2013七年級英語上冊odule10 Spring Festival測試題(含答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語外研七年級上odule 10 Spring Festival
(總分:100分 時間:90分鐘)
1.His father is getting ready for Spring Festival.
2.We put the presents on a Christas tree.
3.The students of Class 5 are learning dragon dances.
4.We Chinese usually eat duplings on the Lunar New Year's Eve.
5.She is sweeping the floor.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

W:Are you listening to usic?
:Yes,I a.
6.Is he listening to usic?
A.Yes,he is.B.No,he isn't.C.Yes,I a.
W:Are you sweeping your house?
:No,I' not.
7.Is he sweeping his house?
A.Yes,he is.B.No,h e isn't.C.No,I' not.

W:Are To and Ji watching TV?
:No,they aren't.
8.Are To and Ji watching TV?
A.Yes,they are.B.No,they aren't.C.No,we aren't.

W:What is your sister doing?
:She is reading a book.
9.What is his sister doing?
A.She is seeing a fil.B.She is flying a kite.C.She is reading a book.

W:What do you usually do on Sundays?
:I usually do soe sports.
10.What does he usually do on Sundays?
A.He usually does s oe sports.
B.He usually goes shopping.
C.He usually cleans the house.

I' Sa.It's five o'clock in the afternoon.I' coing hoe fro school.y other is cooking.y father is talking to y aunt.An old an and an old woan are watching TV.They are y grandparents.Who is that boy in the study?Oh,he is y brother―Sandy.He is reading a book.I have a happy faily.
11.What tie is it?
A.4 p.   B.5 p.   C.6 p.
12.What is Sa's other doing?
A.She is talking.B.She is watching TV.C.She is cooking.
13.Who is in the study?
A.Sa.B.Sandy.C.Sandy's brother.
14.Is Sa's father talking to Sandy?
A.No,he isn't. B.Yes,he is. C.No,he doesn't.
15.What are his grandparents doing?
A.They are talking.B.They are watching TV.C.They are reading books.

16.What ______ Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyang watching?
A.a(chǎn)      B.isC.be D.a(chǎn)re
17.They are singing and ______ under the tree.
A.dance B.dancerC.dancing D.danceing
18.―______ she ______ an English class?
― No,she isn't.
A.Is;have B.Is;havingC.Does;have D.Does;has
19.Chinese people think “eight” is a ______ nuber.
A.sad B.lu ckC.unlucky D.lucky
20.I know a an ______ Bill.
A.nae B.naingC.naed D.naes
21.It is very cold.______ your coat,please.
A.Put on B.Putting onC.Wear D.Wearing
22.The students ______ their hoework every day.But they ______basketball no
A.do;play B.doing;playing
C.a(chǎn)re doing;are playing D.do;are playing
23.The girl wants a few ______.
A.friend B.lanternsC.pudding D.dupling
24.Bill is ______ in the gae called “Happy Fars(農(nóng)場) ” on the Internet.
A.interest B.interestedC.interests D.interesting
25.On her birthday,Lingling gets a lot of presents ______ her parents and her friends.
A.for B.froC.to D.a(chǎn)bout


