2013年七年級英語上冊odule9 People and places測試題(帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

英語外研七年級上odule 9 People and places
(總分:100分 時間:90分鐘)
1.The woan is calling her friend.
2.The girl is lying on the grass.
3.He is waiting for a bus.
4.He is taking photos.
5.The child is driving a car.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

:What are the boys doing?
W:They are waiting for a bus.They are going to the opera.
6.What are the boys doing?
A.They are listening to the opera.
B.They are waiting for a bus. 
C.They are getting on a bus.
:Are you doing your hoework,Betty?
W:No.I' writing a postcard to y parents.
7.What is Betty doing?
A.She is writing a postcard.
B.She is visiting her parents.
C.She is doing her hoework.

:Where is Lingling?
:She is there.She is lying in the sun.
8.What is Lingling doing?
A.She is in the classroo.
B.She is eating an ice crea.
C.She is lying in the sun.

W:Listen!Soeone is singing in the next roo.Who's it?
:Oh,it's y brother Liu Qiang.
9.Who is singing in the next roo?
A.Liu Qiang.B.A girl.C.I don't kno

W:In London,it's four o'clock and people aren't having afternoon tea.
:Yes.They are working.
10.What are people doing now in London?
A.They are having afternoon tea.
B.They are working.
C.They are leaving work.

It's Sunday orning.There are any people in the park.Soe boys are playing basketball.There are soe girls under a big tree.They're singing and dancing.What are those woen doing?They are drinking tea.Look at the woan in a blue coat.Who's she?She's y other.She is talking to Lin Feng.Lin Feng is her student.He is a good student.He studies hard.He's good at all the subjects.And he's friendly to all his teachers and his friends.
11.Soe boys are ______.
A.singing    B.playing basketballC.dancing D.drinking

12.y other is ______.
A.a(chǎn) teacher B.a(chǎn)n officerC.a(chǎn) doctor D.a(chǎn) player

13.Lin Feng is in______.
A.y hoe B.the classrooC.the zoo D.the park

14.Who are under a big tree?
A.Soe people. B.Soe woen.C.Soe girls. D.Soe boys.

15.What colour is y other's coat?It's ______.
A.blue  B.white C.red  D.yellow

16.—What ______ she doing?
—She is listening to usic.
A.is B.a(chǎn)reC.does D.do
17.—What's Vitas doing?

A.He's hereB.He's sin gingC.He's greatD.He sings
18.Thank you for ______ us.
A.helping B.to helpC.help D.helps
19.The Eiffel Tower (埃菲爾鐵塔)is great.any people ______ it every day.
A.a(chǎn)re visiting B.lookC.visit D.looking
20.Wang Hui's birthday is coing.I ______ a postcard ______ her no
A.send;to B.send;forC.a(chǎn) sending;to D.a(chǎn) sending;for
21.I have got lots of pen friends.______ are fro England.
A.Soe of the B.Soe of theyC.Soe D.A and C
22.Can you ______ the girl over there?
A.look at B.watchC.look D.see
23.At the oent,people are getting up and ______.
A.wash B.washingC.washes D.to wash
24.A lot of people enjoy ______ to Zhu Zhiwen's songs.
A.listenB.listeningC.to listenD.listens
— Yes,he is.
A.What's he doing B.Is he playing football now?
C.How old is h e? D.Are you playing football now?
It's Sunday today.There are __26__ people in the park.Soe are walking.Soe are __27__ tea.Others are watching flowers.Look!That's Lucy.She's __28__ a kite __29__ her brother,To.The kite is high in the sky noTheir parents are sitting under the tree.What are they __30__ about?I don't kno
Oh,dear!Look!Lucy's kite is in a big tree noTo __31__ to clib the tree and get it__32__.But his other doesn't let hi __33__ it.At the oent we can see Polly is flying high.It can get the kite __34__ Lucy.Lucy is very happy to __35__ the kite back.She thanks Polly,her bird,very uch.
26.A.any B.uchC.two D.good
27.A.drink B.drinkingC.eat D.eating
28.A.flying B.flysC.flies D.fly
29.A.and B.withC.to D.a(chǎn)fter
30.A.talk B.talksC.talking D.talk to
31.A.wants B.likesC.goes D.runs
32.A.up B.backC.to D.does
33.A.do B.to doC.to D.to does
34.A.to B.withC.for D.a(chǎn)nd
35.A.do B.getC.fly D.eat

