七年級英語上冊odule8 Choosing presents檢測題(帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語外研七年級上odule 8 Choosing presents

(分?jǐn)?shù):100分 時間:60分鐘)
1.Ji's parents plan a party for his birthday.
2.y brother likes bread and an apple for breakfast.
3.Linda plays basketball every orning.
4.Let's buy a cake for Cindy.
5.These are Lucy's clothes.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

What does Tony like?
6.A.He doesn't have tickets.B.He doesn't like it.C.He likes candy.
Where does Betty's aunt live?
7.A.She lives in the UK.B.She likes China.C.She is fro Aerica.

Do you often watch the football atch?
8.A.Yes,I a. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes,he does.

Let's send hi a birthday card.
9.A.That's right. B.Good idea. C.Yes,it is.

When is your birthday?
10.A.No,I don't.B.Yes,I do.C.Next onday.

y friend Tony lives in a big house.He gets up at 6:30 in the orning.He has breakfast at fifteen to seven.And at 7:00 he runs to school.He gets to school at 7:20.Lessons start at 8:00.
Where does Tony live?
11.A.Next to our school.B.Next to the house.C.In a big house.

When does he l eave hoe in the orning?
12.A.At 7:15.B.At 7:05.C.At 7:00.

Where does he have breakfast?
13.A.At hoe.B.At school.C.In the hotel.

How does he go to school?
14.A.He walks to school.B.He runs to school.C.He rides a bike to school.

When do lessons start?
15.A.At 7:40.B.At 8:00.C.At 7:30.