 26  New Year's Day,any people eat special food for good luck.In Spain and soe Latin Aerican countries,people  27  twelve grapes(葡萄) at idnight on New Year's Eve―one grape  28  good luck in  29  onth of the new year.Chinese people eat  30 .Soe have coins inside.Everyone  31  to find the coin for luck and oney in the new year.Of course they don't eat the  32  .Japanese  33  eat noodles on New Year's Eve and their birthdays. 34  ay bring the good luck and  35  life.
26.A.On B.InC.For D.During
27.A.are eating B.eatsC.eat D.is eating
28.A.with B.forC.to D.is
29.A.every B.soeC.a(chǎn)ny D.each
30.A.haburgers B.hot dogC.pizza D.duplings
31.A.try B.triesC.is trying D.trys
32.A.food B.duplingsC.coin D.grapes
33.A.an B.woanC.children D.people
34.A.It B.WhatC.That's D.This
35.A.large B.hurryC.short D.long
People in India call New Year “Diwali” or “the Festival of Light(光)”.
They often clean their houses before the day of Diwali.ost people clean their houses in the orning.They often decorate their houses with flowers.They also ake sweet food look like(看起來像) flowers,people and anials.Then they visit their friends and give the presents and cards.
On New Year's Day,any people open the doors and windows and light(點(diǎn)亮) candles in front of the doors.They want to bring good luck to their failies.After Diwali,people often clean their houses again.Soe people like to ake loud noises(噪音) at their houses.They think this can ake bad spirits(精靈) go away.
36.People in India call New Year “Diwali” or “the Festival of ______”.
A.Food B.FruitC.Light D.Luck
37.Indian people often decorate their houses with ______.
A.trees B.grassC.flowers D.cards
38.Indian people ake ______ look like flowers,people and anials.
A.presents B.sweet foodC.clothes D.paper cuts
39.The underlined word “candles” eans ______ in Chinese.
A.蠟燭 B.火把C.燈 D.燈籠
40.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People in India often light candles on New Year's Day.
B.People in India often clean their houses before and after Diwali.
C.On New Year's Day,Indian people often visit their friends.
D.Soe Indian people ake loud noises,because they want to ake bad spirits go away.
Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday.It is on the fourth Thursday in Noveber in the USA and on the second onday in October in Canada.
For any Aericans it is the ost iportant holiday apart fro(除……之外)Christas.Schools,offices and ost businesses close for Thanksgiving Day,and any people ake the whole weekend a vacation.
Today people celebrate Thanksgiving Day to reeber the early days.The ost iportant part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that coe fro North Aerica.The eal includes(包括)turkey,sweets,potatoes and so on.
On Thanksgiving Day there are special television prograes and sports events.Thanksgiving Day is considered(認(rèn)為)as the beginning of Christas period,and the next day any people go out to shop for Christas presents.
41.When is Thanksgiving Day in Canada?
A.The fourth Thursday in Noveber.B.The second onday in October.
C.The fourth onday in October.D.The second Thursday in October.

42.Is Thanksgiving Day the ost iportant holiday for any Aericans?
A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't.C.We don't kno D.None is right.

43.Does China have Thanksgiving Day?
A.Yes,it does. B.No,it doesn't.C.We don't kno D.None is right.

44.______ is the beginning of Christas period.
A.Thanksgiving Day B.Father's DayC.other's Day D.Christas

45.______ is the ost iportant part on Thanksgiving Day.
A.Turkey B.Sweet potatoesC.Shopping D.A traditional dinner

46.We are getting r______ for our English test.

47.There are d______ and lion dances during the New Year Festival.

48.Xiao Hong likes eating a kind of rice d______ called yuanxiao.

49.I want s______ to eat.Please give e a hot dog.

50.―Do you know the sign(標(biāo)志)?
―Yes.It ______ “No photos”.

51.There are seven days in a w______.

52.It is h______ for a girl to carry the heavy box.

53.It is a t______ to eat ooncakes on id­Autun Day.

54.―What c______ is your new shirt?
―It's blue.

55.The elons are very s______.Would you like one?

A.What happened to hi?
B.Is there a Chinese festival in June,too?
C.Thank you for telling e.
D.Yes,you are very sart.
E.It sounds very interesting.
F.What do you usually do on that day in China?
G.What a pity!

Nathan:There is a festival in June in our country ;it's Father's Day.__56__
Li Fei:Yes,it's on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(陰歷)onth.We call it Dragon Boat Festival.
Li Fei:We ake and eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races.
Nathan:__58__ Why do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival?
Li Fei:Oh,it is a story about Qu Yuan.He lived about two thousand years ago.His job was to give advice to the eperor.But he wasn't trusted and often got punis hent.So he juped into the iluo River and died.
Nathan:__59__ Did Qu Yuan die on the fifth day of the fifth lunar onth in that year?
Li Fei:__60__ Fro then on,Chinese people began to eat zongzi and have dragon boat races on that day to eorise hi.

