
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


英 語 試 卷
時(shí)間:100分鐘 滿分:120分
( )1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, he is.
( )2. A. Ye s, I do. B. Yes, he likes. C. Yes, he does.
( )3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I don’t.
( )4. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s a ruler. C. That’s a ruler.
( )5. A. Nine. B. Ten. C. Eleven.
( )6.What subject does Miss Zhang tea ch (教)?
( )7.How much are two dresses (長裙)?
A.15 dollars.B.30 dollars.C.45 dollars.
( )8.When is Lucy’s birthday?
A.October 9th.B.October 10th. C.October 11th.
( )9.What does the girl think of thrillers?
( )10.What does Tom do at 9:00 p.m.?
A.He watches TV.B.He goes to bed.C.He takes a shower.
Ⅲ. 聽短文,補(bǔ)全短文中所缺的單詞。短文讀兩遍。(每小題2分,滿分10分)
I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have 11 classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have many 12 to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we ha ve 13 . On Tuesday afternoon some of us have a singing class. On 14 afternoon some have a drawing class. On Friday afternoon we practice speaking 15 .
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
( )1. Many boys_________ computer games.
A. likes B. like C. does D. do
( )2. Let’s ____________ the map on the wall.
A. see B. seeing C. look at D. looking at
( )3. Tom ____________ 3 soccer balls, but he____________ them.
A. has, doesn’t play B. have, doesn’t play C. has, doesn’t plays D. have, doesn’t plays
( )4. Sonia plays ____________ basketball everyday.
A. a B. an C. / D. the
( )5. ____________ your friend Anna _____________ a CD player?
A. Do, have B. Do, has C. Does, has D. Does, have
( )6. Many ____________ like ______________ for breakfast.
A. sport stars, milks B. sports stars, milk
C. sports star, milks D. sport stars, milk
( )7. Lily and Liz _______________ a cat, they _______________ it very much.
A. have, like B. has, likes C. have, likes D. has, like
( )8. —Does Tim like bananas? —Yes,he ______________oranges,too.
A. does B. doesn’t C. likes D. like
( )9. — Li Wei, may I use your eraser? —_____________,I don’t have any.
A. Sure B. OK C. Sorry D. Excuse me
( )10. —Can your father drive(駕駛)?
—Yes, and he ______________ to work every day.
A. is driving B. drives C. drive D. has driven
( )11. ?______________ are the sports socks? --2 pounds(英鎊).
A. What B. How much C. How D. How many
( )12. ?How much do you want? ?______________.
A. 5 kilograms of rice, please B. Five oranges, please
C. Some apples please D. An apple, please
( )13. These black socks ______________only 13 pounds(英鎊).
A. is B. are C. am D. can
( )14. This pair of socks____________ very good. I like ____________.
A. is, them B. are, it C. are, them D. is, it
( )15. ? How much are these T- shirts? ? ____________ 88 yuan.
A. These are B. It is C. They are D. Those are
( )16. ? How much ______________ the pair of socks?
--2 pounds(英鎊) ______________ enough(足夠).
A. is, is B. is , are C. are, is D. are, are
( )17. The T-shirts _______________red, green and blue are only ¥ 18.
A. are B. in C. for D. is
( )18. —Does Emma like green? —Yes,she ______________orange,too.
A. does B. doesn’t C. likes D. like
( )19. The shorts are very nice. I’ll ______________.
A. like them B. buy they C. take they D. take them
( )20. My mother ______________ a birthday gift ______________ me every year.
A. sells, to B. sell, to C. buy, for D. buys, for

二. 完形。(共20分)
My sister___1____a middle school student. ____2____ name is Li Mei. She is in____3____No. 14 Middle school. There are 30 girls and 28 ___4_____in the class.
They have four____5____in the morning, and three ___6_____. They study Chinese, English and other lessons. Li Mei is____7____ at Chinese. But she isn’t good at English.
They___8_____ like English. And they like ___9_____English teacher, too. They read and write English every day. I think they can study it____10_____.
( )1. A. is B. am C. are D. be
( )2. A. His B. He C. Her D. She
( )3. A. Grade7, Class 1 B. Class and Grade 7 C.2 Class, 1 Grade D. Class 1, Grade 7
( )4. A. students B. student C. boies D. boys
( )5. A. classes B. a lesson C. class D. lesson
( )6. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. at morning D. at afternoon
( )7. A. well B. fine C. nice D. good
( )8. A. don’t B. are C. all D. look
( )9. A. theirs B. their C. them D. they
( )10. A. well B. good C. fine D. nice

Come to John’s Sports Store! Our store is very__11____.We sell all kinds of balls and other sports____12____. Do you play ____13____games? We have Jordan basketballs___14_____only $ 8. A best volleyball is $ 5, and ____15____ Adidas soccer ball is only $ 6.
Do you ___16_____some sports clothes? We have sports clothes____17____ a very good price for only $ 12! We___18_____sports shoes for $ 11. Do you like ping-pong? We have some new DHS bats, but they’re also on___19_____ for only $ 9!
Come and see for yourselves at John’s great sale____20_____December(12月) 1st to 8th..
( )11. A. big B. red C. small D. long
( )12. A. clothes B. basketballs C. ping-pong bats D. things
( )13. A. basketball B. volleyball C. soccer ball D. ball
( )14. A. in B. on C. for D. from
( )15. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )16. A. sell B. buy C. have D. want
( )17. A. at B. in C. on D. under
( )18. A. buy B. need C. sell D. afford
( )19. A. sell B. sale C. show D. selling
( )20. A. on B. to C. in D. from