16.To and ike are good friends.______ often help each other.
A.They     B.TheC.Their D.Theirs
17.ike and his friend are going to the ______ to see the new action ovie tonight.
A.book shop B.restaurantC.concert D.cinea
18.To is ______ late for school,because he gets up very early.
A.never B.a(chǎn)lwaysC.soeties D.usually
19.y father often ______ football atches and y other often ______ to the superarket on Sundays.
A.watches;goes B.watch;goC.watchs;gos D.watches;go
20.—Would you like to go to y party?
—______.But I' not free.
A.Not at allB.I'd love toC.That's all rightD.y pleasure
21.—Can your father drive?
—Yes,and he usually ______ to school.
A.drove B.is drivingC.drives D.has driven
22.—Do you often go to the gy?
—No,______.I don't like sports at all.
A.a(chǎn)lways B.neverC.soeties D.usually
23.y friend akes a birthday card ______ e.
A.for B.a(chǎn)tC.to D.in
24.I ______ y other every week.
A.hear about B.hear of C.hear fro D.get fro
25.This pair of jeans ______ ine.
A.a(chǎn) B.is C.a(chǎn)re  D.be
I have a good friend.__26__ nae is Peter.We study in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.We are in the sae (同一個) class.He sits in front of __27__.His favourite lesson is usic.He __28__ any CDs.He likes __29__ usic very uch.He likes playing football,too.After school we often play football on the __30__.He plays football very __31__.
Peter is not a Chinese boy.He is fro __32__.He coes to Beijing __33__ his f aily.His father is a doctor and his other is a nurse.They work fro onday to Friday.At weekends,his other likes going shopping and his father likes fishing.Soeties they __34__ the park.They all like Chinese food.They __35__ very happy.
26.A.He B.HisC.She D.Her
27.A.I B.yC.ine D.e
28.A.have B.has gotC.there is D.there are
29.A.listen B.listen toC.listening D.listening to
30.A.classroo B.libraryC.playground D.b ookshop
31.A.good B.wellC.great D.fine
32.A.England B.ChineseC.English D.Aerican
33.A.fro B.onC.with D.for
34 .A.go to B.goes toC.go with D.goes with
35.A.be B.a(chǎn)C.is D.a(chǎn)re
Today is Alice's 13th birthday.Her parents hold a party for her.A lot of friends coe to her hoe.She is happy to eet the.They bring lots of things for Alice:a birthday cake,soe nice cards,books,pens and clothes.And they say“Happy Birthday” to Alice.Alice is very happy and says,“Dear friends,thank you very uch for coing to y birthday party.” Then they sit down and talk.Alice's other goes to cook a big lunch.The eal is very nice.They all like eating it very uch.After lunch,they sing,play gaes and eat the big birthday cake.They have a good tie.At 5:00 in the afternoon,Alice's friends say goodbye to her and go back hoe.
36.Alice will be ______years old next (下一個) year.
A.thirteenth    B.fourteenthC.thirteen D.fourteen
37.Alice's friends don't bring ______ for Alice.
A.a(chǎn) birthday cakeB.a(chǎn)ny cardsC.a(chǎn)ny fruitD.a(chǎn)ny clothes
38.Alice has her birthday party ______.
A.a(chǎn)t hoe B.a(chǎn)t schoolC.a(chǎn)t a store D.in her classroo
39.Alice and her friends ______ after lunch.
A.sing and talk
B.play soccer and play gaes
C.eat the big birthday cake and dance
D.sing,play gaes and eat the big birthday cake
40.Which of the following is TRUE(正確的)?
A.Alice's birthday is in ay.
B.Alice is happy to eet her friends.
C.Alice's other doesn't cook a eal.
D.Alice's friends go back hoe in the evening.
ary is having a birthday party.There will be a cake with candles.Soe people will bring birthday presents.Let's look at birthdays in soe different countries around the world.
Argentina:Ear pulling.If it is your birthday,they will pull your ear.They will pull your ear one tie for each year of your age.If you are 13,they will pull your ear thirteen ties.
Denark:Flag(旗).If it is your birthday in Denark,a flag will fly outside a window of your hoe.
Philippines:Coloured lights.Soe people put coloured lights outside their hoe if soeone is having a birthday party.
Russia:Birthday pies.any Russian children get a birthday pie,not a birthday cake.
When it is your birthday,here is a essage for you:“Happy Birthday” fro all around the world.
41.What is the passage's best title?
A.The food around the world.B.Children around the world.
C.Birthdays around the world.D.Parties around the world.
42.In Argentina,what will children get if it is their birthday?
A.A cake with candles.B.Ear pulling.C.Ears.D.A flag.
43.In Denark,if it is your birthday,what will fly outside your window?
A.A flag.B.A cake.C.Soe lights.D.A birthday cake.
44.In Philippines,what do soe people put outside their hoe if soeone is having a birthday?
A.A flag.B.Birthday pies.C.Coloured lights.D.A essage.
45.Do Russian children get a birthday pie or a birthday cake if it is their birthday?
A.A birthday pie.B.A birthday cake.C.Nothing.D.Both.
46.On Christas Eve,children often put their stockings on the bed to get p______.

47.Daing likes wearing(穿) white T______.

48.In this shop we can choose all kinds of c______ like coats,trousers and sweaters.

49.When you go to a concert,you'd better buy a t______.

50.His other is very thrifty(節(jié)儉的).She always c______ cheap(便宜的) things.

51.Would you like to go to see a football ______ at the week end?

52.He wants to s______ 2,000 yuan on the iPhone.

53.y father u______ ge ts up at 7 o'clock in the orning.
54.The students at Beijing International School are fro d______ countries.
55.Let's go to a c______ tonight.
56.I'd like to ______(visit) y uncle this weekend.
57.The little girl is afraid ______(see) the big tiger.
58.He never ______(excise) in the orning.
59.Ji wants ______(study) in Japan
60.“Happy Birthday” is one of his favourite ______(song).
A.How about giving her a concert ticket?
B.y o's birthday present.
C.What does your other like?
D.What do you want to give h er?
E.When is your other's birthday?
Ben:Hi,Ann!What are you thinking about?
Ann:It's on this Saturday.
Ann:I have no idea.
Ann:She likes singing and dancing.
Ann:Great!Thank you very uch!
Ben:You are welcoe.
61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______
請根據(jù)下面的提示,寫一篇題目為“y H abits(我的習(xí)慣)”的英語短文。不少于40詞。
提示:1.like writing and reading books;2.don't like fils;3.play football and basketball at weekends;4.watch football atches on TV