  Helen is an Aerican girl.She is Wang ei's penfriend(筆友).She is staying at Wang ei's hoe for her holiday.Helen likes Liu Qian's agic shows very uch.Now she is watching Liu Qian's agic shows on TV.

  Sa is twelve years old.He is an English boy and he coes to China with his father r White.They are visiting Beijing Zoo.r White is taking a photo of kangaroos.Sa likes pandas and he is looking at the panda.

  Zhang Li and her other are in New York noZhang Li is taking photos of the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像).She likes it very uch.Zhang Li's other is buying soe presents.She wants to give the to her friends in China.

36.What is Helen doing?
A.She is having dinner with Wang ei.
B.She is watching a basketball atch.
C.She is watching Liu Qian's agic shows on TV.
D.She is taking a photo.
37.How old is Sa?
A.Eleven. B.Twelve.C.Thirteen. D.Ten.
38.Who is visiting Beijing Zoo with Sa?
A.His other. B.His friend.C.His father. D.His parents.
39.Where are Zhang Li and her other?
A.In England. B.In Aerica.C.In France. D.In China.
40.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Helen is Wang ei's class ate.
B.r White is taking a photo of a panda.
C.Zhang Li's other is buying presents for her friends.
D.Zhang Li is buying presents for her classates.
New York,London,Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in.There are any interesting things to see and to do.You can go to different kinds of useus,theatres and cineas.You can also buy things fro all over the world.
But there are serious(嚴重的) probles in big cities,too.The cost(花費) of living is high,and there are too any people in soe big cities.Every year any people ove to the cities because there are soe chances(機會) to find jobs,to study,and to receive good edical care(醫(yī)療).But soeties these people cannot find work or a good place to live in.Also,too any people in a sall space ake it hard to keep the cities safe and clean.
Soe people enjoy living in big cities.Others do not.Before people ove to big cities,they should think about the probles of living there.
41.Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Big Cities.B.New York,London and Paris.
C.Exciting Places to Live in.D.Serious Probles in Big Cities.
4 2.In big cities people can ______.
A.go to different kinds of useusB.see all kinds of plays and fils
C.buy things fro all over the worldD.A,B and C
43.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Big cities are not safe enough.
B.People can easily find a good place to live in in big cities.
C.Big cities are safe,but not clean.
D.All people like to live in big cities.
44.In this passage the writer advises(建議) people ______.
A.to ove to a big city
B.not to ove to a big city
C.not to ove to a big city without thinking about the probles there
D.not to think too uch about the probles before they ove to a big city
45.Which is NOT talked about in this passage?
A.New York and London are big cities,and Paris is,too.
B.Big cities are better than sall cities.
C.Big cities are exciting places to live in.
D.Big cities have a lot of serious probles.

There is a sall zoo next to y hoe.It's Sunday orning.I' visiting the zoo with y parents.There is a lion,two onkeys,a giraffe,two caels,and a wolf at the zoo.What are they doing?Let e tell you.The lion is eating eat.The black onkey is eating bananas and the brown(棕色的) one is clibing a tree.The giraffe is lying on the ground.What are the caels doing?They are eating leaves.What is the wolf doing?Sorry,I don't knoI can't see it clearly(清楚地).A tall an is standing in front of e.
46.What day is it today?

47.How any caels are there at the zoo?

48.What is the lion doing?

49.What is the brown onkey doing?

50.Are the caels drinking water?

