
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

(時間:90分鐘 滿分:100分)
( ) 1.

二、根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容,選出合適的應答句。(讀遍) (5分)
( )6. A. Nice to eet you, too B. I’ fine C. Thank you
( )7. A. I’ Eric B. He is Jack C. She is Jenny
( )8. A. How are you? B. I a fine C. How do you do?
( )9. A. It’s 3357682 B. It’s a pen C. No, it’s a box
( )10. A. Yes, he has. B. No, I don't. C. No, but she has a basketball.
( )11. What’s the girl’s nae ?
A、She’s ary B、She’s Jenny C、She’s Gina
( ) 12. What’s this?
A. It’s a pen. B. It’s a pencil. C. It’s a pencil sharpener.
( ) 13. Where is the notebook?
A. In the bed. B. On the bed. C. Under the bed.
( )14. Is rs Green Lucy’s other?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, he is.
( ) 15. What color is To’s hat?
A. Blue. B. White. C. Blue and white.
( ) 16. What's the English girl's friend's nae?
A. eiei. B. Linda. C. Jenny.
( ) 17. Are the two girls students?
A. Yes, they're. B. No, they aren't. C. Yes, they are.
( ) 18. Is Lind a twelve?
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. Sorry, I don't kno
( ) 19. What class are they in?
A. They are in Class Nine. B. They are in Class Seven. C. They're in Class Six.
( ) 20. What's Linda's telephone nuber?
A. It's 265-3698 . B. It's 256-3698. C. It's 256-3697.
( ) 1.下列字母中含有相同音素的是________________
( ) 2.You can see _____"u' and _______"b" in the word " bus"'.
A.a; an B. an; an C. a; a D. an; a
( )3. ----Thank you very uch!
A.Thank you B.OK C. That's all right. D. I' fine, too.
( ) 4.y school has six________. I a in the football club.
A.sports club B.volleyballs clubs C.sports clubs D. volleyball club
( ) 5.The girl is Linda Green, we can call her_______.
A.Green B.Linda C.iss Green D. B or C
( ) 6.The keys are_______ the drawer and the book is______the floor.
A.on; in B.in; under C.in; on D.on; under
( ) 7.Look______ the wall! There are soe windows______ it.
A.for /in B. at/on C.after /to Dat /in
( ) 8.-----Is your brother's nae Jack?
A,Yes, it's. B.No, he isn't. C.Yes, he 's D.No, it isn't.
( ) 9. ---- Please _ ____ your hoework_____ here, To!
—OK , iss Gao.
A.bring /不填 B. have/with C. take /to D. bring/to
( ) 10.Here _____a set of keys, the keys_____on the table.
A. are ; is B.is; is C.are; are D.is; are
( ) 11.He often plays football____school______his friends.
A.for; to B.at; with C.in; with D.to; with
( ) 12.-----What about playing volleyball after school?
A.That's all right. B. That's OK. C. That sound good. D.A good idea!
( ) 13.They are y parents, I love ______and they love_______, too.
A. they; I B. they ; e C. the; I D. the ; e
( ) 14. Let To _____ .
A. plays volleyball B.playing the volleyball C. play volleyball D.play the volleyball
( ) 15.----_______________is the T-shirt?
-----It's orange.
A. What B.Whe re C.What color D.What's color
( ) 16.There are four___________on the table.
A.potato B.toatos C. an apple D. watches
( ) 17. ----___________on the bookcase?
-----Oh, they are y CDs.
A.What are those B.What's this C. Are they CDs D.Where are those
( ) 18.------Do you like the song "Yesterday Once ore"?
-------Yes, it_________really nice!
A.feel B.sounds C.listens D.hears
( ) 19.y friend has a volleyball, but I________.
A. don't have B. doesn't C. do D. don't
( ) 20 .They don’t have _______ pens, but I have ________.
A. soe, soe B. any, soe C. any, any D. soe, any
Hello, everyone! I a 21 English boy. y nae is Grace. I have 22 frien ds. They are ary and Jenny. They are 23 . They are all in Beijing no ary and Jenny have a soccer ball. Their ball 24 nice. I don’t have a soccer ball. But I have a volleyball. 25 volleyball is nice, too. ary often 26 soccer with her friends. I often play volleyball 27 Jenny. y parents have two ping-pong bats 28 balls. They often play ping-pong after lunch. In the evening, I 29 TV at hoe. ary 30 her hoework with Jenny at school.
( )21. A. the B. a C. an D. /
( )22. A. one B. two C. three D. four
( )23. A. parents B. brothers C. uncles D. sisters
( )24. A. is B. are C. has D. have
( )25. A. Her B. y C. His D. Your
( )26. A. to play B. play C . plays D. playing
( )27. A. to B. on C. for D. with
( )28.A. and B. but C. or D. so
( )29.A. watch B. to watch C .watching D. watches
( )30. A. does B. do C. plays D. Play
This is Jane’s roo. The coputer gae is on the desk. Where’s her photo? It isn’t on the wall(墻壁). It’s on the desk, too. Her pens and pencils are in the pencil case. The pencil case is in the backpack. Where’s her backpack? It’s on her desk. Where’s her desk? It’s between the bookcase and the dresser. It’s at the windows.
( )31. The coputer is on the desk.
( )32. The photo is on the wall.
( )33. Her pencil case is on the desk.
( )34. Her backpack is on her dresser.
( )35. Her desk is at the windows.
r Li and rs Li have three sons. They are To, Jack and John.To is sixteen. Jack and John have the sae age. They are fourteen. The three brothers are in the sae school. r Li is a teacher. rs Li is a teacher, too. They love the children.
The children all like sports. To likes playing football best. Basketball is Jack and John’s favorite sport. So they have nicknaes(綽號) —Football and Basketball. People often call To “football” and call Jack and John “basketball”. It's very interesting.
( )36. There are____________ brothers in the faily.
A. two B. three C. four D. Five
( )37. Are Jack and John twins(雙胞胎)?
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't. C. They are fourteen. D. We don't kno
( )38. Who is “Basketball”?
A. To B. Only Jack C. Only John D. J ack and John
( )39. Who is “Football”?
A. To, B. Only Jack C. Only John D. Jack and John
( )40.The three brothers have nicknaes because(因為) ________________.
A. They are the sae school B. They like football and basketball
C. Parents like the D. They are interesting.
Hello! y nae is Becky Sharp. I' 11years old. I live with y u, dad and grandparents in a sall house in Chesterfield, in the north of England. y brother, Jason, doesn’t live with us, and he works in Beijing no I don't have any sisters. There are lots of things to do here. y friends and I soeties go to the cinea on Saturdays.
Do you like sports? I like football. y favorite tea is anchester United. I soeties play football with y brother. I a good at it but y brother isn't.
I have lots of pets---one tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or cat, but y other doesn't.
( )41.There are _________people in Becky's faily.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
( )42.Becky and her faily live in___________
A. A big roo B. a cinea C. the west of England D. a sall house
( )43.Does Becky's brother play football well?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. He can't play it well. D. We don't kno
( )44.Becky's other doesn't like________.
A. Tortoises or goldfish. B.tortoises or dogs. C.dogs or cats. D.goldfish or cats.
( )45.W hat does 'pet" ean in Chinese?
A.朋友 B.寵物 C.玩具 D.同伴
四、選詞。 (5分)