Ⅰ. 1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A
Ⅱ. 6-10 CABBC
Ⅲ. 11-15 CCA BB
16. 解析:此空作主語,應(yīng)用主格they。
17. 解析:由下文的“the new action ovie”可知他們要去電影院。
18. 解析:由下文的“他起床很早”,可知他“從來不”上學(xué)遲到。
19. 解析:兩個主語都是單數(shù),因此謂語動詞要用第三人稱單數(shù)形式,watch和go的第三人稱單數(shù)形式都是加“es”。
20. 解析:Not at all意為“沒關(guān)系”;I'd love to意為“我愿意”,回答“Would you like...?”引導(dǎo)的問句;That's all right意為“沒關(guān)系”;“y pleasure”意為“沒關(guān)系,不客氣”。句意:——你想?yún)⒓游业木蹠䥺?——______。但是我沒有時間。很明顯應(yīng)該是“我愿意”。
21. 解析:句中有usually,意為“通常”,是一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)的標(biāo)志。
22. 解析:考查副詞的辨析。always“總是,一直”; never“從不”; soeties“有時”; usually“通常”。由答語“I don't like sports at all.”,可知“我一點(diǎn)都不喜歡體育”,所以答語應(yīng)為“我從不去體育館”。
23. 解析:介詞for表示目的。
24. 解析:句意:每星期我都收到母親的來信。 hear about意為“聽說,接到消息”;hear of意為“聽說”;hear fro意為“收到來信”;get fro意為“從……得到”。
25. 解析:此句的主語是pair,所以謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式。

26. 解析:由下文的人名“Peter”,可知應(yīng)填形容詞性的物主代詞,并且應(yīng)該意為“他的”。
27. 解析:of是介詞,其后應(yīng)接I的賓格e。
28. 解析:has got意為“擁有”。
29. 解析:listen是不及物動詞,其后接賓語時要加介詞to,like后的動詞用v.­ing形式,表示“一直喜歡做某事”。
30. 解析:由上文的“play football”可知應(yīng)該是在“操場上”。
31. 解析:well副詞,意為“好地”,用來修飾本句中的動詞play。
32. 解析:England意為“英格蘭”,是地點(diǎn)名詞。
33. 解析:“with his faily”意為“與他的家人一起”。
34. 解析:go to the park意為“去公園”,they作主語是復(fù)數(shù),謂語動詞go用原形。
35. 解析:主語為they,是復(fù)數(shù),應(yīng)接be動詞are。
36. 解析:愛麗絲今年十三歲,因此可以推出明年她十四歲。
37. 解析:本文列舉了朋友送給愛麗絲的生日禮物,如:a birthday cake,soe nice cards,books,pens and clothes。但是禮物中沒有提到fruit。
38. 解析:通過全文可以知道,愛麗絲是在家里舉辦的生日聚會。
39. 解析:短文最后提到“After lunch,they sing,play gaes and eat the big birthday cake.”。
40. 解析:愛麗絲的出生日期文中沒有提到,因此A項(xiàng)錯誤;愛麗絲的媽媽做了午飯,朋友們吃完后,玩了一會兒五點(diǎn)回家,C、D兩項(xiàng)與原文不符。
41. 解析:綜合全文可知答案為C項(xiàng)。
42. 解析:根據(jù)第二段可知。
43. 解析:根據(jù)第三段可知。
44. 解析:根據(jù)第四段可知。
45. 解析:根據(jù)第五段可知。
46. presents 47. T­shirts 48. clothes 49. ticket 50. chooses 51. atch 52. spend 53. usually
54. different 55. concert
Ⅷ. 56 visit 57 to see 58 excises 59 to study 60 so ngs
Ⅸ. 61~65 BEDCA
y Habits
I have any habits.Let e tell the to you.I like writing and reading books.I don't like fils,so I never go to the cinea.I also like sports.I often play basketball and football on weekends.I often watch football atches on TV.I' very happy.What about your habits?

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/157385.html