A.See you later.
B.No,they aren't.
C.Yes,they are.
D.Is Kate cleaning her roo?
E.Do you want to play tennis?
F.What are you doing?
G.He is working.
B :Hi,Tony.
B:I' watching TV.
B:No,this TV show is interesting.__53__
A:Yes,she is.
B:Are David and ary getting ready for the English test?
A:__54__ ary is learning to swi and David is helping her.
B:Well,go to ask Lingling.She likes playing tennis.
A:Good idea.__55__
B:See you.

y other ______ ______ ______ y English teacher.

Her husband akes ______ ______ oney.

Are they ______ ______?

59.此刻,不同地方的人正在做不同的事情 。
At the oent,people in different places are doing ______ ______.

It is 12 o'clock noWe are ______ ______.

61.Please call e when you get b______.

62.r Zhang is d______ a car to work no

63.—Would you like soe tea?
—No.I'd like soe c______.

64.The train coes at 10:00 in the orning and l______ at 2:00 in the afternoon.xkb1.co

65.Lots of people enjoy w______ after dinner.

提示語:fly a kite,take photos,eat soething
Dear ary, ___________________________________________________________
___________________________________________ _____________________________

Ⅰ. 1~5 DBEAC
Ⅱ. 6-10 BACAB
Ⅲ. 11-15 BADCA
16. 解析:現(xiàn)在進行時的構(gòu)成為:主語+be+v.­ing形式。主語是she,所以助動詞be應用is。
17. 解析:問句是:“維塔斯正在做什么?”答語應是:“他正在唱歌!
18. 解析:for是介詞,后接動詞時應用動名詞形式(v.­ing)。
19. 解析:look“看”,強調(diào)動作;visit“參觀,看望”,在本句中意為“參觀”。由時間狀語every day可知,是一般現(xiàn)在時,故選擇C項。
20. 解析:send sb.sth.或send sth.to sb.意為“送給某人某物”,又由now可知應用現(xiàn)在進行時,故選擇C項。
21. 解析:soe作代詞時,可作主語。of是介詞,其后的人稱代詞應用賓格。A、C兩項都符合題意。
22. 解析:look和look at強調(diào)看的動作;see強調(diào)看的結(jié)果;watch多指特別留意、感興趣地看,多和TV、atch等搭配。
23. 解析:and連接兩個并列成分,這兩個成分的形式應保持一致。
24. 解析:enjoy doing sth.“喜歡做某事”,為固定短語。
25. 答案:B
26. 解析:any和uch都可意為“許多”。但any修飾可數(shù)名詞,uch修飾不可數(shù)名詞。
27. 解析:drink tea意為“喝茶”。
28. 解析:fly的現(xiàn)在分詞為flying。
29. 解析:with介詞,在這里意為“和”。
30. 解析:talk about意為“談論”,由are可知應用現(xiàn)在分詞。

31. 解析:want to do sth.意為“想要做某事”。
32. 解析:get...back意為“把……弄回來”。
33. 解析:let sb.do sth.是固定結(jié)構(gòu)。
34. 解析:get sth.for sb.意為“為某人取某物”。
35. 答案:B
36. 解析:由第一段最后一句可知。
37. 解析:由第二段第一句可知。
38. 解析:由第二段第二、三句可知。
39. 解析:由第三段第一句可知。
40. 解析:由第三段最后兩句可知。
41. 解析:短文介紹了居住在大城市的利與弊。
42. 解析:由第一段后兩句可知。
43. 解析:由第二段最后一句可知。
44. 解析:由短文最后一句可知。
45. 解析:作者的觀點是大城市有利有弊。B項文中未提及。
46. It is Sunday. 47. There are two. 48. It is eating eat. 49. It is clibing a tree.
50. No,they aren't.
Ⅶ. 51~55 FEDBA
Ⅷ. 56 is talking with 57 lots of 58 buying postcards 59 different things
60 having lunch
Ⅸ. 61. back 62. driving 63. coffee 64. leaves 65. walking
I a standing on Tian'anen Square now and writing a postcard to you.There are so any people here.Soe are flying kites.Soe are taking photos.Soe are eating soething and lying in the sun.All the people are having a good tie.
Yo urs,

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/148598.html