Many English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and a last name. Their family names come last. This is different(不同的)from Chinese names. James Allan Green is in China. He likes(喜歡)the Chinese people and Chinese food. He thinks the Chinese are very friendly. They often help him learn(學(xué)習(xí))Chinese. He wants to have a Chinese name. He asks his friend to help him think of a name.
( )1. English people have names.
A. oneB. twoC. three
( )2. Their names come last.
A. firstB. familyC. middle
( )3. James is in no
A. EnglandB. ChinaC. America
( )4. James's friends often help him .
A. eat Chinese food B. learn EnglishC. learn Chinese
( )5.Which statement(哪一句)is not right (不正確的) ?
A. James likes China.
B. English names are the same(相同)as Chinese names
C. James wants a Chinese name.

It’s Sunday today. It’s time for lunch. Li Ming and his parents go to a house of noodles(面條) for lunch. The waiter (服務(wù)員)shows them the menu(菜單).
Li Ming’s father orders(點(diǎn)) Special I and a cup of green tea. His mother orders Special III and two bowls of porridge. Li Ming orders Special II and an ice cream.
( ) 6. What’s the time?
A. About 7:00 in the morning. B. About 12:00 at noon.
C. About 6:00 in the evening. D. About 12:00 in the evening.
( ) 7. What does Li Ming have for lunch today?
A. Beef B. Mutton C. Meat D. Chicken
( ) 8. Lucy doesn’t like tomatoes, so she can order(點(diǎn))__________.
A. Special I B. Special II C. Special III D. nothing
( ) 9. Whose lunch is the most expensive(貴)?
A. Father’s B. Mother’s C. Li Ming’s D. We don’t kno
( ) 10. Li Hua has 9 yuan, and she doesn’t like onions. What can she order?
A. Special II and orange juice. B. Orange juice and Special III.
C. Special II and porridge. D. A and B
Dear Rose,
Please take these things to your sister, Alice. They are her CD player and CD case, schoolbag, sunglasses baseball cap, keys and alarm clock. Her CD player and CD case are on the desk in her room. Her schoolbag is under her bed. The sunglasses are on the desk in my room. Her baseball cap is on her bed. Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(廚房). The alarm clock is on the desk in her room, too.
( ) 11. Who is the letter(信) written(寫) to?
A. Mom. B. Alice. C. Rose. D. Me.
( ) 12. Are Alice’s keys in her bedroom?
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isn’t.
( )13. Where is the alarm clock?
A. It’s on the table in the kitchen. B. It’s under the table.
C. It’s in Rose’s room. D. It’s on Alice’s desk.
( ) 14. Where are Alice’s sunglasses?
A. They are on the desk of Mom’s room.
B. They are under the desk of Mom’s room.
C. They are on the desk of Alice’s room.
D. They are on the desk of Rose’s room.
( ) 15. Who is Rose?
A. Alice’s sister. B. Alice’s cousin. C. Alice’s friend. D. Alice’s daughter.
Come to Jonson’s Store!
Do you like ball games? We have many ball game things. Soccer balls are 20 dollars each. Volleyballs are 25 dollars each. Basketballs are 35 dollars each. Tennis rackets are 10 dollars each. Ping-pong balls are 1 dollars each. Ping-pong bats are 10 dollars each.
Come to Huamei Store!
Welcome to Huamei Clothes Store, please! We have jackets at a very good price---only 35 yuan. For boys, we have socks for 4 yuan each. For girls, we have skirts for 25 yuan each.
Come and see at Hongxing Store!
Do you need school things? We sell pencil cases for only 2 yuan each. We have great pens for 5 yuan each. A big notebook is 5 yuan and s small one is 3 yuan.
( )16. Jonson’s Store sells ____________.
A. computer games B. ball game things C. clothes D. school things
( )17. You can’t buy ___________ at Huamei Store.
A. jackets B. socks C. skirts D. backpacks
( )18. We can buy a pencil case, a pen and a big notebook for ___________yuan.
A. 12 B. 11 C. 9 D. 8
( )19. At Jonson’s Store, ____________.
A.two soccer balls are 20 dollars B. a ping-pong ball is 1 yuan.
C. the volleyball and the basketball have the same price.
D. the tennis racket and the ping-pong bat have the same price.
( )20. From the three ads, we know____________.
A. we can buy a volleyball and a basketball for 50 dollars
B. we can buy a sweater for 25 yuan at Huamei Store
C. we can’t buy small notebook at Hongxing Store
D. we can’t buy food at the three stores.

