
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

英 語 試 題
( ) 1. 下面字母中全屬于元音字母的一組是:
A. A B C D E B. A E I O U C. E F G H J D. L N O P
( ) 2. This _______ a ruler. These ______ pencils.
A. are , is B. is , is C. is , are D. are , are
( ) 3. —__________ is y schoolbag? —It’s on the floor.
A.What B.How C.Who D.Where
( ) 4. —Are they your friends? —No, __________.
A.it is B.it isn’t C.they are D.they aren’t
( ) 5. —_______ this in English? — It’s a ap.
A.What B.What’s C.Is D.It’s
( ) 6. Please call e ______ 289-6578.
A.in B.for C.on D.a(chǎn)t
( ) 7. Excuse e, what’s this ________ English?
A. in B. for C. atD. with
( ) 8. — Is he your brother? — ____________.
A. Yes, he isn’t.B. Yes, he is.C. No, he is.D. No, he doesn’t.
( ) 9. What’s _______ nae?
A. he’s B. hisC. heD. hi
( ) 10. Where _______ y pencilbox?
A. are B. is C. a D. be
( ) 11. y nae’s Jane.
A. I a B. You are C. She is D. He is
( ) 12. This is a picture.
A.photo B. ap C. book D. key
( ) 13. Thank you for your help.
A. Thanks you B. Thanks C. Thank D. You’re welcoe
( ) 14. Is this your book? No, it isn’t. it’s hers. X Kb1 .C o
A. her nae B. yours C. hers book D. her
( ) 15. r. Sith is Gina and To’s father.
A. parents B. sister and brother C. cousins D. sisters
I’ Kate, and y sister 1 Gina. I’ tidy, 2 Gina is not. 3 our roo, y books and tapes 4 in the bookcase. y 5 are in y schoolbag. I ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ 6 a clock. It’s on the desk. 7 books are everywhere ? on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white odel plane is hers. 8 under the desk. “Where 9 y keys? Where’s y ruler? Where’s y schoolbag?” Gina 10 asks.
( ) 1. A. a B. is C. are D. be
( ) 2. A. and B. or C. with D. but
( ) 3. A. On B. At C. In D. Under
( ) 4. A. a B. is C. are D. be
( ) 5. A. key B. keys C. keies D. keyes
( ) 6. A.have B. has C. is D.are
( ) 7. A. Gina B. Gina’s C. Gina’ D. Of Gina
( ) 8. A. It’s B. Its C. They are D. I’
( ) 9. A. a B. is C. are D. be
( ) 10. A. always B. soetie C. soeties D. never
Hello! y nae’s David. I’ 15. I’ a student of No.6 iddle School. I have three friends at school. They are To, Bill and Ji. They are all 15 years old. We are friendly to each other(互相友好). There are four people(人) in y faily. They are y father, y other, y sister Joy and I. y sister is only five. She is lovely(可愛的). We live in Roo407. Our telephone nuber is six seven five four nine eight three two.
( ) 1.What school is David in?
A. No.4 iddle School. B. No. 6 iddle School. C. No.5 iddle School.
( ) 2.Who are David’s friends?
A. To, Bob, Ji B. To, Jerry, Bill C. To, Bill, Ji
( ) 3.Are they friendly to each other?
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t . C. Yes, they aren’t.
( ) 4.How any people are there in David’s faily?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
( ) 5.What’s the telephone nuber?
A. 67459832 B. 67548932 C. 67549832
Look at this picture. It’s a picture of a roo. What can you see(看見) in the roo? I can see an orange on the table. Can you see an English book on the table? No, I can’t. Where is it? It’s in the backpack! The backpack is on the chair next to(緊挨) the bed. What is next to the table? Oh, it’s a bookcase. There are soe books in it. Look! What’s under the chair? It’s a cat. A ball is in front of(前) the cat. What ball is it? Is it a soccer ball? Sorry, I don’t kno
( ) 1. Where is the English book?
A. It’s on the table. B. It’s on the bed.
C. It’s in the backpack. D. It’s in the bookcase.
( ) 2. _______ is next to the table.
A. A bookcase.B. A chair.C. A bed.D. An orange.
( ) 3. Where can you see the ball?
A. Under the table.B. Under the bed.
C. In front of the soccer ball.D. In front of the cat.
( ) 4. Where is the cat?
A. It’s in front of the ball. B. It’s under the chair.
C. It’s under the bed.D. I don’t kno
( ) 5. You can’t see ______ in this roo.
A. a book B. a chair C. a picture D. a backpack
This is Ji’s roo. It’s not big, but it’s very clean. There is a bed in the roo. It’s near the door. Under the bed, there are two balls. There is a desk and a chair near the windo There is a bookcase beside the desk. On the bookcase, there are any books and newspaper(報紙). There are two pictures in the roo, too. They are on the wall.
( ) 1. The balls are ______.
A. near the window B. on the desk C. under the bed D. beside the desk
( ) 2. Ji’s bed is ______.
A. near the door B. near the window C. on the bookcase D. on the wall
( ) 3. ______ are on the wall of Ji’s roo.
A. The books B. The balls C. The newspapers D. The pictures
( ) 4. Ji’s ______ are on his bookcase.
A. books B. newspaper C. pictures D. A and B
( ) 5. Ji’s roo is ______.
A. big B. not clean C. dirty(臟的) D. not big

1. Is the coputer gae Alan’s?
2. Where is Nike’s copter gae?
3. Is the notebook ary’s?
4. What’s ary’s phone nuber?
5. Who found the notebook?
A: 1
B: Good orning! y nae is Linda. 2 .
A: Yes, I a. 3
B: Nice to eet you, too. 4
A: She’s ary.
B: 5
A: No, he isn’t. His nae is Eric.

1._______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. ________ 5. _________

1. They are y ___________ (parent).
2. Is this ____________ (you) book?
3. Are these your ___________ (watch).
4. Please call _________ ( I ) at 495-3535.
5. These keys are ___________ ( To).
1. 這是你的鉛筆嗎?(pencil)
4.我的名字叫Gina. (nae)
5. 它是什么顏色?(color)

First Nae: Alice
Last Nae: Brown
Age (年齡) : 11
Class: Eight
Faily ebers (成員):
Father: Frank Brown (A reporter記者)
other: Jane Brown (An English teacher)
Brother: Tony Brown (A student)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/155225.html
