two new __________. (手表)
3. Thanks for __________ a beautiful skirt for e. (買)
4. iss Lee often __________the classes at 4:45. (完成)
5. Let hi __________basketball with us. (玩)
6. --- Shall we go swiing?
--- That __________ good. (聽)
7.Coe and buy your clothes at our great __________. (sell)
8.y birthday is arch the __________. (5)
9.David always wants __________ ice-crea. Because he likes it very ush.(吃)
10.What about __________ her to our party? (請)
B. 根據(jù)漢語和首字母提示完成句子。(每空0.5分,共5分)
1. What do you like __________ __________? (早餐)
2. Does your father __________ sports? (做)
3. I found _________ __________ __________ __________. (一串鑰匙)
4. Linda __________ __________ this afternoon. (有空)
5. r. Green says the dictionary is very u__________.
Ⅵ. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換(每空0.5分,共10分)
1. The girl can speak English. (改為一般疑問句)
___________ the girl speak English?
2. To often studies in the school. (改為否定句)
To__________ often __________ in the school.
3. There is a ball in To’s bag. (寫出同義詞)
To __________ a ball in __________bag.
4. There are soe old boxes on the desk. (改為單數(shù))
There is __________old__________ on the desk.
5. Lily gets up at 6:00 in the orning. (對劃線部分提問)
___________ ___________ ___________ Lily _________ up in the orning?
6. There is only one photo on the wall. (對劃線部分提問)
How __________ __________ _________ there on the wall?
7. This is her sweater. (對劃線部分提問)
__________sweater is this?
8. The blue shirt is 50 yuan. (對劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ is the blue shirt?
9. y sister’s birthday is on arch 3rd. (對劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ __________ sister’s birthday?
Ⅶ. 書面表達(10分)


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/146035.html