三. 綜合運(yùn)用。(每空一詞,每題一分,共30分!)
I. 選用do或be的適當(dāng)形式(5分)
1.—________ you have a baseball? —Yes, I ________.
2.There________ two baseballs and a football in the box.
3.________ your aunt have a daughter?
4.My parents don’t like apples, but my brother________.
5.I ________a football fan(迷), too. Let’s ________ friends.
II. 漢譯英(10分)
1. John的生日晚宴在下周
John’s ________ ________ is ________ ________.
2. 放學(xué)后咱們打網(wǎng)球怎樣。
How ________ ________ tennis ________ school.
3. 我的母親喜歡米飯,不喜歡面條。
My mother________ ________ . She ________ ________ noodles.
4. 我不想變胖。
I don’t ________ ________ ________ fat.
5. 瑪麗有兩本字典嗎?
________ Mary________ two ________ ?
Please________ your notebook ________ school.
My baseball is________ the bed ________ the floor.
----________ your________ in the drawer?
---- No, they aren’t.
________ ________ your ________ ?
My ________ are on the desk. And________ ________ are in her schoolbag.

III. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換(15分)
1. His books are on the sofa. (改為一般疑問句)
________ ________ books on the sofa ?
2. Those are erasers. (改為單數(shù)句)
________ is ________ ________ .
3. Where are my pencils ? (做出回答)
________ ________ in the pencil box.
4. He is my friend. (對畫線部分提問)
________ ________ he ?
5. Are these your English books ? (做否定回答)
No, ________ ________ .

6. This hat is 5 yuan.(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)
________ ________ ________ 5 yuan.
7. The brown T- shirt is $ 9. (劃線部分提問)
8. Those strawberries are only $ 2. (劃線部分提問)
9. My brother likes blue.(劃線部分提問)
________ ________ ________ ________ brother like?
10. green, for, they, socks, only, 14, have,$. (連詞成句)

11. My father doesn’t like watching TV.(改為肯定句)
My father________ ________ TV.
12. My brother has a football.(改為一般疑問句)
________ ________ brother ________ a football?
13. This is a red tomato.(給為復(fù)數(shù)句)
________ ________ red ________ .
14. Tommy and Sally like ice-cream.(劃線部分提問)
________ ________ Tommy and Sally ________ ?
15. breakfast, he, every, eats, for, egg, day, an. (連詞成句)
LikesRedSoccer, tennisChicken, tomatoes, carrots
Doesn’t likeBlackBasketball Pears

This is my friend Tim
I have a good friend. His name isTim.

:1~5 6~10
11 12 13 14 15
單選:1~5 6~10
11~15 16~20
完形:1~5 6~10
11~15 16~20
:1~5 6~10
11~15 16~20
1. , 2. 3. 4. 5. ,
II. 漢譯英(10分)
1. , 2. ,
3. , 4.
5. , , 6. ,
7. , 8. ,
9. . 10. .
III. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換(15分)
1. 2. ,
3. 4.
5. 6. 剩余題目請直答在本頁試卷上!
1. Is he your friend Li Lei?
2. Does your brother like bananas?
3. Can you spell your name?
4. What’s that in English?
5. What’s three and eight?
Ⅱ. 聽對話,選擇最佳答案。每段對話讀兩遍。
6. W:Who is your art teacher?
M:My art teacher is Miss Zhang.
7. W:How much is the dress?
M:It’s 15 dollars.
8. W:My birthday is October 9th. What about you?
M:It’s October 11th.
W:When is Lucy’s birthday?
M:It’s October 10th.
9. M:Do you like thrillers?
W:Yes,I do.
M:Why do you like them? I think they are scary and boring.
W:I think they are exciting.
10. W:What does Tom usually do at 7:30 in the evening?
M:He usually watches TV.
W:What time does he take a shower?
M:At 9:00 in the evening. And then he goes to bed at 9:30.
Ⅲ. 聽短文,補(bǔ)全短文中所缺的單詞。短文讀兩遍。
I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we have sports. On Tuesday afternoon some of us have a singing class. On Thursday afternoon some have a drawing class. On Friday afternoon we practice speaking English.
聽力:1~5 CCBBC 6~10 ABBCC
11. four 12. things 13. sports 14. Thursday
15. English
單選:1~5 BCACD 6~10BACCB
11~15 BABAC 16~20 ABCDD
完形:1~5 ACDDA 6~10 BDCBA
11~15 ADDCB 16~20 DACBD
閱讀:1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BBACC
11~15 CBDAA 16~20 BDADD
I. 1. Do, do. 2. are 3. Does 4. does 5. am, be
II. 1. birthday dinner, next week 2. about playing, after
3. likes rice, doesn’t like 4. want to be
5. Does, have, dictionaries 6. bring, to
7. under, on 8. Are, keys
9. Are these, dictionaries 10. watches, her watches
III. 1. Are his 2. That, an eraser
3. They are 4. Who is
5. they aren’t 6. These hats are
7. How much is the Brown T-shirt?
8. How much are those strawberries?
9. What color does your
10. They have green socks for only $14.
11. likes watching 12. Does your, have
13. These are, tomatoes 14. What do, like
15. He eats an egg for breakfast every day.

5 Y

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/150392.html