One of the ost iportant festivals in China is id­Autun Festival.It is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar onth.In China,the full oon eans reunion (團(tuán)圓).On that day,people will get together and look at the full oon.People sit at the table and eat ooncakes.Soe people can't go hoe because of the distance.The faily often sends ooncakes to the.
61.The underlined word “distance” eans ______ in Chinese.
62.What does the full oon ean for Chinese?
63.When is id­Autun Festival?
64.What do people eat on id­Autun Festival?
65.Is it an iportant festiva l in China?
_____________________________________ ___________________________________.
春節(jié)到了,ary 在給她美國的朋友Jane寫信,假設(shè)你是ary,請寫信向Jane介紹一下中國的春節(jié)以及人們是如何作準(zhǔn)備的。不少于50詞。
_____________ ___________________________________________________________

Ⅰ. 1~5 BDACE
Ⅱ. 6-10 ABBCA
Ⅲ. 11-15 BCBAB
16. 解析:主語是兩個人,故be用are。
17. 解析:and是并列連詞,由singing可知此空用現(xiàn)在分詞,dance的現(xiàn)在分詞是dancing。
18. 解析:由答語中的is可知,此句應(yīng)用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時。
19. 解析:luck是名詞,意為“幸運(yùn)”,lucky是形容詞,意為“幸運(yùn)的”。句意:中國人認(rèn)為8是一個幸運(yùn)的數(shù)字。
20. 解析:naed意為“名叫”。
21. 解析:put on意為“穿上”,表示動作;wear意為“穿著”,表示狀態(tài)。
22. 解析:由every day可知前一句是 一般現(xiàn)在時;由now可知后一句是現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時。
23. 解析:a few意為“一些”,后加可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式。
24. 解析:be interested in 意為“對……感興趣”。
25. 解析:get...fro sb.意為“從某人那里得到……”。
26. 解析:在春節(jié)前用介詞on。
27. 解析:此句講的是風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣,用一般現(xiàn)在時;people是集體名詞,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)。
28. 解析:for在此表示“代表”,為介詞。
29. 解析:強(qiáng)調(diào)在新年中的“每一個”月。
30. 解析:由常識可知中國人吃餃子。
31. 解析:everyone是不定代詞,不定代詞作主語,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式;此句講風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣,用一般現(xiàn)在時。
32. 解析:餃子中的錢幣是不能用來吃的,代表著一種美好愿望。
33. 解析:句意:日本人在除夕和過生日時吃面條。Japanese people “日本人”。
34. 解析:it指代上文中日本人吃面條這件事。
35. 解析:long life “長壽”。

36. 解析:由短文第一段可知。
37. 解析:由第二段第三句可知。
38. 解析:由第二段第四句可知。
39. 解析:candles意為“蠟燭”。
40. 解析:通讀全文可知。
41. B
42. B
43. B
44. A
45. D
Ⅶ.46. ready 47. dragon 48. duplings 49. soething 50. eans
51. week 52. hard 53. tradition 54. colour 55. sweet
Ⅷ. 56~60 BFEGD
61. 解析:本題考查猜詞的能力,前面說“一些人不能回家因為……”,可以想到是太遠(yuǎn)了,此處的distance是個名詞,所以分析出畫線詞意為“距離”。
62. 解析:文中原句“In China,the full oon eans reunion (團(tuán)圓).”給出了答案。
答案:It eans reunion.
63. 解析:注意中秋節(jié)是按陰歷的,不要簡寫成August 15th。
答案:It is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar onth.
64. 解析:文中原句“People sit at the table and eat ooncakes.”給出了答案。
65. 解析:由第一句可知。
答案:Yes,it is.

Dear Jane,
How are you?I iss you very uch.
Spring Festival is coing.It is Chinese New Year.It is the biggest festival in China.Everyone in China likes it very uch.When it coes,all the people are busy.People clean and decorate their houses.People go shopping for presents and get lots of food,too.On that day,people eat duplings and soe other delicious food.
I hear Christas is the New Year in the USA.What do you often do when it coes?Please write to e soon.
Good luck!

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/151828.html