John is sixty-six. But he looks young(年輕). He has two children .One is a son and the other is a daughter. He has ten tennis rackets, eight baseballs, 6 bas ketballs, 12 soccer balls and 18 volleyballs. But he never(從不)plays 46 . He only 47 collecting things. His son, Neal, likes soccer. He is a nuber of the city soccer club. He plays soccer with his friends 48 . And his daughter, Nancy, likes volleyball, 49 she doesn’t play .She only watches 50 on TV.
46. _________47. _________48. _________49. _________50. __________
51. faily, Brown, is, nae, her(?) ________________________________
52. book, is, lost, and, Chinese, the,case,your, in, found(.) _________________________________
53. friend, does, a ,have, ball,not, y, soccer (.) _________________________________
54. books, is, on,two, pen, there, a, and, the, table(.) _________________________________
55. father, does, watch, on, To's, the, TV (?) _________________________________
你有一個名叫Linda Green的朋友,下面是她的個人信息。請你根據(jù)下表中的信息,寫一篇短文介紹一下這位朋友。要求不少于60詞,書寫工整,卷面整潔。
Nae:Linda Green Sex: girl
Age:13 Phone nuber: 8786559
Failly ebers:parents,grandparents,brother
Class: One Grade: Seven
School: No.1 iddle School
Favorite color: green
Likes : play ping-pong ; watch TV
Sports Collection: two volleyballs; a pair of tennis bats

1. --- What's this?
--- It's G.
2. --- Is this your dictionary?
--- No, it isn't.
3. --- Look, that's y new coputer.
--- Great!
4. What’s this in English? It’s a backpack.
5. Do you like basketball? Yes.
Do you have a basketball? No, but I have a volleyball.
6. Nice to eet you.
7. What’s her nae?
8. How are you?
9.What’s that?
10.Does your other have a soccer ball?
11.-What’s your nae?
-y nae is Jenny.
12.-Helen, is this your pencil sharpener?
-Yes, it is.
13. -I can see your notebook.
-Where’s it?
-It’s on the bed. Oh, no, it's under the bed.
14. ?Hi, Lucy! -Hello, Ji.
-Lucy, this is y other, rs Green.
15. ?Who is that?
-That is y brother To.. He has a blue and white hat.
Hello! y nae is eiei. I' fro Wuhan. y English nae is Jenny. I like English very uch. I' now at Wuhan No. Nine iddle School. At school I have a good friend. Her nae is Linda Brown. She is fro England. She is 12. Her telephone nuber is 256-3698. She is in Class 6, Grade 7. I' in the sae class, too.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/149522.html
